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Belfry vs. Jackson County - Class 3A Playoffs
I may be wrong about this Williamsburg maybe smaller than phelps an Jenkins does anybody know I really don't know :HitWall: :HitWall: :HitWall:
Jenkins only has 106 boys in the whole HS. Phelps only has 119 boys in there whole HS. Pikeville has 168 boys in HS. so there is your answer. Not to mention the difference in the feeder school programs, little league programs etc. Facilities, equipment. etc
64SUR Wrote:I may be wrong about this Williamsburg maybe smaller than phelps an Jenkins does anybody know I really don't know :HitWall: :HitWall: :HitWall:

I just looked Williamsburg has 107 boys in there HS. So they are doing a very nice job with there program. :Thumbs:
sportsguru4u Wrote:I just looked Williamsburg has 107 boys in there HS. So they are doing a very nice job with there program. :Thumbs:

:thanks: I know its a small school :thanks:
64SUR Wrote:I hope you guys get some game film on belfry.EKUAlum05 maybe tricking y'all Confusederiously:

LOL, I was complimenting him for stating his opinion objectively and without bashing anyone, the thread asked for predictions and he gave us his in a manner that is what this site about - honest respectful assesments and predictions ....64Sur you must be my guardian angel always looking out for me ... :thanks:

I am going to stop posting now, before everyone thinks I am spending all my time here and not preparing or working .... Smile

On a serious note God bless both teams, let's hope for an injury less game where kids on both sides give their best and represent their communities well!

Proud of the accomplishments of both Belfry and Jackson Co. young men!!!
The Cross Movement Wrote:LOL, I was complimenting him for stating his opinion objectively and without bashing anyone, the thread asked for predictions and he gave us his in a manner that is what this site about - honest respectful assesments and predictions ....64Sur you must be my guardian angel always looking out for me ... :thanks:

I am going to stop posting now, before everyone thinks I am spending all my time here and not preparing or working .... Smile

On a serious note God bless both teams, let's hope for an injury less game where kids on both sides give their best and represent their communities well!

Proud of the accomplishments of both Belfry and Jackson Co. young men!!!
:Thumbs: Hey Cross Movement I have been to Belfry many times in the 80 an 90 when I live in Leslie county I don't know if you ever been to pond creek but it is Football Highschool Heaven they take it seriously to the last play. :Cheerlead:Cheerlead
64SUR Wrote::Thumbs: Hey Cross Movement I have been to Belfry many times in the 80 an 90 when I live in Leslie county I don't know if you ever been to pond creek but it is Football Highschool Heaven they take it seriously to the last play. :Cheerlead:Cheerlead

Yes sir, I saw a state semi final game, one of the best venues I have ever been too for H.S. football, and I have been to many H.S. games in my time, in many different states. Very impressive!!
:thatsfunn Buddy, you really got butthurt when Belfry beat Lawrence..didn't ya? :thatsfunn
Wow 1556 fans has view this post crossbones.where have you been :theman:
Belfry 42
Jackson County 13

Hoping that both teams play to the best of their ability
and also hoping for an injury free game for both teams.
With all due respect to my Belfry friends,,, I was fortunate enough to meet one of
Coaches for Jackson at an event in Berea a couple weeks ago. It was an honor! I
would just like to say that I believe the Jackson Coaching Staff is headed in the
right direction!! The 2012 Generals have a lot to be PROUD of!! I congratulate the
Generals on a heck of a season.. Finish it strong and with your heads held high against
Belfry!! Belfry understands and recognizes good, hard effort from an opposing team.
Heck they want it so give them everything you got! It will make Jackson more proud
of you; and you will earn the respect from the Belfry fans and players. You have started
another winning tradition in the mountains! I look forward to seeing this program grow
and improve over the coming years... Good Luck Jackson!
From hearing from others and from the Jackson County coaches. I have a far greater respect for their program than I did. It sounds like the players are blessed to have such great coaches and I'm glad the team has been so successful this year. It sounds like a great foundation has already been laid over there.

Congratulations Generals on your great regular season. And no matter what the score of the upcoming game is, You're Winners!
64SUR Wrote:Wow 1556 fans has view this post crossbones.where have you been :theman:

I very rarely post in a Belfry prediction thread...rarely. He has whinned every since Belfry beat them. :ChairHit:
Crossbones Wrote:I very rarely post in a Belfry prediction thread...rarely. He has whinned every since Belfry beat them. :ChairHit:

Sorry crossbone meant to say The Cross Movement
jw4914 Wrote:With all due respect to my Belfry friends,,, I was fortunate enough to meet one of
Coaches for Jackson at an event in Berea a couple weeks ago. It was an honor! I
would just like to say that I believe the Jackson Coaching Staff is headed in the
right direction!! The 2012 Generals have a lot to be PROUD of!! I congratulate the
Generals on a heck of a season.. Finish it strong and with your heads held high against
Belfry!! Belfry understands and recognizes good, hard effort from an opposing team.
Heck they want it so give them everything you got! It will make Jackson more proud
of you; and you will earn the respect from the Belfry fans and players. You have started
another winning tradition in the mountains! I look forward to seeing this program grow
and improve over the coming years... Good Luck Jackson!

Thank you for your encouraging and affirming words. It means alot! Belfry has a classy fan base! We hope to build a program like you guys have someday ....we will keep working....you met my head coach at the Berea event, he has poured his heart and soul into building a foundation for the future...it will take time but step by step we will get there, whatever happens tomorrow I appreciate Belfry fans and the class and sportsmanship the program represents....you are what is good about H.S. football!!
MtnHSFootballFan Wrote:From hearing from others and from the Jackson County coaches. I have a far greater respect for their program than I did. It sounds like the players are blessed to have such great coaches and I'm glad the team has been so successful this year. It sounds like a great foundation has already been laid over there.

Congratulations Generals on your great regular season. And no matter what the score of the upcoming game is, You're Winners!

Thank you for your supportive comments, your a class act, we have a long way to go, where are not where we want to be, but we are not where you used to be!

We will keep the axe in our hand and keep chopping, we are starting to get a wood pile!

Looking forward to playing against a great Belfry team in one of the great venues in the state! I probably will be up all night.....LOL
The play offs begin!! It's such an exciting time in high school football; I LOVE this time in the season!!

So, good luck to both teams!!! Hoping you guys play your best game ever, and do it injury free!!

Pirates roll in this one, by 28!!!!!
Everyone may not know this but if Belfry wins tonight, it will be Coach Haywood's 300th coaching victory as a Pirate.

How many coaches can say they won 300 games at one school?

Good Luck Pirates, and Coach Haywood :Cheerlead
Wow!! I did not know that; thanks for sharing. What a wonderful accomplishment!!
Granny Bear Wrote:The play offs begin!! It's such an exciting time in high school football; I LOVE this time in the season!!

So, good luck to both teams!!! Hoping you guys play your best game ever, and do it injury free!!

Pirates roll in this one, by 28!!!!!

Thanks Granny! Good Luck to the Black Bears also!
Buc-a-roo Wrote:Everyone may not know this but if Belfry wins tonight, it will be Coach Haywood's 300th coaching victory as a Pirate.

How many coaches can say they won 300 games at one school?

Good Luck Pirates, and Coach Haywood :Cheerlead

That is impressve, and even more impressive is the countless young men he has impacted for Christ over the years! Billy Graham said that coaches impact more lives than any other profession. He has been a faithful servant of the Lord as both a coach and role model....looking forward to meeting him tonight! Best wishes! !!
The Cross Movement Wrote:Thank you Sir! You are a class act! I am not in anyway offended by people's predictions no matter what they are, I know we are huge underdogs, I got no issue with honesty, I was just addresing my boys who get on here and read the posts that ridicule what my boys have accomplished this year.

Belfry deserves the respect they get!!! I got much respect for Belfry and their coaching staff!!! I have seen a state semi game at Belfry before, and it was one the best atmosphere's I have been to for a football game!! Passion and Pride!!

We are hoping to get there some day at JCHS, as a coaching friend of mine always says "we will keep chopping wood until we get a wood pile," this years group has been chopping and I am proud of them for that, this team is like family to me!!

Best wishes to you my friend!!!

I wish you and your team all the luck in the world brother. You and Coach Shear are doing a great job. I also know that you are doing Gods work at every turn and that in itself is what makes all the difference. It's not always easy to coach in programs like ours but watching The kids grow through hard work and seeing how the influence of God can change their lives is always worth it and it always makes those condescending remarks from people who knows nothing about being part of a program like ours mean very little. But, I do know how it makes you feel as you can't help but think you have to stand up for your kids. Just remember those who usually post in that manner are usually ignorant so the don't have the mental capability to understand how mere words can effect the young men that play this great game! When you read those types of remarks brother just take a deep breath and follow our Lord and Saviors example; when he had been beaten, ridiculed, spat upon and nailed to the cross he was gracious enough to look to God and say "forgive them father for they know not what they do!" It's hard for us, with the nature of man in us, to forgive but it is necessary for us to work toward forgiveness with everything we have! Coach you are my friend and more important you are my Brother in Christ, please tell those young men you coach that I am proud of how hard they have worked and how much they have accomplished because I 100% understand what it has taken for them to get to this point! Have safe travels and an injury free game. I will pray for both Jackson Co and Belfry for tonight's game to be played hard nosed with great sportsmanship and for it to be injury free. Coach "keep chopping wood" ( that's a great saying I think I may use that one myself. LoL!) god Bless you brother!
Every once in a while some one coins a word or phrase that just seems to stick.

I think Coach's" chopping wood" analogy of his program has had that impact on here.

Coach if the Jackson Football Team or boosters ever make a shirt using that phrase and
showing a mighty General holding, swinging or chopping axe. I've GOT TO HAVE ONE!!!!
To show my support in you, your program, your strong relationship with Christ, and the
General Football Players!!!!!!!!!

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