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Hunting or Fishing?
Hunt, but I do think it is because you can only do it seasonal which makes it more exciting b/c you cant do it all year like you can fish anytime you want!
yes i would have to agree that hunting is better (but by a slim margin) me being a big ol'e city boy i dont get a lot of time away from my wifeConfusedhh: so when turkey season comes in you can bet your golden coin that ill be in the woods blowing a hoot owl call.. :biggrin:
tomcat_fan_for_life Wrote:yes i would have to agree that hunting is better (but by a slim margin) me being a big ol'e city boy i dont get a lot of time away from my wifeConfusedhh: so when turkey season comes in you can bet your golden coin that ill be in the woods blowing a hoot owl call.. :biggrin:

city boys sure dont know nothing :lmao:
When there is a fish on the end of my line i wouldn't trade places with the king.
hunting. I would like to see more youth get involved in hunting!!!
The Private Wrote:hunting. I would like to see more youth get involved in hunting!!!

Amen to that. :Thumbs:
Fishing on Douglas Lake
In my early days, I would have said fishing. I used to fish at least 3 or 4 times per week when I was young. With my parents, with my brother, by myself: I didn't care. I just loved to be out there listening to the water and relaxing with my pole in the water waiting on that bass.

Now that I'm over 50 years of age, I will say I would rather hunt than fish. Hunting has drawn me closer to my friends and family. But, most of all, hunting has drawn me closer to my two sons whom I love. I'm so glad that they came to appreciate the outdoors as I do. It is simply a gift from God that we should not disregard.
I got to say Fishing. It's my passion.
Hunting No doubt, waking up at 4am getting all your clothes on so u dont freeze to death before a good deer hunt, theres nothing like it,
I'd have to say Hunting....
I would rather lean back (with a beverage of choice) and listen to the singing of the Loons on a lake in Canada. This would be after a big meal of fresh Walleye, fried taters & onions, with a few pork and beans. By the way, Northern Pike is also very good. The trick here is knowing how to clean one.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:I love to do both but I would rather go hunting. To me, it's a time of relaxation, getting away from the ruckus of the everyday world, and getting to know a little bit more about yourself.

What would you rather do?

I totally agree..
I like the option of Catch and Release...... Never heard of shoot and release...

These guys and gals, on a T.V. hunting? preserve where all is baited or pre-scouted, shoot a lured in unsuspecting animal and then they themselves go into esophageal spasms. How weird does it get.......
fishing in the creeks of south fork
It really depends on the weather alot of the time
Fishing by far.
hammerhead Wrote:I like to fish more then hunt cause its easier fish are dumb

What does this say about me? I can't catch anything. I still like fishing better.
Two sets of bones to contend with. Eh?
My first post is in reference to cleaning a Northern Pike.
fishing all the way
I love to do both!
I love fishing.. Chris's paylake, cant beat it.
outdoorsman43 Wrote:I love to do both but I would rather go hunting. To me, it's a time of relaxation, getting away from the ruckus of the everyday world, and getting to know a little bit more about yourself.

What would you rather do?
Wow!Thats a tuff one,but if I had to pick one it would have to be fishing.Fishing has been a big part of my life every sence I was a kid hitting up the creeks and ponds.....

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