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Ironton (OH) 45 Russell 0
FBALL Wrote:It was a very hard hitting game. Believe it or not by both teams. There are going to be some sore Devils and Tigers in the morning.

Russell's biggest mistake was that they injured Taylor on a brutal hit and #28 Wilks came into the game. That kid is fast and tough. If I were Lutz I think I found my number 1 opition. And for God sakes don't punt the ball to him! What a tough little player.

Wilks reminded me of Gross only a little bit faster.
Congrats Ironton
4real Wrote:As a parent of a player, I have no idea of what anyone is talking about. I was not at the field house after the game. Russell got beat by a very good team. I am not ashamed, but I am very proud of our team. The boys did not give up, they played their hearts out.

I am not completely satisfied with all the play calling and players in specific positions, but I am not a coach. Until I apply and The board of education gives me the job as head coach, I will respect the coaches decision.

Russell needs to learn from this great experiance of playing at Tank Stadium. Ironton has a wonderful football team and local backing. I was so entertained by the pre-game and half time activities. I could not even tell Russell had cheerleaders at the game. And where was Russell's band? It wasn't like they would have to travel far. The band has not even been in uniform for the 1st 2 home games. From what I understand, Russell does not even have pep rallies. Our fans better be ready for Ashland. Ashland has the best student section I have ever seen. Let's back these kids and stop all this crap. The team acts more mature than the parents (from what I hear)

So Everyone needs to get over it and learn from mistakes. Keep this TEAM alive. Concentrate on the next game. Parents and Fans, give them the encouragement they need, sometimes they may even need a little kick in the butt.

Boys, if you are reading this garbage, you certainly have nothing to hang your heads about. This parent/fan is more proud of the team than ever you stuck together as a team!

I am very proud to call myself a RED DEVIL!!!!!

That says it all. Very well put.
First of all. If you weren't there and don't "want to spread rumors" stop talking about it.
Second. I have no idea who is feeding you "facts" but it sounds like someone who likes to add to make it more dramatic. It was nothing more than a parent out of line.
Third. We WERE there, we DO know what happened. A parent was out of line. Coach DID NOT throw food on anyone. Now, any more than that is "stretching" the truth. If the team is going to "crumble" because of a parent out of line... wow... Parents need to be parents, stay out of the relationship between the players and coaches. If a player needs mommy or daddy to speak for him... that is entirely another layer of issues. Grow up, be adults. This is ridiculous! No one was "not speaking" to each other. We had just had a hard loss, everyone was "quiet". I give drama queens/kings a hand.. you sure made this drama enough for several pages.. This discussion needs to end. Grow up, let the players play, the coaches coach and stop playing mommy and daddy advocates to your teenage sons. Let them grow up for heavens sake!!! You have no clue unless you are a member of the team or a member of the coaching staff. Everything else is speculation... period...... Support the team, coaches and let this year continue as it has...successful....:please: :flush:
animal07 Wrote:First of all. If you weren't there and don't "want to spread rumors" stop talking about it.
Second. I have no idea who is feeding you "facts" but it sounds like someone who likes to add to make it more dramatic. It was nothing more than a parent out of line.
Third. We WERE there, we DO know what happened. A parent was out of line. Coach DID NOT throw food on anyone. Now, any more than that is "stretching" the truth. If the team is going to "crumble" because of a parent out of line... wow... Parents need to be parents, stay out of the relationship between the players and coaches. If a player needs mommy or daddy to speak for him... that is entirely another layer of issues. Grow up, be adults. This is ridiculous! No one was "not speaking" to each other. We had just had a hard loss, everyone was "quiet". I give drama queens/kings a hand.. you sure made this drama enough for several pages.. This discussion needs to end. Grow up, let the players play, the coaches coach and stop playing mommy and daddy advocates to your teenage sons. Let them grow up for heavens sake!!! You have no clue unless you are a member of the team or a member of the coaching staff. Everything else is speculation... period...... Support the team, coaches and let this year continue as it has...successful....:please: :flush:

Really? LOL at you. Parents and players that were there, is where the information comes from. Didn't throw food on a player? Tell that to Mom who told us she is washing it off her kids jersey. The coach didn't rush the parent? Tell that to the 4 players that told me who witnessed it first hand. You need to grow up and quit blindly defending something so you can try to lessen what the coach did. Turning your head is what alot of people are trying to do here and ignore so it might go away. Got news for. It will not be going away.
luvthegame Wrote:Really? LOL at you. Parents and players that were there, is where the information comes from. Didn't throw food on a player? Tell that to Mom who told us she is washing it off her kids jersey. The coach didn't rush the parent? Tell that to the 4 players that told me who witnessed it first hand. You need to grow up and quit blindly defending something so you can try to lessen what the coach did. Turning your head is what alot of people are trying to do here and ignore so it might go away. Got news for. It will not be going away.

This is the type of distraction that can effect a team negatively on the field. At times we as parents are are own worst enemy. We all want to see our own kids play. Keep in mind we are not at each and every practice like the coache's are. They determine who is going to play not the parents. We just got rid of the cancer on this team. Let's not bring it back.
Jeepman Wrote:This is the type of distraction that can effect a team negatively on the field. At times we as parents are are own worst enemy. We all want to see our own kids play. Keep in mind we are not at each and every practice like the coache's are. They determine who is going to play not the parents. We just got rid of the cancer on this team. Let's not bring it back.

That has nothing to do with a coach threatening a parent in front of the team. I don't care who started or who's point is right. The fact is a Coach, who is expected to be above this type of thing, threatened to fight a parent. That is inexcusable. I am so thankful I do not have a kid paying under this guy.
luvthegame Wrote:That has nothing to do with a coach threatening a parent in front of the team. I don't care who started or who's point is right. The fact is a Coach, who is expected to be above this type of thing, threatened to fight a parent. That is inexcusable. I am so thankful I do not have a kid paying under this guy.

FACT. A coach DID NOT threaten a parent in front of the team. A parent made a fool of himself in front of the team and parents. The parent started it. If the parent had an issue, it should have been handled elsewhere. you were not there, you do not know, whomever is feeding you information is WRONG. FACT.
animal07 Wrote:FACT. A coach DID NOT threaten a parent in front of the team. A parent made a fool of himself in front of the team and parents. The parent started it. If the parent had an issue, it should have been handled elsewhere. you were not there, you do not know, whomever is feeding you information is WRONG. FACT.

P.S. Glad you don't have a kid playing either.
This score surprised me..but this score tells me that this was a straight up "statement game " to send a message...
animal07 Wrote:FACT. A coach DID NOT threaten a parent in front of the team. A parent made a fool of himself in front of the team and parents. The parent started it. If the parent had an issue, it should have been handled elsewhere. you were not there, you do not know, whomever is feeding you information is WRONG. FACT.

Sorry you feel this way. I will believe, lets see now, 4 parents and 5 players and a non parent that was there and witnessed it and one of them who participated in breaking it up. That is 10 different people teliing the same story who were there. You are correct in saying the parent instigated it but the coach started to walk away, stopped, took the plate of food in his hand and slammed it to the ground which splashed on at least 1 player who was sitting on the ground, then that coach charged at the parent and got right in his face. Players and coaches jumped in to restrain both men. So again, I will believe 10 different people who were there over one who may or may not have been there.
I'm Sorry but this whole debate about what happened last night is stupid. I was also there last night and saw what happened. The information you are getting is not accurate. When a person looks for malcontent they will find it.
I thought you had a kid 11?
luvthegame Wrote:Sorry you feel this way. I will believe, lets see now, 4 parents and 5 players and a non parent that was there and witnessed it and one of them who participated in breaking it up. That is 10 different people teliing the same story who were there. You are correct in saying the parent instigated it but the coach started to walk away, stopped, took the plate of food in his hand and slammed it to the ground which splashed on at least 1 player who was sitting on the ground, then that coach charged at the parent and got right in his face. Players and coaches jumped in to restrain both men. So again, I will believe 10 different people who were there over one who may or may not have been there.

Okay Sparky!TongueirateSho
RedDevil1981 Wrote:Okay Sparky!TongueirateSho

Really bad try. Not nice to call me that old either if you are referring to who I think you are.
RedDevil1981 Wrote:I thought you had a kid 11?

nope. who else ya got?
luvthegame Wrote:Sorry you feel this way. I will believe, lets see now, 4 parents and 5 players and a non parent that was there and witnessed it and one of them who participated in breaking it up. That is 10 different people teliing the same story who were there. You are correct in saying the parent instigated it but the coach started to walk away, stopped, took the plate of food in his hand and slammed it to the ground which splashed on at least 1 player who was sitting on the ground, then that coach charged at the parent and got right in his face. Players and coaches jumped in to restrain both men. So again, I will believe 10 different people who were there over one who may or may not have been there.

Why are all these people coming to you to complain? They need to go to Mr. Sparks, AD and then Mr. Thompson where the buck stops. Sounds to me like we have a few that are fueling the fire. Let it go and take the high road. We do not need this with these young men now.
Jeepman Wrote:Why are all these people coming to you to complain? They need to go to Mr. Sparks, AD and then Mr. Thompson where the buck stops. Sounds to me like we have a few that are fueling the fire. Let it go and take the high road. We do not need this with these young men now.

They were not coming to me. They were telling me what went on when I saw them or talked to them or was texting with them. Why does that matter. And you are right, Mr. Sparks and Mr. Thompson do need to be involved. I hope the people involved have the guts to do it. I can't believe other people are turning away from a coach doing that.
Look, I thought this was a place where you got to voice your opinion on issues regarding the teams you follow. Looks like I am wrong and you only post here to be a cheerleader.
:igiveup::igiveup: let it go. close this thread!
luvthegame Wrote:They were not coming to me. They were telling me what went on when I saw them or talked to them or was texting with them. Why does that matter. And you are right, Mr. Sparks and Mr. Thompson do need to be involved. I hope the people involved have the guts to do it. I can't believe other people are turning away from a coach doing that.

If I were a gambling man I would bet they already know and will deal with it. We as parents need to take the high road and let the administration do their job. Relax! I,m done with this subject.
Ashland 24 Russell 27 - I predict at least 2 QB's play due to the need for both the run and the pass. Good luck Devils. Stick together and don't listen when parents and adults forget they are suppose to be a role model and begin to act stupid. Hang on, get better, play like a team!
Point is the situation should be investigated quietly this team just came off a bad loss and now all this bickering amongst the community and players could derail this season for this team and that would be really upsetting for these young men who have worked hard to make this a succesful season so let's all be adults remember everyone is innocent until proven guilty and not cause a wirlwind of controversy surrounding this team I really wish a moderator would step in on this one
FBALL Wrote:Sorry I couldn't pass it up. There is only so much you can trash talk after a beating like that. That "guru" comment is way below the belt. You "no" I'm just rattleing your cage.

But I'm telling you. Watch out Kitty Cats.:devilflam

It's all good Fball. The kitty cats will be just fine! Better be worrying about them evils! They are facing a tomcat team on a good roll and had a gut check in the 4 th quarter of that last game an passed with flying colors. Defense an special teams will definetly carry the Tomcats this year the offense is gaining momentum every game. The Jr Trey Rogers stepped up big last night. That was a nice addition to compliment Albers an Demartino.
All right boys this sounds like it's getting ugly! Sounds like the cancer Ive read about on here is still there in some form or another? All that fighting among one another is what tears teams apart sounds like this got pretty heated. You guys get this straightened out quick I don't want any excuses come Friday! WHAT CHA GONNA DO WHEN THE TOMCATS LAY THE SMACK DOWN ON YOU! BROTHER!!! :ChairHit:
All of this over a couple of whiners who think they know more than the coaching staff. There are parts of the story that are true but how bad it was depends upon who's point of view it is.

All in all its people making a mountain over a mole mill.

Back to football.
BADCAT74 Wrote:All right boys this sounds like it's getting ugly! Sounds like the cancer Ive read about on here is still there in some form or another? All that fighting among one another is what tears teams apart sounds like this got pretty heated. You guys get this straightened out quick I don't want any excuses come Friday! WHAT CHA GONNA DO WHEN THE TOMCATS LAY THE SMACK DOWN ON YOU! BROTHER!!! :ChairHit:
There really isn't anything to straighten out. It could have been handled a little better by both parties but its not a big deal.

Here Kitty Kitty.:devilflam
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:Point is the situation should be investigated quietly this team just came off a bad loss and now all this bickering amongst the community and players could derail this season for this team and that would be really upsetting for these young men who have worked hard to make this a succesful season so let's all be adults remember everyone is innocent until proven guilty and not cause a wirlwind of controversy surrounding this team I really wish a moderator would step in on this one

I agree whole heartily. Investigate it quietly in house. But don't sweep it under a rug. Moderator though? Why? This is a forum for opinion and I have not seen anyone get out of hand on either side. Like I said before the kids will come out the better people in this. The parent or parents were wrong and the coach was wrong. Boys you go play your game. Adults you do something about this.

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