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Seven Year Old Caught Driving By The Police!

This is unreal and the father should be hung.
Thats aweful someone could have really been hurt.
#_4 Wrote:Thats aweful someone could have really been hurt.

Exactly. And the Mountain Parkway to beat it all...A drunk father allowing his son to drive. This story would have been bad if the son didn't have a license period but seven years old AND having a three year old too... Bless their hearts.
well i think its bad but kinda funny I mean really what would u do if u saw a 7 yr old standing in the seat driving I would call the police but it would be kinda funny and yes the kids shoudlnt get to stay with their father again
Wow . . . . . . .

Call a cab, moron . . . . . .
That is unreal. I have heard of 13-15 year olds driving if their parents were not able to but 7 years old!
This was crazy. Hope the kids end up somewhere good.
I could drive at 7 no problem..

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