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Question on coaches salaries?
There have been dozens of posts recently about open coaching positions, this coach going there, this coach to here, etc. In some of these posts, I have seen comments made about coaching salaries. I even saw one post claiming a coach was offered $74,000 "just to coach". My question is...can someone please tell me what coaches are actually paid, on average to coach basketball here in KY? My understanding is coaches in KY are paid a stipend to coach, based on years of experience, need, and a few other factors. Now, some schools/districts are willing to pony up more of a stipend than others, but still it's a realitively small amount. And, it is also my understanding that ALL coaching salaries are paid from state funds (public schools anyway), just like all teachers salaries are and actually come via the same funding pool. And unlike other states, I believe it is illegal in KY for local booster clubs to pay coaches money from any fundraising/donation sources. I know in Alabama head high school football coaches can make in the six figures, but most all of that comes from provate sources.

Can anyone shed some light on this subject for me? I see these big numbers thrown around, and I believe they are just totally wrong, but maybe I'm out of the loop or just totally ignorant to what actually is happening.
Yes there is a stipend. Usually anywhere from 8,000-12,000, but the figures of $75,000 and others include a "teaching" salary. Most coaches are looking to get out of the classroom setting and will fill a roll of assistant athletic director, ect. Those highly saught after coaches will be given a "teaching schedule" that consists of a few weightlifting classes and some supervision duties and will be paid the same as any other teacher. Alsom have to consider coaches can pick up an extra $5,000 or $6,000 from Little League revenues and summer youth camps.
I agree with the above; however I have seen smaller stipends (a contract amount for an extra duty or service) from smaller high schools. Many times, the stipend depends on the size of the high school. I've seen stipends range from $5,000 - $12,000. Usually the High School Head Boys & Girls Coach is making the same stipend (Title IX).

Also from what I've seen, usually the Basketball and Football head coach make the largest stipends compared to all the other sports, in some instances, it's more than the Athletic Director stipend.

For a coach to make $75-$90K, he/she probably has their Rank 1 and has some kind of administrative index (extra pay, usually associated with extra contract days to work). To get a coach out of the classroom, I've seen coach's work as Home Bound teachers, Asst. Principals, In School Suspension teachers, Asst. Athletic Directors, Athletic Directors etc.

It all depends how bad the school district wants the coach. One thing that is not allowed by KHSAA; Booster Clubs can not pay a coach's salary/stipend or enhance the coach's salary/stipend.
BigVMan23 Wrote:Can anyone shed some light on this subject for me? I see these big numbers thrown around, and I believe they are just totally wrong, but maybe I'm out of the loop or just totally ignorant to what actually is happening.

I would think this is definitely your problem(the bolded above)
If schools want certain coaches, they can come up with a number of ways to get them EXTRA money. Make the A.D. or Asst A.D., they can make them Asst Principals, they could run all the grade school athletic programs for extra money, all sorts of kinds of ways to get extra money for SPECIAL COACHES. Nothing new around here in the mountains.
D1Recruiter Wrote:I would think this is definitely your problem(the bolded above)
If schools want certain coaches, they can come up with a number of ways to get them EXTRA money. Make the A.D. or Asst A.D., they can make them Asst Principals, they could run all the grade school athletic programs for extra money, all sorts of kinds of ways to get extra money for SPECIAL COACHES. Nothing new around here in the mountains.

A school just "can't make them an Asst. Principal". A teacher has to have the certification to be an Asst. Principal or Principal before a school district can put him or her in that position.
Ok, I'm not as far off as I thought, and I knew that some coaches were pulling in a few thousand dollars as a stipend. However, I would say that judging by some of the posts and comments from other threads, that some believe coaches are paid huge salaries "just to coach", and I just never and don't believe that is the case. Maybe some are found "less than stressful" jobs within the school system, or jobs that require less time than others, but I have to say if a coach is also an assistant principle, ath. director, facilities manager, etc., I would say those are NOT less stressful jobs, but do come with higher base salaries. I'm also sure that if a school wants a high profile coach, they would find something for him/her, thats just how the world works and I would never think otherwise.

I was starting to think that if basketball coaches were pulling in that kind of money just in "coaching" salaries, then I need to quit this voluenteer coaching gig and look at getting on a high school staff and start working my way up!:biggrin: Not that anybody would want me, but can't blame a guy for trying!
When I was at Paris Middle/High School in 1999/2000 Randy Reese (3x state champ) was the head football coach at the high school. He did not have the certification to be the principal so he was called the "head teacher" at the middle school. He did basically all the duties he was legally allowed to do at the middle school. We did not have a principal. When necessary, the principal from the high school would come over to observe teachers during evaluations and such. It is my understanding his pay was supplemented by the touchdown club.

I was also told but don't know for a fact that while Dudley Hilton was at Bourbon County during this time, he was renting a house for $1.00.
Westside Wrote:When I was at Paris Middle/High School in 1999/2000 Randy Reese (3x state champ) was the head football coach at the high school. He did not have the certification to be the principal so he was called the "head teacher" at the middle school. He did basically all the duties he was legally allowed to do at the middle school. We did not have a principal. When necessary, the principal from the high school would come over to observe teachers during evaluations and such. It is my understanding his pay was supplemented by the touchdown club.

I was also told but don't know for a fact that while Dudley Hilton was at Bourbon County during this time, he was renting a house for $1.00.

At Hazard they will give you a house to live in and outside sources will pay you bonuses to coach. If they like you that is!
goodguy Wrote:I agree with the above; however I have seen smaller stipends (a contract amount for an extra duty or service) from smaller high schools. Many times, the stipend depends on the size of the high school. I've seen stipends range from $5,000 - $12,000. Usually the High School Head Boys & Girls Coach is making the same stipend (Title IX).

Also from what I've seen, usually the Basketball and Football head coach make the largest stipends compared to all the other sports, in some instances, it's more than the Athletic Director stipend.

For a coach to make $75-$90K, he/she probably has their Rank 1 and has some kind of administrative index (extra pay, usually associated with extra contract days to work). To get a coach out of the classroom, I've seen coach's work as Home Bound teachers, Asst. Principals, In School Suspension teachers, Asst. Athletic Directors, Athletic Directors etc.

It all depends how bad the school district wants the coach. One thing that is not allowed by KHSAA; Booster Clubs can not pay a coach's salary/stipend or enhance the coach's salary/stipend.

This is very accurate:Thumbs:
superfreak Wrote:At Hazard they will give you a house to live in and outside sources will pay you bonuses to coach. If they like you that is!
but when your son that plays graduates, they tell you to be out of the house by June 1 :thatsfunn:thatsfunn:thatsfunn:thatsfunn

Some other schools have just made up names for coaches, such as the Head master, or Dean of students, seriously are these colleges or high schools. Crazy stuff goes on to get these coaches extra funds to coach. Along with their 2 or less classes of PE or weight lifting with their players.
coach booher who is now the coach at holmes will make 90,000+ with coaching and dean of freshman.
Any of these postions that are mentioned on here that is "created" has to be done the the local Board of Education. They are under the watchful eye of the Office of Educational Accountability (OEA). If any illegal activity is reported to that office, the BOE members can be removed from office and the Superintendent can not only lose their certification, but their retirement also. Boosters paying money to coaches.........I wouldn't want to be the Superintendent when that is reported to OEA or Office of Civil Rights is made aware of the fact. Title IX reports on coaches salaries has to be sent to the KHSAA every year. In that report money spent by boosters has to be accounted for and salaries has to be listed. The boys and girls salary better match. Did I mention that the principal, superintendent, and the Board of Education Chair signs that report. That becomes a legal document. Summer camp money if paid to coaches is salary. Be careful what you say.
Blackwater Wrote:Any of these postions that are mentioned on here that is "created" has to be done the the local Board of Education. They are under the watchful eye of the Office of Educational Accountability (OEA). If any illegal activity is reported to that office, the BOE members can be removed from office and the Superintendent can not only lose their certification, but their retirement also. Boosters paying money to coaches.........I wouldn't want to be the Superintendent when that is reported to OEA or Office of Civil Rights is made aware of the fact. Title IX reports on coaches salaries has to be sent to the KHSAA every year. In that report money spent by boosters has to be accounted for and salaries has to be listed. The boys and girls salary better match. Did I mention that the principal, superintendent, and the Board of Education Chair signs that report. That becomes a legal document. Summer camp money if paid to coaches is salary. Be careful what you say.

You are absolutely correct in everything you stated. I just shake my head when reading what some people post on here!
goodguy Wrote:You are absolutely correct in everything you stated. I just shake my head when reading what some people post on here!

Randy Reese deserved every penny he got. He earned the money on and off the field.

When Chuke Williams (RIP) took over for Dudley Hilton, he caught a lot of heat because he was making more than the principal at the school.
Westside Wrote:Randy Reese deserved every penny he got. He earned the money on and off the field.

When Chuke Williams (RIP) took over for Dudley Hilton, he caught a lot of heat because he was making more than the principal at the school.

I wasn't questioning how much they got, I was questioning the comments about boosters paying and supplementing salaries, getting houses for a dollar, making up jobs, etc. Comments like that if they are a fact can get some people and school districts in trouble. I think a mod needs to shut this thread down. There are some things that just don't get said in a public forum.
Coaches that work their tails off to have a winning progam deserve every dollar. However, don't believe everything people throw out there. There are salary rumors/positions that are out-of-control. There are also parents and other that become upset with the current coaching sistuation or hire that would gladly report things to OEA or the OCR. When things are reported school districts have to prove their innocense. Nothing gets the heart racing and the old blood pressure up better than that phone call from OEA or OCR. When you are called to the chair and asked to raise your right hand...........Makes me nervous just thinking about it.

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