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Why are south floyd girls so down?
what is it ?? y are they ?
they have all the talent why isn't it showing?
b/c they just do.... they have no talent u have no idea wat u r tlaking baout talent
I really don't have a clue what to say, I just think that they are playing way too passive.....I think all the girls need to play more agressive and look for their shot first instead of looking for Trammell
South Floyd is not a bad team. They have a lot of talent and they just need to pull it together fast! I agree with dontdoattoem.....He's exactly right.
i think that south floyd girls do have talent .. u need to give ur self alil bit of info... Lady Raiders would be good if they would get their head in the game
let me guess u all play for south floyd so ur teaming me .. well they pure out have no talent or coach yeha the have young talent but no coach
Man, you just joined the site and you're already dogging someone! gee-o!
yeah ok i guess ur so smart in all u can't even spell yeah?? ok so people are actually going to listen to ur opinion ???? :twisted: :x
So you are saying Tabitha Trammell has no talent...yet she's ranked as one of the top scorers in the state???? Yeah...dat a boy!

No Talent? Last time I checked Trammell was avg. around 20 and 10, hey that's one heckuva avg. for 32 minute games!
i avg. more than that in my sleep.... trammell talent hahaha... none of them can hit a car and it sittin right in front of them... i guess if u all sya they have talent :?:
Man you are full of yourself
lol...Trammel is byfar the only player on that team that has talent.The coach has nothing to do with it.It's called lack of talent....Trammell is the only player that even has varsity experiance at all.....SF will be tough in the future..The have some nice youg players.....
Trammell is not the only play with varsity experience! Blocker and Gregory has varsity experience too, just because Trammell started for three or four years means that she has a little bit more but that doesn't mean that's she's the only one with talent. I think SF's problem is they have too many middle schoolers running it and no where near enough high school players. Middle school and High school is two totally different games and you can'tp ut a bunch of kids out there after they just finished their middle school season and expect them to be agressive enough or even capable of automatically playing at varsity level. Until those girls gorw up and get more agressive and stop thinking of high school as middle school I don't see SF having a winning season. They few high schoolers they have are pretty good I think...the only problem is they need more! I have like 1 sophmore and 4 seniors...I don't even know how many freshman stayed but they're not capable of playing at varsity level yet either.
"xtreme3" Wrote:Trammell is not the only play with varsity experience! Blocker and Gregory has varsity experience too, just because Trammell started for three or four years means that she has a little bit more but that doesn't mean that's she's the only one with talent. I think SF's problem is they have too many middle schoolers running it and no where near enough high school players. Middle school and High school is two totally different games and you can'tp ut a bunch of kids out there after they just finished their middle school season and expect them to be agressive enough or even capable of automatically playing at varsity level. Until those girls gorw up and get more agressive and stop thinking of high school as middle school I don't see SF having a winning season. They few high schoolers they have are pretty good I think...the only problem is they need more! I have like 1 sophmore and 4 seniors...I don't even know how many freshman stayed but they're not capable of playing at varsity level yet either.

So what you ate saying that SF's middle schoolers arent capable of playing?lol thats funny because they are alot of teams in this region that have middle schooler's playing, some even starting...
The middle schoolers at other places have prolly been at this for a couple years and have grown and they probably have a coahc working with them, making them better. SF doesn't have that or not that I can see. I played and not once did I see the coach pushing the little girl's to do better, they let them play ball the same way they played in middle school and you can't do that in high school at a varsity level. At any rate I'm not saying that not every middle schooler is capable because I know some that are capable of playing varisty I'm just saying that you got 7th graders that jump straight into varsity and totally skip freshmen and jv which I think should come before varsity is ever even thought about with them. I think it should be that varsity is left up to juniors and senior and maybe sophmores...but no one seems to do it like that anyone.
i was just joking with you all south floyd does have alot of talent trammell rocks .... and trammell rocks but there is also other players on the team which have talent but never has anyone to work with them to make them better.. Gregory,Blocker,Dean,Hall, they all have talent if i do not recall.. i do believe Trammell,Gregory, Hall, Blocker, Pam Younce (out b/c og knee). Played in the Middle School and had a losing season and came back at disrict tourn. and beat and undefeated team... Sf girls have plenty of talent they just need to be worked with and get there stuff together... but i am sorry about before i was doing it to agorvate south_21 and they know who they are!! :wink: With that said those players who also has talent never get any attention ... but o well .. go lady raiders .. u can do anything u all put ur heads too. Smile wav.gif
agree with you give'emalilbit ! 8)
I agree too. You really had us going there...I do believe if it had kept going me and Basketballer would've fought it out in the
Trammel is a top player in the region maybe top 5 on another team.
Hall tries really hard but sitting out two years is hard to come back from.
center out taking threes is uncalled for needs to be down low posting but does not like the contact (lazy). Gregory has been a back up to noodle for so long its hard to take control of the team. coach might need to look at starting trammel at center, Damron at forward, C.Hall at forward. Gregory at 2 and K.Hall at point. start looking at the furtue because everyone know seems to be out for themselves and wine everytime coach isaac takes them out.
I think Coach Isaac has did a good job with this team considering they lost so much to graduation and who knows they could pull a rabitt out of the hat and make the regional.
k.hall does not need to be 1 guard she doesn't have enough varsity experience she is use to middle school dribbling down the floor with her head down yeah she has an awesome shot. but i don't believe he should put k.hall as 1 ... r u sayign that gregory has had ousleys back for so long what makes u think that k.hall can come and take ousleys spot... Gregory would be much better if they would have worked with her while she was younger but never had that.. And i don't argee with trammell playing center... trammell does an awesome job at 3 she can shoot out side... Idea
Well if anyone has watched any of the games. SF girls has the only coach that sits flat of his rear and doesn't do anything he doesn't scream out plays or anything, the sits there with a blank look on his face... I think after last year he just quit coaching thinking he wouldn't have a team this year so he don't care. Now all he is worried about is his future. He should work with what he has. Because they are a good team, they just need a coach to help them...I think they need the new Vice principal in there. So don't blame it on the team blame it on the coach. You have to work with your players, you can't just put them on the floor and say play.. He needs to get up off his rear and let the girls know he is there and he is behind them all the way.. Instead of pulling them out when they do one thing wrong, the seventh grader have forever to play.. this is the seniors last year let them play.. and work with them, just because he lost alot last year doesn't mean anything... IT'S THE COACH...NOT THE PLAYERS!!!!!!
i agree... i think that issac needs to be more like barry hall or henry webb and stand behind their team!
The only person on South Floyd's team with any talent is Trammel..If the rest had talent I don't think they would be losing games by such a big margin....
i think that they do have talent .... it is that trammell has had experience and had peopl work with her while the others haven't so.. yeha they do have plenty of talent no one has helped them with it! :twisted:
Other than Trammel ...who has talent????
there is plenty of talent on that team how many freaking times do i have to sya it there is talent but noone knows it b/c no will work with them to help them show it.... GREGORY,BLOCKER,HALL, DEAN, and many more... but there is no help for them to show it???????
I don't think any of those people have any talent.. no matter who the coach is.... but that's my opinion and i guess it's different than yours...

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