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Obama Fires another General
It seems as though Obama appointed a General. A man who had a strong opinion about how to win the war. A great deal of experience that shaped that opinion. He was a leader. I believe Obama was hoping to have a cheerleader. In an even stranger move Obama appoints General Petraeus to fill his position. I have never seen a company commander leave and the battalion Commander fill his spot. The XO does. This is a demotion for him even if it is just temporary. It seems to be a political move to place a well respected name in the place to dull the sting to the military. My biggest fault with Bush was him allowing Rumsfeild to run the military and make decissions against his Generals. Seems as though Obama did not learn from Bush's tremendous mistakes.
Matman Wrote:
It seems as though Obama appointed a General. A man who had a strong opinion about how to win the war. A great deal of experience that shaped that opinion. He was a leader. I believe Obama was hoping to have a cheerleader. In an even stranger move Obama appoints General Petraeus to fill his position. I have never seen a company commander leave and the battalion Commander fill his spot. The XO does. This is a demotion for him even if it is just temporary. It seems to be a political move to place a well respected name in the place to dull the sting to the military. My biggest fault with Bush was him allowing Rumsfeild to run the military and make decissions against his Generals. Seems as though Obama did not learn from Bush's tremendous mistakes.

The guy made a fatal error in judgment with the Rolling Stone piece. Your post above is ridiculous, utter hacksterism in clear relief.
thecavemaster Wrote:The guy made a fatal error in judgment with the Rolling Stone piece. Your post above is ridiculous, utter hacksterism in clear relief.

What was his fatal error? Having an opinion? An opinion he has voiced to the president several times. Should he have said he could have secured the area on the ground in the time allowed. Should he lie? I do not see anything that should have lead to his termination. He was held in high reguard. He was said to be the most successful General the region has had. So tell me how is that "hacksterism". Obama is making the same mistakes as Bush. He is not change. Just more of the same. Do you think think the General was doing a poor job? If he was doing the same job and praising Obama and boosting his ego do you think he would have been fired? He was doing his job plain and simple. He was fired because of politics.
Ridiculous move by Obama. Strictly political to try and save face.

McChrystal is the designer of the new plan that is going to be used soon in Afghanistan, removing him before it is completed puts American lives at risk.

Lets face it, the general and his staff were sick of the morons Obama appointed over there. They were interfering and playing politics that were costing American lives. Not to mention hindering the plan he was trying to develop, but at the same time setting McChrystal up as the fall guy.
Of the many blunders that Obama has made during his brief tenure as president, this is not one of them. I don't feel strongly either way about his decision but military officers must not be allowed to publicly insult a sitting US president without some consequence.

That being said, how smart can Gen. McCrystal possibly be? The man actually claims to have voted for Obama and he was in the US Army when he made that decision! The man is either an idiot or he voted for McCain and lied. When Obama took months to make a decision on McCrystal's request for additional troops and then decided to give him far fewer than McCrystal requested - he should have resigned immediately.

I have no doubt that the overwhelming majority of officers in our military forces despise Obama but most of them are smart enough not to ridicule him in the presence of left wing journalists.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Of the many blunders that Obama has made during his brief tenure as president, this is not one of them. I don't feel strongly either way about his decision but military officers must not be allowed to publicly insult a sitting US president without some consequence.

That being said, how smart can Gen. McCrystal possibly be? The man actually claims to have voted for Obama and he was in the US Army when he made that decision! The man is either an idiot or he voted for McCain and lied. When Obama took months to make a decision on McCrystal's request for additional troops and then decided to give him far fewer than McCrystal requested - he should have resigned immediately.

I have no doubt that the overwhelming majority of officers in our military forces despise Obama but most of them are smart enough not to ridicule him in the presence of left wing journalists.

The General was appointed by Obama. He picked him because he thought he would be a cheerleader. However he had the same opinions on how to win as everyone else. Obama didn't like it. I do agree he should have had better restraint. He is not just an officer he is a General. theres not too many 4 star Generals out there. I believe the problem lies else where. Why do we let people like rolling stone follow around our Generals? How can we expect them to not let something slip if they have strong opinions? The writer has a anti war agenda. Thats fine. Thats his business. However the article has a spin and an agenda behind it.
Matman Wrote:The General was appointed by Obama. He picked him because he thought he would be a cheerleader. However he had the same opinions on how to win as everyone else. Obama didn't like it. I do agree he should have had better restraint. He is not just an officer he is a General. theres not too many 4 star Generals out there. I believe the problem lies else where. Why do we let people like rolling stone follow around our Generals? How can we expect them to not let something slip if they have strong opinions? The writer has a anti war agenda. Thats fine. Thats his business. However the article has a spin and an agenda behind it.
McChrystal should have voiced those strong opinions behind closed doors. If (i.e. when) Obama was too busy golfing and partying to hear those opinions, then he should have resigned and then spoke his mind in a very public way as a civilian.

Obama made a mistake sending Petraeus back to Afghanistan. Petraeus will not allow Obama to make him a scapegoat for the regime's mishandling of two wars. He could make 2012 a nightmare for Obama if he decides to get even with the liberals who abused him when his strategy was putting the US in position to win the Iraq War.
No he got fired because he was drunk and lost his better judgment when he gave the interview with Rolling Stone. He is entitled to an opinion but a top general should have known better. He should have used some tact. Apparently he lacks that.
Obama is still the boss and you dont bad mouth your boss and expect to get a raise.

Fact is he should have known better.
Amun-Ra Wrote:No he got fired because he was drunk and lost his better judgment when he gave the interview with Rolling Stone. He is entitled to an opinion but a top general should have known better. He should have used some tact. Apparently he lacks that.
Obama is still the boss and you dont bad mouth your boss and expect to get a raise.

Fact is he should have known better.

My boss wouldn't be happy with me disagreeing with him but he would not fire me for it as long as i was doing my job.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:McChrystal should have voiced those strong opinions behind closed doors. If (i.e. when) Obama was too busy golfing and partying to hear those opinions, then he should have resigned and then spoke his mind in a very public way as a civilian.

Obama made a mistake sending Petraeus back to Afghanistan. Petraeus will not allow Obama to make him a scapegoat for the regime's mishandling of two wars. He could make 2012 a nightmare for Obama if he decides to get even with the liberals who abused him when his strategy was putting the US in position to win the Iraq War.

What do you think of his appointment of Pataeus? This is not normal. Petraeus is over the Iraq and Afghanistan war. This is a demotion. Now Obama must fill an even higher slot with an even more qualified canidate. It doesn't make sense.
Matman Wrote:What do you think of his appointment of Pataeus? This is not normal. Petraeus is over the Iraq and Afghanistan war. This is a demotion. Now Obama must fill an even higher slot with an even more qualified canidate. It doesn't make sense.
I agree, appointing Petraeus was a big mistake, as I said above. If Petraeus resigns before 2012 and decides to attack Obama's many areas of incompetence, Obama will be lucky to be the Democratic nominee. I also agree that Obama thought he was buying a cheerleader when he appointed McChrystal to head the war effort in Afghanistan. Now he demotes Petraeus to do the job, a man who he and other liberals viciously attacked when Petraeus was pursuing the very successful surge strategy during the Bush years. Like you said - it doesn't make any sense.

I think that it would have been smart of Obama to have publicly reprimanded McChrystal but allowed him to keep his job but I do not blame Obama for firing him. The Petraeus decision was another in the long line of Obama blunders.
Did anybody here even for a minute, think the hackers would say anything good? You Obama haters never disappoint. At least the liberals here will say good and bad things about his decisions. Hack,Hack,Hack.
Matman Wrote:What do you think of his appointment of Pataeus? This is not normal. Petraeus is over the Iraq and Afghanistan war. This is a demotion. Now Obama must fill an even higher slot with an even more qualified canidate. It doesn't make sense.
Do you as a military man question your commanders during your service? Do you question them in person? If it were a conservative President, you would say, "he's commander in chief, he knows what's best."
Matman Wrote:What was his fatal error? Having an opinion? An opinion he has voiced to the president several times. Should he have said he could have secured the area on the ground in the time allowed. Should he lie? I do not see anything that should have lead to his termination. He was held in high reguard. He was said to be the most successful General the region has had. So tell me how is that "hacksterism". Obama is making the same mistakes as Bush. He is not change. Just more of the same. Do you think think the General was doing a poor job? If he was doing the same job and praising Obama and boosting his ego do you think he would have been fired? He was doing his job plain and simple. He was fired because of politics.

Matman, you should know better. I don't agree with him being fired, but, you know he broke a rule. We all say that ****, but not to reporters or post it on Facebook. He violated Article 88 of the UCMJ.
And to the people saying it doesn't make sense putting Patraeus in charge of AFG...this guy is the BEST man for the war in AFG, he wrote the book on fighting insurgents. Technically, this is a demotion..but he doesn't look at it this way, nor do I. He is the only man who could place General McCrystal and do just as good of a job.
vundy33 Wrote:And to the people saying it doesn't make sense putting Patraeus in charge of AFG...this guy is the BEST man for the war in AFG, he wrote the book on fighting insurgents. Technically, this is a demotion..but he doesn't look at it this way, nor do I. He is the only man who could place General McCrystal and do just as good of a job.
My criticism of Obama appointing Petraeus as McChrystal's replacement has nothing to do with Petraeus' ability. He is the best man for the job - but given Obama's past criticism of Petraeus and the rumors that Petraeus may be interested in a political career in the not so distant future, the move raises questions about Obama's motives. Is he trying to sideline a potential 2012 rival? Surely Petraeus has other generals working under him who are prepared to step into McChrystal's position and do a good job.
vundy33 Wrote:And to the people saying it doesn't make sense putting Patraeus in charge of AFG...this guy is the BEST man for the war in AFG, he wrote the book on fighting insurgents. Technically, this is a demotion..but he doesn't look at it this way, nor do I. He is the only man who could place General McCrystal and do just as good of a job.
Surely you didn't expect those two to agree with anything that Obama does.
TheRealVille Wrote:Surely you didn't expect those two to agree with anything that Obama does.

Do you have anything to add to the thread or are you just going to continue to launch personal attacks?
vundy33 Wrote:Matman, you should know better. I don't agree with him being fired, but, you know he broke a rule. We all say that ****, but not to reporters or post it on Facebook. He violated Article 88 of the UCMJ.

No i agree McCrystal was wrong. However I do not think he should have been fired. I think he should have been placed in check but not fired. The administration knew who they were hiring. This is a man who spoke out often and loudly throughout his career. I agree it should not have been said to reporters. Thats why i asked the question as to why we even let a reporter follow our generals around. You follow anyone around for long enough and their true opinions will surface.
vundy33 Wrote:And to the people saying it doesn't make sense putting Patraeus in charge of AFG...this guy is the BEST man for the war in AFG, he wrote the book on fighting insurgents. Technically, this is a demotion..but he doesn't look at it this way, nor do I. He is the only man who could place General McCrystal and do just as good of a job.

Yes Patraeus is the best General in the US period. I believe he is one of the greatest leaders we have ever had. However he was already over the war. He was over both wars. Now who is going to be placed over him? Its like losing a squad leader and taking your Platoon Sgt. and making him the squad leader. Now is he going to be the Platoon Sgt and the Squad leader?
Matman Wrote:Do you have anything to add to the thread or are you just going to continue to launch personal attacks?
When are you going to quit hacking? You and your team mate Hoot, never miss an opportunity to hack on Obama. You being a military man, and pointed by another military member, know that Obama was fully justified in firing that General. He broke rules of conduct. Personally, I don't think Obama should have fired him, but he was justified. You and Hoot won't admit he was though, because all you care about is hacking the President, at all costs. The President is your Commander-in-Cief, whether you like his politics or not. If you, Mattman, are still in the service, you should never downgrade your commander in public, as you are now doing.
Matman Wrote:What was his fatal error? Having an opinion? An opinion he has voiced to the president several times. Should he have said he could have secured the area on the ground in the time allowed. Should he lie? I do not see anything that should have lead to his termination. He was held in high reguard. He was said to be the most successful General the region has had. So tell me how is that "hacksterism". Obama is making the same mistakes as Bush. He is not change. Just more of the same. Do you think think the General was doing a poor job? If he was doing the same job and praising Obama and boosting his ego do you think he would have been fired? He was doing his job plain and simple. He was fired because of politics.
His fatal error was breaking rules of conduct. No, he was fired because of conduct rules.
“Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”
TheRealVille Wrote:When are you going to quit hacking? You and your team mate Hoot, never miss an opportunity to hack on Obama. You being a military man, and pointed by another military member, know that Obama was fully justified in firing that General. He broke rules of conduct. Personally, I don't think Obama should have fired him, but he was justified. You and Hoot won't admit he was though, because all you care about is hacking the President, at all costs. The President is your Commander-in-Cief, whether you like his politics or not. If you, Mattman, are still in the service, you should never downgrade your commander in public, as you are now doing.

No i think Obama has every right to fire him. I think McCrystal was wrong in many ways. However I do not agree with his termination. I think the termination has more to do with politics than the job he is doing. By the way its Matman, as in wrestling mat.
When we speculate motive, everything goes downhill. McCrystal made a HUGE mistake in the Rolling Stone fiasco. Obama was well within reasoned protocol in removing him. As to maligning motives, that's what hacks do, over and over and over's in the job description.
thecavemaster Wrote:When we speculate motive, everything goes downhill. McCrystal made a HUGE mistake in the Rolling Stone fiasco. Obama was well within reasoned protocol in removing him. As to maligning motives, that's what hacks do, over and over and over's in the job description.

So what is this hack thing? Is it the new phrase? Sorry I havn't been paying much attention. Is McCrystal's mistake severe enough to require his removal? Is it severe enough to potentially hinder the mission? We are on a timeline now and this is doing nothing but creating friction in the mission. However i do see the point that McCrystal could be veiwed as creating friction and hindering the mission as well. Of course thats what he was known for...creating waves.
TheRealVille Wrote:When are you going to quit hacking? You and your team mate Hoot, never miss an opportunity to hack on Obama. You being a military man, and pointed by another military member, know that Obama was fully justified in firing that General. He broke rules of conduct. Personally, I don't think Obama should have fired him, but he was justified. You and Hoot won't admit he was though, because all you care about is hacking the President, at all costs. The President is your Commander-in-Cief, whether you like his politics or not. If you, Mattman, are still in the service, you should never downgrade your commander in public, as you are now doing.

So you agree with me that Obama shouldn't have fired the General even though it is within his power and rights? Then what are you debating? Are you just taking this chance to name call and launch personal attacks even though you agree?
TheRealVille Wrote:His fatal error was breaking rules of conduct. No, he was fired because of conduct rules.

The General was in the wrong due to conduct rules. He could and should have been put in check. He was fired because of politics and maybe too much ego.
Matman Wrote:So you agree with me that Obama shouldn't have fired the General even though it is within his power and rights? Then what are you debating? Are you just taking this chance to name call and launch personal attacks even though you agree?
Bingo! Some people do not need to read posts - they just read the by-line and fire off one of their canned personal insults. I have not criticized Obama for firing McChrystal and I would not have criticized him had he decided to retain him. Yet, I am labeled a "hack" who never supports Obama by our friends sitting in the left wing fringe seats.
General Odiniero (sp?), the commander over Iraq, is going to be the commander of CENTCOM now. A Lt. Gen is is taking Iraq over...
Interesting pick.

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