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State Rankings thru 8 weeks
FoSho... you’re a jack***. Bottom line. You get on here as a key board warrior and talk crap. I would love to see if your mouth runs the same in person.
I have no dog in my the fight but just saying....
FoSho Wrote:No idea what you're talking about with other threads. I talk what I know which is mainly Boyle Football...I don't know everything but I got contacts that keep me in the loop all over.

Your poll is posted like you know football and it's obvious YOU are the joke. If you don't want feedback either A don't post polls or B post ones that are based on knowledge.

Keep in mind that message boards are for people to give opinions and get ripped for them. Occasionally there is honest conversation but that's few and far between.

And it you want to call someone out for "name calling" it's always in your best interest to not do it yourself ya hypocrite.


Some people actually think these rankings look pretty accurate. Of course, you aren't going to please everyone and that's not my intent. Also, there's no bias as you say to my rankings. As far as name calling, you have called me unknowledgeable, bias, an idiot and a few other things and more than once. Like I said, you don't know me from a man in the moon and your unwarranted rants make you look petty and childish. I have no problem with opinions that differ from mine, but, does it have to come with name calling and personal attacks. I don't think so. If you think it's okay, then that's on you, but, I'm personally tired of it and not going to sit here and act like it's okay and I will defend my opinion. As far as who would win between Boyle and Mayfield, you're right that we'll never know and I have no problem with anyone giving there opinions, but, I'd guess that most non partial fans from across the state would likely think as I do that it'd be a great game between 2 storied programs..
Mayfield would be a 3 td favorite. No way around that....unless you don’t understand football. Boyle is over ranked and if you disagree, your opinion is trash.

It’s fun demonstrating absurdity by being absurd

Oh and Boyle is the worst team in the state and has the easiest route to a state championship....even though they likely won’t get there.
FoSho Wrote:Not really. It'll end at one game.


I would've said that last year after Butler lost 35-6, but they surprised Male with the upset. This year they lost 30-12 and performing well against all kinds of team so it's not like it's out of the realm of possibility.

Besides, all you asked for was a harder streak of games and I delivered.

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