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Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare
vector Wrote:

You're quoting Sally Kohn, now that's funny. Read about her here; ARTICLE TITLE--- "LIBERAL, LESBIAN, ACTIVIST ON FOX NEWS? MEET SALLY KOHN."

"Couldn't help but think of a conversation I heard on Fox today with another from among the growing number of liberal contributors employed by FOX, Alan Colmes. Both are cut from the same cloth, though Colmes has never been accused of being gay that I know of, he too believes that in the annals of history, ObamaCare will eclipse the Declaration of Independence. I've heard this guy and Sally speak many times in the past. All they care about is propagating liberal/progressivism. If their mouth is open, that's what comes out. More important than life itself is their shared version of the liberal social doctrine. I mean, at some point, I would think that everybody has to admit, girls kissing other girls and boys kissing other boys has to take a back seat to the survival of mankind. :igiveup:
I remember towards the end of the government shut down hearing Kathleen Sebelius vow and declare that the Website, which will surely cost upwards of a trillion dollars or more, was ready to go. Therefore, this whole Republican idea of delaying the individual mandate for one year was so much balderdash. So I ask you, who was right? If one can believe his own eyes and ears, it has to be the Republicans. Were the Republicans looking out for John Q Public, or was it the liberal Democrats? It amazes me to watch the confusion swirl, as pundits keep up the drum beat for the march of the lemmings.

In the days since the end of the shut down Jay Carney, Mr Obama and Kathleen Sebelius have continued to insist we were looking at mere glitches which resulted from overwhelming demand for the government insurance product. :please: So far, according to the best figures available, approximately 126,000 have signed up for ObamaCare at the NATIONAL level. Contrast that number against the 300 thousand Floridians that got letters telling them their health insurance policies will be cancelled by "Florida Blue Insurance Co". In one state alone we see an example of 2 and a half times more folks losing their insurance than have signed up for insurance at the national level. Not only should Sebelius be fired, she should likely be run out of town on a rail.

I've heard a number of folks on here and other places stating their support of ObamaCare because of the high cost of ER visits for the poor. Further, they see the insurance companies as the villain in the matter because according to them, insurance is what drives the prices. Well guess what? ObamaCare got the last minute boost it needed for passage by these self same insurance conglomerates. These companies were not on board until Obama promised them millions of folks would be forced onto their rolls by the twin mandates. So those who have born the torch of protest against the insurance companies, will still find themselves and everybody else under the thumb of the giant insurers.
Actually, I believe the mid terms will be more about the Gov shutdown that accomplished nothing. At this point, the GOP is struggling with relevancy outside their heavily gerrymandered districts.
^Actually, I believe the mid terms will be about ObamaCare, Benghazi, Fast and Furious. The fact that during the shut down you mention, the government spent money they reportedly could't afford to waste, to take the steps necessary to defund and deny widows of slain soldiers their just due diligence, in the form of the death benefit. The IRS scandal, and a trillion dollar non-functioning website and situations like the one described according to Obama's own White House Security Official Jofi Joseph; "his (Obama's) continuing reliance and dependence upon a vacuous cipher(s) like Valerie Jarrett concerns me." LOL, Now that is funny right there. :hilarious:

BTW, lawsuits are being filed as we speak to block government provided ObamaCare subsidies in the States in which exchanges were set up in lieu of the federal government's laughable version. It seems these subsidies are illegal according to the law as passed in the middle of the night by a simple 51% majority in the Senate, under the auspices of an obscure, arcane and some say malapplied rule by a desperate but, none the less determined, Harry Reid.

AFWIW, Democrats abdicated on efforts to gerrymander at the state level in order to parlay a winning strategy at the national level, vote buying in the most populous areas.
I hate to be so pessimistic guys but, it's over! I'm not one to pay much attention to polls but, if even the most skewed poll on earth still has Obama and democrats approval rating anywhere above 18% after the first of the year, the proverbial snowball is definitely at the gates of hell. If in a mere three months, the media has not turned on these clowns (we know they won't), the majority of voters in this country will continue to follow as if they are deaf, dumb and blind. Just as a fly can't resist the sweet nectar of the Venus Fly Trap, most voters can't resist the urge of a vote to "Get What's Mine".

I hate watching it all unfold and I gotta say, it's fascinatingly mind blowing.
Democrats are working on a bill to delay the individual mandate, three weeks after demonizing Ted Cruz and the conservatives for demanding exactly that. It is too bad that the "French Republicans" (Mark Levin's term, but I am going to claim it as my own) got weak kneed and decided that it was better to attack Cruz than to criticize Harry Reid and Obama - but Cruz will have no trouble reminding people that he was doing the right thing all along. Now let's see if the French Republicans criticize the Democrats for belatedly giving in to at least some of Cruz's demands.

It's not over at all. It is just beginning and as Obamacare results in more and more people losing coverage and getting hit with higher premiums, the poll numbers for Republicans and especially for Cruz will begin climbing quickly.
Hope you're right. Here's how I see it going down...when and if the individual mandate is delayed, the low information voters will be convinced by the media that the democrats and Obama himself came to the rescue. Obama will be the one portrayed as the one willing to compromise. Cruz, on the other hand, will never be favored outside of true conservative outlets.

It's only my opinion Hoot but, if in three or four months we don't see SIGNIFICANT plummeting in Obama and his left wing agenda's popularity, it is indeed over. I guess what I'm trying to say is this...if this obvious fiasco (coupled with several scandals in the admin) don't do it, what on earth will? Will we have to hit rock bottom?
TheRealThing Wrote:^Actually, I believe the mid terms will be about ObamaCare, Benghazi, Fast and Furious. The fact that during the shut down you mention, the government spent money they reportedly could't afford to waste, to take the steps necessary to defund and deny widows of slain soldiers their just due diligence, in the form of the death benefit. The IRS scandal, and a trillion dollar non-functioning website and situations like the one described according to Obama's own White House Security Official Jofi Joseph; "his (Obama's) continuing reliance and dependence upon a vacuous cipher(s) like Valerie Jarrett concerns me." LOL, Now that is funny right there. :hilarious:

BTW, lawsuits are being filed as we speak to block government provided ObamaCare subsidies in the States in which exchanges were set up in lieu of the federal government's laughable version. It seems these subsidies are illegal according to the law as passed in the middle of the night by a simple 51% majority in the Senate, under the auspices of an obscure, arcane and some say malapplied rule by a desperate but, none the less determined, Harry Reid.

AFWIW, Democrats abdicated on efforts to gerrymander at the state level in order to parlay a winning strategy at the national level, vote buying in the most populous areas.

Oh how I wish it would. I sadly believe that Benghazi and Fast & Furious are fargone conclusions in the minds of a vast majority of voters. Not enough journalism to revive them enough to make a difference. Heck, the IRS scandal is hardly mentioned anymore.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Democrats are working on a bill to delay the individual mandate, three weeks after demonizing Ted Cruz and the conservatives for demanding exactly that. It is too bad that the "French Republicans" (Mark Levin's term, but I am going to claim it as my own) got weak kneed and decided that it was better to attack Cruz than to criticize Harry Reid and Obama - but Cruz will have no trouble reminding people that he was doing the right thing all along. Now let's see if the French Republicans criticize the Democrats for belatedly giving in to at least some of Cruz's demands.

It's not over at all. It is just beginning and as Obamacare results in more and more people losing coverage and getting hit with higher premiums, the poll numbers for Republicans and especially for Cruz will begin climbing quickly.

Agree and here's the thing. So far it's been a game of one-upmanship. The silver tongue versus the somewhat inarticulate Republican challenges. When all this "fundamental transformation" hits home, it will land squarely on folk's wallets. That's when the uproar will ensue.

With the exception of the repeal of DADT, the true substance of the debate (lost prosperity and freedoms) has been completely obscured or delayed, by the smokescreen of politics as usual. This is anything but your routine red state versus blue state brawl. Democrats have managed so far, to blame Republicans for everything and to use tax dollars to buy the affections of their base through favors and entitlements. The comfortable and shallow thinkers have therefore been content to accept this as being a matter between Republicans and Democrats, instead of a war on traditional America being prosecuted by liberal/progressives.

Many I told you so's, are already floating around in the media.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Oh how I wish it would. I sadly believe that Benghazi and Fast & Furious are fargone conclusions in the minds of a vast majority of voters. Not enough journalism to revive them enough to make a difference. Heck, the IRS scandal is hardly mentioned anymore.

You're right and the problem is exacerbated by two things. As you mentioned, the low information voters and a complicitous uber left media.
The individual health insurance market is getting ready to fold like a cheap tent.
Writers and architects of the infamous ObamaCare law knew full well that this would be one of the results of the law once it went into effect. Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm's brother and chief architect of ObamaCare, helped to write the law in a way that would force already insured people out onto the exchanges. So, when those video clips are played over and over showing our president promising us we could keep our insurance, "PERIOD" just remember, the millions who will soon lose their insurance is no accident, nor is it in any way unforeseen. Republicans have been yelling their heads off about this since the ACA was passed in the middle of the night by Harry Reid et-al. In fact, everything Republicans have been warning would happen are coming to pass. Health insurance as we all knew it will soon be a thing of the past. Folks who are used to paying a $200 dollar deductible before their policy coverages start to kick in, are soon to be paying thousands instead of hundreds in deductibles.

"The U.S. individual health insurance market currently totals about 19 million people. Because the Obama administration's regulations on grandfathering existing plans were so stringent about 85% of those, 16 million, are not grandfathered and must comply with Obamacare at their next renewal. The rules are very complex. For example, if you had an individual plan in March of 2010 when the law was passed and you only increased the deductible from $1,000 to $1,500 in the years since, your plan has lost its grandfather status and it will no longer be available to you when it would have renewed in 2014."
This is incredible. The link provided below shows (and tells) the whole story.

Expert: "At least 129 million will ‘not be able to keep’ health care plan if Obamacare fully implemented

If Obamacare is fully implemented, 68 percent of Americans with private health insurance will not be able to keep their plan, according to health care economist Christopher Conover.

Conover is a research scholar in the Center for Health Policy & Inequalities Research at Duke University and an adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. In an interview with The Daily Caller, he laid out what he estimates the consequences of Obamacare’s implementation will ultimately be."
The Washington Times:

"Kentucky has been held up as one of the success stories of Obamacare, with its state-run exchanges running well and signing up thousands for health coverage.

But The Associated Press has reported that about 280,000 Kentuckians will have to give up their current health insurance and sign up for coverage that complies with the standards of the Affordable Care Act.

Kentucky officials say about 130,000 people will see their individual policies discontinued, while 150,000 small group policies will be canceled, AP reported."

Read more:
Even the most staunch supporters of the ACA and Obama are dropping off the wagon. You can't even get a debate stirred up on here. Anyone willing to listen over the past four years expected this. The dumb masses were duped. I want to laugh at em but, it's not funny.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Even the most staunch supporters of the ACA and Obama are dropping off the wagon. You can't even get a debate stirred up on here. Anyone willing to listen over the past four years expected this. The dumb masses were duped. I want to laugh at em but, it's not funny.

Boy isn't that the truth! And the whole thing just goes to demonstrate how much backwater the left will take on this. And yet, my own reaction to laugh at them is immediately tempered by one very unfortunate reality.

Unlike so many that I have heard, I don't agree at all that both sides are at fault here. The Democrats led by Reid and Pelosi, rammed the bill through with nary so much as even one extra vote beyond the minimum, even then having to invoke a little known legislative mechanism which many said was mal applied because it circumvented accepted senate protocol. This had to be done with haste, in this case in the middle of the night, because of the soon coming arrival of Senator Scott Brown who had vowed to become the 41st no vote which, would have killed the bill. Then high flying liberals launched a withering assault against Republicans, calling them everything but a milk cow because they would not mindlessly get on board the universal health care express, pointing out some obvious short falls and amateurish expectations of the law in the process. I mean, can you imagine anybody being goofy enough to think that a bunch of 20 year olds were going to line up like getting tickets for a Katy Perry concert? :please:

At any rate, as the result we've got everybody from Bill O'Reilly to Bill Maher saying that Republicans bear some blame in this matter. My question would be, how? Not one Republican has ever voted to support the law, ever. Has it been a fracas? Yes, but only because Republicans chose to resist socialized health care and were viciously accosted for their trouble. They still got sufficiently slimed however. As, the only way I could ever think of to analogize the mess that was created by congressional dems, is the idea of a nuclear food fight. Everybody's got spaghetti and meatballs hanging off of them but, only one side was doing the spaghetti slinging. In my mind, the only thing Republicans are guilty of, is bad tactics and doing their best (which, maybe was not as good as it could have been or should have been) to warn America that the law as written, would not work. And, now we may possibly see upwards of 129 million health insurance policies done away with after full implementation.
I would highly recommend taking the time to read the article for which I have provided a link below.

Friday, 08 November 2013 14:22
"ObamaCare: The Plan Is to Transition to "Single-Payer" Socialized Medicine"

(Gerald) "Friedman acknowledges that ObamaCare is a huge wealth redistribution scheme, which undoubtedly warms the cockles of his socialist heart. He writes: “Because the subsidies to help the newly insured buy coverage are paid largely through new taxes on the highest earners, the subsidized insurance will be one of the largest redistributive measures ever enacted.”

But that isn’t enough for the stalwart Marxists at DSA. Friedman continues:

After a century of struggle, the ACA commits the United States to providing universal access to health care. This is a great achievement, one to be treasured and nurtured. Now the real fight begins, to turn this commitment into a reality that the ACA itself cannot produce. Barack Obama was right the first time: only a single-payer program can provide universal coverage, and only a single-payer program can control costs. The ACA may be the last bad idea that Americans try; after it fails, we will finally do the right thing: single-payer health insurance.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Even the most staunch supporters of the ACA and Obama are dropping off the wagon. You can't even get a debate stirred up on here. Anyone willing to listen over the past four years expected this. The dumb masses were duped. I want to laugh at em but, it's not funny.
I think some of the liberals who have spent five years defending all of the damage that Obama has done to this country finally saw the light and have made themselves scarce. I never expected that they would admit that they were wrong but it is obvious that they were wrong. The same chuckleheads probably can't wait to vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I think some of the liberals who have spent five years defending all of the damage that Obama has done to this country finally saw the light and have made themselves scarce. I never expected that they would admit that they were wrong but it is obvious that they were wrong. The same [SIZE="3"][B]chuckleheads[/SIZE] probably can't wait to vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016[/B].

LOL, absolutely no doubt in my mind. And you quoted one of my favorite philosophical twosomes, [attachment=o2924] < CLICK ME :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, absolutely no doubt in my mind. And you quoted one of my favorite philosophical twosomes, [attachment=o2924] < CLICK ME :biggrin:
TRT, it has been years since I have seen a Heckle and Jeckle cartoon, and I owe them an apology if I quoted them without attribution. :biggrin:

Truth is, I just don't remember them using that term. I associate Heckle and Jeckle with Bob Segar because he mentions them so often. The two characters who I associate with the word chucklehead are probably obvious but shall remain nameless (best let lying dogs sleep). Here is an interesting factoid - the first known use of the word chuckehead was in 1748.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:TRT, it has been years since I have seen a Heckle and Jeckle cartoon, and I owe them an apology if I quoted them without attribution. :biggrin:

Truth is, I just don't remember them using that term. I associate Heckle and Jeckle with Bob Segar because he mentions them so often. The two characters who I associate with the word chucklehead are probably obvious but shall remain nameless (best let lying dogs sleep). Here is an interesting factoid - the first known use of the word chuckehead was in 1748.

I didn't know that but, I always heard Heckle and Jeckle call other characters chuckleheads when I was a kid. So what's the rest of the story with regard to 1748?
TheRealThing Wrote:I didn't know that but, I always heard Heckle and Jeckle call other characters chuckleheads when I was a kid. So what's the rest of the story with regard to 1748?
I searched in vain for the first documented use. Mark Twain used the word in Life on the Mississippi in 1883, but the best explanation that I could find of the origin of the word is at World Wide Words.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I searched in vain for the first documented use. Mark Twain used the word in Life on the Mississippi in 1883, but the best explanation that I could find of the origin of the word is at World Wide Words.

Oh well, I'm sure you'll run across it again at some point, after any significant relevance has long expired, LOL.
Fewer than 50,000. That's the number of sign-ups according to the Wall Street Journal; "Fewer than 50,000 Americans were able to sign up for new Obamacare health insurance plans in October through the error-plagued website, below the federal government's target, the newspaper reported on Monday, citing two people familiar with the matter. The data is from 36 states."http://

Incredibly, there are at least a couple of qualifiers to amend the significance of that 50,000 mark. First, the definition being used by HHS for one to be counted as 'signed up', is as follows; having successfully navigated through the entire website in full, choosing a plan and paying money for it, OR navigating the website in part, choosing a plan and storing it 'in your cart' but, not having paid any money. LOL, I wondered how they were going to dodge facing up to the real numbers of enrollees. We are supposed to get the official release of sign-up numbers later this week.

And secondly, and this one is way more telling if you ask me, is the fact that the ratio of those who have signed up versus those who have lost their insurance due to the new insurance criteria mandated by ObamaCare is 10 to 1. That's 10 paying responsible working folks, representing zero drain on the taxpayer for their own health care, who have lost their plan, so that 1 can sign up for ObamaCare. If you'd have told me as recently as only one decade ago that the American voter would sit idly, watching millions of folks lose the health care, for which they worked so hard to afford, I'd never have believed it. I still have a reasonable doubt that those responsible will not see the grim reaper in 2014. Those who have children to care for and have lost their plan have got to be beside themselves.

This is the kind of thing that happens when we the electorate, allow only one party to wield power at the federal level. And by that I mean that we have allowed the Democrats to redefine the concept of America in toto. They've redefined morality, redefined much of the Constitution and redefined the Republican party, who, have been branded as part of the problem for daring to resist being cast in the negative image that self serving Democrats have dredged up out of DNC infamy for them. For America to work any where near a level of functionality, both sides must forge out legislation. This campaign of denigration being waged by Democrats against the Republicans, as if they are enemies of state must end here and now. Had they allowed Republicans to take part in forging the bill in the first place, government would own it, not just the dems. Not one dem voted against ObamaCare and not one Republican voted for it. So, it is the dems who own universal health care, lock, stock and barrel.
Democrat (Senator NY) Kirsten Gillibrand: Yeah, We Knew Obama Was Lying About People Keeping Their Plans
Katie Pavlich | Nov 18, 2013

During an appearance on ABC's This Week Sunday, New York Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand admitted in passing that it was known President Obama was lying as he repeatedly stated people could keep health insurance plans they liked under Obamacare.

"He should’ve just been specific. No we all knew," GIllinbrand said. "The whole point of the plan is to cover things people need, like preventive care, birth control, pregnancy. How many women, the minute they get pregnant, might risk their coverage. How many women paid more because of their gender, because they might get pregnant. Those are the reforms."

Everybody not drunk on the Koolaid knew. Health care costs money, a lot of it, and there is only one place for government to get money to pay for universal health care, the "People's" pockets. For example, in the mind of a liberal, men should share the added cost of single women's health care coverage during her child bearing years. It's only fair right? :igiveup:
In Oregon we have seen 300 million federal dollars go up in smoke this year in an effort to sign up only 44 people in the ObamaCare program. That's 69 thousand dollars per person and worst yet is we're not sure if any of those 44 people actually paid any money.

There seems to be no limit to how much will be spent to force ObamaCare's success. The website suggests that patriotic parents will want to give the kids the 'gift' of ObamaCare this Christmas season, in lieu of presents. :lame: Meanwhile, throngs of government employees are out in force recruiting signees in malls and other places where certain demographics are known to gather. Case in point would be today's release of the Air Jordan Retro, basketball shoe. I wonder if it's even possible for this generation to wake up at all. So far we know that the number of folks who will actually wind up enrolled in the ACA, will be far less than the 50 million liberals have insisted will happen. It looks likely to be less than one million by the March deadline.

Meanwhile, we've seen 6 million thrown off their plans, with the certainty of up to 80 million more coming in 2014. That is a trade off of 86 million hard working folks who paid for their own coverage, figuratively being cast out into the street for the sake of what, 1 or 2 million?

The way this is all being characterized by so called conservative media, is mind numbingly short sighted. Everything the Republicans warned about 3 years ago has come to pass in startling detail and accuracy. From skyrocketing premium rates to the bureaucratic rationing of care, it's all coming. And yet, rather than an across the board stipulation to that effect from liberal Dems and people like Sheppard Smith of FOX News, Republican pinpoint accurate predictions of the past 3 years have been largely left unheralded. Smith cannot rise above the nuclear food fight perspective to save himself. Yes, congress has been deadlocked. But, certainly not because of his assertions of childish and shallow congressional bickering. Wake up! In spite of his contempt, the tea party has helped. It's great to know the way things should be done (ala recent Tea Party revelations) and it's right to point that information out to the people. But, until and if Republicans can level the field by taking the gavel out of Harry Reid's self serving hand, we're in trouble. The House has passed a mountain of legislation, budgets included, and Reid has just sat on that mountain, (or possibly had it sent to the Senate latrines). To suggest that Republicans will use the present situation as a cheap election strategy against the Dems is incredibly shallow. America is in the fight of her life and that includes WW2. Boehner said this isn't some **** game, and governance certainly is vastly more important to every one of us than who wins the food fight. Smith is naïve as are most, concerning this matter. Dems say we need to change everything about this nation. I say if it ain't broke don't fix it.

The Republicans were right. Not only that, they have been very gracious about the whole matter. And, to exemplify that point I would call out the behavior of Paul Ryan. As he put it quite eloquently with regard to the present budget negotiations. "We still have to govern." Here is the deal. Anything that does not lend itself to the liberal agenda of the executive branch and the very friendly to that agenda Senate is going nowhere. Then to hide the fact that those two branches are doing all the stonewalling, they blame their own actions on the Republicans every darn day. What is incredible about the whole mess is that a majority of voters buy it at least well enough to keep voting Democratic. Therefore, Republicans are behind the eight ball. Pointing out the hypocrisy, the way the numbers don't add up, and throwing their case on the will of the people is really all they've got.

Like I have said. The US ship of state is far outside the last marker and man's sense of direction is circular. 2014 is now more important than anything else we are considering.
TheRealThing Wrote:In Oregon we have seen 300 million federal dollars go up in smoke this year in an effort to sign up only 44 people in the ObamaCare program. That's 69 thousand dollars per person and worst yet is we're not sure if any of those 44 people actually paid any money.

There seems to be no limit to how much will be spent to force ObamaCare's success. The website suggests that patriotic parents will want to give the kids the 'gift' of ObamaCare this Christmas season, in lieu of presents. :lame: Meanwhile, throngs of government employees are out in force recruiting signees in malls and other places where certain demographics are known to gather. Case in point would be today's release of the Air Jordan Retro, basketball shoe. I wonder if it's even possible for this generation to wake up at all. So far we know that the number of folks who will actually wind up enrolled in the ACA, will be far less than the 50 million liberals have insisted will happen. It looks likely to be less than one million by the March deadline.

Meanwhile, we've seen 6 million thrown off their plans, with the certainty of up to 80 million more coming in 2014. That is a trade off of 86 million hard working folks who paid for their own coverage, figuratively being cast out into the street for the sake of what, 1 or 2 million?

The way this is all being characterized by so called conservative media, is mind numbingly short sighted. Everything the Republicans warned about 3 years ago has come to pass in startling detail and accuracy. From skyrocketing premium rates to the bureaucratic rationing of care, it's all coming. And yet, rather than an across the board stipulation to that effect from liberal Dems and people like Sheppard Smith of FOX News, Republican pinpoint accurate predictions of the past 3 years have been largely left unheralded. Smith cannot rise above the nuclear food fight perspective to save himself. Yes, congress has been deadlocked. But, certainly not because of his assertions of childish and shallow congressional bickering. Wake up! In spite of his contempt, the tea party has helped. It's great to know the way things should be done (ala recent Tea Party revelations) and it's right to point that information out to the people. But, until and if Republicans can level the field by taking the gavel out of Harry Reid's self serving hand, we're in trouble. The House has passed a mountain of legislation, budgets included, and Reid has just sat on that mountain, (or possibly had it sent to the Senate latrines). To suggest that Republicans will use the present situation as a cheap election strategy against the Dems is incredibly shallow. America is in the fight of her life and that includes WW2. Boehner said this isn't some **** game, and governance certainly is vastly more important to every one of us than who wins the food fight. Smith is naïve as are most, concerning this matter. Dems say we need to change everything about this nation. I say if it ain't broke don't fix it.

The Republicans were right. Not only that, they have been very gracious about the whole matter. And, to exemplify that point I would call out the behavior of Paul Ryan. As he put it quite eloquently with regard to the present budget negotiations. "We still have to govern." Here is the deal. Anything that does not lend itself to the liberal agenda of the executive branch and the very friendly to that agenda Senate is going nowhere. Then to hide the fact that those two branches are doing all the stonewalling, they blame their own actions on the Republicans every darn day. What is incredible about the whole mess is that a majority of voters buy it at least well enough to keep voting Democratic. Therefore, Republicans are behind the eight ball. Pointing out the hypocrisy, the way the numbers don't add up, and throwing their case on the will of the people is really all they've got.

Like I have said. The US ship of state is far outside the last marker and man's sense of direction is circular. 2014 is now more important than anything else we are considering.

Uh, better make that 6.9 million dollars per signee, LOL. :Hammer3:
Per the CBO Feb 4, 2014----
“As a result of the ACA, between 6 million and 7 million fewer people will have employment-based insurance coverage each year from 2016 through 2024 than would be the case in the absence of the ACA.”

"ObamaCare’s key selling point (in 2009) was that it would give coverage to a significant number of the 30-plus million Americans who lack it. Now the CBO is saying is that in 10 years, about the same number of people will lack insurance as before. This, after new expenditures of as much as $2 trillion and a colossal disruption of the US medical system."

Dems are definitely walking around with albatrosses around their necks!
^I posted the above less than one week ago. The DNC spinners have since 'evolved' their official version and, true believer Dems and talking heads are out by the hundreds doing damage control. According to Dems, the loss of 2.3 million jobs is actually a good thing, I mean, who'd have thunk that? So, now we see that the grim faced victims of the coming shortages, in a representation of the afore mentioned DNC's vision of La-La Land, have been painted over. Now instead, there is an idyllic pasture scene featuring the happy faces of folks who were the one time victims of the burdens and responsibilities of life. Set free by government doled health care coverage, gone are the constraints of jobs. See, thanks to Uncle Sam, freed are the artists, the creative, the entrepreneurs, and those who would just rather while away their days with friends and family. :please:

So, let me get this straight. We as a nation are given to a pledge in which, we vow to do all that we can to maintain the health of those who sort of within themselves, feel special. That, in order to ensure them the longest life medicine can help to promote, so that they will enjoy a more full life of self gratification, wanton insemination and entitlement. That sound about right?

Benjamin Franklin — 'When the people find that they can vote themselves money
that will herald the end of the republic.'

BTW, this November, we're either going to vote out the liberal scourge or they will vote out traditional values in the US, this time maybe forever.
TheRealThing Wrote:^I posted the above less than one week ago. The DNC spinners have since 'evolved' their official version and, true believer Dems and talking heads are out by the hundreds doing damage control. According to Dems, the loss of 2.3 million jobs is actually a good thing, I mean, who'd have thunk that? So, now we see that the grim faced victims of the coming shortages, in a representation of the afore mentioned DNC's vision of La-La Land, have been painted over. Now instead, there is an idyllic pasture scene featuring the happy faces of folks who were the one time victims of the burdens and responsibilities of life. Set free by government doled health care coverage, gone are the constraints of jobs. See, thanks to Uncle Sam, freed are the artists, the creative, the entrepreneurs, and those who would just rather while away their days with friends and family. :please:

So, let me get this straight. We as a nation are given to a pledge in which, we vow to do all that we can to maintain the health of those who sort of within themselves, feel special. That, in order to ensure them the longest life medicine can help to promote, so that they will enjoy a more full life of self gratification, wanton insemination and entitlement. That sound about right?

Benjamin Franklin — 'When the people find that they can vote themselves money
that will herald the end of the republic.'

BTW, this November, we're either going to vote out the liberal scourge or they will vote out traditional values in the US, this time maybe forever.

It gets even better.

This is the only thing that the Republicans asked for back when the shutdown argument was going on. Now, Obama chooses to go unilateral and do it. Talk about hypocrisy.

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