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08-24-2009, 12:43 AM
Allen Central is a one sport school. Volleyball.
08-24-2009, 11:14 PM
t4p3r8 Wrote:The problem at AC right now is the players transitioning to another coach. The players that Mark has inherited are apparently a reflection of there former coach. Johnny Martin was a whinner, had no discipline and usually made a fool of himself on the sidelines. So it shouldn't suprise anyone when a new coach comes in and tries to instill discipline, work ethic and team work that the players are going to take the easy way out and quit. Give Mark time to take the young players and mold them into young men that work hard and play team ball. Given the chance I say he will have AC back on top in four to five years.
No discipline? Johnny had more discipline than any other coach I have ever had, and I just played for him one year. He had our respect and that is why we listened to him and played hard for him. Hopefully Mark will earn people's respect after some time, but I don't see them being back on top in just a few years. You say Johnny made a fool of himself on the sidelines, but he was just showing how much passion he had for basketball and his players, and he was done wrong IMO. Mark will be fine because he is knowledgeable about basketball, but before he can win games, he has to have all the player's respect which he does not have at all right now. BTW, I have talked to Logan Crowder and the twins are NOT playing according to him. I would love to see the twins play, but I don't see it happening. Also, did Seth Jarrell leave and go back to Paintsville? I heard this the other day, and that will hurt the Rebels even more if it is true.
08-25-2009, 12:45 AM
runninrebs21 Wrote:No discipline? Johnny had more discipline than any other coach I have ever had, and I just played for him one year. He had our respect and that is why we listened to him and played hard for him. Hopefully Mark will earn people's respect after some time, but I don't see them being back on top in just a few years. You say Johnny made a fool of himself on the sidelines, but he was just showing how much passion he had for basketball and his players, and he was done wrong IMO. Mark will be fine because he is knowledgeable about basketball, but before he can win games, he has to have all the player's respect which he does not have at all right now. BTW, I have talked to Logan Crowder and the twins are NOT playing according to him. I would love to see the twins play, but I don't see it happening. Also, did Seth Jarrell leave and go back to Paintsville? I heard this the other day, and that will hurt the Rebels even more if it is true.I have to give it up to you this is an excellent post and statment about Johnny. Hes had players who loved him and had players who hate him but they all had tremendous respect for him reguardless and thats why he always got 110% from his teams and players. Mark is in over his head at AC and lost his players respect from day 1 basically and untill a change is made AC basketball is heading for rock bottom. So sad for such a tradition rich program and I for one really hate the situation that the kids have been put in. A bad situation for the kids who really love playing the game.
09-02-2009, 12:18 AM
ah johnny was an icon theres no agrument there. his only flaw was he played 6 palyers 7 at best usually. alot of ppl had issues with him but u cant argue with his results. i think they need another disciplinarian from not around here. anyone else who tries to take that job will be in his shadow and be well aware. someone from across state wouldnt really care
09-02-2009, 11:30 PM
Good luck to both Coach Martins! If given the chance, Mark will do good things at Allen Central. It's going to take the players pulling together and listening to what he is trying to teach them. If so, he will help every one of them be the best players they can be. He loves the game and he loves to coach.
09-02-2009, 11:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-03-2009, 12:12 AM by BlackcatAlum.)
I mean seriously guys, whom ever thinks they can do a better job with the players that COACH Martin is playing with then why don't you get off your lazy butts and give it a shot. Yeah Johny Martin may have five hundred wins but I recall many times during his reign at central that I myself wiped the floor with his so called players many times. Mark is the Most fundamentally skilled coach in the game and if you guys have ever actually had the time and luxury of playing for a good coach you would understand. Granted they have had players drop and that comes with the territory of being a new coach. I mean look what he did with the girls program he turned them into contenders in a short time. The problem isn't the coaching its the kids being so rebellious and these parents stand back and let it happen. I fault the kids in the situation and the parents. If his players would give him the opportunity to coach instead of whining around like most of the new age kids he would be contending in the region with out a doubt. And the funny thjing is, it seems like everyone only sees this at AC believe me on this it ios happening at every school because kids arent held responsible anymore they do what they want when they want. I predict that he has a great season and I'm sure he would welcome any challenge from any team (and Yes My Friends that does include the infamous Johny Martin) and the Hawks. Just Set back and remember this Ol Johny doesn't seem to have turned that program around either. He is in the same boat. After summer ball I saw all I needed to see from the Hawks. With the exception of Hobo McCoy they are pretty much at a loss. Guess we will see who get the last Laugh. Good Luck Mark and hope the season goes great, as Im sure it will...Thanks for the lessons in life and on the court....Just wish everyone else was as good as a coach as they think they are.
09-03-2009, 12:32 AM
I believe in what Coach Martin is attempting to do at Allen Central. It takes time to build a winning program, it just doesn't happen over night. To have a successfull program you need stability in coaches, work ethic and pride. In my opinion, ground work/foundation must be set, coach Marting is attempting to build the foundation needed to have a successful program at Allen Central. People just need to him the opportunity to coach and build this program that he believes in!!!
09-04-2009, 02:25 AM
Honestly, I don't think some of these people on here know exactly what they are talking about. For one, for those who choose not to play because they had a new coach, shouldn't be playing in the first place. You don't play basketball because of your coach you play cause you love the game. Also, yes it does matter about who coaches. I personally believe that Mark Martin can handle it. It's the boys who have bigger egos who can't. They need to suck it up, they can be good. Yet, they have to choose to be! The PC vs. AC game is pretty funny. So many people are so excited to see the coaching! Its sad really! People should watch a game because of the young men playing their hearts out. Not wow Johnny is throwing his jacket off...we are so amazed! If thats what you want to see watch Pay per view! I go to a game to watch them play ball..thats it...I feel that Johnny is a good coach, but I also think that his and Mark's coaching styles are different! It's an adjustment. Best of luck!
09-04-2009, 11:08 AM
There are always players that quit because of coaching changes. I agree with queen about players play for the love of the game not because of certain coaches. High school sports only comes around once in a life time so they need to take advantage of it. If they choose not to then they will always say "what if". Go out and play, give 110% and enjoy it while it lasts. Just imagine the kids that would give anything for on chance to play sports. Remember GOD gave you the gift....use it and be thankful.:Thumbs:
09-05-2009, 02:36 AM
I wish AC the best of luck this season.
09-20-2009, 06:06 PM
hammertime Wrote:I think that all of these comments about Mark Martin are a load of crap! He IS a great coach and a great man in my opinion. He is the kind of coach that demands discipline, and if you don't have any he will do without you. That is his style and all the players need to get on board. I had the privilege of playing for coach Martin in Jr. High and back then I thought he was a little rough on us. But as time went by and that team he coached went on to win a region championship I saw what all of his hard work and his style did for our team. I give him a lot of the credit for that team winning the way we did. he taught us to played disciplined, fundamental, team basketball with an emphasis on TEAM! If you have a kid with a bad attitude them Coach Martin will not tolerate it and you need to look in the mirror for answers instead of blaming coaches when your kid doesn't play enough, or gets kicked off the team, or quits. I say leave him alone and let him coach. Coach Martin, I DO APPRECIATE EVERYTHING YOU TAUGHT ME ABOUT BASKETBALL AND THE GAME OF LIFE. MY WORK ETHIC IN HIGH SCHOOL, COLLEGE, AND NOW ARE A DIRECT EFFECT OF YOUR COACHING, THANKS.If Mark was so up on discipline, and consider the Crowder boys a problem, then why is Mark and Sis trying so hard to grt the Crowder boys back? And he scheduled tje weakest teams he could find > And I did hear that as of right now they don"t have enough boys to play.
09-20-2009, 08:07 PM
UnderArmour24 Wrote:Worse than last year. I think they beat south floyd once last year they will be lucky to win a game next year.
South Floyd will be competitive in the district this year...I heard about two days ago they may not dress a boys or girls basketball team...
09-20-2009, 08:10 PM
Was A Rebel Fan Wrote:I wonder if Mark Martin will try to get out of the game aganist Pike Central.
It has been rumored around Martin (the town) that the rebels have already decided to forfeit that game....
09-20-2009, 10:19 PM
Has Been Wrote:It has been rumored around Martin (the town) that the rebels have already decided to forfeit that game....
Untrue! The game will be played as scheduled! Pike Central will also be in the Panorama at ACHS on Thanksgiving Eve. Heard they would play Betsy Layne.
09-20-2009, 10:46 PM
the old WASP Wrote:If Mark was so up on discipline, and consider the Crowder boys a problem, then why is Mark and Sis trying so hard to grt the Crowder boys back? And he scheduled tje weakest teams he could find > And I did hear that as of right now they don"t have enough boys to play.
There you go again. It is obvious that you do not like Mark Martin but please, engage your brain before inserting your foot in your mouth.
About the Crowders, if they want to play they should be welcomed. Everyone deserves a second chance. I hope they do - this would be great for Allen Central Basketball - it would be the start of a new basketball year and a new beginning for all concerned. The coach has rules and all players must abide by them. It is the Crowders' senior year - of course they should play and I'm sure Coach Martin will do everything he can to encourage them to come out.
Basketball conditioning has not even begun and will not until the 15th of October. The football players that are coming out for the team will still be playing football. Others who do not play football are showing an interest. The Rebels will have a team and hopefully some good supporters out of the local area. I hope this doesn't pain you too much to actually hear that AC will have a boys' basketball team.
Weak teams? Do you mean Prestonsburg, Betsy Layne, South Floyd, Pikeville, Pike Central, Belfry, Magoffin County, Sheldon Clark, and he drew Shelby Valley for the All 'A'. So far that looks pretty weak - wouldn't you agree?
Come on, these are high school boys who will come out and give their best - don't you think you should give them a chance?
09-22-2009, 05:13 PM
Bottom line, idc who the coach is, some of those kids (no names) think they are too good to play for Mark. You only get four high school years and its a shame they are wasting them because one thing diddnt go their way. I've not seen kids AND parents throw this big of a fit in a long time. Just shut up and play, it is what it is and Mark is the coach. Much respect for Johnny because 500 wins deserves that, but either play and shut your mouth or set at the house and watch other kids compete. Either way get over it.... sheesh
09-23-2009, 02:18 AM
Joe Friday Wrote:Untrue! The game will be played as scheduled! Pike Central will also be in the Panorama at ACHS on Thanksgiving Eve. Heard they would play Betsy Layne.
i'm not trying to be a smart a**, but can you confirm this? so then how?...i mean what i heard was rumor, but do you know that they haven't or will not cancel for a fact?
09-23-2009, 11:31 PM
Allen Central will once again be very bad assuming the crowders don't come out of retirment. Chris Stumbo will be the man up there and he'll have to carry this team if they want to win a game or two. He's not one of the elight players in the region but he is the only player on the roster with any talent an experience at all. He'll be a top player in the 58th district though..PBurg should have a cakewalk in the 58th w/ Burchett back for his senior season.
09-23-2009, 11:51 PM
Has Been Wrote:i'm not trying to be a smart a**, but can you confirm this? so then how?...i mean what i heard was rumor, but do you know that they haven't or will not cancel for a fact?
Just letting you know that what you heard is exactly that...a rumor. Talked with some school officials and they say that the situation is normal, game is on the second year of the contract, and Allen Central as well as Pike Central will fulfill their obligations. Opinion - this is a good thing, it is a lesson in life that you don't back off, you face what ever is perceived as adversity head on, honor your agreements, and assume responsibility. I believe Coach Johnny Martin and the Hawks will be warmly welcomed and I am sure it will be a good game because both coaches will do their best to win their opener of the season. Again, it is not about the coaches - it is about the kids. It is unbelievable to me that anyone would think the game would be cancelled, let alone forfeited. Good luck to both the Rebels and the Hawks in 09-10, looking forward to the game.
09-24-2009, 03:06 AM
i was just wondering...
like i said it is a rumor....thanks
and you're right it's not about the coaches or it shouldn't be anyways....
there will be some bad blood after this game...not towards johnny but i'm afraid towards the current head coach...i hope not though..
like i said it is a rumor....thanks
and you're right it's not about the coaches or it shouldn't be anyways....
there will be some bad blood after this game...not towards johnny but i'm afraid towards the current head coach...i hope not though..
09-24-2009, 08:20 AM
Has Been Wrote:i was just wondering...
like i said it is a rumor....thanks
and you're right it's not about the coaches or it shouldn't be anyways....
there will be some bad blood after this game...not towards johnny but i'm afraid towards the current head coach...i hope not though..
For what reason ?
09-24-2009, 10:23 PM
Warriors23RJ Wrote:Allen Central will once again be very bad assuming the crowders don't come out of retirment. Chris Stumbo will be the man up there and he'll have to carry this team if they want to win a game or two. He's not one of the elight players in the region but he is the only player on the roster with any talent an experience at all. He'll be a top player in the 58th district though..PBurg should have a cakewalk in the 58th w/ Burchett back for his senior season.
Pburg should just walk through the 58th district this season? For what reason?
Burchett is the only returning starter from last season's team and only scorer they'll have. He's a good player, but not that good. They lost probably over 70% of their production.
They lost every ounce of depth they had. The first 4 off the bench from last year are now starters.
Don't get me wrong they'll prolly be competitive in the district, but to cakewalk, I don't think there's even a chance of that.
09-27-2009, 04:24 PM
basketball queen Wrote:Honestly, I don't think some of these people on here know exactly what they are talking about. For one, for those who choose not to play because they had a new coach, shouldn't be playing in the first place. You don't play basketball because of your coach you play cause you love the game. Also, yes it does matter about who coaches. I personally believe that Mark Martin can handle it. It's the boys who have bigger egos who can't. They need to suck it up, they can be good. Yet, they have to choose to be! The PC vs. AC game is pretty funny. So many people are so excited to see the coaching! Its sad really! People should watch a game because of the young men playing their hearts out. Not wow Johnny is throwing his jacket off...we are so amazed! If thats what you want to see watch Pay per view! I go to a game to watch them play ball..thats it...I feel that Johnny is a good coach, but I also think that his and Mark's coaching styles are different! It's an adjustment. Best of luck!Some of you people are defending Mark just because you are glad the other players are gone and your kid can now start. None of you parents incouraged the Crowders to play last year. I know one boy that wanted to quit because he felt the Crowders were being done wrong, but his mom wouldn;t let him quit because he could start. If Mark let those kids go because of discipline problems, why is he tring so hard to get them back?
09-27-2009, 04:28 PM
da_expert Wrote:Bottom line, idc who the coach is, some of those kids (no names) think they are too good to play for Mark. You only get four high school years and its a shame they are wasting them because one thing diddnt go their way. I've not seen kids AND parents throw this big of a fit in a long time. Just shut up and play, it is what it is and Mark is the coach. Much respect for Johnny because 500 wins deserves that, but either play and shut your mouth or set at the house and watch other kids compete. Either way get over it.... sheeshYou are righ it is what it is . nothing
09-27-2009, 11:12 PM
the old WASP Wrote:Some of you people are defending Mark just because you are glad the other players are gone and your kid can now start. None of you parents incouraged the Crowders to play last year. I know one boy that wanted to quit because he felt the Crowders were being done wrong, but his mom wouldn;t let him quit because he could start. If Mark let those kids go because of discipline problems, why is he tring so hard to get them back?
Again, if they want to play they should be given a second chance. They are Allen Central kids, why wouldn't Coach Mark Martin want them to play? Sounds like you are the one who doesn't want the Crowders to play because you are afraid the team might succeed and take away your opportunity to hit Mark Martin and Allen Central Basketball over the head every chance you can.
09-28-2009, 02:59 PM
Letâs start with first saying that It should be pointed out that the old wasp has no idea what is going on. I would first like to point out the word incourage, well it seems to me in most place encourage would be used more often. But I guess this is a wasp theme. Now that this is out of the way, I would like to say that as a coach you always try to put the best players on the floor. Its no secret that the Crowder twins are great athletes and of course any coach would love too have them. I would not say he is actively trying to beg them back but Iâm sure it would be nice to have them on the floor. Obviously it sounds to me that the kids are not the problem and maybe, just maybe the root of the problem comes from some other deeper roots toward coach martin. I say give any kid a chance to play for him and you will see what happens. Coming from a team that went 25-1 under coach martin I my self know what it takes to play for him and quite frankly WIN for him. I have seen what he is working with and at times may be limited but if the parents would get out of their own ways and let their kids just "play" then I would expect much better things to happen. Iâm sure they will have enough to play and the kids that actually do come out will gain great life experiences in the long run. Stop all of this non sense and letâs play some **** basketball and let it do the talking for us. We can beat all around this until the season starts but we could just advocate that the ol wasp take over the riegns , wow wouldnt that be a joke seeing that this seems to be a very deep issue close to his/her heart. Coaches are hard to come by and allen central should count their blessings that they have a good coach on staff. I know I would love to be playing for him right now, so let him coach and evryone else keep pretending that they know whats best when they know nothing about the game at all.
09-28-2009, 07:14 PM
ol wizard sleeve Wrote:Letâs start with first saying that It should be pointed out that the old wasp has no idea what is going on. I would first like to point out the word incourage, well it seems to me in most place encourage would be used more often. But I guess this is a wasp theme. Now that this is out of the way, I would like to say that as a coach you always try to put the best players on the floor. Its no secret that the Crowder twins are great athletes and of course any coach would love too have them. I would not say he is actively trying to beg them back but Iâm sure it would be nice to have them on the floor. Obviously it sounds to me that the kids are not the problem and maybe, just maybe the root of the problem comes from some other deeper roots toward coach martin. I say give any kid a chance to play for him and you will see what happens. Coming from a team that went 25-1 under coach martin I my self know what it takes to play for him and quite frankly WIN for him. I have seen what he is working with and at times may be limited but if the parents would get out of their own ways and let their kids just "play" then I would expect much better things to happen. Iâm sure they will have enough to play and the kids that actually do come out will gain great life experiences in the long run. Stop all of this non sense and letâs play some **** basketball and let it do the talking for us. We can beat all around this until the season starts but we could just advocate that the ol wasp take over the riegns , wow wouldnt that be a joke seeing that this seems to be a very deep issue close to his/her heart. Coaches are hard to come by and allen central should count their blessings that they have a good coach on staff. I know I would love to be playing for him right now, so let him coach and evryone else keep pretending that they know whats best when they know nothing about the game at all.You are absolutely right good coaches are hard to come by. KEEP LOOKING
09-28-2009, 09:54 PM
It appears that the old Wasp has an axe to grind with Mark Martin. He continues to put him down every chance he gets.
09-28-2009, 09:56 PM
Does anyone have any wasp spray?
09-29-2009, 01:26 AM
Again, if these kids or any kids capable do not play it will be thier loss in the long run. They will regret it later in life.
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