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Powell Co./Jenkins Scrimmage Results
Havn't seen any of the Powell people on here or the big green Jenkins faithfull. anybody know how it turned out? I asume Powell big.TongueirateSho
I don't know the score, but Jenkins had around 45 players dressed. That was impressive in it self. Their QB trew a nice spiral and on target.
Doggone Jenkins had 45? That is good numbers for them anyhow.
Jenkins 7, Powell 14
Powell had a rushing touchdown by #34 i think, and a pass touchdown.
Jenkins 40 yard pass from Kevin Brown to Koty Sexton for a TD.
Powell had about 45 or 50 kids out. Both Freshman and Varsity squads look to have major improvement from last season. Powell's O-Line is VERY small and look to be one of the main areas that needs improvement. Defense stepped up from last season. But the main improvement was the turnover problem they had last year, looks to no longer be an issue.
Powell had 3 rushing TDs. Jenkins has good numbers and from what I heard about them I was surprised in a good way. Good luck to Jenkins.
Powell was definitely the dominant team of everyone there. Looks like they are starting to get excited about football in Stanton.

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