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Who do you enjoy debating with on BGR?
Aslan Wrote:I was born argumentative and stubborn, even when I'm wrong, I'll rarely admit it. I enjoy debating with dust, wildcatk23, zaga, ballers, mvp2, runitupthegut, Harlan Co fans, Knott Co fans and so on. Even though it invigorates me that you guys disagree with me, you guys are wrong every time in those instances, so it's all good Big Grin jk. I'm glad we can debate in a civilized manner (most of the time Big Grin) and it not get personal or childish.

Haha, im the same way but atleast we can get our fix on BGR.
I cant wait for football season to roll back around so we can start all over again.
By then though there will probably be 14,000 Harlan County fans so we might have to team up lol:biggrin:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Haha, im the same way but atleast we can get our fix on BGR.
I cant wait for football season to roll back around so we can start all over again.
By then though there will probably be 14,000 Harlan County fans so we might have to team up lol:biggrin:

Haha, that's a very good possibility. Well have to start recruiting, might have to give Coach Cal half of Perry Co and Whitley Co, to get him to join our cause Big Grin
Aslan Wrote:Haha, that's a very good possibility. Well have to start recruiting, might have to give Coach Cal half of Perry Co and Whitley Co, to get him to join our cause Big Grin

lol im not sure we could compete even then.
Theyve been quiet, or what they call "hibernating" for a while.
Im sure theyll be ready for there smack talk come August.
At the rate of their reproduction of BGR users, its gonna go from BGR to the Harlan/Bell sports forum since those two schools make up literally 75% of all users lol.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Haha, im the same way but atleast we can get our fix on BGR.
I cant wait for football season to roll back around so we can start all over again.
By then though there will probably be 14,000 Harlan County fans so we might have to team up lol:biggrin:

Way to Stab me in the heart!!!....thought I converted you!...Lies!...All Lies!!...LOL

Aslan Wrote:I was born argumentative and stubborn, even when I'm wrong, I'll rarely admit it. I enjoy debating with dust, wildcatk23, zaga, ballers, mvp2, leecoukfan, runitupthegut, Harlan Co fans, Knott Co fans and so on. Even though it invigorates me that you guys disagree with me, you guys are wrong every time in those instances, so it's all good Big Grin jk. I'm glad we can debate in a civilized manner (most of the time Big Grin) and it not get personal or childish.

You became the guy everyone loves to hate!...don't know if that's always a good thing...certainly would be hurtful to deal with at times I'm sure! got to a point if you came in a thread and said "Hi"...people were wanting to throw you out!...I didn't agree with that!...Some of it was just stirring the pot to watch it splatter, but I get that too!

however when you really had something to say...(insiteful input) one wanted to hear from you!...and that's ashame hun! can come across very abrasive at times....maybe that's your intentions.. maybe not...IDK?.

at some point even your friends wanted to disassociate themselves from you!

lonely IMO!!

I'll be friendly either way!...and I will Stand by My team just as you Stand by yours...much respect in that reguard!

I don't really know you, but it's not always easy being the bad guy!...but this song reminds me of you!....and I think you added flavor to the threads!...Wink

Filthy Animal Wrote:[/B]

Way to Stab me in the heart!!!....thought I converted you!...Lies!...All Lies!!...LOL


No, you got it all wrong. I'm secretly converting you! :biggrin:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:No, you got it all wrong. I'm secretly converting you! :biggrin:

Oh!...Gonna have to keep an eye on you!
Filthy Animal Wrote:You became the guy everyone loves to hate!...don't know if that's always a good thing...certainly would be hurtful to deal with at times I'm sure! got to a point if you came in a thread and said "Hi"...people were wanting to throw you out!...I didn't agree with that!...Some of it was just stirring the pot to watch it splatter, but I get that too!

however when you really had something to say...(insiteful input) one wanted to hear from you!...and that's ashame hun! can come across very abrasive at times....maybe that's your intentions.. maybe not...IDK?.

at some point even your friends wanted to disassociate themselves from you!

lonely IMO!!

I'll be friendly either way!...and I will Stand by My team just as you Stand by yours...much respect in that reguard!

I don't really know you, but it's not always easy being the bad guy!...but this song reminds me of you!....and I think you added flavor to the threads!...Wink


Haha, I enjoy being the bad guy. It's all fun to me, stirring the pot, getting under peoples skin, I love it. If someone says something insulting to me I know I did my job Big Grin. People on here take stuff way to serious and it's easy to get to them, which is part of my daily amusement Big Grin
I'll take it easier on you HC fans this year. Well unless Perry wins district but that's very doubtful, I don't see anyone taking down your Black Bears. :Thumbs:
Aslan Wrote:Haha, I enjoy being the bad guy. It's all fun to me, stirring the pot, getting under peoples skin, I love it. If someone says something insulting to me I know I did my job Big Grin. People on here take stuff way to serious and it's easy to get to them, which is part of my daily amusement Big Grin
I'll take it easier on you HC fans this year. Well unless Perry wins district but that's very doubtful, I don't see anyone taking down your Black Bears. :Thumbs:

People do take stuff way to seriously. I would love being the villain but i simply have no back up lol.
If you say one thing about a Bell/Harlan team/player/person/dog/bus then you get jumped haha:lmao:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:People do take stuff way to seriously. I would love being the villain but i simply have no back up lol.
If you say one thing about a Bell/Harlan team/player/person/dog/bus then you get jumped haha:lmao:

Very true. But who needs back-up! Sling it out there, what's the worst can happen, someone gets mad on a message board? Like you said, some do take it too seriously, so don't you take it too seriously!

Remember, the Heel gets the main-event based on how many people BOO him!
I have to make sure I get my prediction in early...

Perry Central @ Harlan County

Perry leaves Harlan alive Wink
and leaves a trail of dead black bears leading to the bus

Larkey's offense gets figured out and shut out
zaga_fan Wrote:I have to make sure I get my prediction in early...

Perry Central @ Harlan County

Perry leaves Harlan alive Wink
and leaves a trail of dead black bears leading to the bus

Larkey's offense gets figured out and shut out


you make me Laugh!....:lmao:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:People do take stuff way to seriously. I would love being the villain but i simply have no back up lol.
If you say one thing about a Bell/Harlan team/player/person/dog/bus then you get jumped haha:lmao:
I believe it's time to start BGR's first heel faction Wink
Stardust Wrote:Very true. But who needs back-up! Sling it out there, what's the worst can happen, someone gets mad on a message board? Like you said, some do take it too seriously, so don't you take it too seriously!

Remember, the Heel gets the main-event based on how many people BOO him!

Ha :Thumbs:
^ Start it? I am it!
Stardust Wrote:Very true. But who needs back-up! Sling it out there, what's the worst can happen, someone gets mad on a message board? Like you said, some do take it too seriously, so don't you take it too seriously!

Remember, the Heel gets the main-event based on how many people BOO him!

lol but what if they call me names???
I relax during the off season, when football rolls back around, i will have nothing but the absolute disgust of Perry, Harlan Co., and Letcher.
Cant wait, should be LOTS of fun:ChairHit:
Filthy Animal Wrote:When I'm on The Sports side of things I love banter...little jabs!

These are a few from the top of my head!...but there are others!

Leecoukfan...(I think that's his name?

Those of you who know me from Football, know I like to create and use pics to do a LOT of my bantering! if you do the same back to me, I love it!

Other than football,... I've never debated/argued with anyone on here!....Filthy is just full of love!...wink!

LOL, thats my name!
Stardust Wrote:^ Start it? I am it!
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:lol but what if they call me names???
I relax during the off season, when football rolls back around, i will have nothing but the absolute disgust of Perry, Harlan Co., and Letcher.
Cant wait, should be LOTS of fun:ChairHit:

Ha. Well have to team up after Harlan beats us both Big Grin. Like the Universe, this site needs a balance, and with an overhaul of HC fans on here, there is an imbalance which could destroy BGR!
I'm out numbered right now!....don't feel so good!....pout!
leecoukfan Wrote:LOL, thats my name!

It was fun debating in the football thread with you!...and great meeting you too!...:Thumbs:
Stardust Wrote:I was going to start this as who do you like to argue with, but thought the best term would be debate. You can term it however you like:biggrin:

We see quite a few discussions, many heated, but always in fun. In my few years here, I have built quite a list. Some of my favorites depend on the subject, team or individual. It's aways nice to be liked or have others agree with you, but that's not always the fun part. It's those debates that bring to the forefront your beliefs and put you on defense. Many times its just fun to argue the other side, no matter your true feelings just to get the other person to open up about why the feel so strongly about a topic.

When I first started, BCA, ODM, QQ, theVille, were my most enjoyable. I think the toughest challenge is to find someone that you love to debate with, but know that they share your same feelings that it's just debate, no one is right, no one is wrong, but the opportunity to get the testosterone or estrogen going is the fun part. But, you shake hands and wait for the next showdown. None of those I mentioned above have the opportunity to get on as much anymore, so i miss those debates. I have a list a mile long, there are guys like Amun-Ra & benchwarmer that are always fun and put together great arguments, but only a couple of many that I really enjoy "getting it on"! Who are your favorites?

Who riles you up the most?
I've been here longer then anyone posted in this thread. For my tenure here I can say without any doubt TideHoss32 is the best debater on this site.
Real Badman Wrote:I've been here longer then anyone posted in this thread. For my tenure here I can say without any doubt TideHoss32 is the best debater on this site.
I've got you beat here at BGR by 3 months. Want to debate it?:moon: TH32 is a cool dude though.
TheRealVille Wrote:I've got you beat here at BGR by 3 months. Want to debate it?:moon: TH32 is a cool dude though.

I know what that says, but I joined in 2005, and have been active ever since.
TheRealVille Wrote:I've got you beat here at BGR by 3 months. Want to debate it?:moon: TH32 is a cool dude though.

Real Badman Wrote:I know what that says, but I joined in 2005, and have been active ever since.

Ok guys!...I got the mearsuring stick out....and it looks like Real Badman has you beat TheRealVille!...not saying your post aren't getting the job done!...Confusedhh:

But Real Badman has a much longer list of posts!...:biggrin:

It could definately be debated as to whether it's the quality of post you make or the quanity.... that makes the man!...Wink

Aslan Wrote:Ha!

Ha. Well have to team up after Harlan beats us both Big Grin. Like the Universe, this site needs a balance, and with an overhaul of HC fans on here, there is an imbalance which could destroy BGR!

lol no doubt. If Perry and Whitley both lose then we will probably have to leave bgr, atleast until one of us knocks them off in the playoffs lol.
I don't think I have any favorites, but I do enjoy a good debate every now and again.
I hate debating with people

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