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South Floyd 78 Phelps 58
Weston Little had a huge game tonight. 424 rushing yards for a New School Record and 5 rushing TDs. Weston had 469 total yards and 6 Tds. Tonight wasnt a good night for defense but it sure was fun to watch lol, Dakota Newsome also had a solid game tonight 120 yards passing and 2 Tds, 110 yard rushing and 3tds. Congrats Raiders.
WOW! Talk about a scoring fest! Anyone have team stats on this game? Congrats Raiders!
what is up with all the high scoring games? did the defense stay home or something?
Buh. Too much for my blood.
I seriously think its basketball season early LOL. Congrats SF.
South Floyd can flat out hit the 3 ball....


Ahhh crap.
Way to play guys. Make Coach Jody Hall proud.
way to go raiders!!! way to bounce back from last week. congrats to weston on a huge game.
Congrats SF and Weston Little
Congrats to Little on the new record!! Way to play SF.
Congrats Raiders
leecoukfan Wrote:Anyone have team stats on this game?

May be a while... heard the stat guy was hospitalized due to exhaustion AND severe writers cramp.
Amun-Ra Wrote:Way to play guys. Make Coach Jody Hall proud.

Of the defense?????
Stardust Wrote:Of the defense?????
If had watch any games you would know that SF dont play no defense, Jeez get with the program LOL
Hope Coach Hall is feeling better.

Coach Hall must be proud that Shannon Turner lit up the 3 ball Friday Night Oh Wait, this is a football thread

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