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Belfry 52 Pike Central 20
Jammer2525 Wrote:[/B]

Of course you dont.. Belfry fan right? You are all going to believe what you want to believe, and its usually whatever keeps that drama going. GET OVER IT. Just because you do not believe it or whatever else.... It wasnt out of disrespect. I understand that a lot of people do not like chapman for a lot of reasons, but he is not that horrible of a person, Im sorry. You people try to make him out to be the devil because he doesnt like media, and for whatever other reasons you want to come up with. Im also pretty sure the announcer did congratulate Belfry and coach haywood. This whole thing is whatever, instead of celebrating the win, you still find ways to try and insult pike central. If it wouldnt have been this topic, you would have found something else. This entire thread is just rude comments and snide remarks about a football team.. a team that you BEAT. So I dont understand what the issue is? You won, my goodness, let it go.
No one on this thread has insulted Pike Central, just chapman. As far as I'm concerned Central has a pretty dang good team. Just a punk coach.
Jammer2525 Wrote:AGAIN.. I edited my previous post.. but that picture shows nothing. Now if the pic had both teams in there.. then okay I would admit my mistake.. but read my previous post. Confusederiously:

If you don't see both teams in that picture, it explains alot. :biggrin: I did read your previous post.
I don't like to complain at all about the refs but from my point of view there were penalties that were missed that could have been called on both teams,and yes I'm from Belfry I saw a few false starts that should have been called on Belfry and also #51 from Pike Central was holding all night long especially when PC was passing the ball and I don't think he was ever called for holding I saw several plays in plain view where he would grab the Belfry rusher by the jersey and just hold on and the Belfry rusher had no chance at all at all to get to the QB...

I just want to congratulate the Belfry Pirate Football Team and Coach Haywood on their victory tonight and for winning another District Championship... Also congratulations to Coach Haywood for getting win #346 to make him the all time active winningest coach in the state of Ky.
There are Central players coming into the frame at the top left to shake. They shook hands. Belfry fans did not storm the field. Maybe a few younger ones, but the only game I remember us coming onto the field for was Somerset. We don't insult Pike Central. This was a FOOTBALL game, and Alan Boggs, and Cory Shouse are two absolutely outstanding FOOTBALL players. I'm not going to argue about the other stuff. Just leave it at that.

Congratulations to Belfry and of course Coach Philip Haywood.
hawkeye Wrote:I am pretty sure that Hilton & Holland were there to watch Boggs. I have heard that they are wanting him to come to UPike and have been to some of our other games. If you noticed he spent the night on Pike Central's side and the majority of the game talking to Allans dad. Not saying that Haywood's night was irrelevant, but I am pretty sure that they were there to see Boggs.

As for the comments about walking off the field..according to the Central players Chapman told the boys to go back to the locker room and let Haywood have his moment...it wasnt out of disrespect but RESPECT. Again.. that is coming from the Central football boys.. not speculation. The pike central fans were just as upset as some of you are, until we talked to the boys and asked them why they would do that. That was when we found out he asked them to go to the locker room and let him celebrate with his team and fans. As far as Chapman goes, I seen him walk back up to Haywood to do what I can only assume was to congratulate him, however, Haywood was speaking with media, and so Chapman went back to the locker room with his boys. Im sure some of you will come back on that last comment, but you are going to believe what you want to believe. I heard the boys explain why they walked off, because there were more than a few Central parents upset about it.. but once it was explained..it was understood. Haywood deserved to celebrate with his team, so that's what happened.. it wasnt out of disrespect in any way.

This post is so full of shit! I know for a FACT that several media members have TRIED to talk with Chapman this week concerning the possibility of the record being taken in hand by Coach Haywood and they were either shunned or told that he didn't have time for them. He walked off the field for a reason. The boys did NOT shake hands for a reason. The reason being, this is what their coach teaches. I'm sorry but something needs to be done with this man or PC will continue on to it's demise.

As for the "nasty" play and the clueless referee's. The PUNCH to the face of Johnson was totally uncalled for. Directly in front of an official. #22 was held all night long. Held to the point of needing another jersey due to it being ripped off him. All directly in front of an official. The player who tackled Robinson out of bounds and then "taunted" him DIRECTLY in front of an official. I could go on and on and on...... Belfry won that game tonight against 16 players. I honestly have to say that one of the fans said it best.... "Hey Ref... your the best player they got"!!! KSHAA needs to be sent a video of this game and the "missed" calls, and the punch not called and retrain their officials. Those specifically need disciplined for their lack of knowledge OR rather, they knowledge but stupidity!
Heh. I get a good laugh out of some of the PC apologists on here trying to make excuses for a classless move. I will even allow that he may have told the players that the reason he didn't shake hands was to "give Haywood his moment", but I don't buy it. That's just a convenient excuse for someone who doesn't want to show another coach the respect of going to midfield, congratulating them, and shaking their hand.

Seriously, I doubt that anyone would have minded the Central coaches and players shaking hands first, before letting Haywood "have his moment". Mind you, I'm not faulting the PC players, they were simply doing what their coach told them to. The fault lies with the leadership (or lack thereof).

Anyway, congrats to Belfry and coach Haywood, a man any program around would be lucky to have at its helm.

fieldofdreams Wrote:This post is so full of shit! I know for a FACT that several media members have TRIED to talk with Chapman this week concerning the possibility of the record being taken in hand by Coach Haywood and they were either shunned or told that he didn't have time for them. He walked off the field for a reason. The boys did NOT shake hands for a reason. The reason being, this is what their coach teaches. I'm sorry but something needs to be done with this man or PC will continue on to it's demise.

As for the "nasty" play and the clueless referee's. The PUNCH to the face of Johnson was totally uncalled for. Directly in front of an official. #22 was held all night long. Held to the point of needing another jersey due to it being ripped off him. All directly in front of an official. The player who tackled Robinson out of bounds and then "taunted" him DIRECTLY in front of an official. I could go on and on and on...... Belfry won that game tonight against 16 players. I honestly have to say that one of the fans said it best.... "Hey Ref... your the best player they got"!!! KSHAA needs to be sent a video of this game and the "missed" calls, and the punch not called and retrain their officials. Those specifically need disciplined for their lack of knowledge OR rather, they knowledge but stupidity!

Chapman never speaks to media. EVER. EVERYONE knows that. I doubt that him not speaking to media had anything to do with Haywood. There was even an article last season written about him and the fact that he REFUSES to speak to media. Nothing new there. Not a surprise at all.
Quick, everyone join the Real Badman "I think Chapman is a horrible person" bandwagon.
Congrats to Belfry and Haywood
The winningest Coach in Ky HS football history!!
hawkeye Wrote:Chapman never speaks to media. EVER. EVERYONE knows that. I doubt that him not speaking to media had anything to do with Haywood. There was even an article last season written about him and the fact that he REFUSES to speak to media. Nothing new there. Not a surprise at all.

The exact reason he refuses to talk to the media is because he has no class at all...PC has some very good football players but they have a very classless coach....I just want to say good luck to the PC team the rest of the season.
I'm not going to get on here and bicker and complain.

As a Pike Central fan, I want to congratulate Coach Haywood on his accomplishment, very well deserved.

And to the Belfry team, you guys played phenomenal football.

Congrats on a another district championship.

For Pike Central, its not the end of the world. We got some good games left in us.

Just keep coming forward guys.
Congratulations to Coach Haywood & the Pirates!! Haywood is a very classy coach and has the respect of the players & fans. Got to give credit where credit is due. PC made alot of mistakes tonite & Belfry capitalized on all of them. As a parent I'm sure that the PC players wanted to congratulate Coach Haywood & the Pirates (they were part of history in the making win or lose). As for the way things were handled at the end of the game...totally uncalled for. Our young men have been raised better than this. I really hate the fact that PC will be known as the team that disrespected Haywood on such a memorable night. All I can ask is that everyone doesn't blame PC players & fans for a stupid decision that Coach Chapman made.

Keep your heads up PC!!! You are a fine group of young men!!!
PikeCentralPride Wrote:Congratulations to Coach Haywood & the Pirates!! Haywood is a very classy coach and has the respect of the players & fans. Got to give credit where credit is due. PC made alot of mistakes tonite & Belfry capitalized on all of them. As a parent I'm sure that the PC players wanted to congratulate Coach Haywood & the Pirates (they were part of history in the making win or lose). As for the way things were handled at the end of the game...totally uncalled for. Our young men have been raised better than this. I really hate the fact that PC will be known as the team that disrespected Haywood on such a memorable night. All I can ask is that everyone doesn't blame PC players & fans for a stupid decision that Coach Chapman made.

Keep your heads up PC!!! You are a fine group of young men!!!

No one blames the PC players for this. They were only doing what their coach told them to, just like all players are taught to do from an early age. Good luck to PC in the playoffs, represent Pike County well.

Belfry0304 Wrote:[Image: http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff289...ke2010.png]

^ After this point on the video I have, the camera cuts to the scoreboard then goes off.

I have no idea what happened after the game, but this picture is clearly taken from last years game. It looks like turf, PC is in white away & Belfry in their red home jerseys. Tonights game was at PC on grass, Belfry was in their white away uniforms and PC in there orange i believe home jerseys. I hope you're not trying to pass this off as if it was from tonight. Congrats Coach Haywood. Great Coach & Great Program.
This is not about chapman. He is what he is and will continue to be what he is. Belfry fans should not be shocked by what he done, because we already expected it. So stay focused, because this is about the players, coaches, and fans from Belfry. This is about tradition that has been developed for years, This is about a man that deserves better than some silly, negative, tasteless act overshadowing what he, his staff, and his teams accomplished tonight. I say keep the focus on Coach Haywood, because when you focus on chapman you are doing exactly what he wants you to do. So congratulations Coach Haywood, all your staff, and all your players (past and present).
Congrats to the Pirates on an outstanding win! Your will, determination, and heart earned win #346 for Coach Haywood and company and made history tonight!!
nice win for coach haywood, very respected coach in the mtns and now as of tonight in the whole state of kentucky. way to get it done coach
^ bad choice of words on my part, hes always been respected in kentucky i mean hes only won state maybe 3-5 times, (not for sure) and hes been a state championship finalist almost every year, congrats haywood
Congrats to Coach Haywood. This game couldve been a study in contrasts of coaches. Haywood is the epitome of class while Chapman is the poster boy for lack of class. Ive said it before and Ill say it again. John Chapman has NO BUISNESS being in a position to lead young men in ANYTHING! Anyone willing to bet that Roger Wagner, The PC principal, and AD are starting to wonder if Chapman is really worth the headache or not?...I would be if I were them....
oldtimer3 Wrote:It's fine, Hazard has dose waiting on Pikeville. Some times it's like cards, you have to take what you are dealt, and MacNamee was a discarded twice. Sorry.
Ok so that makes you feel better in some way? Your a sad old man and I pity you.....But well keep our "retread" coach at Pikeville and good luck with that narsacistic 2 year old you guys call a coach.
Stay Classy Pike Central
First, congratulations to Coach Haywood, the epitome of class and great football coaching. He most certainly deserves all the credit and accolades given him.

Second, I posted my prediction a few days ago, and I was off a bit; I predicted Belfry by 2tds.' As I had also mentioned, I had seen both teams play and I thought Belfry was just too strong for PCC.

Good luck to both teams going forward.
BelfryPirates Wrote:Congrats to the Pirates and Coach Haywood on win 346. Total domination tonight!

On the other hand, total classless move by Chapman to not shake hands. And also, heard #56 (Justin Runyon) for PC punched a Belfry player in the face (J. Johnson) when his helmet popped off on a play, causing him to miss the 2nd half.

i heard he had busted lip,and had to have stitches, wondering how that happened and didnt come back in,if that happen,its just the kids beening a reflection of there coach..
cuppett777 Wrote:i heard he had busted lip,and had to have stitches, wondering how that happened and didnt come back in,if that happen,its just the kids beening a reflection of there coach..

Is that safe to say when Belfry has had such things happen in the past.
you have ADULTS waving signs in the faces (literally) of students and other fans, and yelling foul comments to central fans and cheerleaders. Its one thing to have spirit.. but cussing at young kids and students, , is rude and uncalled ......you have that every where these days,its sad and has to be embarrassing to the kids whose parents that do this,sometimes you wonder if they should let the parents watch the games..
cuppett777 Wrote:i heard he had busted lip,and had to have stitches, wondering how that happened and didnt come back in,if that happen,its just the kids beening a reflection of there coach..

#56 did more than bust Justin's lip... his nose is broken, the bone between his nose and teeth is broken, concussion, and some stitches. Now, wonderful ref watchin this kind of crap going on. Trey Willis also had "fingers" put thru his helmet several times tryin to get his eyes "poked". Nothing called on that either. This is one of, if not the worst officiated game I've ever witnessed!
Congratulations Coach Haywood, excellence is rarely achieved by any of us, 346 is a mark of excellence. Thank you for allowing us to witness it and be a small part of it.

I was at Leslie co. in 95 when Tim Couch broke the national completion rank. Belfry's whole staff, led by Coach Haywood crossed the field and shook Tim Couch's hand. That did not seem to take away from Tim's moment at all. Those of you that believe chapman left the field without congratulating Coach Haywood was out of respect I got some ocean front property in Arizona for sell. I'll make u a good deal on it.
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:Is that safe to say when Belfry has had such things happen in the past.

I think its safe to say this unless you can tell us WHEN a Belfry player punched another player in the mouth from an opposing team that was already laying on the field tackled with his helmet off...
This was posted by Carl Johnson (Justin's uncle) on Facebook last night:

To all of the Belfry Pirates and friends of my nephew Justin Johnson we just left the emergency room in Pikeville, he has a concussion. broke nose and something with his upper jaw is cracked, all my friends pray for him he still had an outstanding game and is in good spirits even after all the injuries he sustained God is a good God and I know he will bring him back 100% so the family need everyone prayers God Bless you all.

No way should that player from PC go unpunished...it was a cheap shot and happened directly in my line of view. I'm not sure how/who to report it to, but I sure hope someone else does...
BHS78 Wrote:I think its safe to say this unless you can tell us WHEN a Belfry player punched another player in the mouth from an opposing team that was already laying on the field tackled with his helmet off...

Just a few years ago you had a fight between Sheldon CLark and Belfry may not have started with a cheap shot or anything like that. But should that moment in time cause society to look at the two coaches, teams and players and place judgement? I understand you all do not like Chapman and most people do not but no need to cast judgement on a moment when every program has its own bad apples.

Note: I've spoke with many people over the years and ask them about their playing days. One question I always ask is who is the dirtiest team you ever played against. Their first answer is P-Burg, second is Belfry.

Does that speak about the character of both coaching staffs, IMO no it does not at all. I know nearly every person on Belfry's coaching staff and every single one of them are great guys. My point by all this is every program has black marks and bad moments they wish could have worked out differntly. If all of this is true and not just one side of things then its a black mark on the program.
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