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Prestonsburg 26 Breathitt Co. 25
TheBrahmaBull Wrote:I talked with a family member at the game and they said Breathitt did not seem to know who to cover when PHS started passing the ball in the 2nd half. "...they looked lost out there..." is what I was told. Seems like the loss of Chapman may have a bigger impact that originally thought and he may have had a bigger role in BHS being as good as they have been.

The broadcasters said Breathitt Co. was playing zone with Fugate and Haddix over the top in cover 2 all night. P-burg's receivers were hooking in seams and gaps throughout the 2nd half. Amazing how patient the P-burg offense stayed after halftime - it's not something the Blackcats are known for.
What a comeback by the Blackcats!!! Michael Burchett held his composure after throwing two INT's (neither was his fought IMO) and just kept playing. The defense in the first half was completely terrible. Fugate & Haddix had a field day with them, but they showed up in the second half and also shown that they where more conditioned than Breathitt County. Fugate was completely worn out even in the third quarter. But that's no excuse because Prestonsburg has around 7 or 8 guys that go both ways, even some play kickoff as well. Some of the newer guys got to finally show what they had and they impressed as well. After they get the hang of things they'll really help out the secondary and defensive line. Prestonsburg also shown a ton of heart tonight. They didn't give up when they could have. Kudos to the coaching staff for keeping these guys in it.

Congrats Blackcats... great game Bobcats!
oneijoe Wrote:The way this one started, I was wondering if Fugate and Haddix were going to get 700 yds. !! Whatever P-burg changed, it will suit them well to do that from now on.

Yes, the stats look great for the two star Bobcats. The problem for Breathitt Co. is how those yds. came. After a lot of early big plays early, there were neither big plays nor drive-sustaining type runs later.

Michael Burchett was unbelievably cool under pressure and accurate both in and out of the pocket. He even picked up a number of vital yds. on the ground. The receiving corp is incredibly balanced and did a great job finding/camping the holes in the Breathitt Co. zone.

Prestonsburg passed quite a gut-check tonight... (too bad BCF4L didn't - SHAME on you for leaving !! :dontthink :biggrin: )

Yeah, I could kick myself in the rear for leaving. But I wonder, had I not left, if the outcome would have been the same. Does a falling tree make a noise if no one is around to hear it? These two things will never be answered. :biggrin:
Great game to watch. Pburg came into Jackson tonight and never quit on each other and squeeked out the win. Breathitt came out firing on all cylenders the first half then went flat the second. Breathitt had a few big time players out for the game but that doesnt matter, I dont wanna make excuses. All the credit to Pburg. Breathitt is having trouble putting two good halfs of football together. Once they can put two solid, good halfs of football they will be the team that people thought they would be durnig the preseason.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
C.Clair Wrote:Great game to watch. Pburg came into Jackson tonight and never quit on each other and squeeked out the win. Breathitt came out firing on all cylenders the first half then went flat the second. Breathitt had a few big time players out for the game but that doesnt matter, I dont wanna make excuses. All the credit to Pburg. Breathitt is having trouble putting two good halfs of football together. Once they can put two solid, good halfs of football they will be the team that people thought they would be durnig the preseason.

Good post!

Breathitt County looked amazing in the first half, but they need to establish a passing game. Look for Fugate more in the flats. Surprised that I didn't see the shovel pass out of the option to Fugate tonight. That play usually is one of the plays Breathitt runs most often. Another thing is, Breathitt County was completely fatigued in the second half. Not one player was clicking on all cylinders. Prestonsburg was still clicking all the way till the end.

Breathitt County is a team to be reckoned with and I feel sorry for whomever they play next!

Best of luck to Breathitt County for the rest of the season!
Congrats Pburg.
The Comeback Cats are truly one of the best teams in the Region if not the best.
I dont think that all of our starters were in at the same time in the second half. I dont know whats going on at Breathitt. From what I saw, alot of our players were cramping. I was also suprised by some of the play calling tonight, like you said I didnt see the shovel pass any tonight. Back to the fatigued thing, Channing was gassed almost after the first quater. Im sure we can right the ship, when everyone gets back and gets in shape and healthy, Im sure we can get over these speed bumps.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
BCF4L Wrote:Yeah, I could kick myself in the rear for leaving. But I wonder, had I not left, if the outcome would have been the same. Does a falling tree make a noise if no one is around to hear it? These two things will never be answered. :biggrin:

Hahaha...I suppose I have to wonder the same thing. I couldn't make the game (water heater blew AND car broke down in last 24 hrs). So...I went to the Lawrence/SC game (close to the house) while listening to the Blackcats.

Kind of embarrassed myself - when Breathitt Co. didn't convert the 4th down late in the game, I made a loud "YEAH !!". It happened when there was a lull in the game in Louisa. Had 3 or 4 people give me kind of a weird look.

Breathitt was cramping but it wasnt bad. Channing Fugate was dead. He had nothing left after halftime really! He was being taken down by Prestonsburgs smallest player alone! He was basically jus getting hit and falling because he was so tired! Not taking anything away from the blackcat defense though because they showed up big time when needed! They were very very well coached! I dont think ive ever seen a coach be as active and into a game as coach Chirico was in the 4th quarter of this one. It was a sight to see! Prestonsburg stood up and made a huge stand tonight. They really showed that they are for real this year!!
C.Clair Wrote:I dont think that all of our starters were in at the same time in the second half. I dont know whats going on at Breathitt. From what I saw, alot of our players were cramping. I was also suprised by some of the play calling tonight, like you said I didnt see the shovel pass any tonight. Back to the fatigued thing, Channing was gassed almost after the first quater. Im sure we can right the ship, when everyone gets back and gets in shape and healthy, Im sure we can get over these speed bumps.

It makes one question the Bobcat players off-season conditioning, or rather, the lack thereof. The P-burg radiomen even noticed Fugate's tired body language.
Yeah, but I think Fugate plays a little possum, too. How many times did he mope back to the huddle, hands on hips and walking like an old man, only to burst through the line or get to the corner like a runaway locomotive? I remember him doing the same thing last year and in the State Championship game too. He's a load and very, very talented. He no doubt got tired, but everyone out there was, too. Pburg's 2 way players were gassed before halftime, too.

I really think the difference was just heart. Prestonsburg doesn't have the best size, and not really any blazing speed to mention. But they have more heart than any Blackcat team in recent memory. They have won 2 games now (Belfry, Breathitt) on pure heart and grit. This is gonna be a real fun year...
Congratulations BlackCats. I didn't see this one coming.
cat86 Wrote:I really think the difference was just heart. Prestonsburg doesn't have the best size, and not really any blazing speed to mention. But they have more heart than any Blackcat team in recent memory. They have won 2 games now (Belfry, Breathitt) on pure heart and grit. This is gonna be a real fun year...


Excellent post!
Very impressed with Burchett tonight, proving he's one of the best QB's in the state.

I heard tonight while I was in the stands that Fugate has really bad asthma and that he only had 2 carries against Sheldon Clark? I noticed he was bent over basically the entire game and it's hard for me to believe he's that out of shape.
Who does Pburg play next week and where?
PurpleTooth695 Wrote:Who does Pburg play next week and where?
They play Bath County @ Prestonsburg
Didnt see this one coming. Big win for Pburg.
congrats blackcats
Michael Burchett - 28-41, 286 yds, 2 tds, 80 yds rushing, 2 tds

Joseph Jamerson had 100 yards receiving with 1 td.
Congrats Prestonsburg!!! I picked you guys to win and you did!!!! Breathitt Co falls to what 1-2? Prestonsburg will be hard to stop come playoff time!!
What an amazing game, close to the best game I've ever seen. Michael Burchett was superb with his decision making all night long. Burchett continues to get better every week. Joseph Jamerson had a great game catching the football and running good routes tonight. The Blackcats had much trouble the first three quarters stopping the Bobcat offense. Fugate had a nice game rushing, but got very tired towards the end of the third quarter. Haddix had a pretty good game with the draw play that the Blackcats had much trouble stopping.

Fugate doesn't need to carry the ball as much as he did tonight on a gamely average. It's simply too much to ask. But, you have to give the credit to the Blackcats. They never quit and proved more people wrong including me. I was wrong with the Belfry prediction and I was wrong with this one. The Blackcats are for real my friends! They may be smaller than most teams and they may have a shortage of players, but the Blackcats have guts, talent, speed, and a senior quarterback that anchors this team.

I'm excited for the Sheldon Clark/Prestonsburg game in Inez. It's going to be an exciting match-up. But back to this game, outstanding comeback by the Blackcats.

Congrats Prestonsburg on the big victory and keep it up!
good job blackcat TEAM
I don't know why but for some strange reason Prestonsburg for years now has had Breathitt Co's number & ignored the Bobcats Press Clippings!
WTG Blackcats great win...CONGRATS :worthy:
Congrats P-Burg
Can anybody give me a re-cap of anything that was said on sports overtime regarding the game, and also an updated mountain top 10?
very impressive, i could not make it there in time but if was an amazing game jsut listening to the radio
Congrats Blackcats stay focused and have a good year.......
outdoorsman43 Wrote:What an amazing game, close to the best game I've ever seen. Michael Burchett was superb with his decision making all night long. Burchett continues to get better every week. Joseph Jamerson had a great game catching the football and running good routes tonight. The Blackcats had much trouble the first three quarters stopping the Bobcat offense. Fugate had a nice game rushing, but got very tired towards the end of the third quarter. Haddix had a pretty good game with the draw play that the Blackcats had much trouble stopping.

Fugate doesn't need to carry the ball as much as he did tonight on a gamely average. It's simply too much to ask. But, you have to give the credit to the Blackcats. They never quit and proved more people wrong including me. I was wrong with the Belfry prediction and I was wrong with this one. The Blackcats are for real my friends! They may be smaller than most teams and they may have a shortage of players, but the Blackcats have guts, talent, speed, and a senior quarterback that anchors this team.

I'm excited for the Sheldon Clark/Prestonsburg game in Inez. It's going to be an exciting match-up. But back to this game, outstanding comeback by the Blackcats.

Congrats Prestonsburg on the big victory and keep it up!
Good breakdown of the game. Breathitt relies on 2 players to win games, Fugate and Haddix. Unless they have someone else step up and get their head out their hind-ends they will not be the team they were hyped up to be IMO.
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