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Boyle Co. 42 Corbin 10
Congrats Boyle Co. Glad you beat a team that refuses to play us.
PurplePride92 Wrote:I couldn't agree more.

Preliminary discussion before the surgery says he'll miss 2 months. Probably have a better idea after surgery. The Jarrod that I know will be back when the cast is off.

In the past players have played in a cast. Depends on how bad the break is. In 2003 Danny Commandford played in the playoffs with a cast after breaking his arm. Might be hard for Jarrod to catch a ball, but I do think that playing defense could be plausible. I got my fingers crossed that the news is good as can be expected for a break.
BellCoBobcats09 Wrote:Congrats Boyle Co. Glad you beat a team that refuses to play us.

I totally Agree with that and down with it too.:rockon::thanks:
I'm just glad that Boyle Co.won the game and now they're 3-0,but still have lots of work to do if they want to get back to the State game.
Its been a long day was up at 4:30am got to work at 6,work till 3:30 went home to watch the UK and UL game,I'm a big UK fan,so glad they won too,but just like Boyle,needs work on their game.Reds won and Danville won, so it was a good day and even Tiger Woods had a good day, shooting a 65.So after all of that I was worn out and went on to call it a night after halftime of the Boyle and Corbin game.That the reason you saw no more
from me,on the update thread,my eyes were getting heavy.
Rebel55 Wrote:In the past players have played in a cast. Depends on how bad the break is. In 2003 Danny Commandford played in the playoffs with a cast after breaking his arm. Might be hard for Jarrod to catch a ball, but I do think that playing defense could be plausible. I got my fingers crossed that the news is good as can be expected for a break.

I'll let you know something as soon as I find out.
Boyle Co fans should come down this Friday and watch Bell Co play Whitley Co. Its "Blackout" night and they are naming the field after Dudley. Feel free to wear your black Boyle Co shirts. :Thumbs:
BellCoBobcats09 Wrote:Boyle Co fans should come down this Friday and watch Bell Co play Whitley Co. Its "Blackout" night and they are naming the field after Dudley. Feel free to wear your black Boyle Co shirts. :Thumbs:

If it wasn't my wife's birthday I'd consider it. It'd be nice to see you guys play someone besides us.
goBIGblue82 Wrote:I did notice there was tailgating going on by both sides before the game. So it is possible that some fans had drank a little much between the UK/UL game and before this matchup. Just saying that maybe this is a possibility, if so it is never a good idea to mix a large amount of brew with sporting events.

thats why you shouldnt drink...
goBIGblue82 Wrote:Well Boyle Mom maybe it would do you a world of good if you went to the bookstore and picked up a Football 101 or Referee 101 book. Many times it is the moms/dads that have either never played or never been around the game who make fools of them self on friday nights. I agree with you in the fact that almost any where you go to watch a game you will have rowdy fans but in my 24 years in the sport of football your crowd was without a doubt in the top 5 worst I had seen. As for the question what would football be without the love of the fans? It would be exactly what it is Football. The love of a fan has no bearing on the outcome of a game, but the idiocy in which one presents them self holds a negative image over the game.

Classless fans? Seriously when have you ever seen any of us attack a football mom? Maybe you are the Mercer guy? I know her very well and she can talk football with the best of us, and if you knew who she was youd be ashamed.
Rebel55 Wrote:In the past players have played in a cast. Depends on how bad the break is. In 2003 Danny Commandford played in the playoffs with a cast after breaking his arm. Might be hard for Jarrod to catch a ball, but I do think that playing defense could be plausible. I got my fingers crossed that the news is good as can be expected for a break.

If you can think back to your sophomore year I spent 2 weeks in a cast and had to "sneak" my way onto the field. Of course I think Ed Rall was glad to see me have one less hand to "hold" with. :eyeroll:
Good win for Boyle, They seem to be improving each week. Interestingly enough the next game is Mercer. What time does the Bell game start on Friday?
Hatz Wrote:If you can think back to your sophomore year I spent 2 weeks in a cast and had to "sneak" my way onto the field. Of course I think Ed Rall was glad to see me have one less hand to "hold" with. :eyeroll:

This was my original thought of playing in a cast. Hatz I knew you would post on this subject. I remember well of you having to sneak out of the locker room after the warm-ups so your big arm could go un-noticed by the refs. I do think Boyle's holding calls during that time went down 50%. :lmao:
I thought there were enough opinions shared concerning our fans but I just couldn't help sticking my two cents worth in. It really doesn't bother me if an opposing fan sits on our side but as someone who goes and watches many games between two teams and not to be a fan of either one just to watch football with no slant towards either team it is almost impossible to view the game with "other" fans and not quite see their point many times.

Although Corbin is not a rival of Boyle, there were many fans really hoping for a very decisive win for no other reason than how we were treated last year in the "home" stands while playing Pikeville in the first game. Is it small of me and some other fans to really want to beat Corbin bad because of this? Probably but nevertheless we did.

There may also have been a little psychological sting going on with the rebel fans that may have made us a little more grumpy last night. The Harrington boy is a special player for this team because he probably plays with more heart and courage than any other player on that team. He is not a big guy and he backs down from no one. It was not a dirty play or anything but to see him go down with such a terrible injury strikes ALL true rebel fans at our core because he is the guy that best exemplifies what a BC football player is. Johnson C. was bigger than us, LexCath is always bigger than us, Bell is bigger than us, Lone Oak was way bigger than us, but if you hit with all you got, don't give up, keep fighting, be fearless, don't be intimidated then it doesn't matter. Heart, hard work, courage and good coaching always wins. To see Harrington go down was hard on his teammates and all BC fans. Not an excuse but the way it is. You combine all of these things and maybe we were a little angry last night.

The last thing I will share is from my last trip to Corbin as a player. It was a playoff game and when our fans returned to the "pep" bus after a heartbreaking loss than ended a pretty good season they found human feces and urine all over the bus. Did I hold that against Corbin last night? No, of course not it was over 20 years ago. I did however hold against them how we were treated last year by their fans and would have been happy with two or three more touchdowns last night.
#44's funny how someone from neither team playing comes on here and bashes our fans. We get along with most Bell Co fans. I guess, it's a price you pay for having great tradition and passionate fans. I'll take the bashing from the 'anonymous posters', if it means keeping our great tradition and passion. To those fans that have had a run-in with our fans, I'm sure most of you can vouch that we are respectful. During the game, probably's the After the game? We're very respectful of the other team's players and fans...for the most part. As was stated in other posts... I'm sure ALL fan bases have their 'bad apples'..... Guess, we just need to play Bell Co every week of the season, so our 'hated' fans can get along. Must take 2 great teams with the tradition and passion of ours for us to understand each other.
SportzAnimal's funny how someone from neither team playing comes on here and bashes our fans. We get along with most Bell Co fans. I guess, it's a price you pay for having great tradition and passionate fans. I'll take the bashing from the 'anonymous posters', if it means keeping our great tradition and passion. To those fans that have had a run-in with our fans, I'm sure most of you can vouch that we are respectful. During the game, probably's the After the game? We're very respectful of the other team's players and fans...for the most part. As was stated in other posts... I'm sure ALL fan bases have their 'bad apples'..... Guess, we just need to play Bell Co every week of the season, so our 'hated' fans can get along. Must take 2 great teams with the tradition and passion of ours for us to understand each other.

Its amazing how the Bell Co and Boyle Co fans do get along. :1:
From what i have heard about Harrington, he had surgery that night. Snapped two major bones in his arm. Can play D in 3 weeks and O in 6. Big loss for the Rebs, can't wait for him to get back on the field.
What you think is rude is football. If you don't like football don't come to the games. Yes, my son worked for 9 years to get to start varisity football. Yes, we want them to score every chance he or his team gets. They work really hard, I watch practice everyday and I want each kid to do his best, where the other team is just young or stinks. Our kids work really hard they deserve every point they can get. Kneeing on the 10 yard line maybe considerate, but it only cheats our stats and kids. We are a hit them in the mouth team and should get some calls, understood. But when I qb grounds the ball and gets call so should the other! Fair is fair! We have had to beat the ref east of I75 everytime we go down it that area, looks like we have no problems doing just that. You don't like Boyle fans....don't sit with us!
RebelNation Wrote:From what i have heard about Harrington, he had surgery that night. Snapped two major bones in his arm. Can play D in 3 weeks and O in 6. Big loss for the Rebs, can't wait for him to get back on the field.

He had surgery this morning and he thinks he'll be back in round 2 of the playoffs but no official timetable for his return has been set.
goBIGblue82 Wrote:Enlighten you ok, I have no problem with questioning calls made by referees but Boyle fans were screaming obscenities on every call. Not only were they screaming profanities at the refs but also towards some corbin players. Many Boyle fans were raising h*** claiming they were getting homered, yet if you look at the stats about the same amount of calls went each way. And not only did Boyle not sub down up 42-10 but instead of taking a knee with under a minute Boyle is still running plays (I dont have a huge problem with this). My problem was with the fans still raising h*** chanting "put it again coach". I was inaccurate earlier as to say most of Boyle fans when in reality it was a group of about 20 middle age people causing all the problems. Not to mention there was a problem with Boyle's camera man in the press box not being professional. "They can't beat us so they got to cheat us", "Ref you Suck", and talk about corbin paying off officials when you are up 30+ points, seriously? Is that the kind of fans your program is normally affiliated with? Maybe I just was taken off guard, because I went to this game to watch a semi-local team (corbin) and team with great championship tradition (boyle), but left disappointed in the fact that many of your fans had no class. I too was sitting in the visitor stands near the top right of the stands wearing my kentucky blue and I'm sorry but either you weren't there or you just don't want to own up to your fellow rebel fans actions or your own. No knock on your football program, like I stated earlier your football program is very impressive and I would love to watch them play again, but I don't think you could pay me to sit with your crowd ever again.

After the onside kick corbin ran first play of the game, I wouldve put 60-70 on the board if I were boyle. Im gonna soak this thread in b/c its not to often a thread about corbin consist of rude fan complaining, but the fans arent Corbin.
Although Corbin is not a rival of Boyle, there were many fans really hoping for a very decisive win for no other reason than how we were treated last year in the "home" stands while playing Pikeville in the first game. Is it small of me and some other fans to really want to beat Corbin bad because of this? Probably but nevertheless we did.
What did Corbin fans do last year? I don't recall anything happening on either side that was bad?
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:Although Corbin is not a rival of Boyle, there were many fans really hoping for a very decisive win for no other reason than how we were treated last year in the "home" stands while playing Pikeville in the first game. Is it small of me and some other fans to really want to beat Corbin bad because of this? Probably but nevertheless we did.
What did Corbin fans do last year? I don't recall anything happening on either side that was bad?

Last year during the Boyle/Pikeville game the Boyle fans were sitting on the Corbin side of the stadium. When the Corbin fans arrived in the 3rd and 4th quarter of the Boyle game they promptly began kicking people out of the reserved seats and they weren't kind about it. I think that is what he was talking about.
BellCoBobcats09 Wrote:Its amazing how the Bell Co and Boyle Co fans do get along. :1:

It's called respect. Both sides like to pick at each other a little bit but we both understand how much hard work by the coaches and players it takes to produce such good football. Both sides can also recognize very good hard hitting football even when it's played by another team.
PurplePride92 Wrote:Last year during the Boyle/Pikeville game the Boyle fans were sitting on the Corbin side of the stadium. When the Corbin fans arrived in the 3rd and 4th quarter of the Boyle game they promptly began kicking people out of the reserved seats and they weren't kind about it. I think that is what he was talking about.

Those reserved seats are for both games. These are mainly for sponsors of the Pigskin classic and any fan sitting in these seats, including Corbin fans have to move for the people who paid for those seats. I really cannot see how one could have any problem with this.

The officiating crew, which is led by a Middlesboro native, did not have a real bad night, but did miss a few both ways. The only really bad call that went against Boyle was a terrible grounding call, but they allowed some blatant holds go by Boyle in the first half that led to the 2nd TD.

I wandered over to the Boyle side by the fence in the 4th quarter and there were a few ugly things coming from the stands, but I have heard worse and would not have heard them at all if I was on Corbin's side of the field.
SEKYFAN Wrote:Those reserved seats are for both games. These are mainly for sponsors of the Pigskin classic and any fan sitting in these seats, including Corbin fans have to move for the people who paid for those seats. I really cannot see how one could have any problem with this.

The officiating crew, which is led by a Middlesboro native, did not have a real bad night, but did miss a few both ways. The only really bad call that went against Boyle was a terrible grounding call, but they allowed some blatant holds go by Boyle in the first half that led to the 2nd TD.

I wandered over to the Boyle side by the fence in the 4th quarter and there were a few ugly things coming from the stands, but I have heard worse and would not have heard them at all if I was on Corbin's side of the field.

We found out they were reserved. The situation was handled poorly. Lots of upset people over that. My suggestion......don't let anyone in those seats in either game unless you have the ticket for that seat.

The refs didn't bother me too bad. They blew the grounding call in the 1st half that cost us a td and they gave an extra personal foul penalty on us for a 30 yard penalty. Other than that they seemed normal. I was told tonight by a player they were holding up our no huddle offense because of tv timeouts.

I still want to know what ugly stuff was said. I heard nothing crazy all night. PM me if you need to.
goBIGblue82 Wrote:Enlighten you ok, I have no problem with questioning calls made by referees but Boyle fans were screaming obscenities on every call. Not only were they screaming profanities at the refs but also towards some corbin players. Many Boyle fans were raising h*** claiming they were getting homered, yet if you look at the stats about the same amount of calls went each way. And not only did Boyle not sub down up 42-10 but instead of taking a knee with under a minute Boyle is still running plays (I dont have a huge problem with this). My problem was with the fans still raising h*** chanting "put it again coach". I was inaccurate earlier as to say most of Boyle fans when in reality it was a group of about 20 middle age people causing all the problems. Not to mention there was a problem with Boyle's camera man in the press box not being professional. "They can't beat us so they got to cheat us", "Ref you Suck", and talk about corbin paying off officials when you are up 30+ points, seriously? Is that the kind of fans your program is normally affiliated with? Maybe I just was taken off guard, because I went to this game to watch a semi-local team (corbin) and team with great championship tradition (boyle), but left disappointed in the fact that many of your fans had no class. I too was sitting in the visitor stands near the top right of the stands wearing my kentucky blue and I'm sorry but either you weren't there or you just don't want to own up to your fellow rebel fans actions or your own. No knock on your football program, like I stated earlier your football program is very impressive and I would love to watch them play again, but I don't think you could pay me to sit with your crowd ever again.

I am the film crew of which you speak. I take offense with the obsenity comment, as not a foul work was spoken. I did call the referees "Homers" and stated that the calls were "crap". Maybe you are easily offended. But when you are invited to a bowl and the referees seem to have been pulled from a local drinking establishment, it tends to anger the invited team. A bogus intentional grounding call on the Rebels was bad enough, but when the officials decided to wave off the same call on the home team, I felt the desire to express my frustration. I was unaware that it was prohibited for fans to express their joy or frustration at a football game. Perhaps at Corbin, only the home team is allowed to show emotion. I did see the Corbin coach on the field expressing his displeasure with the officiating. I guess he is allowed since he coaches the home team. As for the fans wanting to "stick it in at the end of the game," I think that is a result of having it stuck to them during the previous three and a half quarters. Johnson Central thought we had great fans. Bell County seems to think we are OK. So it must not be an eastern Kentucky thing. Get over it!!! :1:
I was told Jarrod Harrington could be out as long as 12 weeks and that he should be back by the State Semis if we make it that far. My gut says round 2 of the playoffs but we'll see. The surgery went good. No nerve damage and he will begin therapy on his arm in about 2-3 weeks.
SEKYFAN Wrote:Those reserved seats are for both games. These are mainly for sponsors of the Pigskin classic and any fan sitting in these seats, including Corbin fans have to move for the people who paid for those seats. I really cannot see how one could have any problem with this.

I'm curious, Was the reserved seats marked off as being reserved?
Rebel55 Wrote:I'm curious, Was the reserved seats marked off as being reserved?

They were not. We were verbally notified after the game had started. And everyone was situated.:redboxer::devilflam
Paul Dean Wrote:I am the film crew of which you speak. I take offense with the obsenity comment, as not a foul work was spoken. I did call the referees "Homers" and stated that the calls were "crap". Maybe you are easily offended. But when you are invited to a bowl and the referees seem to have been pulled from a local drinking establishment, it tends to anger the invited team. A bogus intentional grounding call on the Rebels was bad enough, but when the officials decided to wave off the same call on the home team, I felt the desire to express my frustration. I was unaware that it was prohibited for fans to express their joy or frustration at a football game. Perhaps at Corbin, only the home team is allowed to show emotion. I did see the Corbin coach on the field expressing his displeasure with the officiating. I guess he is allowed since he coaches the home team. As for the fans wanting to "stick it in at the end of the game," I think that is a result of having it stuck to them during the previous three and a half quarters. Johnson Central thought we had great fans. Bell County seems to think we are OK. So it must not be an eastern Kentucky thing. Get over it!!! :1:
It was a bogus grounding call on Boyle, the one they waved off on Corbin would have been even worse as the pass landed about a foot in front of a Corbin receiver. The white hat called both, but the side judge who was standing on top of the play pointed out that the receiver was there. It was basically a make up call, which is ridiculous for a ref to do IMO. I sure can't see where you are coming from as far as Boyle getting it stuck to them,I honestly thought the crew was a little intimidated by
boyle and wouldn't call obvious procedure and holding penalties in the first half. It wouldn't have made any difference in the game, but go back and look at the tape without blinders on and see what you think.

The only person who complained about the Boyle fans was not even a Corbin fan, just someone who likes to stir the pot.

Good luck to the REbels, hope to see them repeat again this year.

I love the emotion the Boyle players played with
PurplePride92 Wrote:We found out they were reserved. The situation was handled poorly. Lots of upset people over that. My suggestion......don't let anyone in those seats in either game unless you have the ticket for that seat.

The refs didn't bother me too bad. They blew the grounding call in the 1st half that cost us a td and they gave an extra personal foul penalty on us for a 30 yard penalty. Other than that they seemed normal. I was told tonight by a player they were holding up our no huddle offense because of tv timeouts.

I still want to know what ugly stuff was said. I heard nothing crazy all night. PM me if you need to.

I could not figure out what they were doing by delaying play, I was wanting the clock to run out and the game to end, so I was not very happy about that either.

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