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14th Region KAPOS
EXACTLY!!!! Finally someone who isn't all mad about it...I am so excited our girls get to go to state...and I really think they are going to rock it!!!
I do think other teams being able to go to state has ALOT to do with the money. The way they look at it, more teams--more money. They're happy. Thats just business.

IMO, If teams cant beat the best team of their Region, why should they go to state to compete against MORE teams; which in most cases are BETTER. You take the little Regions who have great cheerleaders, send them to STATE with some of the big dogs [Dunbar, Davies, GRC, Anderson, Madisonville Northhopkins, Madison Central] and nothing comes out of it. But like I said, thats just my opinion. Im not saying Powell isnt good enough, because they are a great team, but they couldnt beat Estill, and they are going to encounter even better teams then Estill at State.

If they are going to start taking this "bid" thing more seriously and make it a annual thing then they need to set a "score" in each division or so many points less then the winner, are aloud to go. But i guess that is sort of what the case was here.

So, to the points. Yeah, Estill beat Powell by 5 points. But in cheerleading terms, 5 points is quite a bit. Its not like basketball and just "2 baskets" and your there. Its all the technical things. And no, even if Powell didnt get the deduction, Estill still would have won by 4.5 points. Estill can improve by making their routine cleaner;; which is the advantage that Powell has on Estill. The advantage that Estill has on Powell is their difficulty. If they can pull off all the difficulty that Estill had in a week & a half, then all power to 'em.

Most of the teams at State are loaded with difficulty. Take GRC [who competes traditional] for instance, take a look at their tumbling in the past years. You will be awed.

And no, im not trying to cause a riot that Powell shouldnt compete at State. Im just saying this needs to become an annual thing, and not just a one shot deal.
loves2cheer Wrote:I do think other teams being able to go to state has ALOT to do with the money. The way they look at it, more teams--more money. They're happy. Thats just business.

IMO, If teams cant beat the best team of their Region, why should they go to state to compete against MORE teams; which in most cases are BETTER. You take the little Regions who have great cheerleaders, send them to STATE with some of the big dogs [Dunbar, Davies, GRC, Anderson, Madisonville Northhopkins, Madison Central] and nothing comes out of it. But like I said, thats just my opinion. Im not saying Powell isnt good enough, because they are a great team, but they couldnt beat Estill, and they are going to encounter even better teams then Estill at State.

If they are going to start taking this "bid" thing more seriously and make it a annual thing then they need to set a "score" in each division or so many points less then the winner, are aloud to go. But i guess that is sort of what the case was here.

So, to the points. Yeah, Estill beat Powell by 5 points. But in cheerleading terms, 5 points is quite a bit. Its not like basketball and just "2 baskets" and your there. Its all the technical things. And no, even if Powell didnt get the deduction, Estill still would have won by 4.5 points. Estill can improve by making their routine cleaner;; which is the advantage that Powell has on Estill. The advantage that Estill has on Powell is their difficulty. If they can pull off all the difficulty that Estill had in a week & a half, then all power to 'em.

Most of the teams at State are loaded with difficulty. Take GRC [who competes traditional] for instance, take a look at their tumbling in the past years. You will be awed.

And no, im not trying to cause a riot that Powell shouldnt compete at State. Im just saying this needs to become an annual thing, and not just a one shot deal.

Im saying your a powell co hater....
bobcatfan22 Wrote:Im saying your a powell co hater....

Im just talking cheerleading.
Nothing personal. Wink
It is an annual thing now. Thats how it was voted on and will stay that way until voted out. And you do pretty much have to make a certain score. As I said before, they don't just take anyone who wants to go.
Look Powell is going to state how about we all suck it up and get over it!!!! GOOD LORD!!!
Hello this is Taylor Southwood...Just about all of you all know who I am and just the kind of person I can really be, but this is to everyone. Estill county did a good job and congrats on the win...but Powell county did have a high enough score to win a bid to state so everyone grow up and get over your self and for the parents that have to say anything bad about us (PoCo cheerleaders..)......Real mature!!!! See ya at state!!!!
Hey Powell....a huge congrats on getting the at large bid!!!

I really do not think that Estill is "mad" because you gals get to go, it is just that, especially in cheerleading, the reward of winning don't mean anything any more, that's all!!! I know these girls are excited for Powell, because going to state use to be a big deal.

I just want to wish every squad, especially Powell and Estill all the luck in the world and to go out there and do your best and show the rest of the state of Kentucky what the 14th Region brought....good teams, deserving teams, respectful teams and teams that are LOADED with talent!!!!! Powell...step it up a notch in your difficulty and Estill clean it up!!!!!

How funny would it be if PC and EC were at the same hotel in BG? OMG....not sure there's one big enough to handle them all! hee hee

Oh, and from what I have read on here....being new to this site and this kind of forum, etc. I can only imagine what the PC fans would be saying if it were Estill who received the bid to state. Seems they were not very supportive of their county cousins last year. Guess the grass is greener???? I haven't heard EC ( or anyone) saying that PC shouldn't "get" to go to state, just that winning at regionals or wherever isn't going to mean as much with this new system. EC shouldn't care....they beat em once, they can do it again....and PC should have even more reason to buckle down and work hard to try to kick EC out of the top spot. Rivarly is a good thing when handled correctly. I hope these two counties can see that, but that will mostly be up to how their coaches handle it....they, after all, are the adults here.

Good luck to all!
How funny would it be if PC and EC were at the same hotel in BG? OMG....not sure there's one big enough to handle them all! hee hee

Oh, and from what I have read on here....being new to this site and this kind of forum, etc. I can only imagine what the PC fans would be saying if it were Estill who received the bid to state. Seems they were not very supportive of their county cousins last year. Guess the grass is greener???? I haven't heard EC ( or anyone) saying that PC shouldn't "get" to go to state, just that winning at regionals or wherever isn't going to mean as much with this new system. EC shouldn't care....they beat em once, they can do it again....and PC should have even more reason to buckle down and work hard to try to kick EC out of the top spot. Rivarly is a good thing when handled correctly. I hope these two counties can see that, but that will mostly be up to how their coaches handle it....they, after all, are the adults here.

Good luck to all!Wink
From what I hear, GRC is way down this year (I know someone posted about all of their difficulty). I know they didn't look good at region (by their standards). This is probably the worst they have been in years, so either team may have a chance at beating them! Especially the team with the most difficulty!
*SC*Cards*FaNaTiC* Wrote:From what I hear, GRC is way down this year (I know someone posted about all of their difficulty). I know they didn't look good at region (by their standards). This is probably the worst they have been in years, so either team may have a chance at beating them! Especially the team with the most difficulty!

I said they had alot of difficulty, but i was just stating what i have saw. I havent seen them this year however, but i know in the past they have had some awesome standing tumbling. Mybad if i am wrong.
Who are some of the other teams that place in the traditional division, does anyone know?
Pikeville is also traditional, and IMO, also down somewhat this year. But they always do well. Madison Central is ALWAYS good (I'm assuming they are also traditional this year - can't really see them changing).

I personally did not see GRC, but heard first-hand from a very reliable source (someone who judged them) that they are definitely not what they used to be. And I wasn't trying to prove you wrong or anything, just posting what I had heard.
Bell County - 13th Region
GRC - 10th Region
Adair County-Red - 5th Region
Pikeville-Maroon - 15th Region
Bryan Station - Video Bid
Estill County - 14th Region
Crittenden County - Video Bid
Powell County - Video Bid
Livingston Central - 2nd Region
East Carter - 16th Region
Carlisle County - 1st Region
Breckinridge County - 3rd Region
Model - 11th Region
Wayne County - 12th Region
Moore - 7th Region
West Carter-Maroon - Video Bid

From previous years, GRC, Livingston Central, Wayne County and Moore are the names that I remember placing in the top 5. Should be an interesting category! Lots of talent!!!!

Also: To SC CARDS....I just want to THANK YOU for your insight and input to this thread. It is REFRESHING to read posts from someone "who has been there and done that" as a cheerleader, coach and judge!!!
cheerdad Wrote:Also: To SC CARDS....I just want to THANK YOU for your insight and input to this thread. It is REFRESHING to read posts from someone "who has been there and done that" as a cheerleader, coach and judge!!!

Gee, thanks! I plan on stickin' around! Hopefully my teams will be at state someday....good luck to all competitors!
I judged the 16th region this year, and East Carter won traditional there, but I thought West Carter was a whole lot better! So I know these 2 teams will be tough to beat
stride2 Wrote:Look Powell is going to state how about we all suck it up and get over it!!!! GOOD LORD!!!

like cheerdad said, I don't think Estill is mad that Powell is going to state.. they are excited that they get the opportunity again this year. BTW I was at the competition and I don't remember seeing the Powell Cheerleaders cheer for Estill or say Congradulations...Did they?
cheerforblue Wrote:like cheerdad said, I don't think Estill is mad that Powell is going to state.. they are excited that they get the opportunity again this year. BTW I was at the competition and I don't remember seeing the Powell Cheerleaders cheer for Estill or say Congradulations...Did they?

Ok cheerforblue we all know you cheer for Estill County....and yes the Powell county girls did cheer for Estill and I know of about 5 girls off the top of my hear that said congradulations...Just drop it...There is no one that cares anymore..Powell girls are over it...They don't care about Estill all they care about is keeping there heads where it needs to be and thats in their routine to make it better and maybe bring traditional cheerleading back!!!!
stride2 Wrote:Ok cheerforblue we all know you cheer for Estill County....and yes the Powell county girls did cheer for Estill and I know of about 5 girls off the top of my hear that said congradulations...Just drop it...There is no one that cares anymore..Powell girls are over it...They don't care about Estill all they care about is keeping there heads where it needs to be and thats in their routine to make it better and maybe bring traditional cheerleading back!!!!

No I do not cheer for Estill I may be a fan but not a cheerleader (unless they are taking senior citizens on there team now lol)
*SC*Cards*FaNaTiC* Wrote:Pikeville is also traditional, and IMO, also down somewhat this year. But they always do well. Madison Central is ALWAYS good (I'm assuming they are also traditional this year - can't really see them changing).

I personally did not see GRC, but heard first-hand from a very reliable source (someone who judged them) that they are definitely not what they used to be. And I wasn't trying to prove you wrong or anything, just posting what I had heard.

Madison Central is going small and medium this year. Their small team will be very difficult to beat. They were practically flawless at region and loaded with difficulty.

As far as the traditional category goes, GRC's talent level is down this year. I haven't seen Pikeville, but I assume it will be a two man race between GRC and Pikeville. I was wondering what happened to Williamsburg? Bell Co. won traditional in the 13th this year. Just wanted to see if anyone went to 13th region this year. I do know that region was held at Bell Co. Anybody know anything about this situation?

I am looking forward to state this year. I hope WKU does a better job of hosting the competition than Eastern did. EKU just wasn't built to hold KAPOS. It was always set up so wierd. Anyway, good luck to all the squads!
What time will the competition start?
bobcatfan22 Wrote:What time will the competition start?

I am pretty sure that it starts somewhere around 7. The coaches meeting is at like 6:20
colonelfan2001 Wrote:Madison Central is going small and medium this year. Their small team will be very difficult to beat. They were practically flawless at region and loaded with difficulty.

As far as the traditional category goes, GRC's talent level is down this year. I haven't seen Pikeville, but I assume it will be a two man race between GRC and Pikeville. I was wondering what happened to Williamsburg? Bell Co. won traditional in the 13th this year. Just wanted to see if anyone went to 13th region this year. I do know that region was held at Bell Co. Anybody know anything about this situation?

I am looking forward to state this year. I hope WKU does a better job of hosting the competition than Eastern did. EKU just wasn't built to hold KAPOS. It was always set up so wierd. Anyway, good luck to all the squads!

I was also wondering about Williamsburg? They are always very good and always place at state. Is Pikeville's team good this year?
I never knew they had a traditional team. Is this the first year?
The 14th region kapos competition was a good one this year. I was most suprised that Powell County placed second just below Estill county, but only by five points. Both squads have some high points. Powell's routine was very sharp and clean. They had some difficulty, more than what they had a few years ago. Powell county is slowly building...if they keep on the same road they will be totally awesome in a few years. Yes powell county only has seven tumbilers but that is an improvement from last year, they only had five last year. Estill's routine had alot of difficulty but however there routine was very sloppy. They could sharpen a few things up. Yes estill county has more tumbilers. Most the girls that cheer for their high school also cheer for cheer stars. so there for they get more practice and they have a gym to learn at. Yes powell county came up with their own routine. Despite the rumors about estill county their routine wasn't very original....they said estill....a and blue like a billion times...i have cheered for a squad that has had pep club do their routine for them and estills routine looked and sounded like something pep club would come up with... Estill county should have stuck with 2 1/2 large instead of switching over to traditional..their routine fits that catagorey more. Traditional is intended for a original very clean very sharp routine like powell had...if estill would have stuck in 2 1/2 i'm sure that they would have beat breathitt and went to state as well....TRADITIONAL IS FOR CLEAN ROUTINES AND ESTILLS WAS VERY SLOPPY....i admit that there routine was cute but i had seen all their moves in wasn't original..powell's was good it was original and i loved how they spelled out usa in poms and i loved their theme...wait to go girls.

Yes powell got a bid to state only because they deserved it. The represenatives of KAPOS thought that they were state material so they gave them a bid. If KAPOS thought that they were not good enough they would not have given them the bid. Every one of the girls from both powell and estill should stop the bickering and be proud that they both have a chance at state. They should be happy that the 14th regiona was good enough to have two squads represent them.. stop the bickering it is childish and everyone should get along.. after all it is just a competition and there is always next year. What ever you do girls do not show yourselves at state do the best that both squads can do and accept the outcome...

Just to inform #1 Cheerleader, NONE of Estill's Cheerleaders cheer on Cheer Stars OR Cheer Cats this year. Yeah they have gyms to go take gymnastics at but Im pretty sure Powell has a gym too...something like Blaze? ..sry if im wrong. Also, i knew a few girls from Powell used to cheer for Stars so i wouldnt be saying much on that subject.

About Estill's cheer. --> if you watch the traditional state winners from the past, their cheer is simple, sweet, & to the point. The traditional cheer isnt that long so you got to get the key points in... the colors, the name, the mascot...etc.

Estill has competed Large many years in the past. They wanted to change it up this year. Obviously, they do well in all divisions. The only reason you wish for Estill to compete Large is so Powell can win again....or so thats the way it seems.

And, whats this "Estill should have stuck with 2 1/2 Mintue because Traditional is for clean teams?" haha...surely you can come up with a better reason than that.
loves2cheer Wrote:Just to inform #1 Cheerleader, NONE of Estill's Cheerleaders cheer on Cheer Stars OR Cheer Cats this year. Yeah they have gyms to go take gymnastics at but Im pretty sure Powell has a gym too...something like Blaze? ..sry if im wrong. Also, i knew a few girls from Powell used to cheer for Stars so i wouldnt be saying much on that subject.

About Estill's cheer. --> if you watch the traditional state winners from the past, their cheer is simple, sweet, & to the point. The traditional cheer isnt that long so you got to get the key points in... the colors, the name, the mascot...etc.

Estill has competed Large many years in the past. They wanted to change it up this year. Obviously, they do well in all divisions. The only reason you wish for Estill to compete Large is so Powell can win again....or so thats the way it seems.

And, whats this "Estill should have stuck with 2 1/2 Mintue because Traditional is for clean teams?" haha...surely you can come up with a better reason than that.

If my memory serves me right last year Estill got dogged for changing from Traditional to Large .so this year they decided to go Traditional. You all need to get on another subject this ones getting old. I think it is time to close this thread, it was started to wish all the 14th regions teams good luck not just Estill and why don't we move on!:mad:
cheerforblue Wrote:If my memory serves me right last year Estill got dogged for changing from Traditional to Large .so this year they decided to go Traditional. You all need to get on another subject this ones getting old. I think it is time to close this thread, it was started to wish all the 14th regions teams good luck not just Estill and why don't we move on!:mad:

Okay my lord....Let's just say both teams are great...What happen last year was last year now DROP IT!!!! Both teams are going to state! Leave it at that..I so agree with cheerforblue that this thread was to wish girls goodluck at regions and wasn't about Powell and Estill..Yea I argued a while ago but not in a lil bit...Good luck at state girls!
I used to cheer for cheer stars, this was like two years ago, most of the girls on stars was on high school...that may not be how it is now but that is how it was. Blaze is a cheerleading team just like cheer stars is. The coach there focus on Blaze and she doesn't really offer gymnastics. The only ones who go there for gymnastics is lee county's cheerleaders. powell's girls don't go to gymnastics there, granted powell may use the floor there to practice stunts and stuff but they do not do gymnastics there. If the girls want gymnastics they have to go to another county, and that usually is to far to drive for most of the girls. I think all but two of the girls that used to cheer for cheer stars from powell county has graduated. Powell county is a winner from the past, last year, and they didn't repeat themselves a billion times, watch the tape. There cheer was original just like this years. They may do well in different catagories but you also have to look at who the judges are. Young judges like difficult stuff and very fast paced. Older judges like simple, original, and sharp stuff. I don't really care what category estill cheers in. I was just saying that 2 1/2 suits them better. In that category they have the entire two and a half minutes to do stunts and tumbiling. where estill has so much tumbiling 2 1/2 gives them more time to show it off and more time to do more difficult stunts where as in traditional you only have one minute to do all the stunts and tumbiling powell does not have that much tumbliling so traditional fits them you get where i'm coming from.
I was trying to sound rude or anything about how estill should have stuck with 2 1/2 i was basing that on the tumbiling skills and the way the girls dance and stuff. estill does have more rythm than powell's girls but powell's girls have pretty shrap motions. each team has their high points and there low i wasn't trying to dog loves2cheer you can quit your childish little temper tantrum.

I wish Powell Co. & Estill Co. good luck!!
And i hope for the best at STATE!
A huge CONGRATULATIONS goes out to both Powell and Estill Counties for their wins at state. Both squads represented and made the fans of the 14th region PROUD!!!!!

Again...CONGRATS girls....both teams deserve their trophies!!!!!!

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