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MonsterMan Wrote:You know what can happen when you assume? I do not bash Paintsville I just state facts. Everything I have stated is a fact. My frustration is why some schools abuse the transfer rule and get away with it on a continuing basis, and in fact build sports programs on transfers and others get whacked when one kid transfers and is legitimate. The KHSAA is political machine, and like most is corrupt. The grey area means they can do what they want, and those in control can manipulate the state's sports program.

Since you have brought up a rumor about a JC transfer's living arrangements, I will offer one for Paintsville. You have had several "scholorship students" have thier "in district apartments" and spending money paid for by the wealthy fans. This seems like a grea area to me! The reason there is such a conflict between the two systems is the corrupt way the KHSAA has handled transfers.
Back that one up. If you don't want to name names on here pm me and if you indeed are stating facts, I will be the first to post on here that you are correct. fair enouigh?
BballFan63 Wrote:Wasn't that about 30 years ago though?
Uh....yeah....but does that make it right?
MonsterMan Wrote:I agree for the most part. What has made the situation worse is a JC football player had to waste a whole year and the school got a slap on the wrist because Grayson Boyd, an ex Pville offical, reported the kid and tesitifed at the KHSAA and the local PVA office provided pictures of where the kid lived. This does not sound like people wanting the best for kids, it sound like revenge. By the way the kid played last year at JC and will play this year. All the while other schools around us wholesale kids like pro teams including Pville and never get a look. All anyone can ask is the rules be fair to all schools, not just the one the KHSAA politics dictate.

This thread is about transfering and how it should be handled. I think what has been said is the KHSAA needs to put rules in effect to help students transfer if they want, but have consistent rules that apply and do not punish a school system who may be on the outs with the current KHSAA staff. The system now is a joke!

OK....are you denying any wrong doings by your school? Grayson was more than an ex-official in this case....he was the neighbor. I guess if he had a neighbor using their house to make meth he should not report that either.
Look...I disagree with kids transfering just for sports. But it happens. And if as long as the transfer was done by the rules, I would never question it, and if a team benifits from it....more power to them.
The Guru Wrote:OK....are you denying any wrong doings by your school? Grayson was more than an ex-official in this case....he was the neighbor. I guess if he had a neighbor using their house to make meth he should not report that either.

So you are admitting that Grayson and Dip were involved and it was ok to damage this kids high school career, but it is ok for other kids to transfer to P'ville? I am denying all wrong doing! This kids transfer was as solid as any in the area. It was cleaner than mosts. Grayson did it to damage the kid, family and JC football program, which had just passed Pville for good. Old fashioned school politics and jelousy. As far as the name of the transfer donors, do not play dumb, if you are a P'ville fan you already know, if not you do not need to be on here defending P'ville. I think you guys used the same apartment number for several kids.

I am not against kids transferring to be happy, I am against the way the KHSAA has let schools abuse the system. I think that is the subject of this thread. Why not just give a kid one free move while in high school, and if you move, petion the KHSAA and have them fill out the paper work and do a house visit to determine the move?
The Guru Wrote:Uh....yeah....but does that make it right?

No, not at all. I was just trying to figure out if that's who you were talking about. A lot has happened in the past 30 years though, and not all of it's been right. And as you've pointed out, not getting caught doesn't mean it's ok either.

I don't think I want to get into this conversation again though. I just wondered if you were talking about the same person I was thinking.

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