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C.O.D Black Ops
Its good.. The online is really smooth and I haven't saw any problems with it yet
Not as good as Warfare. Going into a game with a party is really aggravating. You lose people really easily. If your not host then your team is probably going to lose.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Not as good as Warfare. Going into a game with a party is really aggravating. You lose people really easily. If your not host then your team is probably going to lose.

Sounds fun :HitWall:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Not as good as Warfare. Going into a game with a party is really aggravating. You lose people really easily. If your not host then your team is probably going to lose.
Basically the only problem I have with this game. That has to be fixed. I am beyond ****ed about it.

Also the campaign on Veteran is by far the hardest and most aggrevating thing I have ever tried to do on a video game.

So far I like the MP better than Modern Warfare 2. Guys can't knife you from 20+ feet and Chopper Gunner can't shoot through everything.
I haven't got it yet, but buddies have told me that things just didn't look realistic.(guns) But they said it was better than MW2. So, I don't know.

I'll see for myself this weekend when I go get a copy.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
I love the game.. They did a lot better than MW2 IMO on this game..
You actually have to be good at this game to get good killstreaks.. You cant just camp, get a chopper or something and get a gunship.. It takes skill and thats what I like about it..

Some of the guns do look unrealistic, but idc..

My KD/R as of right now is 1.86, I am a level 43. Level goes all way to 50 on the 15 Prestige.

Gun of choice is the AK74u

Hardline, Warlord, Marathon

Killstreak, Spy Plane, Care package, Chopper gunner.
i like the game but i like MW2 better. lose people very easily going into a game.
Ballers Wrote:I love the game.. They did a lot better than MW2 IMO on this game..
You actually have to be good at this game to get good killstreaks.. You cant just camp, get a chopper or something and get a gunship.. It takes skill and thats what I like about it..

Some of the guns do look unrealistic, but idc..

My KD/R as of right now is 1.86, I am a level 43. Level goes all way to 50 on the 15 Prestige.

Gun of choice is the AK74u

Hardline, Warlord, Marathon

Killstreak, Spy Plane, Care package, Chopper gunner.

I'm going to be soooooo rusty when I get it.
Forgot to mention, no stopping power on this game which is GREAT!!
You don't have to worry about someone being over powered when you have run-ins on the game..

I go in and around looking for people to kill no matter what game type and don't have to worry whether or not they have stopping power equipped.

Anyone who takes the game seriously, I strongly advise using hardline.
Aslan Wrote:Niceee.
I'm going to be soooooo rusty when I get it.

No worries just party up with me kitty, I pack a usual 5 on my back..
Replacing one for you will be no different lol..

I know this probably sounds bad on me.. But to get a better advantage on the online gameplay I actually played around on the maps with some friends in local so I wouldn't destroy my KD/R spread.. It worked greatly as you can see.

I hope modders don't take up the leaderboards in this one, but I look for it to happen.
Treyarch did much better on this game than WoW. But I still prefer MW series, but I still like the game.

Like how you have to use points to upgrade everything also, finally separates the good from the bad.

Graphics aren't all that great either.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Treyarch did much better on this game than WoW. But I still prefer MW series, but I still like the game.

Like how you have to use points to upgrade everything also, finally separates the good from the bad.

Graphics aren't all that great either.

If you have a highdef tv with highdef cables it looks great.
Also I have a ps3 so thats a difference too.
Ballers Wrote:No worries just party up with me kitty, I pack a usual 5 on my back..
Replacing one for you will be no different lol..

I know this probably sounds bad on me.. But to get a better advantage on the online gameplay I actually played around on the maps with some friends in local so I wouldn't destroy my KD/R spread.. It worked greatly as you can see.

I hope modders don't take up the leaderboards in this one, but I look for it to happen.

I'm not a fan of getting packed ballers lol.
I'll get the rust off today and play some mw2. I refuse to get a bad start on my k'd like I have the last two COD's.
Aslan Wrote:I'm not a fan of getting packed ballers lol.
I'll get the rust off today and play some mw2. I refuse to get a bad start on my k'd like I have the last two COD's.

Me also.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Not as good as Warfare. Going into a game with a party is really aggravating. You lose people really easily. If your not host then your team is probably going to lose.

Againstme! Wrote::Thumbs::Thumbs::Thumbs::Thumbs::Thumbs:

Hmm, well at least it doesn't take you an hour to get in a match Smile
Ballers Wrote:Hmm, well at least it doesn't take you an hour to get in a match Smile

MW2 i never had to wait as long as it takes in this game. it usually is a good 20 min wait for a game...not saying its awful but its just annoying
Againstme! Wrote:MW2 i never had to wait as long as it takes in this game. it usually is a good 20 min wait for a game...not saying its awful but its just annoying

You must have a wal-mart connection then cause I don't have that prob.
Aslan Wrote:I'm not a fan of getting packed ballers lol.
I'll get the rust off today and play some mw2. I refuse to get a bad start on my k'd like I have the last two COD's.

Nevermind this, I've got a horrible start on my k/d.
It's amazing how good one's K/D ratio can be when you don't have to dodge people knifing you from 20 feet.
Got it and I do like it better than MW2 but not as much as COD4.
Amun-Ra Wrote:It's amazing how good one's K/D ratio can be when you don't have to dodge people knifing you from 20 feet.

I don't even care about mine.lol
The only thing I don't like about this game is that you can be unloadin on someone and they shoot you twice and your dead, and when you watch the kill cam they are shooting at your feet.
king360 Wrote:The only thing I don't like about this game is that you can be unloadin on someone and they shoot you twice and your dead, and when you watch the kill cam they are shooting at your feet.
Yea I know. I have shot guys with 3 bursts with the M16 and they still won't die. That's friggin crazy.
The Guns are Inconsistent. The Lag Is Horrible. Playing with your friends in a party is impossible. Guns look Like Plato. Graphics look like there from PS2. YOu have to buy your guns? YOu dont have to really earn anything on here. Like the Camo and stuff. ITs so Cheap. This game is a ripoff. If it wasnt new i would pick MOdern Warfare 1 or 2 over it any day of the weak. Its a ripoff off world at war with some warfare advancements.

Pros. U can customize ur tag. Customize gun,
Wildcatk23 Wrote:The Guns are Inconsistent. The Lag Is Horrible. Playing with your friends in a party is impossible. Guns look Like Plato. Graphics look like there from PS2. YOu have to buy your guns? YOu dont have to really earn anything on here. Like the Camo and stuff. ITs so Cheap. This game is a ripoff. If it wasnt new i would pick MOdern Warfare 1 or 2 over it any day of the weak. Its a ripoff off world at war with some warfare advancements.

Pros. U can customize ur tag. Customize gun,

Ahhh you hater...
Famas don't have the three round burst like it did on MW2.
You can also no longer get a kill with the 1st three round burst from the M16 Sad
Try out the commando.. its an assault rifle and it does the trick.. It will not dis-satisfy you i promise.
Ballers Wrote:Try out the commando.. its an assault rifle and it does the trick.. It will not dis-satisfy you i promise.

Some of us isn't level 45 yet.
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