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09-24-2018, 07:25 AM
Woodsman Wrote:Exactly. If your school needs to hold back kids to be are doing it wrong and thatâs sad. Furthermore, if your school canât compete with a school that holds back players, you too are obviously doing it wrong and that even more sad. You arenât losing because some kids are held back. Get a better coach and more talent. Pretty simple. Does not matter in the slightest if kids are held back.
You are talking out the wrong end again. it matters a lot . it's obvious that older players are more mature.
09-24-2018, 07:28 AM
Explorer Wrote:This is a parental issue. If they feel the child needs to be held back, by all means hold the kid back. If you are holding your kid back for sports, I question what kind of parent you are. You can justify it however you want and itâs easy to say maturity is the reason. Because most 13 year old boys are immature. I do not want my son graduating high school at 19. I also donât want my son to graduate at 17. And his birthday falls where either of those are a possibility (19 being hold back or start late).
However, this is up to the parent of that kid.
I graduated at 17 while these 19 year old sophomores were playing on the JV team

09-24-2018, 07:30 AM
Frank Martin Wrote:I would suggest you are wrong. That being said, 100% of the time those defending it are the ones trying to justify holding their kids back. They use the maturity card quite often when in reality it's about wanting your son or daughter to have a better chance at athletics. Nothing at all wrong with that in my opinion. It's within the rules so go for it. Just call it what it is and stop trying to sell it under the guise of maturity, academics, social, etc.. Also, admit it is and advantageous and stop saying he's just sophomore, etc. without adding in that he's actually as old as most juniors when someone asks about your kid. All that being said, it's a parents/families choice.
That couldn't have been said better.
09-24-2018, 07:36 AM
Woodsman Wrote:Am I the only one that thinks this discussion is kinda crazy and completely irrelevant?
Yes. the sane people know that you are the crazy one.
09-24-2018, 07:39 AM
Woodsman Wrote:Thatâs very profound. You should be very proud. Keep crying though. It will do a lot of good for your team. Meanwhile, actual teams with a coach and talent donât care how old anyone is. Just look at the rosters for the best teams in the state. Are all starters and contributors seniors?!? Seniors that were held back? Get outta here. Check mate.You almost bored me to sleep.
09-24-2018, 07:41 AM
Frank Martin Wrote:Who's crying? Just having an open discussion/debate. Go back and read what I have commented and tell me what I was crying about. I don't have a team and I don't care if parents hold their kids back. As I have stated, it's their choice. You on the other hand, have made absolutely zero intelligent points and have just spewed out nonsense that isn't worth commenting on.
She does that a lot while trying to convince you that she's a genius.
09-24-2018, 02:51 PM
Oh thereâs my fan boy pj Doug again. Hi Doug! Some good stuff there Doug. Trying to make up for the many air balls you shot last week Doug? Quantity over quality Doug? Try harder Doug. Your work is still sub par and itâs unbecoming Doug. 🤤
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