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Feds seize marijuana concealed in tombstone

When border guards in Cincinnati took a closer look at the tombstone for “Delroy Senior” last week, they found it offered more than kind words for the dearly departed.

More than 50 pounds of marijuana was packed inside the hollowed-out grave marker.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers say the discovery is a first for Cincinnati, where they’ve found drugs packed into all sorts of objects but never one quite like this.

Customs spokesman Brian Bell said officers at the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport tagged the shipment as suspicious because they couldn’t figure out why anyone would send a tombstone from Jamaica to England, where one could be purchased without the cost of shipping it across the Atlantic.

“It all came down to, why would you ship a tombstone?” Bell said. “They can be made anywhere.”

He said a dog trained to sniff out drugs alerted when it got close to the stone, so the officers ran it through an x-ray machine and found it was a concrete shell.

They then drilled holes into the stone and discovered about 52 pounds of marijuana.

The stone is made of regular concrete, but it was hand painted to look more like a granite tombstone. The message painted on the marker is dedicated to “Delroy Senior,” who is purported to be a 35-year-old man who was “late of England and Jamaica.”

“Our thoughts are always with you, your place no one can fill,” the message reads.

Bell said efforts to find the stone’s sender – or the intended recipient – have failed because everyone involved used fake names and addresses.

“Everything came up as a dead end,” Bell said.
That's a nice little bust.
It amazes me at what lengths people will go.
That's a new meaning of a "stoner"
nky Wrote:That's a new meaning of a "stoner"

:lmao: Good one mate.

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