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Holmes / Dixie ( Updates)
Holmes 28 Dixie 26 Halftime.....Pike leads Dixie with 9.. Hatton held scoreless
Holmes scoring at half: Pittman 14, Rico 10, Slusher 2, Hayes 2,
28-28.....Pike for 2
30 -28 Holmes....Pittman turn around down low
Offensive foul Rice
Back to back fouls on Rico
30-30 Hatton makes both free throws
32-30 Dixie.....Timeout Holmes 6:05 left in 3rd
32-31 Dixie.....Eli one of two
33-32 Holmes.....Slusher down low
34-33 Dixie
36-33 Dixie
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Pike picks up 4th foul after fouling Herndon on a 3 attempt
36-36 ...Herndon makes all three
38-36 Holmes......Rico makes free throws after intentional foul on dunk attempt.....3:44 left in 3rd
40-36 Holmes....Eli jumper from free throw line
40-38 Holmes.....Pike again for Dixie
42-38 Holmews.....Avery lay in
42-41 Holmes.....3 from Dixie
43-41 Holmes......Rico makes one of two
43-43......Pike once more
45-43 Holmes.....Herndon
46-43 Holmes......Rico makes one of two......48.8 left in 3rd
46-43 Holmes.....End of 3rd
48-45 Holmes.....Eli down low
48-46 Holmes....Dixie one of two.....Pike just fouled out for Dixie
49-46 Holmes......Slusher makes one of two
49-48 Holmes....Hatton for 2....He has 4 now
50-48 Holmes.....Slusher one of two....6:15 left

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