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Cordia has article in Lexington Herald 12/18/13
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Sounds like Miss Alice is Mother Teresa and Hot Rod is on the same level as the pope. Sainthood is in the future for both of these individuals.

Meanwhile in Letcher Co, all is quiet. Lol aren't you glad we are not in this mess?
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
bulldawgchomp Wrote:You guys really have a lot of time wasting on what happens on or off the Creek. Coach Rhodes loses...he can't coach, he starts winning he recruits too much. If he lacks depth in the local boys good for him to find a way to win. You guys criticize him for doing exactly what Coach Cal does. If you don't like top recruits coming to the region and playing here stand up for it and disapprove Cal's recruitment and let's win a national championship with lex boys. Hypocrites the bunch of you.

Recruiting in college is legal.

Recruiting in high school is not.

Your post is :lame:.
divadawg Wrote:You know, this entire thing is disgusting! The "team" that is winning at Cordia is not a team of Cordia kids! It is a team with a few Cordia kids, but the majority is made up of kids from all over the eastern US and some other countries who are playing in a Prep school mentality while living in dorms and being shuttled around like a bunch of grade schoolers who probably couldn't tell you what county Cordia is in before someone pointed them in the direction of Rhodrick Rhodes and his road show! What happened to you Cordia people? Don't you have any backbone! Stand up for your kids. If this team wins anything, it won't be Cordia will be Rhodes Prep Academy, or whatever he chooses to call it! I don't care what you all do with your "band of brothers," just don't bring them in our gyms and play them against teams that are primarily made up of kids from the hill country who have played together since they were infants and hope to win a tournament someplace! Give me a Break!
You obviously were not at the Lexington tournaments or any other tournaments this year where there was a gym FULL of transfers my dear! Please check your resources and get back to us and tell us WHICH TEAMS DO NOT HAVE TRANSFERS.
divadawg Wrote:You know, this entire thing is disgusting! The "team" that is winning at Cordia is not a team of Cordia kids! It is a team with a few Cordia kids, but the majority is made up of kids from all over the eastern US and some other countries who are playing in a Prep school mentality while living in dorms and being shuttled around like a bunch of grade schoolers who probably couldn't tell you what county Cordia is in before someone pointed them in the direction of Rhodrick Rhodes and his road show! What happened to you Cordia people? Don't you have any backbone! Stand up for your kids. If this team wins anything, it won't be Cordia will be Rhodes Prep Academy, or whatever he chooses to call it! I don't care what you all do with your "band of brothers," just don't bring them in our gyms and play them against teams that are primarily made up of kids from the hill country who have played together since they were infants and hope to win a tournament someplace! Give me a Break!

Thank God your opinion does not matter because the Cordia FAMILY is happy and we are moving forward..... You don't have a clue as to what impact these kids are having on the younger kids at Lotts Creek. Now the grade school and JV teams are doing exceptionally well........ this team is reviving basketball in the community. Sports like everything else in life take a commitment and a big times gym schedule. You can't group kids together because the are in high school and call them a basketball team and expect them to be competitive. Rhodes have a group of players who are not on any top scouting services and none will come out of high school playing at highest level of D1. They are athletic, smart, coachable and able to play as a team. It the kids of Cordia were /are committed to Basketball I am sure they are a part of the team.

Ultimately your opinion is completely wrong because on the two tournament they have won they were Cordia. All of their diplomas will read Cordia High School. Sorry, they are a part of LOTTS CREEk. I hope they win state just to have the pictures forever floating in the community. Thanks, everyone does not feel the same as you. LET'S GO LIONS!!!!!!!!

AND FOR THE RECORD, Exactly what do you mean by BAND OF BROTHERS? And what gyms are your representing? You made a community based statement do they agree with you speaking for them????? NOW, you bad share it all don't throw rock and hide lay it out.Confusederiously:
divadawg Wrote:You know, this entire thing is disgusting! The "team" that is winning at Cordia is not a team of Cordia kids! It is a team with a few Cordia kids, but the majority is made up of kids from all over the eastern US and some other countries who are playing in a Prep school mentality while living in dorms and being shuttled around like a bunch of grade schoolers who probably couldn't tell you what county Cordia is in before someone pointed them in the direction of Rhodrick Rhodes and his road show! What happened to you Cordia people? Don't you have any backbone! Stand up for your kids. If this team wins anything, it won't be Cordia will be Rhodes Prep Academy, or whatever he chooses to call it! I don't care what you all do with your "band of brothers," just don't bring them in our gyms and play them against teams that are primarily made up of kids from the hill country who have played together since they were infants and hope to win a tournament someplace! Give me a Break!

Are you a Hazard fan?
zaga_fan Wrote:Are you a Hazard fan?
She probably is, then I can understand her comments. They have lost twice to Cordia even though they acquired their top player from Cordia.
Why does this have to be a Hazard fan??? Is Hazard the only team you have beat????????
I was just wondering why a Hazard fan would complain about Cordia playing kids from another state when they start a player from another state that transferred from Cordia.

I've been screaming from the top of my lungs that Perry has transfers that are here to play ball.

But transferring before you get into High School makes it a legit move and as for Justin it's a lot easier to get eligible when you move from Martin County to Perry County than when you move 10 hours away.

Rod has probably told these kids that he could get em eligible, take em to state and get em into a good college with all of his connections - it looks like the only way he is going to come through on that promise is to have these kids' families lie under oath in a court of law.
You know, I said in my post that most teams have transfers, but we don't have an entire team that has been recruited from hear and yonder and assembled to play high school basketball. Somewhere, that is now accepted by KHSAA. However, it seems Rhodes is able to circumvent rules and get whatever he wants! I realize Hazard has a student that transferred from Cordia to Hazard and is now playing for them, but apparently he did it according to KHSAA regulations. I think you have used injunctions to get some of your students eligible and all that does is circumvent KHSAA in order to get what you want. Why do we even have KHSAA? Maybe we should just do away with them and then do whatever you want to do to get students on your team! And when you look at some of the other teams in the area, they don't have an entire team of recruits dressing for their team! As I have said before, if Rhodes wants to run a Prep school, as he said in one of his missives, then go for it and I certainly won't object! But I do object when you run a prep school and call it a county school and put them up against teams that are working within the state's constraints.
All jokes aside 64SUR..
Ballstar could beat us 2 on 1... Lol
Ballers Wrote:All jokes aside 64SUR..
Ballstar could beat us 2 on 1... Lol

If I was going to play 2 on 1...I will bring my on player ballers an ref. Confusederiously:
It has been a while since i discussed this topic of recruiting. We all know they are doing it and whether you agree with it or disagree with it i want to express something that I read. Some people have posted on here talking about the Cordia community getting some backbone and sticking up for the Cordia kids. I want to ask the people of BGR a question, what is a true Cordia student? Cordia is a P-12 school, is a true Cordia student a student who started from pre-school and went their entire life at Cordia? If that is the case their isn't one true Cordia kid on the team. If that is the case I am no true Cordia Lion.

I enrolled at Cordia as a freshman. We had a player who transfered from PCC named Eric Combs, Josh Mosley transfered from KCC. Josh Taylor enrolled at Cordia when he was in the 7th or 8th grade, not for sure which year exactly. Two Juniors on our team graduated from Emmalena before they enrolled at Cordia their Freshman year. Looking back I think we only had four players who attended Cordia from pre-school on. So again I ask you what is a true Cordia student?

The majority of these transfers are one year players but some have been two years and some have been three years. So i ask this question, what is the difference between me enrolling at Cordia after graduating from a Perry County grade school and these new kids? I say this, these students are just much a Cordia Lion as me and every teammate i had in my four years. The Cordia community has embraced these kids and welcomed them into their families. I have seen these players address some women in the community as their second mothers. These same women see these players as sons. I was at the celebration at the school after the game and that place was packed and everybody had smiles on their faces. The community is proud of this team bringing the school its first regional title.

So again I read that the Cordia community needs to get some backbone and stand up for their kids, they have already been doing so sticking up for these new players and new families within the cordia community. I sucked so nobody cared that i went to Cordia, but now that their are good players their people are against it.

The majority of the kids that are not transfers started at Cordia their freshman year. So i say again, no player on that team is more or less a Cordia Lion as any past Cordia Lion. That is my opinion anyway.

Now i am not saying that what is going on is wrong or right, all i am saying is these kids ar Cordia kids whether you like it or not. Alice Slone, Alice Whitaker's aunt who founded the school, wanted the school for the Lotts Creek community and she embraced all the students who came to the school to learn. There is no doubt in my mind that Alice Slone would be just as proud or maybe even more proud than any Cordia fan on Lotts Creek, and there is no doubt in my mind that she would also accept these kids into the Lotts Creek Community.
WALL2WALL Wrote:It has been a while since i discussed this topic of recruiting. We all know they are doing it and whether you agree with it or disagree with it i want to express something that I read. Some people have posted on here talking about the Cordia community getting some backbone and sticking up for the Cordia kids. I want to ask the people of BGR a question, what is a true Cordia student? Cordia is a P-12 school, is a true Cordia student a student who started from pre-school and went their entire life at Cordia? If that is the case their isn't one true Cordia kid on the team. If that is the case I am no true Cordia Lion.

I enrolled at Cordia as a freshman. We had a player who transfered from PCC named Eric Combs, Josh Mosley transfered from KCC. Josh Taylor enrolled at Cordia when he was in the 7th or 8th grade, not for sure which year exactly. Two Juniors on our team graduated from Emmalena before they enrolled at Cordia their Freshman year. Looking back I think we only had four players who attended Cordia from pre-school on. So again I ask you what is a true Cordia student?

The majority of these transfers are one year players but some have been two years and some have been three years. So i ask this question, what is the difference between me enrolling at Cordia after graduating from a Perry County grade school and these new kids? I say this, these students are just much a Cordia Lion as me and every teammate i had in my four years. The Cordia community has embraced these kids and welcomed them into their families. I have seen these players address some women in the community as their second mothers. These same women see these players as sons. I was at the celebration at the school after the game and that place was packed and everybody had smiles on their faces. The community is proud of this team bringing the school its first regional title.

So again I read that the Cordia community needs to get some backbone and stand up for their kids, they have already been doing so sticking up for these new players and new families within the cordia community. I sucked so nobody cared that i went to Cordia, but now that their are good players their people are against it.

The majority of the kids that are not transfers started at Cordia their freshman year. So i say again, no player on that team is more or less a Cordia Lion as any past Cordia Lion. That is my opinion anyway.

Now i am not saying that what is going on is wrong or right, all i am saying is these kids ar Cordia kids whether you like it or not. Alice Slone, Alice Whitaker's aunt who founded the school, wanted the school for the Lotts Creek community and she embraced all the students who came to the school to learn. There is no doubt in my mind that Alice Slone would be just as proud or maybe even more proud than any Cordia fan on Lotts Creek, and there is no doubt in my mind that she would also accept these kids into the Lotts Creek Community.
Sometimes it takes a young person such as yourself to make us grown folks stop and pay attention to what's important here. Thank you for taking the time out to speak from your heart!
What would BGR do if everyone wasn't talking about Cordia??? Embrace the hate!
It's just jealousy 😜
WALL2WALL Wrote:It has been a while since i discussed this topic of recruiting. We all know they are doing it and whether you agree with it or disagree with it i want to express something that I read. Some people have posted on here talking about the Cordia community getting some backbone and sticking up for the Cordia kids. I want to ask the people of BGR a question, what is a true Cordia student? Cordia is a P-12 school, is a true Cordia student a student who started from pre-school and went their entire life at Cordia? If that is the case their isn't one true Cordia kid on the team. If that is the case I am no true Cordia Lion.

I enrolled at Cordia as a freshman. We had a player who transfered from PCC named Eric Combs, Josh Mosley transfered from KCC. Josh Taylor enrolled at Cordia when he was in the 7th or 8th grade, not for sure which year exactly. Two Juniors on our team graduated from Emmalena before they enrolled at Cordia their Freshman year. Looking back I think we only had four players who attended Cordia from pre-school on. So again I ask you what is a true Cordia student?

The majority of these transfers are one year players but some have been two years and some have been three years. So i ask this question, what is the difference between me enrolling at Cordia after graduating from a Perry County grade school and these new kids? I say this, these students are just much a Cordia Lion as me and every teammate i had in my four years. The Cordia community has embraced these kids and welcomed them into their families. I have seen these players address some women in the community as their second mothers. These same women see these players as sons. I was at the celebration at the school after the game and that place was packed and everybody had smiles on their faces. The community is proud of this team bringing the school its first regional title.

So again I read that the Cordia community needs to get some backbone and stand up for their kids, they have already been doing so sticking up for these new players and new families within the cordia community. I sucked so nobody cared that i went to Cordia, but now that their are good players their people are against it.

The majority of the kids that are not transfers started at Cordia their freshman year. So i say again, no player on that team is more or less a Cordia Lion as any past Cordia Lion. That is my opinion anyway.

Now i am not saying that what is going on is wrong or right, all i am saying is these kids ar Cordia kids whether you like it or not. Alice Slone, Alice Whitaker's aunt who founded the school, wanted the school for the Lotts Creek community and she embraced all the students who came to the school to learn. There is no doubt in my mind that Alice Slone would be just as proud or maybe even more proud than any Cordia fan on Lotts Creek, and there is no doubt in my mind that she would also accept these kids into the Lotts Creek Community.

We all know you guys are behind the team...
it's very evident from the support you get on here.

Everyone is simply saying that by the book the kids that are rocking the pep section shouldn't be eligible.

The kid that's a junior is playing a game of chicken with the KHSAA and he could lose his senior year if he ain't careful.

The senior has nothing to lose (at this point) and I see why he is suing for an injunction, but hopefully Rod made him aware of what he had to lose before he packed up and moved down here.
zaga_fan Wrote:We all know you guys are behind the team...
it's very evident from the support you get on here.

Everyone is simply saying that by the book the kids that are rocking the pep section shouldn't be eligible.

The kid that's a junior is playing a game of chicken with the KHSAA and he could lose his senior year if he ain't careful.

The senior has nothing to lose (at this point) and I see why he is suing for an injunction, but hopefully Rod made him aware of what he had to lose before he packed up and moved down here.

Oh I know zaga and I am fine with that. It's the people saying that these kids are taking playing time away from TRUE Cordia students, because I feel like these kids are just as much a Cordia lion as any student enrolled at the school right no and any former Cordia Lion.

I get what everybody is saying and whether it is right or wrong I will not comment on because i feel like it is not my place. But no matter what my school does i will always be behind them.
Wall2wall, I totally respect what your saying and I'm sure most ppl on here feels the same way. I understand that everyone up there on Lotts Creek is happy and they have a lot to be happy about!! It's a great thing that the community has taken these kids in and treated them like their own. My question to you is this, if that's what their doing is helping kids from bad situations then why don't they have 1,0000 inner city kids that don't play sports. Because i can say their are tons of kids not just in the big cities but RIGHT HERE in Perry County that could use yalls help. Someone said they have kids they don't play BBall and they were correct. Cordia also has kids from the Dominican and they play baseball. I understand that you say the kids are being helped and I agree, but Cordia is getting something in return and that's a winning team. If those kids really SUCKED at sports would they still embrace them the way they have? I truly think not!!
WALL2WALL Wrote:Oh I know zaga and I am fine with that. It's the people saying that these kids are taking playing time away from TRUE Cordia students, because I feel like these kids are just as much a Cordia lion as any student enrolled at the school right no and any former Cordia Lion.

I get what everybody is saying and whether it is right or wrong I will not comment on because i feel like it is not my place. But no matter what my school does i will always be behind them.

I get what you're saying, and you did bring up a good point that Cordia has always had a lot of transfers for basketball.

I had a couple of my friends, Eric Combs and Derrick Porter, transfer to Cordia to play basketball.

People that complain about kids losing playing time need to take a seat. No one is guaranteed playing time anywhere. These kids that are losing the time can put in the work like Austin Combs and earn their minutes.
MissB, I directly quoted you on the old news. I and others read it in the context I portrayed it as it was the context you gave it in. All I've said and will continue to say is that it needs to be called what it is and not trying to sneak around the rules and act like it isn't recruiting. The student who is a junior needs to sit his year and get ready for next year and Rhodes needs to bring these players in like Keita (spelling) and Chisolm and Nowell. Not the Hines, Cunninghams and Owootoahs of the world. Bring them in young not as seasoned seniors and try and throw them onto a team. Notice how no one brings up the aforementioned younger players because they started or will start HS at Cordia. Not TRANSFER from another. I'd respect Rhodes more if he had more younger talent beginning as freshman rather than grabbing kids in their final two (and usually just final) season to come in and make a run.
The way the Cordia ppl say that they haven't taken these kids in makes it sound A TON worse. Me and probably most others on here truly think the families have taken them in(which means they aren't living w/ their families but w/ other families or in the dorm which makes them ineligible) and you can't do that!!!
I could never be a head coach. Lying day-in and day-out is just something I couldn't live with. I don't know how some of these people/coaches (not just rhodes) sleep at night. But in the end we all answer to a higher power.
I just want to set the record straight about Richard chapman as a jr putting his senior year in jeopardy. That is a myth that people do not know. He has been ruled in elidigible by the khsaa his dad is taking his case before judicial review in Franklin circuit court. These cases can only be taken to either knott circuit court ( which would never happen), fayette co, or Franklin co. If Franklin co rules him elidigible to play the khsaa can take it to the court of appeals to try to get it reversed. If they are denied the kid is elidigible to play until he gradguates the khsaa has no further recourse. If he is ruled elidigible and plays the rest of this season and the khsaa dosen't get the cased heard until after the season or it is heard before the tournament and he is ruled inelidigible by the court of appeals there is a rule in place ( a khsaa rule at that) that states if a player players under judicial review(ie:injunction) and is later overturned that the student athlete or the school can not be held accountable for violation of any rules. So you see he has nothing to loose either.
TaintAnewPat Wrote:I just want to set the record straight about Richard chapman as a jr putting his senior year in jeopardy. That is a myth that people do not know. He has been ruled in elidigible by the khsaa his dad is taking his case before judicial review in Franklin circuit court. These cases can only be taken to either knott circuit court ( which would never happen), fayette co, or Franklin co. If Franklin co rules him elidigible to play the khsaa can take it to the court of appeals to try to get it reversed. If they are denied the kid is elidigible to play until he gradguates the khsaa has no further recourse. If he is ruled elidigible and plays the rest of this season and the khsaa dosen't get the cased heard until after the season or it is heard before the tournament and he is ruled inelidigible by the court of appeals there is a rule in place ( a khsaa rule at that) that states if a player players under judicial review(ie:injunction) and is later overturned that the student athlete or the school can not be held accountable for violation of any rules. So you see he has nothing to loose either.

If he plays under the injuction this season an it's overturned after the season he will lose his senior year from what I understand. I think the key is that the school cannot be held accountable meaning the KHSAA cannot come after the school itself for wins/losses while the athlete is playing under the injucntion. this was a rule that changed a couple of years ago. i think thats why the school doesnt pay for the attorney for the athlete in question. I maybe wrong but I remember the Jaysean Paige deal and this was kinda the same thing. If what your saying is correct the eligibility process is completely useless. No need to wait on KHSAA slow decision making, just play the athlete and don't worry about anything.
TaintAnewPat Wrote:I just want to set the record straight about Richard chapman as a jr putting his senior year in jeopardy. That is a myth that people do not know. He has been ruled in elidigible by the khsaa his dad is taking his case before judicial review in Franklin circuit court. These cases can only be taken to either knott circuit court ( which would never happen), fayette co, or Franklin co. If Franklin co rules him elidigible to play the khsaa can take it to the court of appeals to try to get it reversed. If they are denied the kid is elidigible to play until he gradguates the khsaa has no further recourse. If he is ruled elidigible and plays the rest of this season and the khsaa dosen't get the cased heard until after the season or it is heard before the tournament and he is ruled inelidigible by the court of appeals there is a rule in place ( a khsaa rule at that) that states if a player players under judicial review(ie:injunction) and is later overturned that the student athlete or the school can not be held accountable for violation of any rules. So you see he has nothing to loose either.

The kid/school can't be held accountable for any violations while playing under the injunction.

If he gets ruled ineligible by the courts after this year his senior season is toast.

If Cordia played him they could be fined, Rod could be suspended, other teams can refuse to play them without penalty, games forfeited... it wouldn't be pretty.
Guys some laws have changed over the last couple of years they can't fine the school anymore. That is one of the rules the khsaa lobbied for the state legislature to change that and it did not get any traction in the senate.If he is ruled elidigible by the court and the court of appeals upholds the Franklin circuit courts decision there is no further action the khsaa can take. The court of appeals has the final decision they out rank the khsaa. A injunction is a restraining order if the khsaa sits and waits until the summer to take it to the court of appeals and have it over turned. He will still be allowed to play his senior year he has been enrolled in school for a year and will be elidigible. The law firm on this case is one of the best in the state they would not make a mistake like this. I would want to believe they know what they are doing.
WALL2WALL Wrote:It has been a while since i discussed this topic of recruiting. We all know they are doing it and whether you agree with it or disagree with it i want to express something that I read. Some people have posted on here talking about the Cordia community getting some backbone and sticking up for the Cordia kids. I want to ask the people of BGR a question, what is a true Cordia student? Cordia is a P-12 school, is a true Cordia student a student who started from pre-school and went their entire life at Cordia? If that is the case their isn't one true Cordia kid on the team. If that is the case I am no true Cordia Lion.

I enrolled at Cordia as a freshman. We had a player who transfered from PCC named Eric Combs, Josh Mosley transfered from KCC. Josh Taylor enrolled at Cordia when he was in the 7th or 8th grade, not for sure which year exactly. Two Juniors on our team graduated from Emmalena before they enrolled at Cordia their Freshman year. Looking back I think we only had four players who attended Cordia from pre-school on. So again I ask you what is a true Cordia student?The majority of these transfers are one year players but some have been two years and some have been three years. So i ask this question, what is the difference between me enrolling at Cordia after graduating from a Perry County grade school and these new kids? I say this, these students are just much a Cordia Lion as me and every teammate i had in my four years. The Cordia community has embraced these kids and welcomed them into their families. I have seen these players address some women in the community as their second mothers. These same women see these players as sons. I was at the celebration at the school after the game and that place was packed and everybody had smiles on their faces. The community is proud of this team bringing the school its first regional title.

So again I read that the Cordia community needs to get some backbone and stand up for their kids, they have already been doing so sticking up for these new players and new families within the cordia community. I sucked so nobody cared that i went to Cordia, but now that their are good players their people are against it.

The majority of the kids that are not transfers started at Cordia their freshman year. So i say again, no player on that team is more or less a Cordia Lion as any past Cordia Lion. That is my opinion anyway.

Now i am not saying that what is going on is wrong or right, all i am saying is these kids ar Cordia kids whether you like it or not. Alice Slone, Alice Whitaker's aunt who founded the school, wanted the school for the Lotts Creek community and she embraced all the students who came to the school to learn. There is no doubt in my mind that Alice Slone would be just as proud or maybe even more proud than any Cordia fan on Lotts Creek, and there is no doubt in my mind that she would also accept these kids into the Lotts Creek Community.

You and none of the players you mentioned would be playing if you were at cordia right now! I ask you this question would you be mad? You guys had a nice high school career, made memories that will last a lifetime. Bottom line you got to play, if you were at cordia now you would not be playing!!!
This is from this year's handbook


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