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Letcher Central Open
Know for a fact it's Larry Maggard, west 80. He's the one that should not trash an 8 th grader he's only a child. Maggard should act like a man and keep his pot hole closed....
GRIFFIN Wrote:1 week it well be all out.

Are they going to have a press conference or announce it at Bord Meeting?
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This has nothing to do about me, its about a young man trying to better himself. Leave at that please.
I could care less who big_man97, happyhour, or west 80 is. I'm his dad Craig Hall we are only wanting the the best for Seth. I don't put much into what people can't say to my face........ If they try they know what will happen.
This is not a thread for The Hall kid in Jenkins. If he comes he comes to LCC. If he dont he dont. Its not a big deal. To be honest I am shocked he is leaving Jenkins. He will not be a starter here next year so please start a thread and talk there as of right now he is nothing.
I heard Jerry Herron has been asked to apply. Would be a nice fit with the style Coach Herron likes to play.
Heard Holland Jr. turned down the job to stay at UPike.
After reading your past posts you never have nothing good to say about anybody or any program.
surgeon Wrote:Hardcore1 its pretty obvious that you are totally obsessed with this stepp guy you know his stats since Clay County days. Well I am just informing you no one here at LCC wants your guy okay. Were not just looking to win a district title and go to the playoffs. We are use to that kind of stuff here in Letcher County when we have a coach that can get our kids out and exited again about football. Harlan has a great coach and we love to play them. Its not we would not want a guy like Larkey it just exiting to play them the atmosphere use to be electric over here when we played ant the same thing about Perry. We do not think we are to good for any one but honestly I dont think Stepp is in the same league as a Chapman and other guys. Im sorry and Hardcore1 trust me I am talking from experience. For the record LCC owned Clay County Zack Lewis junior and Senior year.

First off does your mom know you are using her computer to type ignorant things about a coaching job. I am not obsessed with Aaron, but he is a friend and if you look up information on the internet to support your message then that is using your intelligence, not being obsessed. I will defend you and say I know the internet is something new in your neck of the woods but do not get on here and dog another coach for their accomplishments, especially when he has NO and I KNOW he has NO interest in the LCC job. I wish you guys the best in your search as I have said before. If you have a personal beef with Aaron Stepp this is not the place to air it out. You dont want him well guess what he dont want you either. People like you are the reason the job would not be intriguing to coaches, because eventually they will have to deal with you getting on here and probably blasting them when you dont get your way. Also Aaron was not at Clay for Zack's senior year and he still beat you guys 2 out of 3 years, and Zack still has the record for passing in the state of KY and is getting ready to break the records at MSU. You can also find that info on the web, if you know how to research properly, of course it appears the extent of your intellignece is only getting on message boards and blasting people you do not like. For your info if you dont like Stepp get in line, you will not be able to bust his cherry on that one, you are not the first and wont be the last. But if you have issue with Aaron I am sure he would be more than happy to sit down and talk to you about it. You might even find out he is quite intelligent. OF course he may solve all of your problems and just put you out of your misery and save us all alot of grief. To the real LCC fans I hope you get a great coach that will restore the glory. I also hope that you can ship the surgeon to another place so he will not get on here and cut to peices, LOL the hard work that has went into building that program up.
Actually your Coach Stepp is 2-2 against LCC. The school(LCC) formed in 2005 with Clay Co winning the game 30-16. In 2006 Clay won again 44-30. In 2007 LCC beat Clay and Coach Stepp twice. The regular season game was won by LCC 40-37 and the playoff game between them was also won by LCC 48-37. LCC won the game in 2008 and 2009 as well but Coach Stepp was not there at the time. His record is.500 with LCC 2 wins-2 losses.
Windsprint Wrote:Actually your Coach Stepp is 2-2 against LCC. The school(LCC) formed in 2005 with Clay Co winning the game 30-16. In 2006 Clay won again 44-30. In 2007 LCC beat Clay and Coach Stepp twice. The regular season game was won by LCC 40-37 and the playoff game between them was also won by LCC 48-37. LCC won the game in 2008 and 2009 as well but Coach Stepp was not there at the time. His record is.500 with LCC 2 wins-2 losses.

I stand corrected you are right I did not look at the year they played back through their ditrict in the playoffs. I was just looking at the years and knew he had won 2 years in a row and lost his last year there to a very good LCC team that was loaded with talent. Thanks for clearing that up. He is 500 against them
IMO Haddix would be just what LCC needs to get their program goin in the right direction. But sayin that, PCC would be CRAZY to let this young, capable and energetic guy like that leave.... The kid knows the game and is slick like Dapper Dan. I say PCC does what they can do to keep him.. Crazier things have happened tho!! Goo Dores!
Hey hardcore1 I have no problem with your no named coach. I do not even know him I just said he was not the man then you went off saying he is the greatest coach alive which I thought was funny. I just told you the truth he has no chance getting that job. Im glad he is happy where he is. If you or him want to threaten me on a computer put you name and number on here and we will meet there thats how will handle things in my neck of the woods.
Another thing I would take a Charlie Banks anyday over Zack Lewis. I do not care ho many yards he threw for.
Are these messages even monitored anymore? Sturgeon and hard core have taken a friendly discussion and turned it into an I'll meet you in the alley discussion. Both should be reprimanded and this thread NEEDS to be shut down and started over.
happyhour Wrote:After reading your past posts you never have nothing good to say about anybody or any program.

Well you should know then after reading my previous post I am not from around there, just curious about LCC. But I do not get on here and cuss like some idiot redneck either, especially over a little middle school kid.
Guys please keep it on the topic at hand. Start a thread about Jenkins football, and leave this one to the speculation of our new coach. I really don't want this thread closed.
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A quick question for LCC fans. How many 8th grade feeder schools do you have now?
surgeon Wrote:Hey hardcore1 I have no problem with your no named coach. I do not even know him I just said he was not the man then you went off saying he is the greatest coach alive which I thought was funny. I just told you the truth he has no chance getting that job. Im glad he is happy where he is. If you or him want to threaten me on a computer put you name and number on here and we will meet there thats how will handle things in my neck of the woods.

PBR Are these messages even monitored anymore? Sturgeon and hard core have taken a friendly discussion and turned it into an I'll meet you in the alley discussion. Both should be reprimanded and this thread NEEDS to be shut down and started over. [/QUOTE]

I want to first say that I apologize if I have offended anyone on here. PBR my intentions were not to turn this into a brawl via the internet. I came on here to simply let people know that AAron Stepp is not interested in NO way in the LCC job. Then some people mainly the surgeon continued blasting coach Stepp for no reason. I have tried to research and put some acccurate info on here as it pertains to Stepp's record and such. I even stood corrected on his record vs. LCC. I have done nothing but wish LCC the best in finding a new coach but also would like people to understand when you get on here and start rumors of this coach and that coach and their interest in a job it can cause problems, sometimes major ones for them at their current school.

Now I did some research through this thread and the surgeon and myself's bantering Take it for what it is worth. But I apologize to him and to you and anyone else I may have offended:

Post 56-- Surgeon reports it is Chapman and Ben Howard
Post 57 -- Surgeon says no interest in Randy Frazier, for he is done
MAMA Bear was first to report Aaron Stepp is interested
Post 70 -- Surgeon forget Stepp, he has no chance
Post 95 -- Surgeon Stepp, Donahue, Dixon, Larkey No Way and they do not want them and begins dogging Courgarpride08( an LCC supporter)
Post 98-- Surgeon Do not Want Larkey
Post 103 - Bring Hillard back before Larkey
Post 104 -- Surgeon, We want Chapman or Holland
Post 125 - My first post stating that Stepp happy at SV
Post 128 - SUrgeon Stepp lost to LCC, HAHAHA We want a winning coach
Post 135 -- ME Stepp not interested
Post 138 -- Surgeon, once again LCC does not want him, has he ever won.
Post 140 - Surgeon arguing and dogging Yogi
Post 141 - Yogi states Surgeon has bad attitude in the situation
Post 142 - ME Surgeon should apply, gave some of Stepps Stats
Post 144 - Surgeon telling me I am obsessed, Stepp not in the league with Chapman, TRUST ME I AM TALKING FROM EXPERIENCE( he knows)
Post155 - Surgeon dogging the Hall kid
Post 159 -- I fired back and blasted on the suregeon ( which was wrong, but I had enough of his putting kids and coaches down), I did say something about him meeting up with stepp and made a joke which I should not have about Stepp ending his misery, WRONG ON MY PART TOWARDS SURGEON AND STEPP
Post 161 -- Me admitting I was wrong about Stepps record vs. LCC
Post 163 -- Surgeon Says I think Stepp is the greatest coach alive, I never said that, but he did threaten me or call me out to meet him. I NEVER said I wanted to meet him or anything close to that
Post 164 -- Blast Zack Lewis
Post 165 -- PBR statement about us hi-jacking the thread, which I am apologizing for NOW. I will not make another foul comment. I just ask that ANYONE, not just the SURGEON blast kids or coaches on a public site where, community members, kids, coaches, administators and families get on and read.

PBR you brought this to my attention and I thank you because I allowed a person who is probably way younger than I am to get under my skin and I did not react in a mature manner. BUT I know that Aaron is happy at SV and please leave his name out of the discussion for this job. If you look at the info that I researched and put down in this post that I did not intend to blast anyone and the surgeon has done that the whole time mostly if you do not agree with him. For my immaturity PBR I will suspend myself for 1 week and will not post until next Friday after this post goes through.

One last time best of luck LCC in the search for a new head coach, important decision for all kids involved at LCC and the football program.


catscards Wrote:A quick question for LCC fans. How many 8th grade feeder schools do you have now?
UKisN1 Wrote:3

The reason I asked is because I noticed that you only had 42 players on the KHSAA roster with 10 being freshmen. That is about the same as many of us who have only one feeder school. I can remember when LCC had the largest roster in the mountains.

Are all the freshmen in the program listed on the roster?
catscards Wrote:The reason I asked is because I noticed that you only had 42 players on the KHSAA roster with 10 being freshmen. That is about the same as many of us who have only one feeder school. I can remember when LCC had the largest roster in the mountains.

Are all the freshmen in the program listed on the roster?

We will have 3 beginning next year. We have had 1 for the past 3 years. Going to one middle school program has destroyed the numbers for the high school. Glad they are going back to more feeder programs. We need more kids playing and developing multiple positions. LCC is 3-4 years away from competing at 5A football unless they hire somebody that can bring a handful of players with them.
There is pros and cons to either side. Middle school is all about getting these kids ready for high school. However you do it dictates your success. Winning the county championship is good, but remember you wil be playing with these kids the next year. If you are for consolidation remember there is a negative to having one middle school quarterback.
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Doctor J Wrote:We will have 3 beginning next year. We have had 1 for the past 3 years. Going to one middle school program has destroyed the numbers for the high school. Glad they are going back to more feeder programs. We need more kids playing and developing multiple positions. LCC is 3-4 years away from competing at 5A football unless they hire somebody that can bring a handful of players with them.

I can see both sides, but don't most schools just have one middle school team? I think Bell County and Johnson Central are good examples unless something changed.
I don't why consolidation is so turned down by the county. The idea of having one team isn't that big of a deal. Coach Howard had a 5th and 6th as one team. He had 6th and 7th as one team. He also had a 7th and 8th team. No matter what you had the chance to play and your talents were out there. Most parents were mad cause little johnny didn't have no talent at all and he had to explain why they didn't play. What is the word I am looking for quality over quantity. If you are unsure of what position you are going to play by the time you are in the 7th grade you are really in trouble. I do agree that some split needs to be down, but people on here is acting like consolidation is what hurt the high school. I beg to differ.
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cougarpride08 Wrote:If you are unsure of what position you are going to play by the time you are in the 7th grade you are really in trouble. I do agree that some split needs to be down, but people on here is acting like consolidation is what hurt the high school. I beg to differ.

How good a kid is in the seventh grade is in no way a factor in how good they will be in three or four years. Having coached at the 7th and 8th grade level for years I can give you several examples. I have had kids who were a STAR in the seventh grade who had trouble making the starting lineup as an 8th grader, playing against the SAME players. I have had kids who dominated in the 8th grade who could not start on the freshmen team one year later. The more kids you have playing at the 8th grade level is VERY important.

Here in the mountains we can compete with other teams that have one or two feeder schools and even come up with a team that can compete at the state level ever now and then, but as a rule once we leave the mountains we are in trouble.
Probably the most sensible thing on this thread.
Makes you wonder how long they are going to wait?
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Who ever they get they better hurry!!
They better make a hire soon.
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