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Betsy Layne 84 Prestonsburg 77 2OT
yeah idk what was up with that shot either
wow congrats bobcats!
first off the game was between high school kids, alot of them wear their heart on their shoulder, prestonsburg fans go to far on their comments. I guess it might be karma, they think they can push betsy layne.

bobcats good job, keep it up.
This game really surprised me. I was very impressed witht eh way the Bobcats came out and played. The Blackcats came out and played very flat and with no emotion. I dont know what was wrong but it was like they were playing in slw motion. The bobcats came out alive, fired up and ready to play ad i believe thats what propelled them past the Blackcats. This just proves how open the 58th is. Any team can beat the other on any night. How des this shake up things for first place in the district?
IBleedRed Wrote:This game really surprised me. I was very impressed witht eh way the Bobcats came out and played. The Blackcats came out and played very flat and with no emotion. I dont know what was wrong but it was like they were playing in slw motion. The bobcats came out alive, fired up and ready to play ad i believe thats what propelled them past the Blackcats. This just proves how open the 58th is. Any team can beat the other on any night. How des this shake up things for first place in the district?

it ties district between Ac and P-burg because Ac beat Sf tonight.
Ok thanks Black_Rebel23. I didnt know there was another thread started about that subjet. My bad
IBleedRed Wrote:Ok thanks Black_Rebel23. I didnt know there was another thread started about that subjet. My bad

thats alright i didnt know either. lol.
I dont believe Prestonsburg fans go to far. They have so mmuch heart and they pour it all out for their boys. No matter what it takes they try to help the team. I dont believe there is anything wrong with that.
IBleedRed Wrote:I dont believe Prestonsburg fans go to far. They have so mmuch heart and they pour it all out for their boys. No matter what it takes they try to help the team. I dont believe there is anything wrong with that.

yea but there some things people cant help.
Black_Rebel23 Wrote:yea but there some things people cant help.
Yah i totally agree but when the player theirself flips the student section off or mouths off or something then thats gives the students all rights to do what they please.
IBleedRed Wrote:Yah i totally agree but when the player theirself flips the student section off or mouths off or something then thats gives the students all rights to do what they please.

yes, i agree.
blackcat_mvp6 Wrote:they didnt call the foul on the first shot g nat took maybe it was a make up call

I agree with this there were also very many calls both ways that were not called. As for the student section getting out of control I Believe they are just fine and thats what a student section is for to cheer for there team and try to detracted the opposing team.
Good ball players learn to ignore the student section. You can and should expect anything from an opponents student section. But the simple truth is that the student section doesn't play in the game. Just ignore them. Otherwise, the player needs to be on the bench. The adult fans can be bad too, some places worse than others. The visiting team's players just need to take the floor and play the game the best they can and leave.
That exactly right cause if you get involved with the student section your just doing exactly what they want you to do. You should focus on the game.
runninrebs21 Wrote:And prestonsburg fans don't. They have the worst attitudes of any fans in the region
I'll second that.
In my honest opinion I think BL played one of their best games of the season and Prestonsburg played one thier worst. And if you want to bash our student section well at least we have one most of the teams we play dont even have one, That just shows how much Prestonsburg fans love thier team.
Prestonsburg played one of there worst games of the season, they played flat the whole game, no excuses though because Betsy Layne just wanted this one more. I was very impressed with Betsy Layne's Tibbs. I thought he had made some clutch shots for the Bobcats in crucial times.

As for the Blackcat student section and some Bobcat players, thats what your supposed to expect from an opponents student section, its the coaches responsibility to help there players zone out negative student sections like ours.

Congrats Bobcats, hope too see you down the road.
rebel mom Wrote:I'll second that.

It's the student section, what are you expecting! We are their to get into the opposing teams heads. Best I recall last Tuesday night it was your students that had signs of talking about our players, so does that mean your fans are bad. We didn't get mad we laughed it off. You wanna know why were not complaining, its because we expect it, we know their gonna say stuff about our guys, just as we will do the same. Its sports people, and thats just something that comes with it, THE FANS!
wow...sounds like a close one
I figured pburg would win this one. Boy was i wrong.
BlackcatFootball Wrote:It's the student section, what are you expecting! We are their to get into the opposing teams heads. Best I recall last Tuesday night it was your students that had signs of talking about our players, so does that mean your fans are bad. We didn't get mad we laughed it off. You wanna know why were not complaining, its because we expect it, we know their gonna say stuff about our guys, just as we will do the same. Its sports people, and thats just something that comes with it, THE FANS!

Couldn't have said it better myself.
BlackcatFootball Wrote:It's the student section, what are you expecting! We are their to get into the opposing teams heads. Best I recall last Tuesday night it was your students that had signs of talking about our players, so does that mean your fans are bad. We didn't get mad we laughed it off. You wanna know why were not complaining, its because we expect it, we know their gonna say stuff about our guys, just as we will do the same. Its sports people, and thats just something that comes with it, THE FANS!
I recall both student sections holding signs up on Tuesday, not just one.
Thats our point. They say we go to far when AC was doing the same.
blackcat_mvp6 Wrote:Thats our point. They say we go to far when AC was doing the same.
Perhaps it's your choice of "chants" and not your signs that they refer to.
Probably but oh well. They should be use to it now. We have been doing it for years now.
Congrats BL!
Teams have always dreaded playing prestonsburg, not because of the players but because of the fans. Everyone should be used to it by now and get the point that it is not going to change. The student section is there to get in the other teams head and mes with them. Now all of a sudden everyone is geting mad because of it. The student section is doing EXACTLY what a student section is supposed to do!
dang straight
OMG whats wrong with BL. They lose to SF at home then they beat Prestonsburg at pburg. It makes no sense anyways good win BL just dont get cocky before tournament time.
Congrats Bobcats! Coach Hall is a great coach. Everyone needs to layoff and let him do his job. He knows his game and last night proved it.

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