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3A Championship Central 15 Belfry 14
EKUAlum05 Wrote:A day after and after watching the replay a few thoughts:

1. Central's LB's are phenomenal talents to be so young. Francis was EVERYWHERE and on at least 3 occasions Belfry had him isolated 1 on 1 with their RB's in space and he was able to make the tackle. The 2007/2008 team with Patterson and Wilson were special and big time prospects, but I think the combo of Styles/Francis will be a better HS tandem by the time they are through.

2. Not intending to make an excuse, but the late hit call on Central's final scoring drive was an absolutely horrendous call after seeing the replay. Milliken clearly was the one who initiated the contact, and even then it was as he was going out of bounds. What makes it worse was when Belfry had the ball after the blocked punt and Messer gets hit going out of bounds it was at the very least an equally deserving call. Had that call been made Belfry would have 1st and 10 at the C16 and had a very legitimate shot at a FG. Do I feel the hit on Messer deserved a flag on its own merits? No. Do I feel the flag on the Milliken play lost the game? No.

3. Can't get over how well Milliken played. He has always been in the shadow of Wales, ut he stepped up yesterday and won that game. Putting the gorgeous TD pass aside, he kept numerous plays alive with his feet and his QB draw on their scoring drive was huge. All 15 points were thanks to Milliken.

4. Speaking of which, hats off to Ty Scroggins for his coaching yesterday. The Flea Flicker was an awesome call to open the game as you could tell the Pirate D was dialed into the run. The Field Goal it created proved to be the difference. He also showed his merit in his ability to switch to the short passing game when Belfry was owning Cox and their running game. Once Belfry was creating issues with their passing game he brought the scatback Howard in and was able to get nice yardage and open the passing game back up. He continues to prove to me that he is on the short list of the State's Top Coaches.

5. The end of the game is what football is all about with the sportsmanship and respect showed after both teams beat the brains out of each other all afternoon.

I'll second that...horrible, horrible call.
This goes out to both Central, and Belfry fanbase, You both have soooooooooo much to be proud of in the season you just finished, all teams in 3A, would have given anything to played in that game, The final score did decide who got the Championship, but both "TEAMS" were winners in this game! Great game to watch, both teams fought to the end, "NO ONE" on either side should hang their head, but just be thankful for the class both showed at the end of the game! A lot of what ifs have been thrown around in this thread, but the real "What If" would have to be....What If, either team had quit? Neither did, so take the positive things learned away from this battle, and grow for next year....As for the Pirate fanbase....Still looking forward to the "HAWK Vs PIRATE" match-up...Good Luck to both great programs (Central, and Belfry) you both have a tradidion of winning and class, don't give up your class in a thread...You're both better than that! See you in 2012!
Central showed some class AFTER they won the game! Their fanbase was rude and snippy as is their coach! I would LOVE for people to hear their box coaches on film. It's unlike anything I've ever heard from high school coaches. Foul language, more foul language, and very unclassy in their "discussions" of other teams. AND, by foul language, I don't just mean d**n or sh*t so use your imagination!!
^ Disagree completely, we have alot of very friendly fans, and a lot of fan bases have told us that, coach scroggins may use as much foul language as the other coach, but he doesn't take it as far as your saying!
fieldofdreams Wrote:Central showed some class AFTER they won the game! Their fanbase was rude and snippy as is their coach! I would LOVE for people to hear their box coaches on film. It's unlike anything I've ever heard from high school coaches. Foul language, more foul language, and very unclassy in their "discussions" of other teams. AND, by foul language, I don't just mean d**n or sh*t so use your imagination!!
The coaches in the box can say whatever they please. They are not out in the open. It is not like they were on the PA system shouting. And while it may be unfortunate they may not be as respectful towards their opponent in their discussions, that is once again their business. These guys ideally should be secluded as best possible. Their jobs is to call the game and give observations down to the field. The manner they choose to do it is their decision. It is probably not a secret that foul language between adult coaches is not exactly uncommon. And I realize I am about to get a rebuttal that it doesn't happen at Belfry and maybe the staff is to be commended for that. But it does happen at a lot of places and I don't see a problem when it is adult to adult in the privacy of the box or their headsets.

Just as an aside, Coach Scroggins is a great coach. To do what he has done at Central is simply outsanding.
a football coach cuss ? please tell me a FOOTBALL COACH did not cuss!
they ought to be tied up and whipped with a wet noodle !
Coach Scroggins himself was very classy and respectful in everything I saw from this week. I did hear several F bombs over the announcers on the iHigh broadcast that appeared to be Central Coaches in the box. They came at very exciting times in the game and I can fully understand the emotion going through them. I toss a lot of F bombs around when talking to friends and such but it may not have been the best thing to be so close to the game announcers screaming the things they did.

I have said multiple times that the respect I saw from both teams for each other at the end of that game is the greatest I have ever seen on any level of sports and I will stick with that comment regardless of the emotion the box coaches may have had.
we ought to just get the noodles out and start whaling away to teach them a lesson they will NEVER FORGET !
Coachdad Wrote:we ought to just get the noodles out and start whaling away to teach them a lesson they will NEVER FORGET !

Not at all Coachdad. If it's me in that box and the game was that close I would be yelling f this and f that as well.

I'm just saying that being so close to the broadcasters allowed for there to be a bad perception placed on it by those who feel they need to find things to nitpick about. I personally don't find any offense in any word as they are just that words but many feel the need to call out someone over everything just to try to cheapen things.

Central has class, Belfry has class and I hope they meet again next year. Another piece of hardware coming home to Belfry would be nice, winning over Central would be ever nicer.
atlpiratefan Wrote:not at all coachdad. If it's me in that box and the game was that close i would be yelling f this and f that as well.

I'm just saying that being so close to the broadcasters allowed for there to be a bad perception placed on it by those who feel they need to find things to nitpick about. I personally don't find any offense in any word as they are just that words but many feel the need to call out someone over everything just to try to cheapen things.

Central has class, belfry has class and i hope they meet again next year. Another piece of hardware coming home to belfry would be nice, winning over central would be ever nicer.

i like your post except the part about central losing winning never gets old
Coachdad Wrote:i like your post except the part about central losing winning never gets old

I would accept it over Bell as well, just so some of their faithful can shut up for a bit about how Wales being out against them would have been a different story but I don't want Central to have to lose to Bell. Haven't liked Bell and their stupid bells since I was in high school they annoy me. So I have to say that it would be sweet to finally beat the best. That way no one can say well if Central was there.....
Every coach does NOT cuss. I would dare to bet you would NOT hear Coach Haywood cussing using the word mother f*c*er, fu**ing, it was awful and YES, you could hear it over the radio broadcast. Sure hope they don't think the Belfry coaches would act this ignorant!
Panther Thunder Wrote:It is probably not a secret that foul language between adult coaches is not exactly uncommon. And I realize I am about to get a rebuttal that it doesn't happen at Belfry and maybe the staff is to be commended for that. But it does happen at a lot of places and I don't see a problem when it is adult to adult in the privacy of the box or their headsets.

fieldofdreams Wrote:Every coach does NOT cuss. I would dare to bet you would NOT hear Coach Haywood cussing using the word mother f*c*er, fu**ing, it was awful and YES, you could hear it over the radio broadcast. Sure hope they don't think the Belfry coaches would act this ignorant!
Did I call it or did I call it?
Panther Thunder Wrote:Did I call it or did I call it?

Panther pride , you so crazy
Panther Thunder Wrote:Did I call it or did I call it?

yea, you called it and fieldofdreams is right to a point. Belfry has some coaches that cuss, just not on a field or where a microphone is within hearing distance. it was so bad that while watching film of LC, (the team and coaches) the sound had to be turned down. Coach Haywood is very religious incase you didn't know. I can tell you that those coaches (Tackett and Wright) who were in the box would NOT use foul language. Tackett goes to church and Wright came up thru the program and was the QB for a while. It's not how things are done. This is NOT to say the Belfry program is perfect but I can tell you they know how to contain themselves and act with class when in public or on a live radio broadcast!
AtlPirateFan Wrote:..... many feel the need to call out someone over everything just to try to cheapen things.
Evidently you are NOT a Pirate fan- Please remove your avatar!
long_time_pirate Wrote:Evidently you are NOT a Pirate fan- Please remove your avatar!

Yeah I think I wont be doing that. My avatar was created by me, from scratch not something I just found and liked. I am a Pirate fan, so much that I listen every Friday night from over 450 miles away. I love the Pirates grew up a Pirate and follow the Pirates more than any NFL or College team.

Just because I don't agree with you that Central is potty mouths and therefore not deserving of title or being called classy does not make me less of a Pirate fan. What I saw on that field and in photos was CLASS by Central. Gary Runyon was obviously destroyed by not stopping that TD pass and it was Central player consoling him. In the massive end of game prayer Central applauded Belfry....twice! I am an atheist (non-aggressive and only mentioning for perspective) and I respect that prayer. Coach Scroggins talked in several interviews about how much he respected Belfry and Coach Haywood.

I went to Belfry for 4 years. I may not have heard a Coach use and F bomb but I sure as heck heard it every single day, several dozen times in the halls and lunchroom of BHS.

I have seen numerous posts from some Belfry fans who can't accept that Central won this game and many excuses have been made concerning why. We can play that game all day long but what it comes down to is that it was all left on the field. Pirate Nation should be gearing up for 2012 and reflecting on an amazing 2011 season without if/then glasses on. Accept that we lost and not attack the other team for every little thing that we disagree with.

If you look at previous posts I said very clearly that they may should have paid attention they were so close to the broadcast but that I myself in that moment of excitement would have likely dropped that same expletive. Some of Belfry fans aren't just "We doggy boys. Look at Coach Haywood gettin' them younguns' fared up to play the football."

We all don't have to be Rootin Tootin Christian Soldiers to be a Belfry fan or Alumni. I respect the Pirates and ALL they stand for; but do not try to cheapen Central's win because you personally feel offended by a word used by a coach. You are not that special.
AtlPirateFan Wrote:Yeah I think I wont be doing that. My avatar was created by me, from scratch not something I just found and liked. I am a Pirate fan, so much that I listen every Friday night from over 450 miles away. I love the Pirates grew up a Pirate and follow the Pirates more than any NFL or College team.

Just because I don't agree with you that Central is potty mouths and therefore not deserving of title or being called classy does not make me less of a Pirate fan. What I saw on that field and in photos was CLASS by Central. Gary Runyon was obviously destroyed by not stopping that TD pass and it was Central player consoling him. In the massive end of game prayer Central applauded Belfry....twice! I am an atheist (non-aggressive and only mentioning for perspective) and I respect that prayer. Coach Scroggins talked in several interviews about how much he respected Belfry and Coach Haywood.

I went to Belfry for 4 years. I may not have heard a Coach use and F bomb but I sure as heck heard it every single day, several dozen times in the halls and lunchroom of BHS.

I have seen numerous posts from some Belfry fans who can't accept that Central won this game and many excuses have been made concerning why. We can play that game all day long but what it comes down to is that it was all left on the field. Pirate Nation should be gearing up for 2012 and reflecting on an amazing 2011 season without if/then glasses on. Accept that we lost and not attack the other team for every little thing that we disagree with.

If you look at previous posts I said very clearly that they may should have paid attention they were so close to the broadcast but that I myself in that moment of excitement would have likely dropped that same expletive. Some of Belfry fans aren't just "We doggy boys. Look at Coach Haywood gettin' them younguns' fared up to play the football."

We all don't have to be Rootin Tootin Christian Soldiers to be a Belfry fan or Alumni. I respect the Pirates and ALL they stand for; but do not try to cheapen Central's win because you personally feel offended by a word used by a coach. You are not that special.

First off, you evidently didn't listen to the game as Sani Warren is who had the coverage on the TD pass for Central. (I do have photo proof if you need it), Secondly, being in the hallways of BHS is a lot different than being in the locker room. Last, I don't profess to be a "Rootin Tootin Chrisitan Soldier" but was raised with enough respect to know when is the right and when is the wrong place to use a foul mouth. Once or twice, hell yeah I can understand that but NOT from beginning to end and all throughout the radio broadcast picking up some of it. Now evidently you think the word "mother fu**er" and "Fu**ing" is common and used daily to describe OUR players but I personally don't care for mine being called one. "Coach needs to put someone on that Mother FU**er" is NOT what needs to be heard by anyone. They need to learn to tone it down a tad bit! Sorry if that offends you but opinions are like assholes... we all got one! Mine just happens to be that I feel there is a time and place to play potty mouth. AND I don't feel that one of the boys in RED were MF'ers. NOR were any of the young men in yellow/white.

On a side note, I'm probably old enough to be your parent so you need to really, REALLY think about what you post before you post it. You sure are making yourself look like you are "anti-Pirates" with your flip flopping back and forth. OH, and for you=== CONGRATS TO CENTRAL on your win.
Has this thread really turned in to this? Without specifically knowing the two Pirate brothers of mine who are slinging barbs, I can say I believe that you both are true Pirates...Different views are ok, but maybe we all need to chill a lil bit...

I guarantee you all that I am closer to this Pirate program than about 99 percent of you...I know a lot of the ins and outs of how things go...I know the coaches and I know what they stand for and for the most part you characterized them right...As for the Central coaches getting crazy...Well, if they would have known they were that near the mic maybe they would have toned it down...I don't care what they say, that is their business...I am a Christian,but I don't relate the outcome of a game or sports as having anything to do with me being a Christian...IMO, the Good Lord don't care who wins and loses...He loves the Belfry and Central people the same...
long_time_pirate Wrote:First off, you evidently didn't listen to the game as Sani Warren is who had the coverage on the TD pass for Central. (I do have photo proof if you need it), Secondly, being in the hallways of BHS is a lot different than being in the locker room. Last, I don't profess to be a "Rootin Tootin Chrisitan Soldier" but was raised with enough respect to know when is the right and when is the wrong place to use a foul mouth. Once or twice, hell yeah I can understand that but NOT from beginning to end and all throughout the radio broadcast picking up some of it. Now evidently you think the word "mother fu**er" and "Fu**ing" is common and used daily to describe OUR players but I personally don't care for mine being called one. "Coach needs to put someone on that Mother FU**er" is NOT what needs to be heard by anyone. They need to learn to tone it down a tad bit! Sorry if that offends you but opinions are like assholes... we all got one! Mine just happens to be that I feel there is a time and place to play potty mouth. AND I don't feel that one of the boys in RED were MF'ers. NOR were any of the young men in yellow/white.

On a side note, I'm probably old enough to be your parent so you need to really, REALLY think about what you post before you post it. You sure are making yourself look like you are "anti-Pirates" with your flip flopping back and forth. OH, and for you=== CONGRATS TO CENTRAL on your win.

Well first off I watched the game not listened to it. I didn't get a good look at who was covering it looked like 5 and not 6 to me on the small screen that I was able to see it on do to iHigh's crappy coverage. My mistake as I assumed that Runyon who it appears to be in the photo must have been the one coverage.

Now I concede the fact that the radio broadcast may have picked up more of the language as I only heard it maybe twice on the television broadcast and it wasn't extremely loud. I have also agreed multiple times that it wasn't the place for it but I can understand its usage (when I heard it at high impact moments).

Secondly I don't flip flop, I am honest and I don't think that Belfry's accomplishment of holding Central to 15 points and almost winning the game of these young men's lives should be cheapened by thing's like this. What matters is what happened on the field and in that location both teams had respect for each other and I saw a Central team showing support for the only 3A program to push them this season.

Lastly, age does not matter on a message board. We are all football fans and the value of our opinions is not lessened by our age. Maybe they are expressed better with age but they are no less valid. You bore the brunt of my response because I have seen many Belfry fans try to justify the loss when it doesn't matter. Fact is we lost.

Many Belfry fans are saddened and hurt by this loss Long Time. My little brother got to see the Pirates win the first two but he was a Pirate in training then. Now he has walked those hallowed halls and been denied two State titles one of those as a Senior and a huge part of the Spirit Section. I know this particularly stings him but sometimes we have to accept what it is and deal with it.

I remember a particularly hard loss to swallow my sophomore year against Sheldon Clark when we all saw the guy crawl across the goal line at Vipperman it wasn't what should have happened but it did.

I just don't want to see this Pirates team lose any respect or the Pirate fans lose any respect as one of the greatest in the state by trying to cheapen the Central win.

We will just have to agree to disagree, I mean you no disrespect just stating my opinion which as you stated is really only valid to me and me alone as yours is to you.
Now about the game...It hurt to lose no doubt...But I would rather lose to the best...Some people have said they would have rather got beat like we did last year than lose by one point...I understand what they mean, but I like being in the fight... I loved being that close to the champs with a chance to win. Losing does hurt a lot more that way, but one or two plays and we are talking about Belfry with the trophy and I am all about that.

I talked to Ty Scroggins on facebook and he said he expects Central and Belfry to meet again soon...He said that Haywood is the best football coach in Ky and that it has been an honor for him to coach against him these 3 years...He also said he was thankful for the congratulations I sent his way.

High points for both teams. Some have already been covered by my buddy EKU05.

The draws on the last Central scoring drived showed great coaching.
Either two late hit penalties should have been called or none.
Would have loved to have seen Wales healthy, but he himself was not gonna beat Belfry this year...A basic fundamental fact played out early in this game...Central could not block Belfry, and except for the drive in the 3rd quarter by the Pirates, Belfry could not block Central's linebackers. Belfry's improvement in lateral movement was a big key to the game.
Belfry MUST and I say MUST, get Tony Messer more involved offensively...3-4 plays a game should be directed to him...He ends his junior year with 3, yes i said, 3 catches...He should be averaging that per game...6'5' and 200 pounds plus...he is a mismatch and can further open up the middle for Belfry's running game.

Looking ahead...Belfry can be a beast defensively...They lose 4 so called starters, but with the ones they have coming back, you can argue they return 9-10 "starter-quality" players.

On offense...Some big holes to fill led by the fullback...Willis is my all-time favorite fullback with G. Childers second...Young guys must step up and I believe they will...My vote at FB is May or Carr...Carr and Dari need to find a place on the field...speed wins championships...The O line will be fine, and the backfield will be good, but better late than early.

Central v. Belfry in the 2012 championship again.
Anyways been a fun season. I will check back from time to time in the off season but I'm out til 2012
After reading an article today.......I now understand this score of the game
4ThePlayerz Wrote:After reading an article today.......I now understand this score of the game

Damn happy for ya, must have been torture going 3 days unable to figure it out.
vundy33 Wrote:Hey Central fans...you people that said Belfry had no chance and Central could score whatever they wanted. You see what believing in yourselves does? 1 point...just 1 point.

Congrats men...you all showed how Belfry does things, and how you pull together to play ANYONE. Go get em next year.

"If you aint first;you're last" Ricky Bobby.
BobcatStuckInPowell Wrote:"If you aint first;you're last" Ricky Bobby.

Are you talking of yourself? YOU were the ones at home with your pads already turned in. Belfry was ON THE FIELD playing!... WE earned it!
BobcatStuckInPowell Wrote:"If you aint first;you're last" Ricky Bobby.

Ricky Bobby's dad said he was wrong..he was high on weed..said you could be 2nd, 3rd, 4th...heck you could even be 5th....or you could be 8th or 9th like breathitt...Confusedhh::lmao:
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