02-05-2011, 12:14 AM
Darth Vader Wrote:I think the players who quit could beat them by more than 20
Darth Vader Wrote:the ex players could go to allen central and beat them by about 20:argue:
I highly doubt either one of these happening. Highly.
02-05-2011, 12:09 PM
Nah they wouldn't beat them by 20....they would quit !!!!
02-05-2011, 04:22 PM
bball2195 Wrote:Nah they wouldn't beat them by 20....they would quit !!!!
Haha, probably true.
02-05-2011, 07:05 PM
AMEN I like that comment!! Thats true they would quit!!! I know coach Spurlock real good and if u cant take the heat then yea its best to get out of there cause he is a worker and he will push them to get better and do better as a TEAM not just one man like more than likely thier parents wanted them to be.. He used to asst. under johnny martin and coaches the same and let me tell u if u cant run up and down the court with the best then you dont need to be on thier team which thats prohbably why they quit for was cause they couldnt teake the running and learning that he does.. I mean come on give the ones on the court alot more credit than the ones off cause evidently they couldnt take the heat so they jumped out of the frying pan real quick cause it couldnt be thier show for the season.. good luck coach spurlock and the cardnals with the rest of the season keep ur head held up high and keep trucking dont look back just foward and jsut be thankful for the coach u have there hes a good one
02-06-2011, 10:44 PM
From what I understand that coach Spurlock is religious man and he has not cussed a player nor called him a name and besides his boss Mr. Fletcher would never allow for that to go on. Nuff said
02-07-2011, 01:14 AM
Spurlock may be religious, but from what I hear, he has a pretty foul mouth. Regardless, the tough players who are dedicated are going to stick it out, foul mouth or not.
I say Spurlock has done a good job at SC. Guess the quitters weren't tough enough.
I say Spurlock has done a good job at SC. Guess the quitters weren't tough enough.
02-07-2011, 07:22 AM
TheDarkLord Wrote:I highly doubt either one of these happening. Highly.
With the former no 1 player in the region it wouldn't even be close
02-07-2011, 10:35 AM
cardsarecrazy.....Spurlock is the kind of coach that prepares his boys for LIFE.... He teaches young people respect and hard work. He is a tough coach but that's what kids today need, because most kids have everything handed to them. I played for Spurlock for 4 years, and there was times when I felt like punching him in the face. I KNOW ONE THING FOR SURE COACH SPURLOCK MADE ME THE PERSON THAT I AM TODAY......
02-07-2011, 10:46 AM
No.... I was very close to him, but he was just as hard on me as everyone else.... I played with Justin Hicks and they were also close and he was just as mean to him.... But once kids get to understand him and respect him they will see he is a very good basketball coach and great person. He had the same thing happen at Hazard his first year had a few players quit but then the next year Won All A State. I was a freshmen his first year and we was his first 4 year class and we won region our senior year.
02-07-2011, 12:24 PM
Grats AC
02-07-2011, 01:44 PM
Darth Vader Wrote:With the former no 1 player in the region it wouldn't even be close
I doubt that. The quitters would have no organization. I'd say the boys are doing pretty well to have lost Moore.
02-08-2011, 02:27 PM
Whether he is a good coach or not, isn't the question. Is he an adult? Cussing kids at a basketball game or in a school setting any time should not be tolerated! You can get your point across without cussing teenage boys, a nice pat on the back workd wonders for kids also! Hope Sheldon Clark keeps him another year or two!!!!
02-08-2011, 03:30 PM
well lets hope we have a team next yr. by my math after this year they will be down to 2 high school kids on the team. i guess we will just play are middle school team. They do have a good group of middle schoolers, but i wonder if its going to be a matter of time before they get tired of spurlock.
02-08-2011, 03:34 PM
r u serious, Fletcher has enough problems with this school being bottom 10 in the state, to worry about what his basketball coach is doing or not doing. I think he is smart enough to know they screwed this year up. but he wont admit it.
02-08-2011, 11:42 PM
schsalum Wrote:r u serious, Fletcher has enough problems with this school being bottom 10 in the state, to worry about what his basketball coach is doing or not doing. I think he is smart enough to know they screwed this year up. but he wont admit it.
Curious ? Is this the only year that players at SC have quit? Seems like kids are quitting at all the schools not just SC.
02-09-2011, 10:05 AM
its the first time that i know of players quitting who was getting the majority of the playing time.
02-09-2011, 06:23 PM
Ok I think this one has had its time and isnt even about the game anymore
02-10-2011, 06:14 AM
CardinalAlum Wrote:Ok I think this one has had its time and isnt even about the game anymore
Yes, I think you are absolutely correct. This thread has most definitely run off track.
02-10-2011, 12:38 PM
If you any of you have a problem with Coach Spurlock, then I suggest that you take it up with the school administration, because we here at BGR will not tolerate those who want to come on here and make accusations about someone and give them a bad name in their community. Remember, we aren't talking about a professional or college coach here, we're talking about someone who lives in our communities.
So think before you post or you will be banned from this website.
So think before you post or you will be banned from this website.
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