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Corbin 48 Prestonsburg 14
Congrats Corbin.

I really didnt expect this outcome, i knew they had a chance to win but not tto blow out Pburg.

This is one of the most impressive games ive seen Corbin put together for the players they have.

Truly a great game and one away from a state title game.

Good Job Corbin.
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:Thank you for the kind comments and well wishes. You guys are a class act. You have the foundation to do great things in the next few years. I just wish we could have had a similar game plan last year when we were at your house. Smile But, it was not to be. Where is Michael Burchette and Austin McKinney playing this year? How are they doing? Good luck with everything in the off season as you prepare for next year.

IDK much about Pburg, but WYMT did a story on Burchette a few weeks ago. He walked on at UK, and I think was red shirted this year. He was running plays on the scout team as a quarterback.
As someone who has been around the Prestonsburg program for a long time I can only remember very few playoff games that they were dominated this bad. Boyle Co. in the State-Semis in 2000 and Bardstown in the State Championship in 01. Up front Corbin absolutely dominated this game from start to finish. Defensively we just could not tackle anyone. And I will say this, while it is up to the defense to show some pride and stop people , I thought that the TD throw late was uncalled for. The game was over and Jewell really surprised me by that move. Butt like I said defense has to play the entire game.
I will say this to all the returning Blackcats. They have an opportunity next year with all the talent they return to do something really really special. Next year's senior class has been talked about since they were freshmen how they could be the ones to win a state title. So now its put up or shut up time. A lot of guys just flat out didn't show up lastnight, a lot of guys just got their butts kicked. Its up to YOU all as players to take this offseason to more then anything mentally toughen up. It seemed as though when things got tough this year a lot of people broke under pressure. Its up to each and every player (especially you seniors) to hold each other accountable for their every day approach to football. I felt like from the games I saw this year that everyone was just doing their own thing, but they were soo talented that they got by with it for the most part. And we see what happens when we met up with someone just as talented. Talent can win you regular season football games. But CHAMPIONSHIPS, which I assume is what everyone wants, are won with HEART! Scratching tooth and nail, fighting til your last breath, and willing to do whatever it takes to WIN!

Love each other, play for each other, and cherish every moment you all have from here on out guys. Life is a vapor, gone in a flash. And you don't want to look back in 10 years and say man I wish i would have played a little harder, i wish i would have put a little more time into it. Because it can and will haunt you if you dont.

I'm proud of this team for what they accomplished this year. They had a great year but I know they are a better team then what they showed lastnight. And I also know that they are destined for greater things then just a district championship and a regional runner up. Coach D and staff work too hard for that to be all they accomplish. The more you except out of each other the more you will get out of each other every time you step out on that field. And all I can say is if you arent killing yourselves every day for a STATE CHAMPIONSHIP, then you are playing the wrong sport at the wrong school.

Corbin 48, Prestonsburg 14: Matthew Taylor ran for 1-yard scores and caught a 32-yard pass from Ty Cobb in Corbin's home win against Prestonsburg. Cobb also threw a 36-yard TD pass to Brady Foley.

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BIGREDDAWG Wrote:Thank you for the kind comments and well wishes. You guys are a class act. You have the foundation to do great things in the next few years. I just wish we could have had a similar game plan last year when we were at your house. Smile But, it was not to be. Where is Michael Burchette and Austin McKinney playing this year? How are they doing? Good luck with everything in the off season as you prepare for next year.

Burchett walked on at UK and he's redshirting this season, but does run the scout team.

McKinney goes to EKU.
Blackcats - you had a great year and it was a pleasure to follow you guys. You were fun to watch and gave us a great ride. Use the off-season to workout and eat your Wheaties, and get ready for 2011. I know I can't wait. Seniors, you left your mark on a great program. Congratulations and best of luck!

Regarding the game - what can you say? Hats off to Corbin. They were ready to play and it showed. They played good ol' hard hittin' football. They were not what I would consider a big team, but they were strong, quick, and could deliver a hit. Their O&D front lines were dominant and were a pleasure to watch - sadly. They had legs like tree trunks and overran us all night.

Corbin was the kind of team, and had the kind of players we struggled with all year, i.e. they were very physical. I believe we could have beat Pike Central 4 out of 5 times, but teams like Corbin and Breathitt overwhelmed us.

Best of luck to Corbin. GREAT SEASON BLACKCATS!!!!
OldTymer Wrote:As someone who has been around the Prestonsburg program for a long time I can only remember very few playoff games that they were dominated this bad. Boyle Co. in the State-Semis in 2000 and Bardstown in the State Championship in 01. Up front Corbin absolutely dominated this game from start to finish. Defensively we just could not tackle anyone. And I will say this, while it is up to the defense to show some pride and stop people , I thought that the TD throw late was uncalled for. The game was over and Jewell really surprised me by that move. Butt like I said defense has to play the entire game.
I will say this to all the returning Blackcats. They have an opportunity next year with all the talent they return to do something really really special. Next year's senior class has been talked about since they were freshmen how they could be the ones to win a state title. So now its put up or shut up time. A lot of guys just flat out didn't show up lastnight, a lot of guys just got their butts kicked. Its up to YOU all as players to take this offseason to more then anything mentally toughen up. It seemed as though when things got tough this year a lot of people broke under pressure. Its up to each and every player (especially you seniors) to hold each other accountable for their every day approach to football. I felt like from the games I saw this year that everyone was just doing their own thing, but they were soo talented that they got by with it for the most part. And we see what happens when we met up with someone just as talented. Talent can win you regular season football games. But CHAMPIONSHIPS, which I assume is what everyone wants, are won with HEART! Scratching tooth and nail, fighting til your last breath, and willing to do whatever it takes to WIN!

Love each other, play for each other, and cherish every moment you all have from here on out guys. Life is a vapor, gone in a flash. And you don't want to look back in 10 years and say man I wish i would have played a little harder, i wish i would have put a little more time into it. Because it can and will haunt you if you dont.

I'm proud of this team for what they accomplished this year. They had a great year but I know they are a better team then what they showed lastnight. And I also know that they are destined for greater things then just a district championship and a regional runner up. Coach D and staff work too hard for that to be all they accomplish. The more you except out of each other the more you will get out of each other every time you step out on that field. And all I can say is if you arent killing yourselves every day for a STATE CHAMPIONSHIP, then you are playing the wrong sport at the wrong school.


I didn't agree with throwing that TD with around 8:45 left on the clock, the game was in hand, just run the ball and run the clock. Coach Farris would have been the one calling the offensive plays though, not Jewell.
SEKYFAN Wrote:I didn't agree with throwing that TD with around 8:45 left on the clock, the game was in hand, just run the ball and run the clock. Coach Farris would have been the one calling the offensive plays though, not Jewell.

I didnt agree with the play call as well. The game was in hand, and there was no need to be passing the ball. However, after the score the freshmen/JV played the rest of the way. On the other side P'Burg didn't sub down. I guess in a game of this magnitude coaches might no be thinking clearly about everything.
OldTymer Wrote:...
I will say this to all the returning Blackcats. They have an opportunity next year with all the talent they return to do something really really special. Next year's senior class has been talked about since they were freshmen how they could be the ones to win a state title. So now its put up or shut up time. A lot of guys just flat out didn't show up lastnight, a lot of guys just got their butts kicked. Its up to YOU all as players to take this offseason to more then anything mentally toughen up. It seemed as though when things got tough this year a lot of people broke under pressure. Its up to each and every player (especially you seniors) to hold each other accountable for their every day approach to football. I felt like from the games I saw this year that everyone was just doing their own thing, but they were soo talented that they got by with it for the most part. And we see what happens when we met up with someone just as talented. Talent can win you regular season football games. But CHAMPIONSHIPS, which I assume is what everyone wants, are won with HEART! Scratching tooth and nail, fighting til your last breath, and willing to do whatever it takes to WIN!

Love each other, play for each other, and cherish every moment you all have from here on out guys. Life is a vapor, gone in a flash. And you don't want to look back in 10 years and say man I wish i would have played a little harder, i wish i would have put a little more time into it. Because it can and will haunt you if you dont.

I'm proud of this team for what they accomplished this year. They had a great year but I know they are a better team then what they showed lastnight. And I also know that they are destined for greater things then just a district championship and a regional runner up. Coach D and staff work too hard for that to be all they accomplish. The more you except out of each other the more you will get out of each other every time you step out on that field. And all I can say is if you arent killing yourselves every day for a STATE CHAMPIONSHIP, then you are playing the wrong sport at the wrong school.


A post from the heart, and all very true. The only thing I'd add is, Prestonsburg needs to learn/re-learn how to run the football.

It'll be interesting to see how the coaching staff approach next year. IMO, this entire year has demonstrated the weakness of the jet series. Additionally, the spread can't be fully utilized without a mobile QB (Crisp has a fine arm, but he's the poorest running QB P-burg has had in many years). While Anderson would be an upgrade at QB in the spread, he may be the only player on the team suited to play tailback in a standard running formation (with the possible exception of Keens).

The one real disturbing aspect of this Prestonsburg team was weak all year long on blocking and tackling fundamentals. That shouldn't be so - even on a team as young as this one.

IMO, the coaches have some real thinking to do and a lot of work ahead of them.
When the winning team subs down, the opposing team needs to sub down at that time. Not after your best player (as describe here on BluegrassRivals) scores on our freshman. As for our last score, our kids need experience, encouragement and motivation. They deserve to enjoy the excitment of the best game of their lives, so far. Believe me the Redhound faithfull are shocked and amazed, also. This is by far the youngest, smallest and least experienced team I can remember putting on the field. They played with such heart, determination and fire. All Old Redhounds are walking a little taller today. Congratulation to the 2010 Redhounds, let's keep it rolling!!

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