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Russia and Iran in Syria

That's one. Look the rest up yourself, Straw Bob. Or, let it go, to quote TRT, as they will only confirm.
Bob Seger Wrote:Hey, lets throw the Huffington Post or the Washington Compost in the mix of those fine non-biased publications....Why shoot, lets just look up what MSNBC has to say too.:eyeroll:

Nah, Ahmed , lets post some links from credible sources.....You're being too evasive on "spreadin the gospel" here.

I hate, it, Straw Bob, that in that tiny crayon box only sources that confirm your view of the world are allowed. Your analysis of source material? Pretty much irrelevant.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I've defined them, traced them back to the Enlightenment, shown how many of the Framers were deeply influenced by goings on in France and England. I have also suggested the Framers believed the moral principles of Judaeo-Christian belief were anchor points and hoped citizens would have them as foundation. There is a train that has its whistle blowing so loud that you can't even consider you might be in error, historically and theologically.

Heck, Washington might have been influenced by Attila the Hun, who knows? I didn't see anything in our Constitution which indicates it's okay for liberals to spin their own interpretation to the founding documents if they suspect European influence on the authors and signers.

I will give you credit, you do rightly recognize the framers wrote in obeyance to Godly principles.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I hate, it, Straw Bob, that in that tiny crayon box only sources that confirm your view of the world are allowed. Your analysis of source material? Pretty much irrelevant.

So in other words you cant come up with anything then, huh?
Bob Seger Wrote:So in other words you cant come up with anything then, huh?

Oh, I can. I did. Your crayon box notwithstanding. You don't set the terms of credible sources. Not over here anyway.
^^Nobody can come up with anything. For a rather lengthy series of shows, Bill O'Reilly asked liberal die hard after liberal die hard to name one accomplishment Hill had as Secretary of State or Senator, and no one I heard could come up with a single thing. You step foot outside of La-La Land and sources disappear.
TheRealThing Wrote:^^Nobody can come up with anything. For a rather lengthy series of shows, Bill O'Reilly asked liberal die hard after liberal die hard to name one accomplishment Hill had as Secretary of State or Senator, and no one I heard could come up with a single thing. You step foot outside of La-La Land and sources disappear.

The issue was reports finding that moderates in Iran are making gains, particularly in the latest elections. I cited several sources. Straw Bob poo poo'd the sources as "La La Land." The election results speak for themselves. To my knowledge, the intent was not to credit HRC or discredit her for these results, but rather to argue "sometimes hard line, sometimes discretion and diplomacy" is wise, and that all "iron balls" all the time is an extremist's wet dream.

I do not believe Iran a lost cause. In my view, the mullahs and greater and lesser 'tollah's may yet not have the "word" in Iran deep into the 21st century.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The issue was reports finding that moderates in Iran are making gains, particularly in the latest elections. I cited several sources. Straw Bob poo poo'd the sources as "La La Land." The election results speak for themselves. To my knowledge, the intent was not to credit HRC or discredit her for these results, but rather to argue "sometimes hard line, sometimes discretion and diplomacy" is wise, and that all "iron balls" all the time is an extremist's wet dream.

I do not believe Iran a lost cause. In my view, the mullahs and greater and lesser 'tollah's may yet not have the "word" in Iran deep into the 21st century.

Fine. I know what the issue was and I know what it is. In spite of the fact that Iran has sworn to wipe Israel and the US off the map and their every action unswervingly demonstrates their sincerity to that end, you still think as does Obama, that if we play nicey nicey and step back so they can develop a nuclear arsenal, we'll all wind up big buds someday soon. I think that's absurd in the face of the evidence.

I don't think Bob, and I know I have no interest in telling you or anybody what to think. If you can be talked into something, you can be talked right back out of it. You do admit your sources look through liberal colored glasses, surely. Media bias is anything but in question with all but the libs.
TheRealThing Wrote:Fine. I know what the issue was and I know what it is. In spite of the fact that Iran has sworn to wipe Israel and the US off the map and their every action unswervingly demonstrates their sincerity to that end, you still think as does Obama, that if we play nicey nicey and step back so they can develop a nuclear arsenal, we'll all wind up big buds someday soon. I think that's absurd in the face of the evidence.

I don't think Bob, and I know I have no interest in telling you or anybody what to think. If you can be talked into something, you can be talked right back out of it. You do admit your sources look through liberal colored glasses, surely. Media bias is anything but in question with all but the libs.

I do not think "nicey, nicey." I think sometimes "iron balls" and sometimes discretion and diplomacy, and a wise leader knows which is called for.

I think the greatest media bias is toward ratings in pursuit of advertising dollars. Yes, I think, in general, the mainstream media tilts left. Solid, investigatory journalism is vital to a free people, in my view. I fear we are losing that.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The issue was reports finding that moderates in Iran are making gains, particularly in the latest elections. I cited several sources. Straw Bob poo poo'd the sources as "La La Land." The election results speak for themselves. To my knowledge, the intent was not to credit HRC or discredit her for these results, but rather to argue "sometimes hard line, sometimes discretion and diplomacy" is wise, and that all "iron balls" all the time is an extremist's wet dream.

I do not believe Iran a lost cause. In my view, the mullahs and greater and lesser 'tollah's may yet not have the "word" in Iran deep into the 21st century.
Hey ding a ling, if you would get your head out of your hind end again you would discover that you provided a link to nothing...Try clicking on to whatever jibberish it is you typed and see if it goes to anything...

Go ahead and beat on your chest and proclaim to the world how smart and clever you are..You are once again making yourself look like a fool.

You beat all, you know that?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Oh, I can. I did. Your crayon box notwithstanding. You don't set the terms of credible sources. Not over here anyway.

LOL.....Fools rush in..........

Looks like the joke's on you Ahmed.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Oh, I can. I did. Your crayon box notwithstanding. You don't set the terms of credible sources. Not over here anyway.


Still on that groovy crayon bag!!!

I dig it baby!!
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:

Hmm, wonder if they were involved in that conspiracy that the White House staged when it cooked the books to make the ISIS debacle (oops excuse me ISIL) look like it was going better than it was too?....Nah, not a respected unbiased liberalist publication like npr.

Whatcha think there guppy?
Bob Seger Wrote:Hmm, wonder if they were involved in that conspiracy that the White House staged when it cooked the books to make the ISIS debacle (oops excuse me ISIL) look like it was going better than it was too?....Nah, not a respected unbiased liberalist publication like npr.

Whatcha think there guppy?

This is the game you play. Tar with a wide brush. Create straw men. FACT: Moderates gained in 2016 Iranian elections. These gains are attributed, in part, to President Obama's policy by many. Not so much Fox News. Now, you can throw shade at NPR, at Amnesty International, at Newsweek in how they interpret the FACT. But the FACT is established and remains undisputed.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:This is the game you play. Tar with a wide brush. Create straw men. FACT: Moderates gained in 2016 Iranian elections. These gains are attributed, in part, to President Obama's policy by many. Not so much Fox News. Now, you can throw shade at NPR, at Amnesty International, at Newsweek in how they interpret the FACT. But the FACT is established and remains undisputed.

Dem aint facts, junior..It's called their liberal spin.

But, it does say a lot about your gullibility....

Explain Iran's penchant for making Obama look stupid and like a fool, if there is indeed this lovefest going on.

I cant wait for this one!!....I hope you get the chance to throw that exciting new word of the day into this one too.:Thumbs:
Hey, how 'bout them cooked books? Ignored that part , didn't you?

BTW, you know why they do that stuff , don't you? Because there's always some dumbass that'll buy into it hook, line, and sinker....That's why.
Bob Seger Wrote:Dem aint facts, junior..It's called their liberal spin.

But, it does say a lot about your gullibility....

Explain Iran's penchant for making Obama look stupid and like a fool, if there is indeed this lovefest going on.

I cant wait for this one!!....I hope you get the chance to throw that exciting new word of the day into this one too.:Thumbs:

You seem to be unable (or unwilling) to differentiate between the 'tollah's and the more moderate parts of Iranian society.

I ignored it because it is not relevant. You do chew the same cud. It is amusing.

It is a FACT. Moderates made significant gains. You may argue the reasons. You may not argue the fact.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You seem to be unable (or unwilling) to differentiate between the 'tollah's and the more moderate parts of Iranian society.

I ignored it because it is not relevant. You do chew the same cud. It is amusing.

It is a FACT. Moderates made significant gains. You may argue the reasons. You may not argue the fact.

It's only insignificant because you cant dispute it, and that totally destroys the little fantasy world you live in.

You do know that they feed guppies to the predator species of fish, don't you? I see you being a casualty very soon.
Bob Seger Wrote:It's only insignificant because you cant dispute it, and that totally destroys the little fantasy world you live in.

You do know they feed guppies to the predator species of fish, don't you? I see you being a casualty very soon.

Irrelevant, different from insignificant.

Facts are facts, Straw Bob. Chew the cud.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Irrelevant, different from insignificant.

Facts are facts, Straw Bob. Chew the cud.

Nope, you view it the same.

There you go with that magical word again...Neat-O!!
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Irrelevant, different from insignificant.

Facts are facts, Straw Bob. Chew the cud.

You're still ignoring how Iran is successfully making Obama look like a weak dumbass.
Bob Seger Wrote:You're still ignoring how Iran is successfully making Obama look like a weak dumbass.

"Sometimes valor; sometimes discretion, and a wise man knows which is called for."

"Nay," saith Straw Bob, "my schoolyard testosterone tells me 'discretion' is for the weak."
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Sometimes valor; sometimes discretion, and a wise man knows which is called for."

"Nay," saith Straw Bob, "my schoolyard testosterone tells me 'discretion' is for the weak."

Now that's really some enlightening bunch of nothing jibberish there, Ahmed.

You strike me as one of those guys who would rather exert the energy to walk 10 miles to tell someone a lie, as to look someone in the eye and tell them the truth.
Bob Seger Wrote:Now that's really some enlightening bunch of nothing jibberish there, Ahmed.

You strike me as one of those guys who would rather exert the energy to walk 10 miles to tell someone a lie, as to look someone in the eye and tell them the truth.

Ah, chew the cud.

You strike me as an intelligent man who thinks everybody on the left thinks they are smarter than you, and you resent that. That resentment leads you to give at least as good as you get, and you find that those on the left can dish it out but not take it.

I'm right here.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ah, chew the cud.

You strike me as an intelligent man who thinks everybody on the left thinks they are smarter than you, and you resent that. That resentment leads you to give at least as good as you get, and you find that those on the left can dish it out but not take it.

I'm right here.

Haha, well those on the left do have a tendency to be all consumed with themselves and their self assumed intellectual prowess...You nailed that part for sure. The truth of the matter, Ahmed, is that I get great amusement watching these pseudo-intellectuals rattle on about stuff that has no bearing or real bite when applied to the real world...I am constantly reminded of these liberal college professors...I have put 3 kids through college so I am very aware of the jargon that they spew...What I have found out is that these self proclaimed super minds are some of the dumbest creatures that God has ever placed on this earth....Most, when it comes to real world applications couldn't stick their fingers up their asses...And these are the people we have in position to develop our young minds? Pathetic in reality. And I know this one will shock you but some actually get on banter boards such as and put on their dog and pony shows...I know, I know, but it's true...Confusedhh:

"Give at least the good as I get"? lol, hardly....I only have 5 minutes here and there to get on this board, so you are hardly getting my best...I don't have the time to go into great detail with links for this and links for that...Maybe one day, you'll get to see "Seger Unleashed". :biggrin:

Honestly, I am somewhat ashamed of myself at times for not challenging myself more than what I do..Yes, I admit, sometimes I get lazy..You see, as I previously mentioned, there is no dumber human sub-species on earth than a liberal...They in reality, offer no challenge what so ever to try to debate. So, all you can really do is play around with them for sheer amusement and watch them make utter fools out of themselves by their stupid comments and statements....And you are right, "they cannot take what they dish out" and I am truly guilty of taking advantage of that fact for the sake of personal amusement. Honestly, I should be ashamed of myself for wasting all of the valuable time that I spend on my warped fetish, that I do...
Bob Seger Wrote:Haha, well those on the left do have a tendency to be all consumed with themselves and their self assumed intellectual prowess...You nailed that part for sure. The truth of the matter, Ahmed, is that I get great amusement watching these pseudo-intellectuals rattle on about stuff that has no bearing or real bite when applied to the real world...I am constantly reminded of these liberal college professors...I have put 3 kids through college so I am very aware of the jargon that they spew...What I have found out is that these self proclaimed super minds are some of the dumbest creatures that God has ever placed on this earth....Most, when it comes to real world applications couldn't stick their fingers up their asses...And these are the people we have in position to develop our young minds? Pathetic in reality. And I know this one will shock you but some actually get on banter boards such as and put on their dog and pony shows...I know, I know, but it's true...Confusedhh:

"Give at least the good as I get"? lol, hardly....I only have 5 minutes here and there to get on this board, so you are hardly getting my best...I don't have the time to go into great detail with links for this and links for that...Maybe one day, you'll get to see "Seger Unleashed". :biggrin:

Honestly, I am somewhat ashamed of myself at times for not challenging myself more than what I do..Yes, I admit, sometimes I get lazy..You see, as I previously mentioned, there is no dumber human sub-species on earth than a liberal...They in reality, offer no challenge what so ever to try to debate. So, all you can really do is play around with them for sheer amusement and watch them make utter fools out of themselves by their stupid comments and statements....And you are right, "they cannot take what they dish out" and I am truly guilty of taking advantage of that fact for the sake of personal amusement. Honestly, I should be ashamed of myself for wasting all of the valuable time that I spend on my warped fetish, that I do...

I have many friends on the left that, to a lesser and greater extent, forget Mark Twain's wisdom: "A little college is alright, as long as a man is willing to learn a little something when he gets out." Congratulations on your kids' achievements.

In the social media age, "link here, link there, here read this, hear read that" is, in my view, a hamster wheel that often leads to running in circles and getting nowhere.

I do think that assuming on the inadequacy of an opponent is a good way to lose in sports and in debate. At this point, I am leaning toward voting for Donald Trump. I do not believe a wall is the answer to immigration issues. The answer lies in courageous and visionary leadership at all three branches of government. I feel the overall political system needs a jolt, and the country needs a shot of adrenalin, so to speak. I also think President Obama will be viewed favorably in history, not as a great President perhaps, but as a capable one who assumed office at a precarious moment and helped the ship weather the storm and sail into more placid waters.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I have many friends on the left that, to a lesser and greater extent, forget Mark Twain's wisdom: "A little college is alright, as long as a man is willing to learn a little something when he gets out." Congratulations on your kids' achievements.

In the social media age, "link here, link there, here read this, hear read that" is, in my view, a hamster wheel that often leads to running in circles and getting nowhere.

I do think that assuming on the inadequacy of an opponent is a good way to lose in sports and in debate. At this point, I am leaning toward voting for Donald Trump. I do not believe a wall is the answer to immigration issues. The answer lies in courageous and visionary leadership at all three branches of government. I feel the overall political system needs a jolt, and the country needs a shot of adrenalin, so to speak. I also think President Obama will be viewed favorably in history, not as a great President perhaps, but as a capable one who assumed office at a precarious moment and helped the ship weather the storm and sail into more placid waters.

Your posts are starting to come around a bit, I must say. Still though, to say history will esteem Mr Obama's tenure favorably would mean things are only going to get much worse. Which is my fear BTW. Presidents ought not to lie to 'the people,' and they ought not to slander their political counterparts unless they are deserving. He said W's 4 Trillion debt expansion was nothing short of unpatriotic, and then turned around and blew a cool 10 plus trillion his darn self. I can't wink at all the scandals, viewing them as benign. I know rose colored glasses change a lot, but seriously?
TheRealThing Wrote:Your posts are starting to come around a bit, I must say. Still though, to say history will esteem Mr Obama's tenure favorably would mean things are only going to get much worse. Which is my fear BTW. Presidents ought not to lie to 'the people,' and they ought not to slander their political counterparts unless they are deserving. He said W's 4 Trillion debt expansion was nothing short of unpatriotic, and then turned around and blew a cool 10 plus trillion his darn self. I can't wink at all the scandals, viewing them as benign. I know rose colored glasses change a lot, but seriously?

History is non-partisan when good historians do it. In politics, partisans wear rose colored glasses, critics wear manure- saturated boots (they smell stink everywhere, not realizing they are bringing it with them).

In my view, the current moment is too pregnant to judge accurately. In thirty years, maybe fifty, I feel confident President Obama will test out ok. But, of course, that is opinion.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:History is non-partisan when good historians do it. In politics, partisans wear rose colored glasses, critics wear manure- saturated boots (they smell stink everywhere, not realizing they are bringing it with them).

In my view, the current moment is too pregnant to judge accurately. In thirty years, maybe fifty, I feel confident President Obama will test out ok. But, of course, that is opinion.

Well see I don't agree with that. Let's just look at the societies of this world starting with WW2 onward. The US with the aid of her allies vanquished the AXIS powers that threatened to enslave mankind in an early precursor or dress rehearsal if you will, of the coming age of antichrist. We defeated mankind's enemies, and then we helped those enemies rebuild their lands. Everybody was treated more than fairly with one proviso, behave or face the piper... again. Even the Middle East, history's hornets' nest, was relatively stable. And as unfortunate as it may have been, the peoples of the Middle East lived as orderly as their fanaticisms would allow. Dictatorships rose and fell, and through it all we Americans and the Brits particularly, attempted to gain their trust and give as much guidance as was possible under the conditions. Enter the revisionist and all of a sudden the sacrifice of the Americans and the Brits were not sacrifices at all. No, they were examples of super powers taking advantage of the little guy. The insurrectionist Nelson Mandela became the hero, and the real heroes became war criminals. There goes your non-partisan argument as far as taught history is concerned. Now recorded history, maybe.

But all told, the newly restored world order was not a bad deal at all, if you ask me. Now, I know the US has her enemies, and yet history has proven us to be a people good to our word and our treaties. That is until Obama backed out of the treaty with Poland and ignored the Budapest Memorandum with the Ukraine. Said memorandum was signed by Bill Clinton BTW. But I digress, the allies, particularly the US and Britain, have been the best friends we could possibly have been to those we've vanquished.

The guy whose foreign policy you just cannot seem to be critical of knew better than all those gone on before him, especially those who fought and won that great conflict of good versus evil evidently. He proceeded to scrap and otherwise redefine the collective reasoning of those who prevailed, threw in the winning hand, (and a moral one I might add), shuffled the deck and attempted to start things all over again with a redeal and of course, Hillary's laughable reset that actually said overload. I call one poetic justice, LOL. God's Word says war is coming and I believe if the arrival of that war proves to be imminent, it will be because the balance of power we enjoyed as W left office is gone with strokes of his infamous pen and calls on his phone.

The world order is bubbling like a caldron of boiling water. Nobody knows where it's all heading, but there is one thing on which I'd bet the ranch. Men are warlike and they are certainly not evolved and therefore more civilized. Further, Stalin, Hitler, Hirohito and Mussolini were not aberrations of the 20th Century, the wings are staged with many more like them who're just waiting their turn. You can bet that when Iran gets the bomb they'll not hesitate to use it against the peoples of foreign lands they've already identified as targets. So, here we are all worried and obsessing at the congressional level about causing some gender challenged individual a moment of imagined crisis about which restroom he/she/it might use because we're just so tolerant and all. Well, that's the official line anyway. Actually our government is trying to give the homosexual a big push while his government issued training wheels are still on. While across the world we're negotiating nuclear treaties like we're a bunch of zombies with nothing to lose. With a nation that would still be high-fiving decades after they sent us up into a mushroom cloud of smoke.

For pajama boy to be considered an apple in history's eye, man's nature as called out by God Himself would have to change. And as any Christian knows, that just ain't happening, not ever.
1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 (KJV)
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

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