Poll: Belfry vs. Pike Central...Who ya got?
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(#3-3A) Pike Co. Central @ (#6-3A) Belfry 10/8
pikecentralfan Wrote:pike central is one of the best teams in three A and Belfry is to but i got to take pc by 21 i dont see belfry defense stoping this pc offense especially with great pass and run protection and wes pugh and zack johnson so fast and they got a excellent running game to with justin smith and with a quarter back like alan boggs and on defense they got pass rushers like channing smith and justin runyon but justin runyon might not be playing and they have line backers and safeties to stop pass and the line to stop the run so belfry better be prepaired pc is comin

pike central-42

If that happens I'll eat my hat.
I know the internet has made predicting football scores more public compared to days past but Ive got to say Im really really shocked. I cannot, for the life of me, remember a time when so many people were predicting on the internet/ or while listening to the "word on the streets" a lopsided score or a blow out against Belfry at home. In my life I can remember only two "big" home games where the Pirates were thought to have their backs to the wall, without a prayer, and basically given up for dead prior to the game. 1987-Pikeville, which turned out to be true but not that discouraging due to the fact that the Panthers were without a doubt the best mountain team of all time. 1986-Danville (state semis), a deep, fast and extremely talented Admiral team was almost guaranteed a victory and a spot in the state championship prior to kickoff by the majority of the media as well as many Pirate faithful. The results shocked many.

I know that most of the lopsided predictions are coming from the opponents fan base but it just shocks me to the fullest to see such predictions. They could very well come true and come 10:30 friday night we might be engraving PC Hawks on the AAA championship trophy if the outcome is as they predict it. But I just cant see this being a blow out. Its a hard game to pick. I could see Belfry winning by 7-10 points but just as well I could see the Hawks getting on a roll and winning by the same amount. This will definately be a game I get the radio fired up and sit back and listen. Should be a dandy.
Im Gunna Change my prediction.

its amazing how 1yr makes them almost beating Belfry in a rain soaked field to this year there unstoppable and going to win by 20t,if they do,i will get on the hawks bandwagon,but i dont see it happening...
Im gonna take Belfry 24-16
Pike Central
I believe that this game will be won up front, I have saw both teams play and if people think that belfrys defensive front is better than pc's o-line they have lost it. If Belfry plays five in the box pc will run the ball with success, but if Belfry gets pressure then they will cause pc trouble. Looks like it will be a lot of fun
Having seen neither team play, I wouldn't think about making a prediction; I have noticed, however, 70% of the voters on this forum believe that Belfry will prevail. But, as we all know, the game will be decided Friday night. May the better team win. Good luck, and wishing for an injury free game.
Belfry,burning a couch with Pike Central on it @ the bon fire & paper Hawks with Central players numbers on them,what ever it takes to get your moral up..but the text messages Central players are getting on their cell phones(R.I.P.) and ( You Will Be Carried Out On A Strecher) just to try to intimadate them..NOT WORKING,The Hawks are laughing their butt's off!! I can remember years ago when Pike Central wasnt even a threat and Belfry was not worried,,my how things have changed!!!!!
PCC's opponents are 7-26. My matchsticks are on Belfry to win by any margin.
Pike Central better win this game and better win it by a decent margin or some people on this thread will be embarrassed to show there self back on this board. Some of these predictions and statements about how Pike Central will steam roll Belfry and about how they are the better program are ridiculous, I am all for Pike Central becoming a better program and I love the fact that this game will be competitive. But lets at least wait for some results from this team against decent competition before we crown them the best team in the county. I will be at the game Friday night and I expect it to be a dandy, and I for one will congratulate the winner no matter who it is because I am sure they will have earned it.
Belfry,burning a couch with Pike Central on it @ the bon fire & paper Hawks ,this i might believe..
but the text messages Central players are getting on their cell phones(R.I.P.) and ( You Will Be Carried Out On A Strecher) just to try to intimadate them..NOT WORKING,The Hawks are laughing their butt's off!! I can remember years ago when Pike Central wasnt even a threat and Belfry was not worried,,my how things have changed!!!!!
this i dont, believe they have more class than that...

10/8/2010 @ 7:30p.m. @ CAM Stadium. Pike Co. Central vs Belfry.

Where all the predictions and :Cheerleadwill answered by helmets and shoulder pads. I, for one, cannot wait to see two speedy teams battle. I hope my ears ring, and my hands are shaking from the constant colisions. I hope to see a sluggfest and in a perfect scenario, both teams score less than 14. Realistically both offenses are very potent. Neither team has seen the best of/full arsenal from their respective opponent yet.

I wont buy into all the rah-rah from either side. The history between the teams will become irrelavant come kick off. Belfry's storied program status will also become irrelevant. Bury the blow out talk - Not gonna happen (from either side in my opinion.) Bury the talk about text threats, taunting, re*****ing, class, wolrd famous coach, conditions, ejections, injuries and any other excuses that may be on the table. Its time to get it.

Like the old racing mantra "run what ya brung and hope you brought enough." Good luck to both teams and I hope the GAME will be as enjoyable as all of the pre season/game jockeying.
RUNtheBALL Wrote::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue::argue:

10/8/2010 @ 7:30p.m. @ CAM Stadium. Pike Co. Central vs Belfry.

Where all the predictions and :Cheerleadwill answered by helmets and shoulder pads. I, for one, cannot wait to see two speedy teams battle. I hope my ears ring, and my hands are shaking from the constant colisions. I hope to see a sluggfest and in a perfect scenario, both teams score less than 14. Realistically both offenses are very potent. Neither team has seen the best of/full arsenal from their respective opponent yet.

I wont buy into all the rah-rah from either side. The history between the teams will become irrelavant come kick off. Belfry's storied program status will also become irrelevant. Bury the blow out talk - Not gonna happen (from either side in my opinion.) Bury the talk about text threats, taunting, re*****ing, class, wolrd famous coach, conditions, ejections, injuries and any other excuses that may be on the table. Its time to get it.

Like the old racing mantra "run what ya brung and hope you brought enough." Good luck to both teams and I hope the GAME will be as enjoyable as all of the pre season/game jockeying.

Yeah, really. I haven't been this excited for a high school football game since I was in high school.
Although I would love to see Belfry roll, I don't think it will happen this game is going to be a lot closer than a lot of you think. I'm going to go with Belfry in a close one.
Real Badman Wrote:If that happens I'll eat my hat.

you might be eating your hat:1::rockon::ChairHit::HitWall:
loyalhawkfan Wrote:Belfry,burning a couch with Pike Central on it @ the bon fire & paper Hawks with Central players numbers on them,what ever it takes to get your moral up..but the text messages Central players are getting on their cell phones(R.I.P.) and ( You Will Be Carried Out On A Strecher) just to try to intimadate them..NOT WORKING,The Hawks are laughing their butt's off!! I can remember years ago when Pike Central wasnt even a threat and Belfry was not worried,,my how things have changed!!!!!

What do you mean "how things have changed?" Pike Central still gets the L every year. How about they just :worthy: down to Belfry. Not being disrespectful but honest.:Clap:
there was a bomb fire but no paper hawks sorry when Coach Haywood got wind of the bomb fire there was some guys in trouble the text is a bunch of crap but if it can help you guys get ready for the game more power to you see ya friday.
From reading the facebook war, at the very least PC fans, act like you've been there before.
one more day of practice,then time to get with it..go pirates..
Im going to wake Percy up for this one cause it's gonna be a helluva wreck.....
PC becomes the Alpha Male Friday night in Pike County.
LOL at everyone who thinks one win in 20 years makes you the king. Pike Central has a good team and they are good enough to win this game if all goes well for them, but if it happens it will not make them the new "Alpha Male" in the region.

Strap em on, win a few big games one at a time, build on that to establish a PROGRAM and then maintain it for a while. Then come talk to me about being the Alpha Male.
This game will not make or break either teams season, it just gives the winner a leg up in the district. This will be a very competative game with Belfrys ball control and Pike Centrals quick scoring attack. This game will come down to the 4th quarter and the team that is in the best physical condition may just be the team that walks out with the win. I like the hawks in a real tight game if they show up to play and don't let Belfry get inside their heads
99PIRATEFAN Wrote:there was a bomb fire but no paper hawks sorry when Coach Haywood got wind of the bomb fire there was some guys in trouble the text is a bunch of crap but if it can help you guys get ready for the game more power to you see ya friday.

Its "bon-fire".:biggrin:
16-14 hawks!
Buc-a-roo Wrote:LOL at everyone who thinks one win in 20 years makes you the king. Pike Central has a good team and they are good enough to win this game if all goes well for them, but if it happens it will not make them the new "Alpha Male" in the region.

Strap em on, win a few big games one at a time, build on that to establish a PROGRAM and then maintain it for a while. Then come talk to me about being the Alpha Male.

Dont get your bloomers in a wad..I said Pike Co. Not the Entire Region.
But with the opening of some New Schools approaching across the line could turn in to the norm instead of the exception. If there is one sure thing in life nothing last forever.
Ok then, Pike Co. Same holds true.

No wads in my bloomers, footballnut. I admire the excitement, I'm happy to see PCC on the upswing and I really hope they can sustain it because it is good for football in Pike County.

However, as I said, it makes me laugh that so many fans are putting all their eggs in this one basket. Everyone seems to be building this one game up to be so much more than it actually is. I have read so many, and heard so many comments that boil down to the fact that the PCC fans think that one win in this series will make them the new football powerhouse in Pike County. It just don't work that way.
Bon Fire,Paper Hawks,even Text Messages..doesnt matter,I just thought it was funny,,and the text were sent,as a adult,I seen them with my own eyes,(just didnt want ya to think this is a teenager,talkin trash).. Good Luck Hawks!! Hope BOTH teams have fun and a injury free game..cant wait for Friday Night,The Cam Stadium is gonna be rockin! GO HAWKS!!!!
Belfry_99 Wrote:Pike Central better win this game and better win it by a decent margin or some people on this thread will be embarrassed to show there self back on this board. Some of these predictions and statements about how Pike Central will steam roll Belfry and about how they are the better program are ridiculous, I am all for Pike Central becoming a better program and I love the fact that this game will be competitive. But lets at least wait for some results from this team against decent competition before we crown them the best team in the county. I will be at the game Friday night and I expect it to be a dandy, and I for one will congratulate the winner no matter who it is because I am sure they will have earned it.

It amazes me how if Belfry shows confidence then its okay, but when Pike Central does it then it is seen as arrogance. Granted Pike Central hasnt played a very strong schedule, I will give you that much. But these boys are proud of themselves and there is nothing wrong with that, and there is nothing wrong with parents and fans being proud of their team. Just as Belfry is..but again, it is okay for Belfry because they are the more 'established' team or whatever you want to call it. Pike Central is rebuilding their program. The fans, players, & parents are very proud of these boys regardless of how strong the opponents have been. That is all that matters. As far as some people being afraid to show themselves back on this thread, I doubt it. EVERYONE even Belfry wins some and loses some. You have to be prepared for either outcome. So with that being said, good luck to both teams.. I am for PCC myself, regardless of the outcome I am proud of them and everything they have become. GO HAWKS. :Cheerlead
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