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Rep. Giffords Shot In Arizona Mass Shooting
U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords among others were shot in a mass shooting as she spoke at a Arizona grocery store on Saturday. Rep. Giffords is still alive and Drs. are optimistic that she will recover. Reports have stated that as many as six have died including a 9 year old girl. Accordings to reports a man entered the area and started shooting people at close range. The shooter has been arrested.
This was unbelievable! WOW
Apparently he used a Glock 17, which is in 9mm. It's really hard for me to imagine how just a regular kid off the street can get that many shots off in the amount of time. I'm pretty sure the mag holds 16, and witnesses say they heard 15-20 shots, so that I can understand. I just don't understand how he could hit that many people and get kill shots on them without anyone doing anything. Was their not any kind of security?

He had to be pretty close to Rep. Giffords to be able to get an accurate head shot off. I would really like to know the details.
Some left wing whacko
The suggestion that well regulated gun ownership is antithetical to the Constitution (a WELL REGULATED militia is the language) is non-sensical it seems to me. Sarah Palin, of course, did not want anyone to get shot... "putting someone in your sights" is a common euphemism for focusing on them. However, as corn seed produces corn, seeds of hostility produce violence. We, as a country, need to amp down the rhetoric and disagree with more civility, stop acting like the United States will sink or swim as a nation because of fairly minor variations in tax policy.

This is kind of strange.
The little girl who was killed was born on 9/11/01.
^ I heard that this morning on the radio.
Beetle01 Wrote:Some left wing whacko

Was he?
thecavemaster Wrote:The suggestion that well regulated gun ownership is antithetical to the Constitution (a WELL REGULATED militia is the language) is non-sensical it seems to me. Sarah Palin, of course, did not want anyone to get shot... "putting someone in your sights" is a common euphemism for focusing on them. However, as corn seed produces corn, seeds of hostility produce violence. We, as a country, need to amp down the rhetoric and disagree with more civility, stop acting like the United States will sink or swim as a nation because of fairly minor variations in tax policy.
So a left wing nutjob shot a left wing politicians because of something Sarah Palin said? With that kind of thought control, why isn't Palin leading the pack of GOP 2012 White House hopefuls?

These left wing political hacks never waste an opportunity to make fools of themselves.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Was he?
He would be described as just plain "whacko" in a sane world but left wingers have at least as good a claim on this nut as right wingers, and probably a better one. Among his list of favorite reading materials are Hitler, Ayn Rand, and the Communist Manifesto. However, he was described by a classmate as a leftwing pothead.
If he is following Palin's words, I wouldn't say he is left wing. I would say he is right wing. Either way, he is a wacko.
TheRealVille Wrote:If he is following Palin's words, I wouldn't say he is left wing. I would say he is right wing. Either way, he is a wacko.
What words of Palin did he follow? The left wing talking heads are trying to make an issue of her use of the word "target," which has been used by politicians of all stripes for decades if not centuries. Companies shoot for sales targets all of the time and a major retailer uses "Target" in its name, which appears beside of a red bullseye.

The shooter is a nutjob and it is disgusting how liberal politicians treat every event like this one as an opportunity to blame deaths on political rhetoric used by the loyal opposition. They always try to promote their anti-gun, anti-free speech agenda before the bodies even assume room temperature. A friend of the shooter said that he held a grudge against the Senator after he attended one of her political rallies and was not satisfied with a response she gave to his question. The question was, "What is government if words have no meaning?" This guy was a registered independent and did not vote in November.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What words of Palin did he follow? The left wing talking heads are trying to make an issue of her use of the word "target," which has been used by politicians of all stripes for decades if not centuries. Companies shoot for sales targets all of the time and a major retailer uses "Target" in its name, which appears beside of a red bullseye.

The shooter is a nutjob and it is disgusting how liberal politicians treat every event like this one as an opportunity to blame deaths on political rhetoric used by the loyal opposition. They always try to promote their anti-gun, anti-free speech agenda before the bodies even assume room temperature. A friend of the shooter said that he held a grudge against the Senator after he attended one of her political rallies and was not satisfied with a response she gave to his question. The question was, "What is government if words have no meaning?" This guy was a registered independent and did not vote in November.
Old School called him a left wing nut job. I was merely saying that the kid was probably more right. Now that you say he was registered independent, I think even more that he is right wing. The facts lean more toward him being right than left. One thing for sure is, he is a nut job. Palin said "to put them in your sights." I guess he took her to mean literal.
TheRealVille Wrote:Old School called him a left wing nut job. I was merely saying that the kid was probably more right. Now that you say he was registered independent, I think even more that he is right wing. The facts lean more toward him being right than left. One thing for sure is, he is a nut job. Palin said "to put them in your sights." I guess he took her to mean literal.

Where did I say that RV? My only post in this thread was the first one, maybe you should get your facts straight.
TheRealVille Wrote:Old School called him a left wing nut job. I was merely saying that the kid was probably more right. Now that you say he was registered independent, I think even more that he is right wing. The facts lean more toward him being right than left. One thing for sure is, he is a nut job. Palin said "to put them in your sights." I guess he took her to mean literal.
Maybe he thought the Senator had a knife on her.

Quote:When they bring a knife, we bring a gun. - Barrack Obama

Or maybe what set him off was not being able to follow some other Obama advice.

Quote:“I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.“

This guy does not fit anywhere on the political spectrum and there is at least as much hate speech from the right than there is the left.
This article from the Arizona Daily Sun gives a little history about Loughner.

A former classmate of Loughner at Pima, from which he was suspended Sept. 29 for code-of-conduct violations, said he was "obviously very disturbed."

"He disrupted class frequently with nonsensical outbursts," said Lynda Sorenson, who took a math class with Loughner last summer at Pima Community College's Northwest campus.

Dupnik said the suspected shooter has made death threats before and been contacted by law-enforcement officers. The threats weren't against Giffords, Dupnik said.

As a middle school student, Loughner was "kind of an outcast," said Shannin Macey, who said via e-mail she attended Tortolita and Mountain View with him. In high school, Loughner was in jazz band and played the saxophone, but he dropped out in junior year, said Tommy Marriotti, who was a high-school friend of Loughner.

At the time he dropped out, Loughner was having drug problems, Marriotti said, but he seemed to do well once he started taking classes at Pima.

He tried to enlist in the Army in 2008 but was rejected, said First Sgt. Brian Homme, who oversees Army recruiting in Tucson. Loughner was sent to Phoenix to take a test and physical, but "he was found to be unqualified," Homme said.

Loughner registered to vote for the first time in 2006, said Chris Roads, Pima County's registrar of voters. He registered as an independent and last voted in the 2008 general election.
Old School Wrote:Where did I say that RV? My only post in this thread was the first one, maybe you should get your facts straight.
Very sorry OS, I meant to say Beetle. My apologies. I was looking at where you started the thread, and had my mind in that direction.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:This guy does not fit anywhere on the political spectrum and there is at least as much hate speech from the right than there is the left.
Very true. Both are guilty.
This has turned into a political argument? Really?
Cavewombat!!! Where have you been my dearest?
Westboro Baptist Church plan to picket at the funerals... They have it on their website " God bless the shooter". I mean really, God wanted this guy to shoot a 9 year old?
Don't even get me started on Westboro. I've had contact with them and it wasn't good for them. I'm surprised they're not dead yet to tell you the truth.
Amun-Ra Wrote:Westboro Baptist Church plan to picket at the funerals... They have it on their website " God bless the shooter". I mean really, God wanted this guy to shoot a 9 year old?

These people are crazy.
Anyone that would link this shooting to ANYTHING Palin, Pelosi or anyone else said or any kind of political affiliation is an idiot. This fool acted on his own warped beliefs. Hang him from the highest tree.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Anyone that would link this shooting to ANYTHING Palin, Pelosi or anyone else said or any kind of political affiliation is an idiot. This fool acted on his own warped beliefs. Hang him from the highest tree.

vundy33 Wrote:Don't even get me started on Westboro. I've had contact with them and it wasn't good for them. I'm surprised they're not dead yet to tell you the truth.
Am hoping you got to kick the crap out of at least one of them.
His political stances are left wing RV. Not that his political affiliation had anything to do with his craziness. I just posted that because a lot of people were jumping on the conservative movements and this being one of "their" guys. When he clearly was a liberal in his political views.
Beetle01 Wrote:His political stances are left wing RV. Not that his political affiliation had anything to do with his craziness. I just posted that because a lot of people were jumping on the conservative movements and this being one of "their" guys. When he clearly was a liberal in his political views.

Can i see your reasoning?
Hoot: you missed my point: wasn't saying Loughner's actions can be laid at Palin's feet...was saying that the level of incivility in this past election cycle (maybe particularly in Arizona) created a climate where folk like Loughner can go over the edge.
Beetle01 Wrote:His political stances are left wing RV. Not that his political affiliation had anything to do with his craziness. I just posted that because a lot of people were jumping on the conservative movements and this being one of "their" guys. When he clearly was a liberal in his political views.
Care to show us where you get that he is liberal?

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