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Dems Propose 165 Billion Union Bailout
TheRealVille Wrote:Here's a history of bailouts since Reagan, notice who gives most of them.
You do realize that all federal spending bills originate in the House of Representatives don't you? With that fact in mind, who do you believe has given the most bailouts over the period listed? By my count, it is not even close...however, libertarians do not support bailouts period and both parties have been guilty to varying extents.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't remember trying to be your friend, or asking you to like me. I've got as much right to be liberal as you do conservative. With a board full of right wing flirties, you people can't stand it when someone stands up to one of you and puts you in your place. Do you expect to get on here and union bash and not get called to the carpet? You people bash my way of life at every option, then whine and cry when someone talks about your way of life.

Who'd you put in their place? Getting on a free website and spouting off about being a non-Christian, not believing in God, supporting socialism, handouts to those that are disinclined to work, etc., is not putting me into my place.

I actually feel sorry for you man. You're liberal now, because everything is going good for YOU. But what YOU and other liberals fail to realize is that these bailouts, and short-term fixes to stimulate the market are likely to make the economy worse in the long run. Thus possibly even costing YOU this great life YOU lead. I can already tell that when this administration's shortcomings directly affect YOU, the whining & crying will never cease.

But don't come crying to me because even then you can still sick my duck.
BoondockSaint Wrote:But don't come crying to me because even then you can still sick my duck.
Language like this, all while you have three crosses in your avatar. :Clap: You can try to mask it by switching a couple of letters, but it's there for all to see.
I repent...who forgives your sins?

BTW...It was worth it.:Thumbs:
BoondockSaint Wrote:I repent...who forgives your sins?

BTW...It was worth it.:Thumbs:
Yea, you just reiterate everything I think about Christianity.

BTW, Hoot, you still saying I should show respect to religion?
TheRealVille Wrote:Yea, you just reiterate everything I think about Christianity.

BTW, Hoot, you still saying I should show respect to religion?
I really do not care whether your respect other people's religions or not. I do wish that you would stop disrespecting it and then lying about it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I really do not care whether your respect other people's religions or not. I do wish that you would stop disrespecting it and then lying about it.
Again, show me where I denied it. Really, I have zero respect for religion, other than, it's their right to have it.
BoondockSaint Wrote:Who'd you put in their place? Getting on a free website and spouting off about being a non-Christian, not believing in God, supporting socialism, handouts to those that are disinclined to work, etc., is not putting me into my place.

I actually feel sorry for you man. You're liberal now, because everything is going good for YOU. But what YOU and other liberals fail to realize is that these bailouts, and short-term fixes to stimulate the market are likely to make the economy worse in the long run. Thus possibly even costing YOU this great life YOU lead. I can already tell that when this administration's shortcomings directly affect YOU, the whining & crying will never cease.

But don't come crying to me because even then you can still sick my duck.
1.Use common sense and be considerate and respectful toward all users. Diversity of opinion is encouraged here at BGR, however insulting or flaming another member because he or she doesn’t agree with you will not be tolerated. (This applies to everyone on the board, including staff members) Disagreeing with an idea or opinion of one is perfectly acceptable and is not the same as attacking that individual. An example of this would be calling someone a disrespectful name because you don’t agree with them. - Violating this rule will result in an immediate ban of user account and you could possibly be prosecuted.
TheRealVille Wrote:Again, show me where I denied it. Really, I have zero respect for religion, other than, it's their right to have it.
Anybody who is interested can read the other thread. I am not going to take the time and repost your words. You disrespected Christians, then denied it, then asked my why you should respect Christianity, and now demand that I prove your lied about disrespecting it. You are really having trouble keeping your stories straight.

IMO, there is nothing worse in a discussion than deliberately ridiculing a person's religion, whether that religion is Christianity, Hinduism, or Scientology. I do not respect all religions equally but I do respect most people holding religious views equally.

(I do make exceptions for violent people who hold religious beliefs that pose a threat to modern civilization. Islamic Fascism is a mental disease, not a legitimate religion, and its proponents need to be incarcerated or erased.)
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Anybody who is interested can read the other thread. I am not going to take the time and repost your words. You disrespected Christians, then denied it, then asked my why you should respect Christianity, and now demand that I prove your lied about disrespecting it. You are really having trouble keeping your stories straight.

IMO, there is nothing worse in a discussion than deliberately ridiculing a person's religion, whether that religion is Christianity, Hinduism, or Scientology. I do not respect all religions equally but I do respect most people holding religious views equally.

(I do make exceptions for violent people who hold religious beliefs that pose a threat to modern civilization. Islamic Fascism is a mental disease, not a legitimate religion, and its proponents need to be incarcerated or erased.)
I have never said that I denied disrespecting Christianity, on any thread. I have zero respect for religion, and the least respect for the two that kill people in the name of their religion(Christianity and Islam), and have never made any bones about it. Quit saying I lied, if you can't back it up. I used small case in the thread to show my disdain for it. I used upper case in the other thread to make you happy, but I still have no respect for it.
TheRealVille Wrote:Again, show me where I denied it. Really, I have zero respect for religion, other than, it's their right to have it.

TheRealVille Wrote:I have never said that I denied disrespecting Christianity, on any thread. I have zero respect for religion, and the least respect for the two that kill people in the name of their religion(Christianity and Islam), and have never made any bones about it. Quit saying I lied, if you can't back it up. I used small case in the thread to show my disdain for it. I used upper case in the other thread to make you happy, but I still have no respect for it.
Then you should have no trouble understanding why you get no respect here in return.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Then you should have no trouble understanding why you get no respect here in return.
I get it, you can't backup your lies about me. I'll post the link to where I used smallcase, you post the thread where I denied disrespecting Christianity, or admit you lied on me.
[ame=""]Kentucky Sports Forum - BlueGrassRivals - View Single Post - Controversial video of U.S. Army engaging enemy[/ame]
TheRealVille Wrote:I get it, you can't backup your lies about me. I'll post the link to where I used smallcase, you post the thread where I denied disrespecting Christianity, or admit you lied on me.
Kentucky Sports Forum - BlueGrassRivals - View Single Post - Controversial video of U.S. Army engaging enemy
Why do you bother to post in this forum? Are there not better places for you to cry for attention? Regardless of what the thread topic is, you seem to pick some unrelated issue and make yourself the subject of debate. Try to act your age and start debating issues instead of insulting other posters and then whining when they reply in kind. What a whiner you are!
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Why do you bother to post in this forum? Are there not better places for you to cry for attention? Regardless of what the thread topic is, you seem to pick some unrelated issue and make yourself the subject of debate. Try to act your age and start debating issues instead of insulting other posters and then whining when they reply in kind. What a whiner you are!
Research backwards, you derailed the thread when you stared this thing with your lies about what I said. Now you just look bad because of it. You just hate it when someone doesn't agree with your politics and derail a thread because of it. The derail started here, look it up.[ame=""]Kentucky Sports Forum - BlueGrassRivals - View Single Post - Dems Propose 165 Billion Union Bailout[/ame]
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Why do you bother to post in this forum? Are there not better places for you to cry for attention? Regardless of what the thread topic is, you seem to pick some unrelated issue and make yourself the subject of debate. Try to act your age and start debating issues instead of insulting other posters and then whining when they reply in kind. What a whiner you are!
I'll translate for you: "I can't backup why I said I said RV lied, so I'll just turn it around again." :igiveup: The only thing left to say is that you are laughable. :thatsfunn:thatsfunn:thatsfunn:Clap:Confusedhh::flush: Bye now, you very honest person.:thatsfunn
TheRealVille Wrote:I'll translate for you: "I can't backup why I said I said RV lied, so I'll just turn it around again." :igiveup: The only thing left to say is that you are laughable. :thatsfunn:thatsfunn:thatsfunn:Clap:Confusedhh::flush: Bye now, you very honest person.:thatsfunn

Below are a few instances of you ridiculing religion, mostly Christianity and its followers:

Quote:Post #61 Controversial video of U.S. Army engaging enemy
Fables and Fairy tails, but I will agree with you on one point, many people have died at the hand of/ or because of christianity. Weak minded people believe in fairy tails that aren't proven true.

Quote:Post #63 Controversial video of U.S. Army engaging enemy
I also know that Islam has killed innocents, but not nearly as many as christians through the ages. Christianity had a 600 year head start on Islam. Mr. Hoot, you really don't want to get into a fact based religious argument with me. I don't ask for respect and want none from weak minded "god" believers, of any religion.

Quote:Post #64 Controversial video of U.S. Army engaging enemy
Islam is just as idiotic any other religion.

Quote:Post #66 Controversial video of U.S. Army engaging enemy
No, Einstein was no god beliver, research your facts. Disproving religious beliefs is as easy as believing science, yet christians don't believe science or facts.

Below is the first post in which you lied by claiming that you do not ridicule Christianity (the post also demonstrates that you know proper grammar rules for capitalizing proper nouns):

Quote:Post #16 Dems Propose 165 Billion Union Bailout
I don't ridicule Christianity, I just don't think it has anyplace interfering in government business. The government isn't bailing out my unions pension. If they do happen to later, thanks. Most of the ones on here that say they believe in God aren't Christians, so where is that belief going to get them? The Bible says satan and the demons believe, I wonder where their home is going to be? I'll tell you, the same place the God believing non-Christians are going to be, if all this is true as they say.

Finally, here you are lying again by claiming ignorance of grammar rules governing the capitalization of religious terms:

Quote:Post #24 Dems Propose 165 Billion Union Bailout
Capitalizing god in the middle of a sentence is correct grammar? Since when? Like I said Hoot, if you aren't a christian, and there really is a ****, even though you believe in god, you are going to **** also. Believing in god get's you nowhere without being a christian.

Don't feel bad, RV, atheists often are afflicted with broken moral compasses. I am sure that you do not mean to lie so much, especially when you leave behind the truth in black and white and in plain sight where everybody can dissect your lies for themselves. We understand that you cannot help yourself. We really do. :lmao:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:[INDENT]
Below are a few instances of you ridiculing religion, mostly Christianity and its followers:


Below is the first post in which you lied by claiming that you do not ridicule Christianity (the post also demonstrates that you know proper grammar rules for capitalizing proper nouns):


Finally, here you are lying again by claiming ignorance of grammar rules governing the capitalization of religious terms:


Don't feel bad, RV, atheists often are afflicted with broken moral compasses. I am sure that you do not mean to lie so much, especially when you leave behind the truth in black and white and in plain sight where everybody can dissect your lies for themselves. We understand that you cannot help yourself. We really do. :lmao:
I don't ridicule christianity, I just have no respect for it. Try again Prof. Hoot. Christians don't look at science, they ridicule it enough for themselves. When you call someone a liar, have the balls to come to their face and say it, don't be a keyboard warrior.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't ridicule christianity, I just have no respect for it. Try again Prof. Hoot. Christians don't look at science, they ridicule it enough for themselves.
Let's let the readers decide for themselves whether you ridiculed Christianity. I personally see no reason to redefine the word "ridicule" myself - but maybe atheists just use a different vocabulary than other folk.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Let's let the readers decide for themselves whether you ridiculed Christianity. I personally see no reason to redefine the word "ridicule" myself - but maybe atheists just use a different vocabulary than other folk.
Like I said, ball less, It's ok Hoot.
Great thread. Ccan't you folks just stop?
TheRealVille Wrote:Like I said, ball less, It's ok Hoot.
How many people are you going to insult and then challenge to a fight RV? Did you not trot out the rules today when somebody said something that offended you? You challenged me to show where you lied. I did and now you want to challenge me to meet you somewhere. How pathetic. You have had a series of run-ins with other posters, haven't you? I can't imagine why! :eyeroll:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:How many people are you going to insult and then challenge to a fight RV? Did you not trot out the rules today when somebody said something that offended you? You challenged me to show where you lied. I did and now you want to challenge me to meet you somewhere. How pathetic. You have had a series of run-ins with other posters, haven't you? I can't imagine why! :eyeroll:
I just said, if you want to call someone a liar, at least be man enough to say it to their face, and I told you where my face was. It's easy to be an anonymous keyboard warrior, I'm not that, you are.
BillyB Wrote:Great thread. Ccan't you folks just stop?
:Thumbs: Great advice, Billie B, which I will accept. This is my last post in the thread. Thanks.
Still opposing these bailouts. This is just another example of political favors gone haywire in our govt. Does anyone honestly not believe a lot of this bailout was already promised to these unions before the election to get their support?

If we can continue to try and prop up failing businesses, economic principles, unions, corporations, and so on, when the bottom finally does fall out, it is going to be 1000x worse than it would have.

As of right now, every American from the ones born just a few minutes ago, to the ones who are over 100 years old, would all have to pay 42k to clear our debt, and yet it keeps growing and growing, soon it will be up to 70k a person. thats per person, not per working adult.

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