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Who are some of the best dunkers in the I have a question, can Allen Central's center dunk it?
Matt Little...i seen this kid during warm ups and he was really throwing down other night at AC
What school does he play for?
i think this thread is crazy. i only kno of jamie mcarty dunkin it and that kid from p-burg
Josh Martin from AC can't dunk the ball "in game", which is pretty much useless. Not knockin him or anything, but if you can't dunk in game, you might as well not! LOL Jamie McCarty was a great dunker but I just wonder if the broken foot will change this.
yeah rosco the broken foot Mccarty suffered will affect his dunking abilities.....but i was watchin the center Martin from AC and he can get up dotnt get me wrong....but he is just a lil bit short of puttin it down....if he could get his legs stronger he will be slammin in no time!
I saw the Patton kid throwing it down with ease during warm ups. I simply cant believe he did not play. If they dont give this kid a chance, well enough said!
I might be mistaking but I thought I saw Mitchell Riddle from valley dunk one in warm up's last year.
"BeaverCreek Connection" Wrote:I saw the Patton kid throwing it down with ease during warm ups. I simply cant believe he did not play. If they dont give this kid a chance, well enough said!
I didnt know he could dunk it like that, i thought it was just like a grab the rim and hope to go in. But he showed me wrong about 20 times.
"the-man" Wrote:i think this thread is crazy. i only kno of jamie mcarty dunkin it and that kid from p-burg

agree 100% no one in the 15th can dunk it good ...mccarty and barnett can dunk it but its nothing spectacular
"King_Kelly" Wrote:Matt Little...i seen this kid during warm ups and he was really throwing down other night at AC

I agree king...he dose get up pretty high
"grizzly23" Wrote:agree 100% no one in the 15th can dunk it good ...mccarty and barnett can dunk it but its nothing spectacular
I think that guy was talking about Patton, i saw him dunking it 2 handed , but I didnt see barnett do it, I saw him try but failed, lol poor Shawn Leslie tried .....RIMMMMM STUFFF!
What do you consider dunking in a game, someone that dunks in warm-ups or someone that throws them down in the game. because from what i have seen over the last 5 years, i can think of may 4 kids that have put them down during game play, including a kid playing jv ball
4 of sheldon clarks starters can dunk....shawn johnson, brandon may, steven goble,and juan carlos
Hey, I was watching a practice for the blackcats the other day and I saw the Patton kid throw a tip slam down, he was throwin it to himself off the rim but it was impressive. Next year he should be throwin it down like crazy in games too!
I saw Jamie McCarty throw down a great break-away dunk as a sophomore last year for Johnson Central! So he has to be considered.

Wes Helton for Magoffin County has been dunking in warm ups since his freshman season. This year he has gone for a dunk in a scrimmage game and in the Betsy Layne game. He was fouled both time to prevent the dunk.

Which reminds me, McCarty's dunk was without any defenders around. Still, it was a great throw down!

As far as dunking in warm ups, I'd be surprised if any team doesn't have at least one player that can do that.
More than you would think don't have a single dunker. Sad but true.
Manae and Zach Buroton from BL candunk pretty easily also the guy from Magoffin County i watched when he played the BL he can throw down
"showstoppers4life" Wrote:Manae and Zach Buroton from BL candunk pretty easily also the guy from Magoffin County i watched when he played the BL he can throw down
That would be senior Wes Helton
i dont think that we will see Manae dunkin anytime the game against magoffin county he looked scared an like he didnt kno the plays.
he knows the plays and hes not scared he just trying to get use to the way we play ball here in America its a whole lot diffrent then where he played at in Serbia and he might have dunked it if he didnt get busted up during the game
Busted up? I watched the game an didnt see anything happen to him. I talked to a player from Besty Layne and they told me that he still doesnt know the plays yet an gets nervous playin, but in open gym an stuff he does good.
I agree with you betcha, hes tried and and was fouled to prevent it, I expect him to keep try and I believe that he will achieve quite a few dunks this season
Well the 15th isn't known for there dunkers, but Jamie McCarty is still the best in game dunker I have seen in the last few years in the 15th reigon...
wes helton is bound to throw down one in any of there games he came close 2 dunking it @ BL but he got fouled
what about nick potter from SV. I saw him throw down in the game vs. JC last year. Does he still play?
Patton from P-burg can throw it down off a year he will be throwin it down for sure...
Next year anyone might be able to dunk it. Were focusing on right now redbleeder and right now we have less than 5 dunks probably in a game in the last 2 years. Warmups don't matter, practice dont matter, no practice or warmup points count in your stats so neither does the dunks.

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