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Bible Prophecy: "The War of Gog and Magog"
Bob Seger Wrote:Wasn't trying to dispute it because I have no idea. It was the word "proved" that caught my attention. I dont always have the utmost confidence in everything that "human" scientists state as fact. I can see, "scientists are of the opinion that" or something along that line, but how many times do you see something come up that starts out, "what scientists have long thought was........"? Man is not perfect. I'm just not sold that "proved" is the best choice of wording. That's just my opinion, as I have no proof of anything either way. All I know is, the very first words of the Bible start with "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". I dont see anything that pinpoints a definitive date that this occured. So it could be 4.5 billion years, but it is just my opinion that I doubt that anyone else really concretely knows. Again,this is all just my personal opinion. Obviously not everyone shares the same, and that is certainly their prerogative.

I am assuming that RV is stating the perceived age of the earth as a disclaimer that God truely exists. Not sure how that plays into it though. The one question I do ask is that if God has never existed, where did the earth, and all things come from? Who gave the breath of life? It came from somewhere. That seems to be the thing that there is never an answer for.
Are you a Christian Bob?
zaga_fan Wrote:Matthew 24:36-44 (New International Version, ©2010)

The Day and Hour Unknown
36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
42 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43 But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

I know not to set a date for the rapture, but I've been very anxious in the past few weeks. It seems like everything's coming together. Glenn Beck is claiming that people are destroying our nation so that a world government can be made, which is in parallel to what will happen in the tribulation period. And never has he once mentioned the rapture. I plan to look at his sources (which he highly encourages) in the near future to see if he's lying or not. Not only with what Glenn Beck has been saying, but the three bible prophecy shows that I watch (Grant Jeffrey, Hal Lindsey, Jack Van Impe) all personally believe that we are incredibly close to the rapture!! I know not to set dates, though. The rapture could be thousands of years away, and for the sake of those who aren't saved, I hope it is. But for all of you, please look at why they're saying that the rapture could be near. Here are the times these shows come on:

Glenn Beck comes on the Fox News Channel every weekday at 5:00 pm in the eastern time zone. (By the way, he doesn't talk about the rapture, but he's very parallel, if not exactly parallel, to what the bible says about the tribulation period.) Definitely watch this show if you understand the tribulation period.

All shows are on TBN and are based on the eastern time zone:
1) Grant Jeffrey (which I highly recommend watching) -> 8:30 pm every Wednesday.
2) Hal Lindsey -> 8:30 pm every Friday.
3) Jack Van Impe -> 9:30 pm every Wednesday.

I'm pretty sure these times are correct. I think there might be other times for these shows, but they're during times that for those on the eastern time zone would probably be sleeping. If you are interested in those times, please send me a pm and I'll be glad to give you those times.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I'm not sure that words for million or billion existed at the time the Bible was composed. Had our ancestors been told that God created the world in 4.5 billion years, it would have been even more impossible to comprehend such a large number then than it is today.

Almost everybody has ten fingers, so using single digit explanations makes a lot of sense when communicating to a mostly illiterate population. :biggrin:

2Peter 3:8.but beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day thousand years,and a thousands years as one day... as for how long, loook at theses verses.. Genesis1:1 in the begining God created the heaven and earth. Genesis1:2 And the earth was without form,and void;and darkness was upon the face of the deep.and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. if you noticebetween here and the 2nd chapter,every time God did something there was a period. so in between that time, there was a space of time, who knows how long that was.before HE created anybody he wasnt a savior, healer, redemmer or any of that, He deawlt lone, and there was nothing to save, heal, or redeem...Colossians 1:16-17 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, andthat are in earth, visible, and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers:all things were created by him and for him:17)and he is before all things,and by him all things consist.......................the Jews and Roman Catholic church owe most of the the wealth in the world, and Rome will make a pack with the Jews and later will trick them.............there alot more things people dont know, alot of Pastors wont tell people the truth, because they are affaid for there meal ticket, and thats whats it is to most of them and thats ashame, anyway here is a link to where you can find out alot of things.....
Gah learn to put a paragraph together man. That took forever to read.

People have been saying the end of time is coming since time has started. I don't think it's anytime soon, unless something happens in November/December of 2012 with the sun being more active than it's been in years. I don't care if we have a nuclear war, I still don't think that would end the world.

I don't know, maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't. But, I don't think anyone will be invading Israel with much success anytime soon. By soon I mean the next 10-20 years. But who knows, that's a while down the road. It could be us invading Israel, you never know. I'd rather not because Israel has their shat together when it comes to their military.
cuppett777 Wrote:2Peter 3:8.but beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day thousand years,and a thousands years as one day... as for how long, loook at theses verses.. Genesis1:1 in the begining God created the heaven and earth. Genesis1:2 And the earth was without form,and void;and darkness was upon the face of the deep.and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. if you noticebetween here and the 2nd chapter,every time God did something there was a period. so in between that time, there was a space of time, who knows how long that was.before HE created anybody he wasnt a savior, healer, redemmer or any of that, He deawlt lone, and there was nothing to save, heal, or redeem...Colossians 1:16-17 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, andthat are in earth, visible, and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers:all things were created by him and for him:17)and he is before all things,and by him all things consist.......................the Jews and Roman Catholic church owe most of the the wealth in the world, and Rome will make a pack with the Jews and later will trick them.............there alot more things people dont know, alot of Pastors wont tell people the truth, because they are affaid for there meal ticket, and thats whats it is to most of them and thats ashame, anyway here is a link to where you can find out alot of things.....
You do realize that Branham thought Eve had sex with the serpent , right?

Quote:The Message followers believe that the original sin resulted from Eve having sexual intercourse with an upright 'Serpent' which was not a snake but the human-like animal between apes and man. They believe the serpent's current form is a result of God's curse in Genesis 3:14. From this relationship, it is said, Cain was conceived and born. Abel, fathered by Adam, was born at the same time.[11][24][25]
The Message followers do not accept any of the potential racist implications of the doctrine, and the racial tendencies of the world in general. They believe that all humankind is created equal and is equally able to become Christian.[25][26]
Branham identified "the tree of knowledge of good and evil" as being Satan, and the "tree of life" being God himself.[25] Not all of the message followers interpret these teachings in the same way, particularly the followers of Junior Jackson who believe the two trees were spiritual laws.[27]
The Message followers believe that one basis for the assertion that Eve had sexual intercourse with the serpent was Eve’s claim that the serpent had ‘beguiled’ her (Genesis 3:13; 2 Cor 11:2-3). Branham taught that ‘beguiled’ actually meant sexually ‘seduced’ or ‘defiled’ rather than ‘deceived’ (which most contemporary translations give). The original Hebrew word is ‘nasha’ ("naw-shaw") which literally means to lead astray or to mentally delude, with a secondary meaning to morally deceive. Genesis 3:13 is the only place where it is translated ‘beguiled’. Elsewhere in the Old Testament the word is usually translated ‘deceive’.[28]
In response to the argument that Eve said she had "gotten a man from the Lord" (Genesis 4:1), Message believers claim that all life comes from God. They see the Biblical account as allegorical, with "eating" being equated with sexual relations, as in Proverbs 30:20.
And Cuppett, that website that you put the link to at the end of the post, absolutely hates Catholics.

Did I mention I was Catholic? lol.
TheRealVille Wrote:You do realize that Branham thought Eve had sex with the serpent , right?

yes i know, and before the curse of the serpent , it stood up right like a man, and looked like a man ,only diffrence it didnt have a soul,in Genesis 3;15 God was talking to the serpent and said he would, put enmity between his seed and her seed. and verse 16, he said he would greatly muliply thy sorrow and the conception,in sorrow thy shalt bring forth children...that was showing the act...and the same chapt verse 20,it says that EVE was the mother of ALL living,never does it ever state that adam was the father of all living...also when you look at the generations of adam, csin was not in it, cain had his own....and in 1st john chapt 3:12,it reads,not as Cain who was of that WICKED one,and slew his brother.and wherefore slew he him?because his own works were evil,and his brothers who is the wicked one ,sure not God.....anyway there many of verse tht backs this up, i am not on here to get in a debate, everything is by REVELATION, JESUS talked in parables alot and they ask him why and he said,becuase its not for everyone to understand, that dont mean because you dont your going to **** the ten virgins, 5 had oil(oil represents Holy GHOST)5 didnt and when the marriage super took place the 5 with the oil came in and the 5 without didnt because they was out looking for the oil, we must be ready anyday for his coming.....
vundy33 Wrote:And Cuppett, that website that you put the link to at the end of the post, absolutely hates Catholics.

Did I mention I was Catholic? lol.

thats not true, hates the systems, any demonation, not the people in them, no man was to rule over us, God WORD is to be are ruler, there a diffrence...
The Pope doesn't "rule" over us if that's what you mean.

It talks pretty bad about the Church. I swear, Christians have more hate in them than any other religion. For anything different. They always deny it though, I don't know why. Watch.
cuppett777 Wrote:yes i know, and before the curse of the serpent , it stood up right like a man, and looked like a man ,only diffrence it didnt have a soul,in Genesis 3;15 God was talking to the serpent and said he would, put enmity between his seed and her seed. and verse 16, he said he would greatly muliply thy sorrow and the conception,in sorrow thy shalt bring forth children...that was showing the act...and the same chapt verse 20,it says that EVE was the mother of ALL living,never does it ever state that adam was the father of all living...also when you look at the generations of adam, csin was not in it, cain had his own....and in 1st john chapt 3:12,it reads,not as Cain who was of that WICKED one,and slew his brother.and wherefore slew he him?because his own works were evil,and his brothers who is the wicked one ,sure not God.....anyway there many of verse tht backs this up, i am not on here to get in a debate, everything is by REVELATION, JESUS talked in parables alot and they ask him why and he said,becuase its not for everyone to understand, that dont mean because you dont your going to **** the ten virgins, 5 had oil(oil represents Holy GHOST)5 didnt and when the marriage super took place the 5 with the oil came in and the 5 without didnt because they was out looking for the oil, we must be ready anyday for his coming.....
At the very least, I'm agnostic, so believe any way you want. I cool with it. As long as you don't try to force it into schools or government. I have friends in just about all belief systems.
TheRealVille Wrote:At the very least, I'm agnostic, so believe any way you want. I cool with it. As long as you don't try to force it into schools or government. I have friends in just about all belief systems.

i dont try to force anything, someone ask me about it i tell them what i believe, not on here to try to change some one beliefs, if God dont give them a revelation, any man can say that this means something else and change there thoughts on it, the bible says it the Revelation of JESUS CHRIST.
vundy33 Wrote:The Pope doesn't "rule" over us if that's what you mean.

It talks pretty bad about the Church. I swear, Christians have more hate in them than any other religion. For anything different. They always deny it though, I don't know why. Watch.

show me ONE place BR.BRANHAM ever said he hated anyone in any church, he said he hates SIN, and the systems of the world counsel of churches.the Catholic church is the mother church and the demonational churches are her daughters it talks about in Revelation, take some time to really study it out, all throuth the bible God used Prophets, and Amos 3:7 it says ..surely the Lord will do nothing, but he revealth his secret unto his servants the prophets.. ..there again revelation and more than one prophet..Revelation 10:7 says... but in the days of thr voice of the 7th angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets......since the new testment there has been 7 diffrent church ages, the 1st started with Paul and each age there has been a messenger to each age,God have so much revelation to each age until the last one which we are in and all the truth is reveled like in Pauls day...William Branham NEVER taught hate against people, he always taught having perfect LOVE of God, because thats the only thing that will enter in the Kingdom.......sorry you will that way but its not true , i hope both of you and anyone else who reads this, may God bless you and your familys...
#44 another link, these are the 7 church age Messengers...
let me state it LOUD AND CLEAR, i DO NOT worship this man,nor will i ever,THE LORD JESUS ONLY,i just believe he was Gods prophet for are day...
If you guys don't mind, could you create a separate thread for that discussion? I prefer not to get too off topic in this thread.

In the future, I plan to try and explain everything about why I think the rapture could be soon. I really want you guys to fully understand why I'm saying that the rapture could be true. Sometime in the future (after Christmas), I hope to get enough time to explain everything. I'll try to post here all the sources that I'm getting this information from so that you guys can fully understand why I'm saying this and you can even look at these sources yourself to make your own decision. I would think that it's going to be a lot of information, and I encourage you guys to read that post, if you guys don't mind. I know it's very odd to say that the rapture is soon, but please read my next post.

By the way, Merry Christmas!!! Smile
Cuppett, why in the world are you acting like you know anything about Catholicism? Your post just showed me you didn't. I don't care what you believe or that you believe that guy is the prophet of our time. About a billion other people think it's about a billion other guys.

I used to be southern Baptist, but I changed after I started noticing all the different denominations and all the in-fighting. I was looking for the truth and I found something to have faith in. I just noticed what the website said about the church and thought it was pretty dickish of them.

He may have been a prophet, I don't know. I don't read into that stuff to much, primarily because of what I found after 10 minutes.
vundy33 Wrote:Cuppett, why in the world are you acting like you know anything about Catholicism? Your post just showed me you didn't. I don't care what you believe or that you believe that guy is the prophet of our time. About a billion other people think it's about a billion other guys.

I used to be southern Baptist, but I changed after I started noticing all the different denominations and all the in-fighting. I was looking for the truth and I found something to have faith in. I just noticed what the website said about the church and thought it was pretty dickish of them.

He may have been a prophet, I don't know. I don't read into that stuff to much, primarily because of what I found after 10 minutes.

well brother i wont agrue you with you, just stating what the King James Version says about, and you have to study stuff out more than 10minutes, we can agree to disagree, have a gr8 Christmas...
Deathstar 80 Wrote:If you guys don't mind, could you create a separate thread for that discussion? I prefer not to get too off topic in this thread.

In the future, I plan to try and explain everything about why I think the rapture could be soon. I really want you guys to fully understand why I'm saying that the rapture could be true. Sometime in the future (after Christmas), I hope to get enough time to explain everything. I'll try to post here all the sources that I'm getting this information from so that you guys can fully understand why I'm saying this and you can even look at these sources yourself to make your own decision. I would think that it's going to be a lot of information, and I encourage you guys to read that post, if you guys don't mind. I know it's very odd to say that the rapture is soon, but please read my next post.

By the way, Merry Christmas!!! Smile
you are right, the Rapture is REAL,and through alot of proptheic prophies, it could take place sometime in 2012,but no one knows 4 sure, because Jesus said no one knows the hour, he said just be ready, i hope its 2day to be honest and you have a Merry Christmas as well...
I was having a hard time posting the videos in this thread. I hope you guys don't mind, but I posted the information in this thread:

Please ignore the first two posts!! I made those two posts when I was trying to test out how the videos were working. Please go directly to the third post of that thread.

If there's any sources that you would like for me to look up for any of the information or anything like that, just ask me and I'll try my best to look for the sources.

Also, if any of you have any questions, feel free to ask.
^By the way, I know there's a lot to read and watch. However, it's very important for all of you to understand why I'm saying the rapture is soon. Please read what I've posted and then look up the information yourself. Also, please read the bible and see what it says about what the world will be like during and right before the tribulation period. Keep in mind that while you're reading the posts in that link, you can always take a break and come back to it later. I just really want all of you to know why I think the rapture could be soon.

Also, there's a lot of information about the rapture and tribulation period that I haven't mentioned. Please search for this information. If the rapture does happen soon (which I think is very possible), it'll be very important to understand the rapture and tribulation period. Here's a bible verse about watching for the rapture:

Luke 21:34-36 Wrote:34) “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35) For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36) Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
About the first Grant Jeffrey video that I posted, I found a free internet copy of the book that he was talking about. I encourage all of you to look at it and make sure Grant Jeffrey is correct in what he said about it. I think what Grant Jeffrey mentioned from the book was on page 75 of this book. Here's the free internet copy of "The First Global Revolution" by the Club of Rome:

If that link doesn't work properly, please tell me. I'll try to give you another link.

What this quote proves is that there are people who would like global government.

And I know that some people are saying the rapture will be around December 21, 2010 or something like that, but I really don't think that day will be when the rapture occurs. The bible verses I mentioned above clearly say that the rapture will be during a time when nobody will be aware of it. It's not going to be obvious or anything, but it's going to be completely surprising. The only people who might not be as surprised are those who will be watching for the rapture.
I want to point out that I don't think that the United States government collapsing is a sign for the rapture. I said that this was a sign for the rapture, but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. I think I misheard someone and I jumped to conclusions, and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry for the incorrection. However, the main point that I've been trying to show is that there are people wanting global government and are trying to create global government. The bible clearly points out that the antichrist will control the world during the tribulation period. Since there are people who are trying to create a world government, I would think that the rapture could happen soon.

By the way, I know all of this sounds odd, but please look at whether or not the rapture could happen. To those of you who aren't saved, please become saved soon. To those of you who are already saved, please live for Christ the best you can.
I have really really enjoyed monitoring this thread.
It's informative, and even if you disagree, your disagreements haven't been the usual name calling...I'm right and you're wrong...kind of crap.

Keep posting....
The end is near. Isn't birds falling from the sky one of the signs of the end:biggrin:
not only birds but also Arkansas officials are investigating the death of an estimated 100,000 fish in the state's northwest
Dead Birds Fall From Sky In Sweden, Millions Of Dead Fish Found In Maryland, Brazil, New Zealand

Oh my more events since last week
Dr. Peter Venkman: This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
Mayor: What do you mean, "biblical"?
Dr Ray Stantz: What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Exactly.
Dr Ray Stantz: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Dr. Egon Spengler: Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...
Winston Zeddemore: The dead rising from the grave!
Dr. Peter Venkman: Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
nky Wrote:Dead Birds Fall From Sky In Sweden, Millions Of Dead Fish Found In Maryland, Brazil, New Zealand

Oh my more events since last week
Dr. Peter Venkman: This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
Mayor: What do you mean, "biblical"?
Dr Ray Stantz: What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Exactly.
Dr Ray Stantz: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Dr. Egon Spengler: Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...
Winston Zeddemore: The dead rising from the grave!
Dr. Peter Venkman: Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
I am assuming this is all of some sort of humorous intent?
Bob Seger Wrote:I am assuming this is all of some sort of humorous intent?
Why was it funny?
nky Wrote:Why was it funny?

Well no, personally I didn't see any humor to it, but I was just curious as to what your angle was here.

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