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Middlesboro 2017
Trashtalker Wrote:Since we have a panel of experts on here and a couple has beens! I thought id break it down for the less ignorant people! Last 2 years Middlesboro hasnt had enough talent to get out of its own way! This year should be a better year. If its not im sure Massengil will no longer be the coach! But for all you right brained smartass know it alls. Ask yourself this question has he had a fair shake at this. Did anyone give him a shot after Fraizer was fired? He started out 4-0 and how many of you didnt make a game and was still on here bad mouthing? Truth be told hes had the 2 worst teams that middlesboro has seen in a long time! But TRUTHHURTS thinks they were something special i guess. Truthhurts,NextGeneration,Flipped Out and whoever else sees the need to get on here and run a program through the dirt is. Can you please shut the hell up a while! If the job comes open apply for it! If you dont like what you read please feel free to private message me! Because Im not gonna be a keyboard warrior! And futhermore at least we didnt have to lay off 37 positions to get a football coach! And the end of the day that affects more familys then it helps! Luckly Middlesboro was able to give a few of them a job! At as a southeastern kentuckian Im prouder of that then any football game!!!! PS!!! TRUTHHURTS YOU WEREN'T AS GOOD AS YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE!

Sounds like a long winded excuse...anyway, those so called experts have just about nailed their predictions each year. Trash talker I get it, that is your team and buddies, but you may be the lone survivor with so much optimism. It is a good thing. My prediction this year is the Jackets will triple the wins with 3 at most. Good luck ��

Just one more thing, it does get exhausting with the same broken record each year, this one in trouble, that one missing practice and the other with whatever. I have backed off because it is not going to work. Most acknowledge that.
Mr. Obvious Wrote:I hate to ask about another rumor but can anyone verify that Middlesboro isn't playing in the SEKC Grid? I was told this was decided over a month ago and would explain why they might have scrimmaged at camp...if in fact they did.

They are not playing in it. My question is why does a coach BUY his way out of a SEKC Grid , that he scheduled during the sekc meeting.
NextGeneration Wrote:They are not playing in it. My question is why does a coach BUY his way out of a SEKC Grid , that he scheduled during the sekc meeting.

Perhaps with the change in offensive scheme and probably many other changes, they don't want to give any relevant film to Bell County for the season opener? I don't know that's the case, just guessing. I think it has very little to do with opponent, if not absolutely nothing to do with opponent. Was it scheduled before prior to them deciding to go away from spread offense? Again, completely guessing.

I wonder what the pay out is for the SEKC? Sucks for them really. I think they depend on these football grids to pay for basically everything the rest of the year.
FlippedOut Wrote:Sounds like a long winded excuse...anyway, those so called experts have just about nailed their predictions each year. Trash talker I get it, that is your team and buddies, but you may be the lone survivor with so much optimism. It is a good thing. My prediction this year is the Jackets will triple the wins with 3 at most. Good luck ��

Just one more thing, it does get exhausting with the same broken record each year, this one in trouble, that one missing practice and the other with whatever. I have backed off because it is not going to work. Most acknowledge that.

I would probably put the over/under at 3.5 wins as well.

I think they beat Claiborne Co., Harlan, and Pineville. I think their game against Clay Co. is a toss up.

25-35% chance of beating Bell Co and/or Williamsburg.
<25% chance for the others.

Mr. Obvious Wrote:I would probably put the over/under at 3.5 wins as well.

I think they beat Claiborne Co., Harlan, and Pineville. I think their game against Clay Co. is a toss up.

25-35% chance of beating Bell Co and/or Williamsburg.
<25% chance for the others.


I know nothing about Claiborne, but not typically very good. Pineville is a win. Harlan and Clay are my win one and lose other. Saw where someone said Harlan out of SEKC also. Dudley will be at Meet the Jackets so he can get a sneak peak. LOL. We get to watch them and they will have nothing on us as far as film. Maybe a smart move. Better look for the old man behind goal post filming.
Will Middlesboro scrimmage anyone tonight or was camp counted as scrimmage?
Middlesboro will be improved.
Madness Wrote:Will Middlesboro scrimmage anyone tonight or was camp counted as scrimmage?

Spoke with someone who should know, and they said yes, they scrimmaged at camp. I haven't been able to confirm it independently, though.

Hope the veer gives the Jackets something they can hang their hats on offensively and they can have some early success. At various times, they sure succeeded when running that scheme in the 70s, 80s and 90s.
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