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Late Night Thread Check-In
Haha, I'm still up.

Playing Smackdown vs. Raw on PS2
ComfortEagle Wrote:Haha, I'm still up.

Playing Smackdown vs. Raw on PS2

Yeah I just got done playing Halo 3 myself :eek:
ComfortEagle Wrote:Haha, I'm still up.

Playing Smackdown vs. Raw on PS2
Yeah, but don't think you can beat WCW vs. NWO for 64.
Beef Wrote:Yeah, but don't think you can beat WCW vs. NWO for 64.

Unfortunately I don't have that one.

But I have to agree. The WCW games for 64 are much better...and easier to play.
Beef Wrote:Yeah, but don't think you can beat WCW vs. NWO for 64.

WCW vs. NWO was the best wrestling game ever. I was always an ultimo dragon fan.
Well its 2:30am, and I'm as sick as a dog... Eat way too much Yesterday!
I'm about 2 hours behind, but anyone else enjoying their holiday by staying up late?
I'm up....waiting for some breakfast place to open back up.
haha.. No sleep for you tonight? I mean I thought Thanksgiving would have put you to bed like a baby. Not eat your fair share?
I don't know what's happened exactly.

I ate and then drove home, but I just haven't been that tired. So now I'm still up....debating whether I'm going to go to this football game tonight.

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