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Height vs. Quickness
Which would you rather have on your team?
Well, you can do footwork drills to get quickness, but you cant do any drills to get a short kid taller. But to have a great team instead of just a good one, in my opinion you need both.
yeah agreed BBallfan.....and its really hard to tell if u had to pick one of the two
That is a good point basketballonlyfan handnt thought of it that way. I guess i agree but I had much rather watch a team who gets up and down the floor quickly than an inside game. I know that saome disagree but I just find the game more exciting at a fast pace.
Give me quickness and I'd beat your height anyday....
Well myself i like a kid who has the size and speed.
I think that speed is alot better to have on a team. A team can make up for the height they lack with the quickness and speed.
"bevinsville_bomber" Wrote:Give me quickness and I'd beat your height anyday....
I would give you a taller and quicker team. If i had a team that was less talented and slower and shorter, but had more heart and more of a will to win, I would beat you 9 times out of 10.
quickness 4 sure
Breck Co won the state in the 90's and their tallest player was 6-4. That team also wasn't the quickest. They played hard, took good shots (and made 55-65%), played good defense, but more importantly, played as a team.
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:I would give you a taller and quicker team. If i had a team that was less talented and slower and shorter, but had more heart and more of a will to win, I would beat you 9 times out of 10.

This post is totally irrelevant to the thread.....
Quickness, by far.
You need both, but if i had to choose i would take quickness over heighth
"PineRider4Life" Wrote:Which would you rather have on your team?
It would just be nice to see a big guy with quickness.
Speed is better.

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