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Rep. Giffords Shot In Arizona Mass Shooting
vundy33 Wrote:Apparently he used a Glock 17, which is in 9mm. It's really hard for me to imagine how just a regular kid off the street can get that many shots off in the amount of time. I'm pretty sure the mag holds 16, and witnesses say they heard 15-20 shots, so that I can understand. I just don't understand how he could hit that many people and get kill shots on them without anyone doing anything. Was their not any kind of security?

He had to be pretty close to Rep. Giffords to be able to get an accurate head shot off. I would really like to know the details.

Could have been using a hi cap mag. I used to own a 17 and had two 31 round mags w/ it. You can lay down some lead w/ those things.
thecavemaster Wrote:Hoot: you missed my point: wasn't saying Loughner's actions can be laid at Palin's feet...was saying that the level of incivility in this past election cycle (maybe particularly in Arizona) created a climate where folk like Loughner can go over the edge.
Responsibility for Loughner's actions can only be laid at his own feet. Have you noticed how quickly liberals rush to brand disturbed individuals like Loughner as right wingers, even in the absence of any evidence? And how liberal Democrats and moderate Republicans, for different reasons, rush to push legislation through after tragedies such as this one while emotions are high and rationality among politicians scarce?

If stricter gun control and further restrictions on our First Amendment rights are sound ideas, then liberals and RHINOS need to make a logical case for those actions. And what liberal Democrats are attempting to do to Sarah Palin is one of the most cowardly political hatchet jobs that I have ever witnessed.
Amun-Ra Wrote:Westboro Baptist Church plan to picket at the funerals... They have it on their website " God bless the shooter". I mean really, God wanted this guy to shoot a 9 year old?
AZ has banned them from picketing any of the funerals. They expect the Governor to sign the law tonight or tomorrow morning.
What would stop the Westboro protesters cold would be to deny them a publicly funded security force. Nature would take its course. If the group truly believes the lunacy that it is spewing, then I favor of giving them a fair shot to produce a few martyrs.
vundy33 Wrote:This has turned into a political argument? Really?
The shooter turned it into a political thing Vundy, when he shot a politician. I think everyone on this board agrees though, this kid is an idiot, whacko, no matter what his politics were.
TheRealVille Wrote:AZ has banned them from picketing any of the funerals. They expect the Governor to sign the law tonight or tomorrow morning.

Good for Jan Brewer.:Clap:

Like her or not, agree with her or not, she's one tough lady.:Thumbs:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What would stop the Westboro protesters cold would be to deny them a publicly funded security force. Nature would take its course. If the group truly believes the lunacy that it is spewing, then I favor of giving them a fair shot to produce a few martyrs.
I'm with you. :Thumbs:
TheRealVille Wrote:The shooter turned it into a political thing Vundy, when he shot a politician. I think everyone on this board agrees though, this kid is an idiot, whacko, no matter what his politics were.
I dont think that mental illness has a party. Obviously he is not capable of rational thinking.
TheRealVille Wrote:The shooter turned it into a political thing Vundy, when he shot a politician. I think everyone on this board agrees though, this kid is an idiot, whacko, no matter what his politics were.
Politicians turned this into a political issue. Even most Democrats do not believe that political rhetoric played any role in the shooting but public opinion does not hold much sway among current House Democrats and their media allies.
TheRealVille Wrote:AZ has banned them from picketing any of the funerals. They expect the Governor to sign the law tonight or tomorrow morning.

And this is why I love Arizona.
Actually Arizonia has not banned protesting. They have only banned protesting from within 300 feet of the funeral.
thecavemaster Wrote:Hoot: you missed my point: wasn't saying Loughner's actions can be laid at Palin's feet...was saying that the level of incivility in this past election cycle (maybe particularly in Arizona) created a climate where folk like Loughner can go over the edge.
Please explain what you considered to be "incivility" in this past election cycle. Then explain how any of it could really push a sane person in to murdering innocent people.
thecavemaster Wrote:Hoot: you missed my point: wasn't saying Loughner's actions can be laid at Palin's feet...was saying that the level of incivility in this past election cycle (maybe particularly in Arizona) created a climate where folk like Loughner can go over the edge.

SKINNYPIG Wrote:Please explain what you considered to be "incivility" in this past election cycle. Then explain how any of it could really push a sane person in to murdering innocent people.
This past election cycle has been no different then those in the past. Both sides cross the line or blur the line or whatever you want to call it. In today's world with the 24 hour new cycle and internet "bloggers' wanting to make a name for themself the line gets pushed faster, further, and more blurred but it's still the silly political games that's been around since politics started.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Please explain what you considered to be "incivility" in this past election cycle. Then explain how any of it could really push a sane person in to murdering innocent people.

Not my post but here goes. I don't think incivility (or the like) pushes a sane person to murder innocent people. It's those mentally imbalanced people out there that I worry about. Too often, it doesn't take much to push them over the edge. Those who already believe that the government is after them or trying to control their minds are, I suspect, more likely to act when swarms of politicians hit the airwaves to talk about how government is taking over their healthcare, taking away their liberties, taking all their money, etc.
For those of you who think the latest political discourse is over the top, why do we ask office holders to swear that they have not fought in a duel?

I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth, and be faithful and true to the Commonwealth of Kentucky so long as I continue a citizen thereof, and that I will faithfully execute, to the best of my ability, the office of (insert office)according to law; and I do further solemnly swear (or affirm) that since the adoption of the present Constitution, I, being a citizen of this State, have not fought a duel with deadly weapons within this State nor out of it, nor have I sent or accepted a challenge to fight a duel with deadly weapons, nor have I acted as second in carrying a challenge, nor aided or assisted any person thus offending, so help me God.
BillyB Wrote:Not my post but here goes. I don't think incivility (or the like) pushes a sane person to murder innocent people. It's those mentally imbalanced people out there that I worry about. Too often, it doesn't take much to push them over the edge. Those who already believe that the government is after them or trying to control their minds are, I suspect, more likely to act when swarms of politicians hit the airwaves to talk about how government is taking over their healthcare, taking away their liberties, taking all their money, etc.
So we're supposed to keep our beliefs to ourselves in the USA in hope of keeping stupid people from doing stupid things. Give me a break!
SKINNYPIG Wrote:So we're supposed to keep our beliefs to ourselves in the USA in hope of keeping stupid people from doing stupid things. Give me a break!

Do what you want. This is the junk decent people shouldn't be saying:

"If ballots don't work, bullets will."

"I want to kill Charlie Rangel with a shovel."

"Every night I get down on my knees and pray Dennis Kucinich will burst into flames."

"Don't retreat, reload."

"if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies."
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”
BillyB Wrote:Do what you want. This is the junk decent people shouldn't be saying:

"If ballots don't work, bullets will."

"I want to kill Charlie Rangel with a shovel."

"Every night I get down on my knees and pray Dennis Kucinich will burst into flames."

"Don't retreat, reload."

"if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies."
I don't understand how you are relating to my post. How can you compare "how government is taking over their healthcare, taking away their liberties, taking all their money, etc." to killing Rangel with a shovel? Stupid things are said by all walks of people all the time. When a person acts on something someone said (that is ridiculously stupid) the blame cannot be placed on anyone other than the idiot that acted. If BHO says everyone should cut their wrist at noon tomorrow, only fools will do it.

To think the "reload" comment would mean to go out and kill someone (because of the healthcare bill Obama was peddling) is nothing more than stupidity. It would take a fool to take it any other way. We will have to live/deal with stupidity and fools as long as we are on this rock. Shutting up because we disagree won't change that. Wise up and realize you are in the real world and not on fantasy island.
News flash! Stupid things will be said by humans from now until the end of time! Either find a way to keep everyone from expressing what's on their minds or learn to deal with it!
Wasn't the "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun" quote directed towards the war?
vundy33 Wrote:Wasn't the "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun" quote directed towards the war?

No, it was a comment that Obama made at a Philadelphia fund raiser targeted as a counter to Republican political verbal attacks. The following comment was also tagged to the statement, "Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl, I've seen Eagle fans".
SKINNYPIG Wrote:I don't understand how you are relating to my post. How can you compare "how government is taking over their healthcare, taking away their liberties, taking all their money, etc." to killing Rangel with a shovel? Stupid things are said by all walks of people all the time. When a person acts on something someone said (that is ridiculously stupid) the blame cannot be placed on anyone other than the idiot that acted. If BHO says everyone should cut their wrist at noon tomorrow, only fools will do it.

To think the "reload" comment would mean to go out and kill someone (because of the healthcare bill Obama was peddling) is nothing more than stupidity. It would take a fool to take it any other way. We will have to live/deal with stupidity and fools as long as we are on this rock. Shutting up because we disagree won't change that. Wise up and realize you are in the real world and not on fantasy island.

Is that really what you get from this? It's either/or. Either shut up or it's ok to say anything you want -- whether stupid or ridiculously stupid. In the real world words matter. Couldn't the point be to just take it easy with with the stupid talk?
BillyB Wrote:Is that really what you get from this? It's either/or. Either shut up or it's ok to say anything you want -- whether stupid or ridiculously stupid. In the real world words matter. Couldn't the point be to just take it easy with with the stupid talk?
Sorry BillyB, but yes, if someone thinks that when Palin said to "reload" that she was implying to do something like the young man in Arizona did...IMO it's nothing other than stupidity. I'll even throw foolish and idiotic in there. The world is full of them whether I say it or not.

The point I was trying to make was that when someone does/says something monumentally not smart (stupid), we try to find someone else to blame. Why is that?

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