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Raceland 42 Russell 30
Raceland come to play and shows you the playoffs could be wild.
Grats Raceland
This game was exactly what I said it would be. We couldn't stop the run and Russell sat back and let Farley eat them alive which in turn opened up our non existant running game. Kids played hard on both teams. Exciting fun game.
Raceland always steps up huge against Russell! I don't understand how but we do. How about coach Mglone punting an not going for it on 4th?
Ram Fan04 Wrote:Raceland always steps up huge against Russell! I don't understand how but we do. How about coach Mglone punting an not going for it on 4th?

Yea.....I didn't grasp that decision at that point in the game. How about only rushing 3 allnite.
Unfortunately for Russell the game has adapted and the coaching staff hasn't. By the way is there a fire in Raceland or something I'm hearing all kinds of sirens??
Ram Fan04 Wrote:Raceland always steps up huge against Russell! I don't understand how but we do. How about coach Mglone punting an not going for it on 4th?

putting the game in the hands of your defense at this point when you havent stoped them all night......nice move
agree with Ram-a-devil. Both teams played hard. Neither could really stop the other. Raceland played better.

Both teams really decimated by injuries.

Congratulations to TJ and the ams.
congrats to Raceland
Russell either has some severe conditioning problems or some really bad luck. I knew they were going into the game without Davidson and Bailey. I didn't know Huffine was out as well. Then they lost about 3 or 4 more starters throughout the course of the game, not to mention a few others who repeatedly went down with cramps. Raceland just had the one guy go down late in the 4th quarter, albeit their best player of the night Litteral.
I didnt get to see this game but by the sounds of it this was a good one. Ram fan04 hit the nail on the head, its not the russell coaching staff thats stuck in the past though, its the man in charge. The Wing T is a great offense if you have the line, good running back, and ofcourse a strong, hard-nosed quarterback. But unfortunately enough russell lacks each of the three necessities. I feel you have to adapt your offense to the team when you lack so many qualities.Mcglone doesnt seem to do well under pressure. you have got to have absolute confidence in your team to rise up to each occasion, even if they really arent the best team you HAVE to take chances you cannot always play it safe. I've had the privelage to watch Mcglone for a long time now and seeing it first hand he seems to panic when backed into a corner. Im not taking anything away from him. He is an OUTSANDING coach, but maybe its time to start considering handing over the reins to a most definatly ready Coach Morris. Raceland's coaching staff is outstanding they know how to work with the kids and they take the time needed to show the kids and give them the tools they need to go out of friday nights and excel. Good luck to both teams in the play-offs.
Raceland also played without their second best back in Ralph Burchett. Which put all the weight on Michael Litteral who stepped up big!! But Ralph is the second head to this offense alot like Denton and Carver were back in 08. And Russell could not stop Raceland without the two top backs in the offense with the game on the line. That along with what I thought was poor time management on Russells side made the game.
Ram Fan04 Wrote:Raceland also played without their second best back in Ralph Burchett. Which put all the weight on Michael Litteral who stepped up big!! But Ralph is the second head to this offense alot like Denton and Carver were back in 08. And Russell could not stop Raceland without the two top backs in the offense with the game on the line. That along with what I thought was poor time management on Russells side made the game.

True. I honestly was surprised Russell punted it back to Raceland with 3 minutes left. At that point, the better bet seemed like trying to convert the 4th down. Russell's defense hadn't stopped Raceland all night.
True story RP. You are one of the few I respect on this site. Regardless it was a good game from both sides. Which kept me on the seat watching the clock the whole 4th quarter. Good luck to the devils in the playoffs. You'll be the only team in this county I'm pulling for other than the rams.
Ram Fan04 Wrote:True story RP. You are one of the few I respect on this site. Regardless it was a good game from both sides. Which kept me on the seat watching the clock the whole 4th quarter. Good luck to the devils in the playoffs. You'll be the only team in this county I'm pulling for other than the rams.

Given the number of injuries Russell seems to have right now and the fact they are probably going to have to face a very tough Pike County Central team in round 1, Russell will need some 4-leaf clovers in the playoffs.

Raceland has to go on the road, but I think they'll be the favorite in round 1. Then will come LCA at Lexington again.
Well have to go through Fairview in round two without our two best backs I believe. And campbellsville(round 1) is no slouch.
i had this totally wrong, i picked Russell.

Congrats Raceland
Ram Fan04 Wrote:Well have to go through Fairview in round two without our two best backs I believe. And campbellsville(round 1) is no slouch.

I might be mistaken, but I think Raceland is the 3 seed in their district. They face the 2 seed from the other district (Campbellsville) for the right to play the winner of the 1-4 matchup (LCA). LCA is probably planning to see both Raceland and Fairview again.
Hmm you may be right I was just thinking about previous years I suppose. I was thinking our 3 seed played the own 2 seed in our district. Due to the previous years when we have played Fairview at home on week 2. But my knowledge is skewed alot. And may just be praying for a rematch between us and Fairview due to revenge.
Time management from Russell and taking their 2nd time out because only 9 players was on the field for the punt, which left them only one timeout with Raceland having the ball with 3 minutes left. I can't believe they didn't call a fake during the timeout. I will have to say Raceland was in much, much better shape and conditioned for a game this physical and it really showed the entire second half.
First off let me say I played fo Ivan for 4 years and have the upmost respect for him I do not know coach Morris but have a great deal of respect for him and his coaching abilities but I really don't understand why we play the 3-5-3 defence.This to me this was not a very good scheme we were not able to get any pressure on Farley and with only haveing the the 3 downlinemen it allowed for massive running lanes to a team that lets be honest doesnt make there living with the run.I have to wonder why we stayed in that scheme the whole game at some point you would have thought we would have brought some pressure or just lined head up and said we are going to whip ya I understand we had several people out but anyone that has followed russell as long as some of us has knows we struggle with the pass our dbs play 10 yds off the receiver so it wouldnt matter if we dropped all 11 guys in coverage we will still struggle so why not line up and put pressure on the qb and not let them sit back there and pick us apart and then let them run it anywhere they want because we have only have 3 downlinemen.I will allways support our devils and the staff I hope we make a deep run into the playoffs but it looks like our 1st round foe will be pcc which will also bring a pass happy offence to the Hank I hope we get some people healthy and make the adjustments we need to win.Congrats to Raceland and I hope you have a good run also...It isn't worth alot but it's just my 2cents worth....
No matter who you were pulling for you have to admit it was an exciting game. Alot of exciting plays. Googie hauling in that TD pass and Racelands 2pt conversion pass kept everyone on the edge of their seats all night. Congrats to the Rams. I was just upset with Russells lack of tackling. Looked like several were trying to "knock down" the ball carriers other than wrap up. Ya got two arms...use them. LOL
I thought Russell would win this one. Congrats Raceland.
KYstraydog Wrote:No matter who you were pulling for you have to admit it was an exciting game. Alot of exciting plays. Googie hauling in that TD pass and Racelands 2pt conversion pass kept everyone on the edge of their seats all night. Congrats to the Rams. I was just upset with Russells lack of tackling. Looked like several were trying to "knock down" the ball carriers other than wrap up. Ya got two arms...use them. LOL

Yes sir. The best game I've seen all season!
Congrats Raceland
Yes conditioning was a huge factor in this game. Attitude is as well. Both teams play hard but Raceland and pretty much everybody else play with a greater sense of urgency than what Russell brings.

Russell's players, coaches and fans have been spoiled by a great run of talent from 2002-2008. The cupboard is not bare but we don't have the abundnce of superior athletes we had in those years.

The problem to me is that most of Russell has a false sense of entitlement. Put simply, Racelands players come in with a chip on their shoulder thinking we are going to take this game. Russell's players come in thinking they are going to win the game just because of who they are.

That is a trend that has to change and that change has to come from the top.
The biggest turning point of the game to me was the fumble pm the 1 yardline. Take care of the ball right there and Russell scores to go up 35-34. Who knows what happens from there but that was a game changer.

Granted Raceland tried to hand the game back over after that with their own fumble and the safety. Then Russell botches the return of the free kick. There wasn't too much of it that was pretty but that slapstick sequence turned the game.
FBALL Wrote:Yes conditioning was a huge factor in this game. Attitude is as well. Both teams play hard but Raceland and pretty much everybody else play with a greater sense of urgency than what Russell brings.

Russell's players, coaches and fans have been spoiled by a great run of talent from 2002-2008. The cupboard is not bare but we don't have the abundnce of superior athletes we had in those years.

The problem to me is that most of Russell has a false sense of entitlement. Put simply, Racelands players come in with a chip on their shoulder thinking we are going to take this game. Russell's players come in thinking they are going to win the game just because of who they are.

That is a trend that has to change and that change has to come from the top.

...and how many times has their ego been proven wrong this year? It seems like if you have a chip on your shoulder, then you get the EGO kicked out of you a few times, you would get over it!!!
Russell played hard for the players they have left on the field. Punting the ball at the end was a bad decision. I still think their play calling is too predictable and they don't seem to set up the misdirection plays - it almost appears they randomly call plays. I do think that Russell will play big next year if they get everyone to come back and put time in the off season. They have too many will-be seniors and Jrs with a lot of play time. They are going to have to have a team leader step up and pressure the other kids to work out in the off season and keep each other conditioned during the season because it doesn't seem to me like the coaches will. Good game Rams. Farley's long punt for the free kick and his fake punt for a first down were big. Again, good game Rams and Devils.

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