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John Calipari criticized for cursing players!
Coach John Calipari is being criticized for cursing players after the Alabama game!

What are your thoughts?

part of sports?...way out of line?

keep in mind he made an apology on twitter!

He shouldn't have to apologize, cursing is part of sports.
I don't see a problem with it.

If you've played sports, your coach has cussed at you at one point or another, it's apart of the game.
Aslan Wrote:He shouldn't have to apologize, cursing is part of sports.

We disagree...

I understand he has his freedom of speech and I also believe that you have to deal with stuff like that sometimes.
Cursing should never be a solidified part of anything in a public forum IMO
In my opinion. This is not a big deal and it is a part of sports. It is a HUGE no no! And no way shape or form should a coach use cuss words to talk to his players. But honestly, how many coaches use this kind of language every day?(ALOT) Cal just done it once! And he even apologized for doing it! So to me, no big deal! Just bad judgement.
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While I don't agree with the language he used and I don't think cursing is necessary, I have no problem with him or any college coach using it as long as it's not on TV for everyone to see. Most college kids don't say a sentence without dropping the F bomb or saying GD. Although disturbing to a lot of folks, that's how it is now a days. Coaches know there players and how they can approach each of them. If Calipari had a straight edged, non cursing player, I'm sure he wouln't be dropping at least five F bombs in ten seconds like he did towards Jones last night. It's all about knowing your players and who can handle what.

With all that being said it was embarrasing to see him using that kind of language on national TV, clean it up Calipari.
Here is an article from Fox Sports!.....I was surprised with what was actually said!


University of Kentucky head coach John Calipari apologized for an ugly, obscenity-laced tirade directed at freshman forward Terrence Jones during Tuesday night's loss at Alabama.

Get caught up on the latest about Kentucky coach John Calipari in FOX Sports South's weekly mailbag.
ESPN's cameras caught Calipari as he called the 19-year-old a "selfish mother******" late in the second half.

Following the game, the 51-year-old coach apologized for the outburst via Twitter.

"First of all I want to apologize for my language at the end of the game. I got caught up in the emotion of the game, but that's no excuse," he wrote.

"Sometimes you don't realize in the moment that what you're saying is on national TV. The BBN deserves better and so do my players."

Calipari was referring to Kentucky fans as the BBN, or Big Blue Nation
It happens. Hate to see it but it does. They all do it.
foxtrot1 Wrote:While I don't agree with the language he used and I don't think cursing is necessary, I have no problem with him or any college coach using it as long as it's not on TV for everyone to see. Most college kids don't say a sentence without dropping the F bomb or saying GD. Although disturbing to a lot of folks, that's how it is now a days. Coaches know there players and how they can approach each of them. If Calipari had a straight edged, non cursing player, I'm sure he wouln't be dropping at least five F bombs in ten seconds like he did towards Jones last night. It's all about knowing your players and who can handle what.

With all that being said it was embarrasing to see him using that kind of language on national TV, clean it up Calipari.

Anytime you're as popular as Calipari is, there's always going to be a camera on you waiting for you to do or say something whether the audience can hear it or not.

I just can't believe this made national news.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Anytime you're as popular as Calipari is, there's always going to be a camera on you waiting for you to do or say something whether the audience can hear it or not.

I just can't believe this made national news.

It made national news because it was LIVE on ESPN. I don't think it has to do with his popularity. He is extremely more popular than any SEC coach, but any other SEC coach would still catch flack over the language he used.
I've seen this happen a countless number of times with several different coaches. Depending on what limitations a coach has, cursing is one way to get your point across to your players. I don't think it is necessary at all, but it is not my team. It is Coach Cal's. So, who are we to judge?
[YOUTUBE="Want Dan Hawkins Opinion?"]-4T26x6GZEw[/YOUTUBE]

Go Play Intramurals Brother!!!!!

Get over it.
foxtrot1 Wrote:It made national news because it was LIVE on ESPN. I don't think it has to do with his popularity. He is extremely more popular than any SEC coach, but any other SEC coach would still catch flack over the language he used.

I honestly don't think anything would have come of this if Cal hadn't apologized on his Twitter & Facebook accounts. From there is snowballed.
Panther Thunder Wrote:[YOUTUBE="Want Dan Hawkins Opinion?"]-4T26x6GZEw[/YOUTUBE]

Go Play Intramurals Brother!!!!!

Get over it.


Oh God cry me a river. He cussed at a 18-19 year old man. WGAF? I can not believe this is even news.
Amun-Ra Wrote:Oh God cry me a river. He cussed at a 18-19 year old man. WGAF? I can not believe this is even news.

Never seen any use for bad language. It bothers me when total strangers do it, let alone a coach or parent. To me it can make people look stupid cause they can't think of better words to say. I don't see how using the F boom can explain how you didn't set a pick or missed a free throw.
People need to chill, its not a big deal.
Cry me hand full.
I got cussed at in gradeschool ball, and I know for a fact that Aslan get over it!
How dare a coach talk mean to a player. Shame on them
bigjim4packers Wrote:Never seen any use for bad language. It bothers me when total strangers do it, let alone a coach or parent. To me it can make people look stupid cause they can't think of better words to say. I don't see how using the F boom can explain how you didn't set a pick or missed a free throw.
I guess Cal should have spoken softly in a low mono-tone voice.....:please:

You might not have saw a use for it but I sure did. That's what is wrong with America now. We are too friggin soft. Too PC about everything. Jesus grow a freaking back bone.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:I don't see a problem with it.

If you've played sports, your coach has cussed at you at one point or another, it's apart of the game.

I started sports at the age of 5, and played all the way through college, and NEVER had a coach curse at me or any of my teammates. It is not and does not have to be a part of sports. I was on many regional, sectional and state championship teams in different sports, so it is not needed to be a good coach. It is sad to see so many posters on here being so accepting of it. Kids and adults deserve to be respected more and should not be talked to that way. I accept Cal's appolgy because anybody can slip up and make a mistake, but it is sad that so many think it is OK if coaches use it everyday with kids (and I do consider college freshmen big kids).
sstack Wrote:I started sports at the age of 5, and played all the way through college, and NEVER had a coach curse at me or any of my teammates. It is not and does not have to be a part of sports. I was on many regional, sectional and state championship teams in different sports, so it is not needed to be a good coach. It is sad to see so many posters on here being so accepting of it. Kids and adults deserve to be respected more and should not be talked to that way. I accept Cal's appolgy because anybody can slip up and make a mistake, but it is sad that so many think it is OK if coaches use it everyday with kids (and I do consider college freshmen big kids).
:Thumbs: There is no excuse for coaches cursing at players. Playing big time college sports is an occupation and coaches have plenty of legitimate ways to motivate players to perform up to and including stripping them of their scholarships.

How many of those saying that it is OK for coaches to not only curse but to get up in these young adults' faces and call them names on national TV would say the same thing if their bosses treated them that way on their own jobs? I would venture to guess not many would stand for it. I never have and never will. I treat my employer with respect and I expect the same in return. College basketball players have the right to expect the same kind of treatment from their "boss."
Hoot Gibson Wrote::Thumbs: There is no excuse for coaches cursing at players. Playing big time college sports is an occupation and coaches have plenty of legitimate ways to motivate players to perform up to and including stripping them of their scholarships.

How many of those saying that it is OK for coaches to not only curse but to get up in these young adults' faces and call them names on national TV would say the same thing if their bosses treated them that way on their own jobs? I would venture to guess not many would stand for it. I never have and never will. I treat my employer with respect and I expect the same in return. College basketball players have the right to expect the same kind of treatment from their "boss."

Agree 100%
Calapari did it so its alright! lol jk jk i agree with most, Cussing is jsut part of sports/coaching
Does anyone think Jones didnt deserve it really?
Real Badman Wrote:Does anyone think Jones didnt deserve it really?
I don't think anybody deserves that kind of treatment. Bench time for a player who thinks he is one and done and does not need any coaching would do wonders for the young man - even if it means losing a game to send that message. I never liked Joe Hall's style of basketball but when players did not follow team rules, then they sat out - even if the opponent was Tennessee and the player was NBA-bound. It was hard to argue with Hall's results.
sstack Wrote:I started sports at the age of 5, and played all the way through college, and NEVER had a coach curse at me or any of my teammates. It is not and does not have to be a part of sports. I was on many regional, sectional and state championship teams in different sports, so it is not needed to be a good coach. It is sad to see so many posters on here being so accepting of it. Kids and adults deserve to be respected more and should not be talked to that way. I accept Cal's appolgy because anybody can slip up and make a mistake, but it is sad that so many think it is OK if coaches use it everyday with kids (and I do consider college freshmen big kids).

I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, as I don't want anyone cursing at my son or daughter, but I see this as no big deal. Me and my teammates were cursed at in middle school, I just overlooked it and used it as motivation. Some coaches do it that way and some do not. But like I said, it's no big deal, but I would rather him and any coach for that matter not curse at their players, but it's apart of the game and majority of coaches do it.
I used to get cussed at all the time when I played sports... Making something out of nothing.

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