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Betsy Layne 44 - DeSales 41 (Touchstone Energy All "A" Classic Championship)
Final from the Touchstone Energy All "A" Classic Championship game

Congrads to the Betsy Layne Bobcats
Great game! Congrats BL for keeping the title in Eastern Ky and congrats to the 15th Region for its third consecutive All "A" title!

How bout "little Betsy Layne"!!!!!!

Been right there with ya guys for EVERY game!
You guys have made EKY and The 15th SOOOO Proud!!!!!!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Great game! Congrats BL for keeping the title in Eastern Ky and congrats to the 15th Region for its third consecutive All "A" title!
Congrats to the Betsy Layne Bobcats
sooooooooo proud to be a bobcat baby state champs!!!!!! who says the 15th is big was casey adkins all tournament long cant wait to see the sign go up as you enter betsy layne...."Home of the all A state champs"
Absolutely awesome. I'm proud of the Bobcats! Way to bring the Gold to the Mts!
congrats BOBCATS, all A State Champs....:1:
Great Job guys everyone in Floyd and the surrounding counties are proud as heck of you. LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!!!
Congrats to Coach Newsome and the Bobcats!
Congratulations to the Bobcats
Happy a mountain team won.
Congrats to Betsy Layne. You guys represented the 15th very well. A Panther Fan.
Congrats from a Warrior fan :Thumbs:
CONGRATS BOBCATS. I'm especially proud of Dylan Maldanado and Nathan Martin. I knew these young men when they were little boys. They are truly a class act. Great job guys!
Great job Bobcats, and great job to the coaching staff.
Not a BL fan but have to give credit when credit is due. All "A" State Champs. Congrats :Thumbs:
Congrats to the Bobcats and Jr. Newsome.
Congratulations to Betsy Layne and to the 15th Region for the third consecutive All A state title. :1:
Great job Betsy Layne proud of these mountian boys
Congratulations Betsy Lane!
I am gong to say, WOW what a tournament. Four years ago, the seniors made a decision to come to Betsy Layne and who would have thought what they would have accomplished. I hope this 8th grade group makes the decision the same as the senior class to stay together.

A few side notes: Dylan Maldonado was awesome. He was so sick, coughing and dry heaving and played like a champion. The fans were absolutely amazing. I seen BL graduates from a long time ago there. I listen to the Jammin Jamey on radio while watching Wazoo on Friday night. I think he really done a good job and was supportive of the Bobcats. I was watching Wazoo and seen most of the football coaching staff, its great to see how they support the basketball team.

One last note: I am proud to say that even though 15th region teams beat up each other on here, that we support each other.
Congratulations to Betsy Layne and congratulations to the 15th region. This one is much more legit than the last two.
Way to go Bobcats! Love to see mountain teams bring home the big one!
Congrats Betsy Layne!!!
letthebighogroot Wrote:Congratulations to Betsy Layne and congratulations to the 15th region. This one is much more legit than the last two.


Congrats to Betsy Layne, and the 15th Region.
Way to represent Floyd County, I am very proud of the Betsy Layne BOBCATS
these young men came out with lots of class and brought the title home...
congrats to nathan martin and the betsy layne bobcats. way to keep it in the 15th. 3 times in a row!

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