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Anyone taking classes at Mayo or Online through PCC?
I'm taking some online and some at Mayo just wondering if i got classes with anyone? So, if you are taking any, what are they?
I have human health and wellness online this semester
I'm doing my ENG101 class online and hopefully 102 next semester...
are you taking eng 101 now? and if so who under?
I'm taking Human Health and Wellness and Drug Education online this semester. Next semester I have State Government, Nurtrition and Physical Fitness, and General Psychology online.

What about you senioreagle, what are you taking?
Spring 06 i have state government, human ecology, Us history through 1865 (i think) all online and i have intro to desktop publishing, and business math at mayo
You might be in my state government class
who's the professor? it would be kinda nice to find someone with that class cuz i haven't had government since hs.
Yeah I'm taking 101 as a dual-credit course for h.s and college. I get the same college credit hours if I pass the class and stuff. It's under Judith Valade and it's all strictly online. She does site visits every month or so.
oh i will be taking eng 101 prolly fall 06 idk why but i put the hardest things off to last.
Do either of you two talk on msn?
It's not hard...which it may be different having it in the classroom rather than online but it work shouldn't change that much...don't take it under Valade... she's hard on grading and stuff but I'm managing to stay in B range maybe
I took State Government at the college... it was a very easy class
I'm good in history and english...I'm okay when it comes to science but now math...I'll have to go to class, straight to the dorm and study and do my work then or else I'll forget it...I'll really have to buckle down in my math courses. I was failing pre-cal but thankx to Balla's brother I got a C on my report card and I haven't had any work to do so far this time so maybe I'lll get an A.
senioreagle04 Wrote:Do either of you two talk on msn?

add me the addy's on my profile!

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