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North Korea fires on South Korea

A South Korean Marine has died and at least a dozen others are injured. Hopefully, since a Marine died, we'll hit NK with an airstrike or two so they realize they just can't punk the U.S. and South Korea.

What do you peeps think?
This is the consequence of electing an incompetent president with no real experience beyond community organizing and a facing a classroom of college students. North Korea can expect a strongly worded, two-teleprompter rebuke by the Obama administration.

Unless North Korea launches a full fledged assault on its southern neighbor, the Obama administration will try all the tried and true liberal avenues to restore peace. They will handcuff our military, whine to the UN, and appeal for restraing by all concerned parties. Every time that provocations such as this one go unanswered in kind, the likelihood of larger incidents grows.
This business needs to be taken care of swiftly and decisively. Two things this administration will not do.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:This is the consequence of electing an incompetent president with no real experience beyond community organizing and a facing a classroom of college students. North Korea can expect a strongly worded, two-teleprompter rebuke by the Obama administration.

Unless North Korea launches a full fledged assault on its southern neighbor, the Obama administration will try all the tried and true liberal avenues to restore peace. They will handcuff our military, whine to the UN, and appeal for restraing by all concerned parties. Every time that provocations such as this one go unanswered in kind, the likelihood of larger incidents grows.

Hoot Gibson, drawing a line of direct causation where the fair minded would not...typical.
This could get ugly. For the life of me, I don't want to get involved in Korean affairs but at the same time, sometimes you have to nip it in the bud.

Nobody wants to fight a forest fire, but usually it's much easier to put out the spark. I am almost convinced that the US needs to take action. I am just glad that I am not making these decisions, lol.
This will either begin a start of a cold war with North Korea, or something much greater, like world war III.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:This is the consequence of electing an incompetent president with no real experience beyond community organizing and a facing a classroom of college students. North Korea can expect a strongly worded, two-teleprompter rebuke by the Obama administration.

Unless North Korea launches a full fledged assault on its southern neighbor, the Obama administration will try all the tried and true liberal avenues to restore peace. They will handcuff our military, whine to the UN, and appeal for restraing by all concerned parties. Every time that provocations such as this one go unanswered in kind, the likelihood of larger incidents grows.

This was Obamas fault?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:This was Obamas fault?

I know!
Wildcatk23 Wrote:This was Obamas fault?

Im okay with that answer LOL
CandyKane Wrote:Im okay with that answer LOL

LOL :Thumbs:
^ so 9/11 was bush's fault. Finally you guys let out the truth.

South Korea has the capabilities to take care of this itself. I think the most we would do is help with intel and maybe some SOF.

To tell you the truth, I think the administration should go to China about overthrowing Kim Jong Il's admin. I think China would go for it, especially if they got a piece of got to govern over it. Ya know, a new Taiwan. China doesn't like needless attention brought to the area, and definitely doesn't want an ally as close as NK to get in an altercation with the U.S. or it's close allies.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:This will either begin a start of a cold war with North Korea, or something much greater, like world war III.
more than likely something in between.
China just needs to cut NK off.

NK would be nothing without China.
North Korea is performing a service for China. They are poking the US and our allies to see just how far Obama can be pushed without a serious response. Weakness in the face of provocation invites escalation. Neville Chamberlain's experience in that area should have taught this nation that lesson in the 1930s.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:This was Obamas fault?
No, it is not Obama's fault that his inept foreign policy has put South Korea and out other Pacific allies in this situation - it is the fault of the people who voted to elect him.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No, it is not Obama's fault that his inept foreign policy has put South Korea and out other Pacific allies in this situation - it is the fault of the people who voted to elect him.

:lmao: I almost pee'd myself!
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No, it is not Obama's fault that his inept foreign policy has put South Korea and out other Pacific allies in this situation - it is the fault of the people who voted to elect him.

Now two years later no one admits that they voted for good ole Barry.....amazing. :biggrin:
Would one of you Obama supporters care to list all of Obama's foreign policy coups? (Use this as a team building exercise if you like and pool your resources to compile a list.) Here, I will start the list for you:

1. Won a Nobel Peace Prize in record time. (If you can explain why, then that can be your #2).
Old School Wrote:Now two years later no one admits that they voted for good ole Barry.....amazing. :biggrin:
Soon the Obama bumper stickers will be as rare a sight as a Yugo plastered with Dukakis stickers.
The U.S. gives alot to NK, don't forget that. Also, China isn't behind this crap, they think it's just as stupid as we do.

This isn't a NK vs. U.S.'s NK - SK. It's not about if the Obama administration will do something about it, it's about if SK will do something about it. We will have South Korea's back with whatever happens, it's not Obama's or anyone is this admin's decision.
I fully expect SK to do something, but I don't think they'll do anything without the backing of any of their allies.

Aren't China & NK allies? Not rhetorical either.
Yeah, but it doesn't matter. They're pretty much a big brother, but they won't hesitate to let NK fight on their own.

SK doesn't need us in this, they're a smaller version of us, just with no balls. We have a binding agreement to support SK in anything like this, China and NK doesn't have that, and frankly China is trying to distance itself from NK right now more than ever.
vundy33 Wrote:The U.S. gives alot to NK, don't forget that. Also, China isn't behind this crap, they think it's just as stupid as we do.

This isn't a NK vs. U.S.'s NK - SK. It's not about if the Obama administration will do something about it, it's about if SK will do something about it. We will have South Korea's back with whatever happens, it's not Obama's or anyone is this admin's decision.
With all due respect, Vundy, and I know that the message from the Obama White House is the same as from the Bush White House with regards to China, what reason do we really have to believe that China is not encouraging North Korea behind the scenes? They were the North's allies during the Korean War and they are actively building up their navy and missile technology to challenge the US in the Pacific. Our government's reaction to North Korea's provocations and nuclear buildup gives the Chinese valuable intelligence about how we might react to an attack on Taiwan.

We were the South Koreans' ally during the war and the war has never ended. I don't see how you can say that this is provocation does not involve the US.The US has more than 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea. Anything that North Korea does to threaten the truce should be a top priority of the Obama administration. The weak reaction to North Korea's sinking of a ship a few months ago in which 46 sailors died does encourage attacks like the one that occurred this morning.
Obama: "US stands shoulder to shoulder" with S.Korea, condemns "outrageous action" by N.Korea."
Hoot Gibson Wrote:With all due respect, Vundy, and I know that the message from the Obama White House is the same as from the Bush White House with regards to China, what reason do we really have to believe that China is not encouraging North Korea behind the scenes? They were the North's allies during the Korean War and they are actively building up their navy and missile technology to challenge the US in the Pacific. Our government's reaction to North Korea's provocations and nuclear buildup gives the Chinese valuable intelligence about how we might react to an attack on Taiwan.

We were the South Koreans' ally during the war and the war has never ended. I don't see how you can say that this is provocation does not involve the US.The US has more than 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea. Anything that North Korea does to threaten the truce should be a top priority of the Obama administration. The weak reaction to North Korea's sinking of a ship a few months ago in which 46 sailors died does encourage attacks like the one that occurred this morning.

Because that's what world powers do. They build their countries up, and that includes the military. Go look at any PRC news and you'll see that they're getting sick and tires of NK's retardedness. This is not 1951. It's a different time and we're a different country. An attack on Taiwan or any kind of Chinese-American conflict would be horrible for their economy and bad for ours. It won't happen, and if it does it won't have anything to do with NK.

It does have nothing to do with us. They're doing it because they call SK a "puppet" to the U.S., which is exactly what they are to China. I meant that if SK does do anything, it won't involve us. They have more than enough capability to take on anything NK can throw at it.

What I meant by it is that this is nothing to big to worry about for the American people. If something was started up, China and the U.S. would interrupt in a hurry and get something worked out to stop the conflict. Either that, or NK quits on their own.

Personally, I think within the next week NK will send a few more arty rounds South Korea's way, and SK will respond with a few airstrikes that will absolutely dominate whatever they hit, and NK will get the hint and it will be quite for another 12 months until NK does something like this again.

I think this is a threat that needs to be dealt with now, whether it's a joint China-U.S. op or South Korean. We can't have a country like that just doing as they please and the only punishment they get is a few mean letters.
President Barack Obama on Tuesday pledged the United States would stand "shoulder to shoulder" with South Korea and stage joint military exercises in response to what the White House branded a provocative, outrageous attack by North Korea on its neighbor.
Obama called South Korean President Lee Myung-bak Tuesday night, saying the U.S. would work with the international community to strongly condemn the attack that killed the two South Koreans and injured many more, the White House said.
The White House said the two presidents agreed to hold combined military exercises and enhanced training in the days ahead to continue the close security cooperation between the two countries.
The USS George Washington carrier strike group will join South Korean naval forces in the waters west of the Korean peninsula Nov. 28-Dec. 1 to conduct air defense and surface warfare readiness training that had been planned well before Tuesday's attack, the White House said.
Obama assured Lee that "the United States stands shoulder to shoulder with our close friend and ally, the Republic of Korea," the White House statement said.

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Hopefully a few stray arty round will land on a few barracks at night. Maybe that will deter them from firing on SK unprovoked.
^ Amen brother!
vundy33 Wrote:Because that's what world powers do. They build their countries up, and that includes the military. Go look at any PRC news and you'll see that they're getting sick and tires of NK's retardedness. This is not 1951. It's a different time and we're a different country. An attack on Taiwan or any kind of Chinese-American conflict would be horrible for their economy and bad for ours. It won't happen, and if it does it won't have anything to do with NK.

It does have nothing to do with us. They're doing it because they call SK a "puppet" to the U.S., which is exactly what they are to China. I meant that if SK does do anything, it won't involve us. They have more than enough capability to take on anything NK can throw at it.

What I meant by it is that this is nothing to big to worry about for the American people. If something was started up, China and the U.S. would interrupt in a hurry and get something worked out to stop the conflict. Either that, or NK quits on their own.

Personally, I think within the next week NK will send a few more arty rounds South Korea's way, and SK will respond with a few airstrikes that will absolutely dominate whatever they hit, and NK will get the hint and it will be quite for another 12 months until NK does something like this again.

I think this is a threat that needs to be dealt with now, whether it's a joint China-U.S. op or South Korean. We can't have a country like that just doing as they please and the only punishment they get is a few mean letters.
You make some excellent points but I think that it is a mistake to assume that China's views of North Korea are similar to our's because China is an emerging super power and the US is a super power. China is still governed by a brutal totalitarian government that tightly controls its media. News reports published by the Chinese media should not be taken at face value.

China already has a military more than strong enough to defend against any potential threat in the region. The focus on its recent modernization has been its missiles based in eastern China and its navy. The Chinese government clearly perceives the US as its adversary in the region and is focusing the development of its military capability accordingly.

The only reason that, from China's perspective, might cause them to influence North Korea to stop provoking South Korea and its allies is the fear that a new war would create a massive flow of NK refugees across its border.

I would like to see the US pass a law making it illegal for any American citizen or government agency to provide any kind of aid, including fuel oil and food, to Pyongyang. Great nations do not submit to blackmail in conducting foreign policy and we should be demanding payment from North Korea for all of the aid that was given that regime in exchange for North Korea's pledge to suspend its nuclear program. Nothing will ever be achieved through negotiations with North Korea without a credible threat of force and we no longer have credibility in that area. The leaders in Pyongyang do not fear or respect strongly worded speeches read from a teleprompter.

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