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Paintsville - 72 Magoffin Co. - 64
Good win for Tigers, hard loss for Hornets, Hornets will get their chance to even things out in about a month.
"Webster" Wrote:It really is amazing how much credit a team can get for losing. I mean no loss is good, but I guess this is just a way to comfort yourself(MAGOFFIN FANS). Its ok, we understand....

ok man, could u be any more immature, all we are doing is standing up for our teams and having school spirit, like it or not i will take up for my hornets any day, not careing wat u think about it, so i will say wat i say, stick up for wat i believe, and state the facts, cause thats wat i do

really no need to say that, thats how teams jump back from losses, from there fans, and there support, i support my hornets win or lose, the only thing i care about is if my family and friends come off that court with no injuries, when i kno none are hurt, thats wen i worry about the win or loss

WIN or LOSE they are still my team, i will stick up for them even if they lose, not careing wat u think about me
exactly right, Frankee. long as the team played as hard as they could. and no injuries.. And to You Webster.. Why did you even post ? that was the most Ridicoulous thing ive seen, i Mean why would you say that? why dont you say that about any other post??? And other teams that Loses, and there fans Wants them to keep their heads up? Mayb you need to learn to grow up? u act like ur like a Selfish 12 year old. im only 15 and i dont act near like that because i know that every team has bad nights, But paintsville is overrated. They can not be what they lead on to be. So dude. If ur not gonna say anything. Make it mature because this is a Thread about Magoffin and paintsville. Magoffin did not play at their full potentiol, Like frankee Said Eric arnett Was Sick and that was their leading Scorer? So Just shut up.
There will another time and another place for this matchup again! The story may be different the next time around!!!!!!! :Trumpet:
"Webster" Wrote:It really is amazing how much credit a team can get for losing. I mean no loss is good, but I guess this is just a way to comfort yourself(MAGOFFIN FANS). Its ok, we understand....
This was agreat game. Magoffin has every right to boast even if it was a loss. Everybody ahs been talking about about how bad Magoffin is. Hey, face it, Magoffin IS good and will win a bunch of games IF they play like last night. I, a Paintsville fan, am very greatful for coming out with a victory.
"FrAnKeE" Wrote:ok man, could u be any more immature, all we are doing is standing up for our teams and having school spirit, like it or not i will take up for my hornets any day, not careing wat u think about it, so i will say wat i say, stick up for wat i believe, and state the facts, cause thats wat i do

really no need to say that, thats how teams jump back from losses, from there fans, and there support, i support my hornets win or lose, the only thing i care about is if my family and friends come off that court with no injuries, when i kno none are hurt, thats wen i worry about the win or loss

WIN or LOSE they are still my team, i will stick up for them even if they lose, not careing wat u think about me
:Clap: :Clap: couldnt said it better myself
Quote:originally posted by Webster

It really is amazing how much credit a team can get for losing. I mean no loss is good, but I guess this is just a way to comfort yourself(MAGOFFIN FANS). Its ok, we understand....

One reason this team gets so much credit is because they are a much better team than paintsville and anyone i know and had sense would agree with that. I dont care if its scoring wise or not, the hornets should have won last night our leading scorer was sick and the refs were no count at all, but i thought we did very well not playing to our full potentiall and only lost by 8 points and its really hard when you have more than 10 fouls on your team when the 1st quater wasnt even over! # 34 shuved all night and we would get the foul for it. Now does this seem kinda obvious.....well it does to me.

Your right about one thing no loss is good, but when your leading scorer is sick and only lost by a few points and when our post guard scored almost double the points as one of their best player on their team and ive heard that he was one of the best in the region, that makes me wanna lol, but when your playing 8 on 5 I guess thats exceptable. Paintsville may be a good team but not as good as Magoffin and you couldnt change my mind about that!!! When you said "Its ok, we understand..." yea youns are probably used to gettin beat... But never in my life have I seen so many disrespectful fans and players as Paintsville, 2 or 3 people tried to come over to our pep section and fight... I mean hello, its just a game and were just cheering on our boy's and its really sad to say on your part that they was alot of more people for the hornets than the tigers and it was an away game for!!!

But just let this win tell you to be prepared when youns come to magoffin cause we will be on our home floor and the bleacher creatures will be prepared to rock your world!!! and you'll be going out there wishing you were a hornet.....!!!

Good post to Frankee and super de
Congratulations to Paintsville.
All sport , i see ur a magoffin fan like me.. But yet .. You cant say Magoffin has more talent than Paintsville.. paintsville does have more talent.. And plus The refs werent that bad. They had some bad calls .. Charges that shud have been blocks and visa Versa.. There only human.. you cant blame in on refs cuz it wont prove nothing.
another thing i haveta say yall are complainin bout the refs, they all actually did a pretty good job a mean sum calls were bad but ay they all jus human, but that impressed me alot, seein the refs call a pertty good game, i mean i have really seen worse
how can everybody see that 31 fouls were called in the 1st half combined is normal? yea I have seen worse to, but it was aganist MC. I didnt blame it all on the refs that was 1 out of 4 things and YES I can say Magoffin has more talent than Paintsville because its MY OPINION.....!!!
"All_Sport#1" Wrote:how can everybody see that 31 fouls were called in the 1st half combined is normal? yea I have seen worse to, but it was aganist MC. I didnt blame it all on the refs that was 1 out of 4 things and YES I can say Magoffin has more talent than Paintsville because its MY OPINION.....!!!

yes that is ur opinion, but iam statin facts, u cant say that the hornets have more talent than paintsville, and no way, im not sayin they are so much better than us, but we definatley dont have more talent than paintsville
Slone was out in the 2nd with 3 fouls?? im sure if they was goin to cheat Magoffin there not gonna take paintsvilles best player out of the game. Just think about it.. And like Frankee said. * im stating facts, paintsville has more talent*. Paintsville has a deep bench. Magoffin has 8 deep at the most when paintsville looks what i saw was 9 or 10. i love magoffin to death .. But i mean im not gonna sit here and lie about whoes got more talent. Magoffin can beat Paintsville. Everyone can beat everyone in the 15th this year. The 57th is the toughest District.
Ahh...maybe I guess I was just pissed lol.....but it is kinda close
"All_Sport#1" Wrote:Ahh...maybe I guess I was just pissed lol.....but it is kinda close

lol yes it is close, the 57th is a toss up, no room for errors,
"FrAnKeE" Wrote:ok man, could u be any more immature, all we are doing is standing up for our teams and having school spirit, like it or not i will take up for my hornets any day, not careing wat u think about it, so i will say wat i say, stick up for wat i believe, and state the facts, cause thats wat i do

really no need to say that, thats how teams jump back from losses, from there fans, and there support, i support my hornets win or lose, the only thing i care about is if my family and friends come off that court with no injuries, when i kno none are hurt, thats wen i worry about the win or loss

WIN or LOSE they are still my team, i will stick up for them even if they lose, not careing wat u think about me
Congrats on that man....But fans do nothing excpet support their teams like you are...The only thing that helps teams jump back from losses is hard work and determination...Confusedhithappe
Quote:Orginally posted by Webster

Congrats on that man....But fans do nothing excpet support their teams like you are...The only thing that helps teams jump back from losses is hard work and determination...

Yeah, But there fans and their magoffin county fans
and I would never under estimate the power of the bleacher creatures, thats the 2nd only thing.....!!!
I dont care what anyone says, very poor referee's. 31 fouls is way to many for these 2 teams, let them play and have fun. Hopefully a different story and a different outcome when they Come to play AT magoffin
Quote:Orginally posted by Pressure

I dont care what anyone says, very poor referee's. 31 fouls is way to many for these 2 teams, let them play and have fun. Hopefully a different story and a different outcome when they Come to play AT magoffin

Totally, right Pressure
thats not the only game this year were the refs have called a lot of fouls... on Tuesday when P-ville played Pikeville their were 26 fouls in the 1st half... so its not just Magoffin Co. like I said earlier in the thread the team who represents the 15th will be from the 57th and this year it is wide open...
"All_Sport#1" Wrote:# 34 shuved all night and we would get the foul for it. Now does this seem kinda obvious.....well it does to me.

Seems to me like your just jealous that Magoffin County doesn't have anyone that is "MAN" enough to shove back. Tell your hornets to quit whinning and "toughen up"
"Waterbug5" Wrote:Seems to me like your just jealous that Magoffin County doesn't have anyone that is "MAN" enough to shove back. Tell your hornets to quit whinning and "toughen up"

Magoffin county isnt a whining team, they stand up for themselves and their team, maybe you should think about that... The first game of the year, against Leslie County, a guy threw a punch. Everyone knows that you shouldnt hit back only because it can hurt your team in the long run. But, they stood up for themselves INSTEAD of backing down and Whining about it, hit back. It may not have been the smartest thing a team can do, but it brought the team together because now they know that every person on that team has each others back, through the wins and losses, so maybe you should think about what you said. Because i think Magoffin is more "Man" enough then paintsville can even be, or even imagine at that. Paintsville is the whiniest team ive seen yet.
BUT HEY, I guess thats only my opinion
Quote:waterbug 5

Seems to me like your just jealous that Magoffin County doesn't have anyone that is "MAN" enough to shove back. Tell your hornets to quit whinning and "toughen up"

Yeah thats what I would have said Jealous, yea right Honey I couldnt be JEALOUS of ANYONE FROM PAINTSVILLE, lol the long haired boy fell and they wasnt even no one around him and he acted like he got his nose yeah I wouldnt talk about whining none. and our team was punching them all night and they would go and talk to the refs about it instead of doing something about it thereselves, I guess either that or when 4 or 5 of paintsville's pep club started to come over to our pep section and start a fight but instead they just throught their hands up and said f*** you and walked away is how youns earned the name Paintsville *****'s.....!!!

Good post Pressure, you said thats only my opinion but its mine 2, couldnt have said it no better.
Paintsville Pu ss y's
Blake got hit in the eye... and obviously someone is a little bitter that their team lost... just give it up... we won you lost... we play again... and pray for redemption... no need to resort to name calling... that is just simply immature and stupid...
Quote:Orginally posted by cardinalfan27

Blake got hit in the eye... and obviously someone is a little bitter that their team lost... just give it up... we won you lost... we play again... and pray for redemption... no need to resort to name calling... that is just simply immature and stupid...
Hey im just stating facts........
and Yeah I would talk name calling, dont act like youns didnt sit over there and was lil angels caus I heard it myself, and I would never even think about saying that kinda stuff..........and im not bitter that our team lost, I mean I wish we would of won but hey its just a game im just glad no one got hurt
I didn't mean that the team was whining. I am just saying that if you don't like the shoving and "man handling" then do something about it, biotch
You didn't mean the team was whining when you said "Tell your hornets to quit whinning" lol thats really smart. I might have just mis read it.....NOT,and no I dont like the shoving and us getting called for the foul, just wait till the paintsville p's come to MC and i'll show you what ill do
ooooooooo is that a threat there big guy. First of all you don't know who i am and second of all your not going to do a dam thing.

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