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Where is Mr. Lundergan Grimes?
Get ready for the Allison Pro Coal ads. They filmed footage today at a coal mine in the Prestonsburg area that some of my family work at.
Granny Bear Wrote:Papa Jerry would be instrumental in closing Gitmo if it served his financial purposes. He's really a story!

I am to the point of wondering if Papa didn't arrange this marriage with the sole purpose of having a spouse that couldn't possibly upstage Alison. After all, he's sort of perfect for the role. And it wouldn't take very much to upstage her.

Mr. Little Lundergan is perfect. He can drive her around, wash her clothes, and pick up her pizza and still remain invisible.

As for Ashley Ciminella, she looks like John Sherman Cooper when compared to Little Lundergan. What are Little Lundergan's positions on major local and national issues? She has none. She is incapable of forming an opinion beyond what to put on her Red Robin hamburger. She needs to ask Papa Jerry, the convicted criminal.
^^I don't doubt it in the least Westside. I see the tactic being used all the time. When Romney was making a lot of hay speaking with Israel's Netanyahu about Israel's tenuous position in the Arab World, and the need to do something about Iran's soon coming nuclear capability, Obama was being upstaged dramatically. When the media began reporting on the matter, Mr Obama realized he was taking a lot of backwater, and began making grandiose proclamations about our commitment to stand with Israel on her national defense issues, and the promise to limit Iran's nuclear program. Suddenly, after four years of being relegated to the backwaters of US foreign policy bottom feeders, Netanyahu finds himself a brand new BFF, Mr Obama. He even scheduled a trip to Israel! Of course it was all a bunch of gas, as has been made abundantly clear recently with Sec of State Kerry's insistence that Israel adopt the tired and thread bare two state solution. (Which only means that Israel must do all the giving, by ceding land and sovereignty to Palestine. And Palestine in return, has to do all the accepting, of the land and treasure Israel is being forced to hand over to them by America and other major players.) And everybody should know by now that Iran will have the bomb very soon, if they don't already. So, where Romney was seriously offering solutions, the Dems were only offering smoke and mirrors, which IMO is their default stock-in-trade.

Another example of Dems meeting the legitimate propositions being offered by their political opponents, would be in an area in which America has become quite anemic of late (since 2008 and the advent of the war on coal) and that is in the energy field. Again, in the case of the presidential campaign, Romney vowed to drill and mine coal to lift us out of burdensome energy policies of the present administration. And again in response, Mr Obama asserted his undying commitment to America and her energy needs vowing to do all that was necessary to fulfill our great country's needs. And what do we see now that the election is over? The EPA came out within the last two weeks with new and even tighter regulations which require all coal fired generating stations to cut emissions by another 30%. A move that energy officials of both the mining and electrical industries say will force the closure of all remaining coal fired stations, not to mention further crippling the coal industry for lack of demand. As for the oil industry, the only new drilling going on is on private land, as the vast reserves stored on government owned land lay untouched. And, we see that in spite of the imminent threat of the oil spigot of the Middle East being turned off to America, construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline has been put off indefinitely pending the outcome of the mid-terms of 2014.

So you see as the late presidential campaign demonstrated so well, none are so gullible in general, as the American voter. And I for one, am not the least bit surprised to hear Alison will feign an affinity for Kentucky's coal industry. When one considers the mountain of lies folks have been willing to swallow in the last six years, it's not like politicians are worried that voters will hold them responsible in any way.

I'm going to borrow one of our President's oft used closing phrase; "God bless America." (And God help us to turn to Him for deliverance.)
TheRealThing Wrote:^^I don't doubt it in the least Westside. I see the tactic being used all the time. When Romney was making a lot of hay speaking with Israel's Netanyahu about Israel's tenuous position in the Arab World, and the need to do something about Iran's soon coming nuclear capability, Obama was being upstaged dramatically. When the media began reporting on the matter, Mr Obama realized he was taking a lot of backwater, and began making grandiose proclamations about our commitment to stand with Israel on her national defense issues, and the promise to limit Iran's nuclear program. Suddenly, after four years of being relegated to the backwaters of US foreign policy bottom feeders, Netanyahu finds himself a brand new BFF, Mr Obama. He even scheduled a trip to Israel! Of course it was all a bunch of gas, as has been made abundantly clear recently with Sec of State Kerry's insistence that Israel adopt the tired and thread bare two state solution. (Which only means that Israel must do all the giving, by ceding land and sovereignty to Palestine. And Palestine in return, has to do all the accepting, of the land and treasure Israel is being forced to hand over to them by America and other major players.) And everybody should know by now that Iran will have the bomb very soon, if they don't already. So, where Romney was seriously offering solutions, the Dems were only offering smoke and mirrors, which IMO is their default stock-in-trade.

Another example of Dems meeting the legitimate propositions being offered by their political opponents, would be in an area in which America has become quite anemic of late (since 2008 and the advent of the war on coal) and that is in the energy field. Again, in the case of the presidential campaign, Romney vowed to drill and mine coal to lift us out of burdensome energy policies of the present administration. And again in response, Mr Obama asserted his undying commitment to America and her energy needs vowing to do all that was necessary to fulfill our great country's needs. And what do we see now that the election is over? The EPA came out within the last two weeks with new and even tighter regulations which require all coal fired generating stations to cut emissions by another 30%. A move that energy officials of both the mining and electrical industries say will force the closure of all remaining coal fired stations, not to mention further crippling the coal industry for lack of demand. As for the oil industry, the only new drilling going on is on private land, as the vast reserves stored on government owned land lay untouched. And, we see that in spite of the imminent threat of the oil spigot of the Middle East being turned off to America, construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline has been put off indefinitely pending the outcome of the mid-terms of 2014.

So you see as the late presidential campaign demonstrated so well, none are so gullible in general, as the American voter. And I for one, am not the least bit surprised to hear Alison will feign an affinity for Kentucky's coal industry. When one considers the mountain of lies folks have been willing to swallow in the last six years, it's not like politicians are worried that voters will hold them responsible in any way.

I'm going to borrow one of our President's oft used closing phrase; "God bless America." (And God help us to turn to Him for deliverance.)

the only problem with Obama saying "God bless America" is that we don't know which god he is referring to or if, in reality, he is merely referring to himself.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:the only problem with Obama saying "God bless America" is that we don't know which god he is referring to or if, in reality, he is merely referring to himself.

Well, it's anybody's guess what he means when he says anything. LOL.

You know, we as a nation are somewhat comparable to one of Israel's most famous judges, Samson, who was known for his great strength. Regrettably, he divulged the secret of that strength to his girlfriend Delilah, a secret of which his enemies had charged her to uncover. With the information in hand, Delilah betrayed Samson and those enemies subdued him. That secret of course, was in not ever allowing his hair to be cut. But, the point I found so interesting was that Samson was unaware he had lost his strength. The scripture says "And he wist not, that the Lord was departed from him."

Samson went out to meet the Philistines, and only then did he realize his strength was gone. Such was the Lord's judgment for disobedience and, America like Samson, is unaware that God has departed from us. When Barack says that phrase, even coming from his mouth it is still not meaningless, because God is the most high and as such He is our only hope. And yet, I don't believe God would bless us because he repeats the phrase. However, if we have any hope of survival at all, it will indeed be because God's people, who are called by His name, humbled themselves, prayed, and sought His face. Sadly, Christians have become complacent and somewhat apathetic. But, in any event, the cure lies with us. Our choices are courage versus complacency, and the outcomes are as dramatic as the east is from the west.

When we go out to meet our enemies, we better do so with right on our side or, like Samson, has our God and our strength departed?

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