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Who lifts the most at your school?
Here is a post from another friends weightlifting log and a picture to give you an idea.

Quote:I can't say I've been training as heavy as I like mainly due to my wrist which is now back to normal, but here are some numbers. My third time deadlifting in a year was a few weekends ago, I hit 500x5. I squat in the low 400s for deep paused reps. Leg press 1100-1200 for sets of 10. Bench in the low 300s. BB rows I've done as heavy as 400 for few reps. Pulldowns with the stack for sets of 8-10.
Well MIDEE1 i can try and get you a video of me doing these lifts but it will take me awhile to get somone to film me and stuff but, trust me my coach won't let us go no further than parralel he pretty much makes us touch the bench touch and go no bounce, i don't really like bouncing that much weight off my chest that ill try and get you a video or something unless you would like to come to our weightlifting meet on the 28th of this month ast Shelby Valley High School if you might need any directions just let me know it will be held in the gymnasium. And not bragging on myself but just to let you know my name is Daniel Gillespie if you show and are looking for me inparticular. Thanks hope to see you.
This is my first year lifting really hard and with this new Program it is helping alot I can even out run some of our runningbacks now with my weight being 270 and only 6'0".
SaunHampt/PIE Wrote:Well MIDEE1 i can try and get you a video of me doing these lifts but it will take me awhile to get somone to film me and stuff but, trust me my coach won't let us go no further than parralel he pretty much makes us touch the bench touch and go no bounce, i don't really like bouncing that much weight off my chest that ill try and get you a video or something unless you would like to come to our weightlifting meet on the 28th of this month ast Shelby Valley High School if you might need any directions just let me know it will be held in the gymnasium. And not bragging on myself but just to let you know my name is Daniel Gillespie if you show and are looking for me inparticular. Thanks hope to see you.

Well I'll just sum this up by saying Daniel Gillespie lifts the most at Shelby Valley, and Midee, his form on everything is great. Coach Hampton was a competitive power lifter and watches every single max that is attempted in the weight room. I don't play football any more but my maxes have went up greatly. Hampton really pushes every player or weightlifting student and all of us have seen big improvements since starting Bigger Faster Stronger, here's mine from a week ago.

Bench: 250
Squat: 375
Deadlift: 475
Power Clean: 205
6'1 254lbs

And we don't have the rubber plates for Power Clean, so our #'s are legit.
SaunHampt/PIE Wrote:Max #'s

Mine are Bench:315
Deadlift: 550

are your Squats full Squats or box Squats?
Yes we have both lifts regular parrallel mine is 530 and my box squat is 600.
I won't give any numbers but we have some strong players at Sheldon Clark and our coaches are good with lifting too.
Insight Wrote:I won't give any numbers but we have some strong players at Sheldon Clark and our coaches are good with lifting too..... I'm sure not as good as coach strongest man in the world at Shelby Valley---You guys must be really afraid of him or just sucking up to him/ maybe it will get you more playing time next year

No we're not afraid of him, no reason to be,he's a great coach and a good friend to all of his students, the only things we say on here about him are what he tells us to, we don't get on here and run our mouths, and I certainly don't need to suck up because, if you payed any attention to this thread, I don't play for Valley any more, Hampton is just a very strong guy and there's no point in joking around about it when he is called out.
I can sit on the end of the bench, lift the waterbottle and press the people back when they get in my sight of the game.
All this MAX stuff is great but it comes down to --- can you beat the man across from you. If you can do that then you win....
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
That sounds a little contardicting to me. You say the coach is a great guy and friend and blah blah blah but you make sure to say that you don't play anymore-----Have you graduated already or does something smell fishy here. I seen your maxes and if your still in school there is no reason for you not to play since he is such agreat person.
Insight Wrote:That sounds a little contardicting to me. You say the coach is a great guy and friend and blah blah blah but you make sure to say that you don't play anymore-----Have you graduated already or does something smell fishy here. I seen your maxes and if your still in school there is no reason for you not to play since he is such agreat person.

What's fishy? Hampton is the head assistant coach and defensive coordinator. Saunders is the head coach. I'm a junior and I just don't play any more. Do me and Daniel Gillespie need to make videos of our maxes so you can quit whining about how much we lift? Sorry you can't find a way to believe people.
Midee1 Wrote:Here is a post from another friends weightlifting log and a picture to give you an idea.

Did that guy play any sports at all?? he is a beast
Well devil trust me you put somone against me I will handle them....and if you put somone against Eric the one that people can't believe his lifts either well trust me another taking care of together would be a reckon with but he has made the decision to not play not because he is scared and not because of the Coach Hampton, but because of another good reason and i understand and its personal and i back him 100% in any chose he makes and why should we suck up to our weightlifting coach and football coach Hampton I mean there is no reason to, to get playing time because we both started when we were freshman and sophmores no reason to suck up for playing time i don;t think but just whatever you people think and believe. And all you people saying how you don;t believe our lifts well thanks because you just made us alot better by making our coach push us that much harder in the weightroom.:rockon: :devilflam
cig107 Wrote:Did that guy play any sports at all?? he is a beast

He played a little Hockey. He is just 19 in that picture.
Midee1 Wrote:He played a little Hockey. He is just 19 in that picture.
Definitely not a self portrait.Big Grin
I don't think anybody needs film of people lifting. I know of two QB's one will be playing next year and one that has recently graduated that put up numbers as good as any of those previously listed.
Well thats pretty good #'s for a lineman matching up pretty good with most boys and if a QB is lifting that that is unreal good luck to them. You have any names on these QB's that lift those #'s that i lift.
FBALL Wrote:Definitely not a self portrait.Big Grin

And here I thought it may have been you. You know with the similarities in hair styles and all.Smile
That's kind of weird anyways having pictures of your friend with his shirt off flexing. I'm glad i don't have any of my friends.LOLSmile Smile :dontthink :dontthink
SaunHampt/PIE Wrote:That's kind of weird anyways having pictures of your friend with his shirt off flexing. I'm glad i don't have any of my friends.LOL

Well if I looked like that I would never wear a shirt and these came from his online weightlifting log. Trust me they are not from any of my personal collections.Smile

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