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Johnson Central 55 Hurley VA 53
Yeah this Hurley team is a pretty good squad. They beat Powell Valley by 10, which is a good team in their own right, course PV was minus their center that night, not making excuses.
Football1 Wrote:No dog in this hunt except for a deep love for kids -especially the knot heads; as I was one of them that sports helped change life for.

I would never dismiss the kid. He would be forced to deal with bench time, additional practice time, writing assignments on character, bible verses like Phil 4:13; a constant dose of my pushing him to be what he is not today: a young man with self control and discipline. He likely is dealing with attitude issues due to some folks not doing the work to help him mature into what he needs to be. As a coach, I would not add my name to the list that gave up on him unless he was a threat to the safety of my team.

If a coach take this challenge on and helps him that coach will score a win in a mans life that will last longer than any banner.
great reply, it should be about the kid's.:igiveup: this boy has been to my house 100's of times, watched him play since he was 7, he has weaknesses but he is a super nice guy, very courteous and respectful.:rockon: we need him to go to state, i say let's keep working with him and let him work with us.:Thumbs: i'd say most people mouthing about cody are from teams we will beat this year! lol:thatsfunn
EYESPYJC Wrote:GO Coach M !!! The same ole same ole. :Thumbs:

we will beat you!:rockon::thatsfunn:Clap:
Not being rude, but this is high school basketball. HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL.. Why would you sit there and point Cody Parker out and try to tell him to grow up? What goes on with that team, Cody Parker, and the coaches is nobodys business but theirs. All the negative things these adults say on here is pathetic. Some people really need to get a life and stop saying things about these kids. This isnt the pros here, this is high school lol. Listen to some of the things you all are saying. Leave the Cody Parker subject alone. He is back on the team and hes paying the price by not getting to play a few games and running before each practice. I am very close to Cody and he understands that he made a mistake, but a coach did too also. Get over it and find something else to talk about.
I don't understand why, but there have been alot of gossipmongers on here allowed to bash a kid that made a mistake. I thought this was a sports forum; where you could get information on teams, updates on rankings, and outcomes of games. However, the last week or so has been a whole lot of BASHING of a student/kid. But, I guess everybody that posted on this subject in a negative way is perfect and has never made mistakes. I guess some of us could get some perfecting wisdom from those of you who fall into this category!
Bob Seger Wrote::eyeroll:

What a load of BULLCRAP!!!

I guess that explains the 47 other times he's quit in everything else he has ever done too. When is he ever going to be held accountable for his own actions? If McKenzie lets him come back he should be the one that gets dismissed, on the spot, with no questions asked. What a joke the JCHS basketball program is. It's a dang disgrace and nothing short of embarrassing.

Can you give examples of the other 47 times he has quit? Because if you are going to post crap like this you should have to back it up!! So let's see if you be held accountable for your post!!
eagle93 Wrote:Can you give examples of the other 47 times he has quit? Because if you are going to post crap like this you should have to back it up!! So let's see if you be held accountable for your post!!
Knock it off, and dont give me a bunch of that garbage. You know how he has done just like everyone else in the entire 15th region has known how he has done, since he has been in 8th grade. No other player in recent 15th region history has been the poster boy for selfish and out of control behavior more than what he has been. Why even try to put a spin on it? Most glaring and most team damaging was the 2007 baseball season, when he was an 8th grader . A lot of people went against the grain lobbying for him to be brought up to the varsity from the middle school team (which was taboo at the time). How did he repay those efforts by not only Coach Hall, but a lot of other people? After the baseball team won the 15th region championship, he was a noshow for the entire Section 8 semi state tournament as well as the state tournament at Applebees, deciding he would rather go practice with the summer basketball squad instead. He would have been the game 3 starter in the semi state series. With everything that had been worked for, for the entire season, on the line, he walks out on his team. How selfish would you describe that? Problem one here is that Tommy should never had allowed him to quit one and join another before the other was over, and he should have never been allowed to be part of the baseball team in '08, but he was. That's just one example of the endless string of events. If you know him, you know the rest without me making an itemized list. It's been a constant 3 ring circus for 5 years. Your post just blows my mind and does nothing more than make yourself look foolish..It's win at all costs, you know, I know it, and everybody else knows it. You seem to support and to advocate that that is OK to do!!! If anyone else that did not have his talent would have pulled some of his stunts they would have been told to hit the road years ago, and dont come back. It's all about winning at any and all costs. That's exactly why year after year he pulls the same stunts over and over again. He's not stupid, nothing fazes him because he knows he can get away with it. Just exactly why do you think that every year this same conversation and subject repeatedly comes up?

Now, have you anything else???????
I believe this thread has run its course.

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