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Dems Propose 165 Billion Union Bailout
I'm sure RV will love this one.

A Democratic senator is introducing legislation for a bailout of troubled union pension funds. If passed, the bill could put another $165 billion in liabilities on the shoulders of American taxpayers
Old School Wrote:I'm sure RV will love this one.

A Democratic senator is introducing legislation for a bailout of troubled union pension funds. If passed, the bill could put another $165 billion in liabilities on the shoulders of American taxpayers
i'm a millionaire Old School, if my union pension fails, I'll still be ok. Thanks for thinking of me though. If my pension doesn't fail, I'll get an extra 5k a month. Either way, I'll be fine. BTW, it isn't my pension fund that is in trouble, mine is stable.
Just last week President Obama said there would be no more bailouts.

Lets see where this goes.
How's your non-union pension holding up Old School? How much will you get a month at 55 years old?
TheRealVille Wrote:i'm a millionaire Old School, if my union pension fails, I'll still be ok. Thanks for thinking of me though. If my pension doesn't fail, I'll get an extra 5k a month. Either way, I'll be fine. BTW, it isn't my pension fund that is in trouble, mine is stable.

Remember Barry's still in office. :biggrin: Things happen.

TheRealVille Wrote:How's your non-union pension holding up Old School? How much will you get a month at 55 years old?

It could be better, and it could be worse, I'm not a millionaire if that's what your wanting to know.
Old School Wrote:It could be better, and it could be worse, .
What makes yours so safe if it is the hands of anybody other than you? I would be willing to bet yours don't add up to 5k a month, if it is safe. No pension is 100% safe, unless it is being taken care of by the pensioner himself. BTW, a bit of advice, don't make thread to call out a particular person, especially if you don't know that persons financial means. How's you means of a living, coal, holding up? Mine is still going pretty good, I haven't missed a day of work, that I didn't want to. I hate it when people call me out and cause me to be a smart-a**.
TheRealVille Wrote:How's your non-union pension holding up Old School? How much will you get a month at 55 years old?
Will you get 5k at 55, from just your job pension, not from other investments?
TheRealVille Wrote:What makes yours so safe if it is the hands of anybody other than you? I would be willing to bet yours don't add up to 5k a month, if it is safe. No pension is 100% safe, unless it is being taken care of by the pensioner himself. BTW, a bit of advice, don't make thread to call out a particular person, especially if you don't know that persons financial means. How's you means of a living, coal, holding up? Mine is still going pretty good, I haven't missed a day of work, that I didn't want to. I hate it when people call me out and cause me to be a smart-a**.

What is your problem? All I said was "it could be better and it could be worse". and you go off on this rant?

I did not call you out, check your pm.

Thanks for your concern, but my means of living is fine.

IMO you most certainly showed your a**

TheRealVille Wrote:Will you get 5k at 55, from just your job pension, not from other investments?

Still showing your a** I see.
TheRealVille Wrote:Will you get 5k at 55, from just your job pension, not from other investments?

Your a real piece of work my man.......................
Age 55 is rather young for a pension to start paying out. The only one that I know that does is state retirement. The other key number is 27.

As far as the million dollar statement goes, and being from the Paintsville area, you would be one of several hundred. Some earned it others fell into it by birth right...
Black gold....
Walleye Wrote:RV
Age 55 is rather young for a pension to start paying out. The only one that I know that does is state retirement. The other key number is 27.

As far as the million dollar statement goes, and being from the Paintsville area, you would be one of several hundred. Some earned it others fell into it by birth right...
Black gold....
30 years and out is how mine works walleye. "Black Gold" had nothing to do with it, on the other part of your statement.
NEXT Wrote:Your a real piece of work my man.......................
Why? I get called out on union pensions being bailed out and I explain that mine is ok and I will get a good amount more than non-union pensions. Are you here when everybody bashes unions? Union is doing me pretty well, I don't like to get bashed, hence I turn into a smarta**.
TheRealVille Wrote:Why? I get called out on union pensions being bailed out and I explain that mine is ok and I will get a good amount more than non-union pensions. Are you here when everybody bashes unions? Union is doing me pretty well, I don't like to get bashed, hence I turn into a smarta**.

Why??? I'm glad I got here first. Because you're an arrogant, liberal smart-a$$, among other things.

What's more unlikeable than that?
BoondockSaint Wrote:Why??? I'm glad I got here first. Because you're an arrogant, liberal smart-a$$, among other things.

What's more unlikeable than that?
I don't remember trying to be your friend, or asking you to like me. I've got as much right to be liberal as you do conservative. With a board full of right wing flirties, you people can't stand it when someone stands up to one of you and puts you in your place. Do you expect to get on here and union bash and not get called to the carpet? You people bash my way of life at every option, then whine and cry when someone talks about your way of life.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't remember trying to be your friend, or asking you to like me. I've got as much right to be liberal as you do conservative. With a board full of right wing flirties, you people can't stand it when someone stands up to one of you and puts you in your place. Do you expect to get on here and union bash and not get called to the carpet? You people bash my way of life at every option, then whine and cry when someone talks about your way of life.
Talk about whining. You get on here and ridicule Christianity and those who believe in it and now whine because most of us believe that it is wrong for the federal government to steal from taxpayers and bailout union pensions. Boo hoo, boo hoo - cry me a river. :thatsfunn
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Talk about whining. You get on here and ridicule Christianity and those who believe in it and now whine because most of us believe that it is wrong for the federal government to steal from taxpayers and bailout union pensions. Boo hoo, boo hoo - cry me a river. :thatsfunn
I don't ridicule Christianity, I just don't think it has anyplace interfering in government business. The government isn't bailing out my unions pension. If they do happen to later, thanks. Most of the ones on here that say they believe in God aren't Christians, so where is that belief going to get them? The Bible says satan and the demons believe, I wonder where their home is going to be? I'll tell you, the same place the God believing non-Christians are going to be, if all this is true as they say.
All I know to tell you right-wingers, is to go to the polls and change government. I will continue to vote for the ones that favor the union way, and that's not right-wingers. Don't cry to me when the left tries to take your work, when the right tries to destroy mine, you will get no sympathy from me. All you right wingers talk about killing the unions, that's how I make my living.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't ridicule Christianity, I just don't think it has anyplace interfering in government business. The government isn't bailing out my unions pension. If they do happen to later, thanks. Most of the ones on here that say they believe in God aren't Christians, so where is that belief going to get them? The Bible says satan and the demons believe, I wonder where their home is going to be? I'll tell you, the same place the God believing non-Christians are going to be, if all this is true as they say.
It is very commendable that you have finally elected to follow accepted rules of grammar by capitalizing words like Christianity and God. The posts in which you ridiculed religion remain, however, for anybody who cares to look. It is sad that a person would see a union as a "way of life." This thread is not about your union's pension and nobody really cares if you are a millionaire or a billionaire. I am sure that if your pension were being bailed out, you would support the action 100 percent, as your positions seem to rely solely on the WIIFM system of decision making. My political support is not for sale.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is very commendable that you have finally elected to follow accepted rules of grammar by capitalizing words like Christianity and God. The posts in which you ridiculed religion remain, however, for anybody who cares to look. It is sad that a person would see a union as a "way of life." This thread is not about your union's pension and nobody really cares if you are a millionaire or a billionaire. I am sure that if your pension were being bailed out, you would support the action 100 percent, as your positions seem to rely solely on the WIIFM system of decision making. My political support is not for sale.
Mine neither, I vote for who takes care of my living, just like you coal people. I don't ridicule Christianity, I just don't believe in it. Why should I capitalize it, if it it isn't real to me?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is sad that a person would see a union as a "way of life."
Why is it sad? That's how I've made my living for the last 20 years. It's my way of life, thought it might might not be the cut-throat non union coal mining way of life. My father in law worked for coal for 30 years, both union and non union, he says the union mines treated him 100 times better.
TheRealVille Wrote:Why is it sad? That's how I've made my living for the last 20 years. It's my way of life, thought it might might not be the cut-throat non union coal mining way of life. My father in law worked for coal for 30 years, both union and non union, he says the union mines treated him 100 times better.
Really? How many checks did you receive from the union? How many from the company who employed your? A union is a bargaining unit - not a way of life. I have also worked as a member of the UMWA, albeit briefly, and for non-union coal companies. Both treated me well, although illegal strikes by the UMWA knocked me out of about half of my hours during the summer I worked as a union miner. Most of the UMWA members that I have known have been hard working, law abiding citizens but I have also encountered goons in ski masks armed with guns and clubs on picket lines. Every organization of any size has an undesirable element in it and unions are no different than any other organization.

Instead of making every thread about you personally, why don't you tell us how you feel about using tax dollars to reward union supporters of Obama the Destroyer?
TheRealVille Wrote:Mine neither, I vote for who takes care of my living, just like you coal people. I don't ridicule Christianity, I just don't believe in it. Why should I capitalize it, if it it isn't real to me?
It is correct grammar. Do you also not believe in grammar?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Really? How many checks did you receive from the union? How many from the company who employed your? A union is a bargaining unit - not a way of life. I have also worked as a member of the UMWA, albeit briefly, and for non-union coal companies. Both treated me well, although illegal strikes by the UMWA knocked me out of about half of my hours during the summer I worked as a union miner. Most of the UMWA members that I have known have been hard working, law abiding citizens but I have also encountered goons in ski masks armed with guns and clubs on picket lines. Every organization of any size has an undesirable element in it and unions are no different than any other organization.

Instead of making every thread about you personally, why don't you tell us how you feel about using tax dollars to reward union supporters of Obama the Destroyer?
All my checks come from union contractors. The companies I work for only hire union contractors, they never allow non-union in their plants, so yes, it is a way of life. The plants I work at don't even allow bids from non-union contractors. In the 20 years I've been working union, I've never even saw a strike. Hey, enjoy your money losing non-union 401k, it's your privilege. I'm a union supporter of Obama, so again, thanks for paying taxes.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is correct grammar. Do you also not believe in grammar?
Capitalizing god in the middle of a sentence is correct grammar? Since when? Like I said Hoot, if you aren't a christian, and there really is a ****, even though you believe in god, you are going to **** also. Believing in god get's you nowhere without being a christian.
TheRealVille Wrote:All my checks come from union contractors. The companies I work for only hire union contractors, they never allow non-union in their plants, so yes, it is a way of life. The plants I work at don't even allow bids from non-union contractors. In the 20 years I've been working union, I've never even saw a strike. Hey, enjoy your money losing non-union 401k, it's your privilege. I'm a union supporter of Obama, so again, thanks for paying taxes.
Another "it's all about me" post, and you did not even give a straight answer about your own situation. You do not work for a union. The companies that employ you have signed contracts to discriminate against non-union workers. So, the correct answer to my question is that your checks and other benefits are paid by a company, not by the union. Yet, you give all the credit to the union and the federal government. Like I said, sad...
TheRealVille Wrote:Capitalizing god in the middle of a sentence is correct grammar? Since when? Like I said Hoot, if you aren't a christian, and there really is a ****, even though you believe in god, you are going to **** also. Believing in god get's you nowhere without being a christian.
Does the depth of your intellectual dishonest know no bounds? In post #16, you capitalized both "God" and "Christianity," demonstrating that you understand the correct grammar rules governing capitalization of religious terms. The fact that you failed to do so in another thread shows that your decision was a deliberate insult to the Christians whom you were debating. Unless Paintsville's educational standards have fallen precipitously since I was a student there in the 70s, you were taught proper grammar - yet you demand a lesson in the above post. You are a real piece of work, as others have already observed.

People like you make life easy for corrupt politicians. Your votes may be bought cheaply because you care nothing about right and wrong and just vote your own pocketbook.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Does the depth of your intellectual dishonest know no bounds? In post #16, you capitalized both "God" and "Christianity," demonstrating that you understand the correct grammar rules governing capitalization of religious terms. The fact that you failed to do so in another thread shows that your decision was a deliberate insult to the Christians whom you were debating. Unless Paintsville's educational standards have fallen precipitously since I was a student there in the 70s, you were taught proper grammar - yet you demand a lesson in the above post. You are a real piece of work, as others have already observed.

People like you make life easy for corrupt politicians. Your votes may be bought cheaply because you care nothing about right and wrong and just vote your own pocketbook.

Awesome post Brother! Keep on keepin' on. :Thumbs:
TheRealVille Wrote:30 years and out is how mine works walleye. "Black Gold" had nothing to do with it, on the other part of your statement.

In previous post didn't you say that you've worked at power plants, steel plants, and the refinery? If so then wouldn't "Black Gold" be involved?

TheRealVille Wrote:Why is it sad? That's how I've made my living for the last 20 years. It's my way of life, thought it might might not be the cut-throat non union coal mining way of life. My father in law worked for coal for 30 years, both union and non union, he says the union mines treated him 100 times better.

I myself, have never worked in a union mine, however I worked with many who have. They all have good and bad memories of working for union mines. Their biggest complaints were that the union mines were mostly comprised of lazy workers, who would strike for any reason, or strike if the mine up the road went on strike. The majority of the ex-union workers I've worked with said they would not go back to the union. Others who only needed a few years to gain full medical coverage after retirement were looking for union employment.

You do realize that your tax dollars are also going toward all of these bailouts.
Old School Wrote:In previous post didn't you say that you've worked at power plants, steel plants, and the refinery? If so then wouldn't "Black Gold" be involved?


I myself, have never worked in a union mine, however I worked with many who have. They all have good and bad memories of working for union mines. Their biggest complaints were that the union mines were mostly comprised of lazy workers, who would strike for any reason, or strike if the mine up the road went on strike. The majority of the ex-union workers I've worked with said they would not go back to the union. Others who only needed a few years to gain full medical coverage after retirement were looking for union employment.

You do realize that your tax dollars are also going toward all of these bailouts.
Black gold had nothing to with what he stated in the last part of his post. Yes Old School, I realize it. I also realize that you will too, so if they in fact bailout my union pension, I thank you in advance. I will gladly help pay my part of the taxes of these bailouts, if it helps to keep the country and workers going.
The way I see things OS, and anybody else that doesn't want to pay taxes, is that you have several options:

Vote for change(your best option)
Email your representatives(another good option)
Move to a country that doesn't take up taxes to live there(good luck finding one)
Find a country to move to that takes up what you Repubs consider fair taxes(again, good luck finding one)
Quit paying taxes and wait for the IRS to find you
Or lastly, hush about it.

No one in history has ever heard me whine about paying taxes. I do gladly, to live in the greatest country on earth.

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