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Bell Co 55 Harlan Co 42
This game was at Harlan Co. Bell improves to 3-0.
I went to a Rugby Match tonight and a Basketball Game broke

Nearly 50 fouls called in this game. I heard a comment by the gentleman who assigns officials for the 13th and he said more could have been called. :yikes:
^ 50 fouls? How many guys fouled out?
2 of Bell's starters fouled out in 3rd playing less than 10 min in the entire game. HC had 1 player foul out early in 4th. The game appeared to be officiated like a girls game. Some very soft whistles.
Cubs lose.
Well I for one, was very surprised at this ballgame. The score doesnt' reflect the game. And I am not easy to impress. Bell, ranked 4 in the mountains, struggled the whole time until HC was forced to foul in the 4th.
Officiating was terrible. I thought there was more than 50. Don White was perched just above us, watching the whole time. He shook his head a couple of times, at one particuliar official.
I was sitting with Dudley. Evidently the decision has been made about his successor, and it's just a matter of announcement. We got to watch John Dudley foul out with no points. It was a great time.
The game was reffed into HC hands, Bell never got into a flow and it showed, if they let some of the fouls go then Bell would have won by many more.
Any insite into who will be replacing Hilton, I bet someone close by?
HC has some problems with playing time and it will show later on inthe season, not very fun to watch (HC)
Well, I love to watch HC play. Starting 4 sophomores and 1 junior, the kids appear to be hungry and are usually very very fast in their game. Not so much last night, but I still enjoyed the game.....all but the officiating.
I don't believe the game was reffed into "anyone's" hands. The refs, to me anyway, were obviously being graded. They made sure to even up the team fouls closse to the end of each quarter. Blatant fouls were ignored while the more simple fouls would be called. I realize that a hand check can be a foul, but there has to be more consistency in the officiating.
Refs are asked to emphasize on hand checks this year.
Yeah, zaga, I've heard that several times this year. Also seen it being called much more, and that's fine. My point is simply that, as an official, the calls need to be consistent in order to be fair. I don't think it's right for an official to be all over a hand check, and ignore 3 sec call, of over the back, etc.
Last night's game got pretty physical a couple of times, and I thought that the refs lost control. They were all over the hand checks, but were so focused on them that they copped out with a double foul call when an altercation broke out. Didn't seem like any of the three of them saw who started the fight.....I think, with 3 officials, that is inexcusable.
Congrats bell co.
Granny Bear Wrote:^^
Yeah, zaga, I've heard that several times this year. Also seen it being called much more, and that's fine. My point is simply that, as an official, the calls need to be consistent in order to be fair. I don't think it's right for an official to be all over a hand check, and ignore 3 sec call, of over the back, etc.
Last night's game got pretty physical a couple of times, and I thought that the refs lost control. They were all over the hand checks, but were so focused on them that they copped out with a double foul call when an altercation broke out. Didn't seem like any of the three of them saw who started the fight.....I think, with 3 officials, that is inexcusable.

Granny your old eyes maybe fading.:blabbermo There was no altercation or fight in this game. Both teams played very hard. Harlan Co. was playing just as rough as Bell was. Bell is just a little older and more talented this year.
Fight, what fight? Only fight i saw was people running to get out of the gym. Very ugly game to call, and I do believe hand checking is being called to much and othe calls are let go.
Bell is going to be tough to beat this year. Coach Morris is doing a good job.
No shocker here, cubs lose. Grats Bell.
Can anyone tell me how Massingill played? He is my favorite of the young HC guards.
Masingill did not play one of his better games. All of the guards struggled from the 3 point range.

"old eyes".....LMAO I'll bet Granny is still fuming over that one, BobCat Dad.

Fact is, SOMETHING happened or the double foul wouldn't have been called. I know what Granny is talking about; the officiating. If someone as blind as she is can see it from the stands, why are there 3 refs out there with their eyes closed and their fingers up their behinds.

I think it's obvious that the officiating is under strong scrutiny in this region. I hope it helps!!

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