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12-28-2016, 06:52 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:That rationalization did not work out too well for Pilate now did it? He could not wash his hands of responsibility, and libs will not be able to hide behind the straw man set up by the laws of men be it via the SC or otherwise.
As to the rest, even if our Constitution guaranteed US citizenry the right to challenge God's law, (the height of ridiculousness) that would not be a defense at the judgment which is just as real a force as government. But in fact the Constitution does not give us the latitude as you put it, to disobey or rebel against God at all. Only by twisting what is otherwise the very clearly set forth intent of the founders can your absurd stretches of those truths be made. This country is not nor has it ever been a constitutional democracy. That is the liberal's attempt to revise our founding. A democracy is ruled by the will of the majority. We are rather a republic and as such are ruled by the Constitution.
My guess is for example, that you would set aside the function of the electoral college without a second thought. Such actions are characteristic of a democracy where the majority always rules. In our case it is the constitution that limits power in our representative form of government, often to protect the individual's rights against the desires of the majority. This is why your argument about Hillary winning a majority of the vote, other than the fact that said majority comes from only California, is so troubling. You talk big, but you know little.
But as to your view of foreign policy. So you will very merrily dismiss God's impact on our founding in favor of deism, but you will nonetheless insist we make foreign policy based on Philippians 2? I suppose if the US was to go to war with North Korea for example, for launching a nuclear device against our homeland, that you would insist on getting off a flotilla of humanitarian aid to the people of North Korea in response, that about right? Who needs an army or a national defense strategy?:dudecomeon:
You are in error. I have said zero about nullifying the electoral college. I simply said that all the talk about some huge, overwhelming mandate is nonsense. HRC did win the popular vote. Donald Trump won the electoral college, and thus the Presidency. If the Constitution were to be amended to get rid of the electoral college, I would have to put more thought into the issue. However, as it stands, Donald Trump won the election. Period.
Your interpretation of our Founder's intent, that "pursuit of happiness" be dictated in accordance with Scripture, is simply inaccurate.
12-28-2016, 06:57 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:Which would have been almost nonexistent by comparison to the number of shooting deaths and gunshot wounds recorded over the same period in Chi-Town.
You have a lot of supposing and guessing undergirding this one.
A lot like saying "Combat operations over. Victory achieved," then the flag-draped caskets started to mount.
12-28-2016, 09:07 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Simply because "Israel is doing it" is not sufficient reason to support it. Dershowitz thinks Israel does no wrong. On the other hand, Israel is surrounded by groups that deny its right to exist. I personally think continual settlement expansion is a form of "male dog pee on tree," and undermines peace; however, I certainly understand Israel's absolute commitment to its people's security.
The Urban Sombrero comes from a Seinfeld episode. That is its lone significance.
Take Israel out of this...His foreign policy has been a total disaster. That's what he was saying. You're stuck on implying that Zionism is the only article of his comment.
BTW, Mike Huckabee brought up a good point. "Find a Palestinian map of the area and see if you can find Israel on it ...You wont find one"..Point is, they don't even think that Israel has a right to exist.
So you are saying that Jews don't have the right to pray at the Western Wall?
12-28-2016, 09:11 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You have a lot of supposing and guessing undergirding this one.
A lot like saying "Combat operations over. Victory achieved," then the flag-draped caskets started to mount.
Reckon if they let a soldier be a soldier and change these stupid rules of engagement so that they are not sitting ducks, that that would drastically change?
12-28-2016, 09:31 AM
Bob Seger Wrote:Take Israel out of this...His foreign policy has been a total disaster. That's what he was saying. You're stuck on implying that Zionism is the only article of his comment.
BTW, Mike Huckabee brought up a good point. "Find a Palestinian map of the area and see if you can find Israel on it ...You wont find one"..Point is, they don't even think that Israel has a right to exist.
So you are saying that Jews don't have the right to pray at the Western Wall?
Not what I said. I said, in my view, pushing hard on the settlements is not a path to peace. That is a far cry from stating that Israelites have no claims on Jerusalem.
12-28-2016, 03:36 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You are in error. I have said zero about nullifying the electoral college. I simply said that all the talk about some huge, overwhelming mandate is nonsense. HRC did win the popular vote. Donald Trump won the electoral college, and thus the Presidency. If the Constitution were to be amended to get rid of the electoral college, I would have to put more thought into the issue. However, as it stands, Donald Trump won the election. Period.
Your interpretation of our Founder's intent, that "pursuit of happiness" be dictated in accordance with Scripture, is simply inaccurate.
Well thank you for taking my post through the spin cycle. Still, I'd bet dollars to doughnuts you'd be fine with doing away with the electoral college. My interpretation of the founder's intent matches history as recorded up until the last several decades, at that point the lies of liberalism began to be taught in our schools.
12-28-2016, 03:39 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You have a lot of supposing and guessing undergirding this one.
A lot like saying "Combat operations over. Victory achieved," then the flag-draped caskets started to mount.
Said the guy who stayed home while the rest of us went off to defend this land.
12-28-2016, 04:00 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Said the guy who stayed home while the rest of us went off to defend this land.
I suspect that Geraldo is the probably world's greatest authority on every single subject that there is and I have no doubt that he has spent many a day reading about stuff in The Huffington Post.....I have my own theory though, I'm guessing that he stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night....That's the only logical explanation for anybody to know everything about everything while has probably never actually done anything hands on that they are the expert on ...
Of course, this vast knowledge is always the liberal point of view. (which we all know means diddly squat in the real world).
12-28-2016, 04:13 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Not what I said. I said, in my view, pushing hard on the settlements is not a path to peace. That is a far cry from stating that Israelites have no claims on Jerusalem.
Should one forgo what one has every right to do, just to appease 2 natural enemies? (The palestinians and atheist liberal democrats)..You know, the dynamic duo of Yasser Arafat and Barack Obama.
12-28-2016, 06:29 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:Take Israel out of this...His foreign policy has been a total disaster. That's what he was saying. You're stuck on implying that Zionism is the only article of his comment.
BTW, Mike Huckabee brought up a good point. "Find a Palestinian map of the area and see if you can find Israel on it ...You wont find one"..Point is, they don't even think that Israel has a right to exist.
So you are saying that Jews don't have the right to pray at the Western Wall?
If there is any truth to news reports, Barack Obama has given Israel nothing but the back of his hand since he rose to power. Netanyahu was for all intent and purpose ignored the first four years of the Obama era. It took a visit from Presidential rival Mitt Romney to get Obama to even speak to Netanyahu. And all the sudden gush of glowing charm and warm affections were again abruptly halted just as soon as the election results were in. But when Hamas and other terrorist groups fired what was to eventually number over 11,000 rockets into Israel----
this was the US response.
"United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday pledged $900 million in aid to the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority, including $300 million for rebuilding Hamas-controlled Gaza."
But that was just the beginning. US tax dollars were spent in what has been described as a covert attempt to interfere with Israel's last election as Obama tried to unseat Mr. Netanyahu. So in early 2015 Netanyahu returned the favor, openly addressing the US Congress. And now as Bob has pointed out, this UN vote represents Obama's best parting shot at Israel.
Said resolution would push borders back to where they were in 1967, seriously undermining Israel's ability to maintain any viable level of safety for her citizenry, as the heart of Israel which of course is the city of Jerusalem, would again fall under Palestinian control. One of Trump's objectives reportedly was to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, so much for the respectful and peaceful transfer of power. Ambassador John Bolton is on record as saying that he believes this latest US led swipe at Israel is not the end of his (and our) worries. He is very concerned as to what is left to come, especially in light of the coming so-called peace conference scheduled to convene Jan. 15, 2017, a scant 5 days before the Trump inauguration.
"French officials announced on Thursday that around 70 countries will gather in France on January 15 for a conference to throw the international community's weight behind a two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict.
Neither Israeli nor Palestinian Arab representatives will be present at the meeting, but France intends to invite Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to Paris some time afterwards to be briefed on the outcome of the talks, the foreign ministry said, according to AFP."
So then let's review. Israel's neighbors to the immediate north are Syria and Lebanon. Syria BTW, is equipped with Russian military hardware and a freshly arrived occupational force.To the south lies Egypt, which for all intent and purpose is still in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. Off to the east, though the nation of Jordan creates a much needed buffer zone, is ISIS controlled Iraq. And bordering Iraq is Israel sworn arch enemy Iran. Which just happens to be flush with billions of jet-delivered dollars, is already or very nearly nuclear, and has ties to Russia. Now, once the "international community" informs Israel of their fate, you know Netanyahu is not about to take all this force fed, diplomacy-by-extortion lying down.
But not to worry for today, Secretary Kerry is once again about to speak.
Luke 21:20 (KJV)
20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.
12-28-2016, 06:41 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Not what I said. I said, in my view, pushing hard on the settlements is not a path to peace. That is a far cry from stating that Israelites have no claims on Jerusalem.
I guess I must have missed the point of this post. In your view, pushing settlements is not the path to peace. But you don't have the first clue what is the path to peace, or did I miss that part?
12-28-2016, 07:16 PM
Warm showers together?
Warm showers together?
12-28-2016, 07:55 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:
Warm showers together?
LOL. And which one of the three of us was it again that cannot get enough of defending homosexuality?
12-28-2016, 08:34 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL. And which one of the three of us was it again that cannot get enough of defending homosexuality?
The one not taking warm showers, but rather applying a Constitutional principle correctly.
12-28-2016, 09:44 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:I guess I must have missed the point of this post. In your view, pushing settlements is not the path to peace. But you don't have the first clue what is the path to peace, or did I miss that part?
Jerusalem will prove again a wall of wailing, and no golden dome of peace seems possible. All I am saying is that the settlements strike me as inflammatory. I understand all the attempts at peace in the region. I personally don't see much chance. And, no, I don't have any ideas that seem any more likely to produce peace. I am suggesting charting a course that strives to avoid maximum conflict, which is different that claiming to have a plan that would produce peace.
12-28-2016, 09:49 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Well thank you for taking my post through the spin cycle. Still, I'd bet dollars to doughnuts you'd be fine with doing away with the electoral college. My interpretation of the founder's intent matches history as recorded up until the last several decades, at that point the lies of liberalism began to be taught in our schools.
Your interpretation traces to the 19th century, then again in the 1950's and to the present. It wasn't the lies of liberalism that led Madison to state that lack of separation of church and state would "vex the people," or express great satisfaction that no Constitutional faith requirement was placed on those seeking office.
12-28-2016, 09:57 PM
TheRealThing Wrote:Said the guy who stayed home while the rest of us went off to defend this land.
Irrelevant and inapplicable, as you assign motive that was impossible. At seven, I stayed home. True enough. At thirty, I didn't sign up. True enough. Irrelevant and inapplicable. Endless supply of straw.
12-28-2016, 10:00 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:I suspect that Geraldo is the probably world's greatest authority on every single subject that there is and I have no doubt that he has spent many a day reading about stuff in The Huffington Post.....I have my own theory though, I'm guessing that he stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night....That's the only logical explanation for anybody to know everything about everything while has probably never actually done anything hands on that they are the expert on ...
Of course, this vast knowledge is always the liberal point of view. (which we all know means diddly squat in the real world).
I like how Holiday Inn Express started the trend of sliding the invoice under the door for a smooth and easy check out.
12-29-2016, 03:23 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The one not taking warm showers, but rather applying a Constitutional principle correctly.
Yeah well like I keep telling you. Your side lost and with any luck Trump will seed the court toward the conservative side lasting for the next 50 years. So my constitutional principles will shine again while yours are crammed back in the closet where they belong. :biggrin:
12-29-2016, 03:26 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Your interpretation traces to the 19th century, then again in the 1950's and to the present. It wasn't the lies of liberalism that led Madison to state that lack of separation of church and state would "vex the people," or express great satisfaction that no Constitutional faith requirement was placed on those seeking office.
^^Was this really supposed to mean something or are you just testing out a new keyboard?
12-29-2016, 03:43 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:^^Was this really supposed to mean something or are you just testing out a new keyboard?
The idea that the United States was founded as a Christian nation is a johnny-come-lately, tracing to 19th century, picking up and losing steam, strong re-emergence in 1950's and onward.
12-29-2016, 03:47 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Irrelevant and inapplicable, as you assign motive that was impossible. At seven, I stayed home. True enough. At thirty, I didn't sign up. True enough. Irrelevant and inapplicable. Endless supply of straw.
I beg to differ, relevancy is not your gift. You've not missed an opportunity to criticize the US military or the outcomes of their efforts that I have noticed. Now, if you'd served, you might be in a position by virtue of experience and sacrifice to become their critic on call, though in moral terms that would still be in bad taste. But that doesn't stop you does it?
12-29-2016, 03:50 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The idea that the United States was founded as a Christian nation is a johnny-come-lately, tracing to 19th century, picking up and losing steam, strong re-emergence in 1950's and onward.
^^Your specialty.
But keep saying it, maybe one day you will even believe it.
12-29-2016, 04:50 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:^^Your specialty.
But keep saying it, maybe one day you will even believe it.
I do not know what online text book Bob Jones University uses, but it has served you up unhistory.
12-29-2016, 06:42 AM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I do not know what online text book Bob Jones University uses, but it has served you up unhistory.
That's the way to stick to your guns!
You can't prove the first word of your ridiculous liberal doctrines, but you just feel, so strongly about them. Still three weeks of listening to Barack saying he could have won a 3rd term and on and on. But then it will all be over, that liberal light will fade in your eyes, Trump will replace everything in the White House from the carpet to the curtains, criminally insane executive orders will be erased forever by strokes of the 'new pen' in town, government agencies will be purged of the La-La's and the cause of liberalism will be set back at least a half century. But best of all, Barack Obama is history and I won't have to hear him speak as President ever again. Though I fully expect Michelle will one day run, and get beat.
I hear there is some good news for liberals cast adrift by the fortunes of the past election though. It seems the DNC has begun the formation of support groups, sort of like branches of a liberal crier's club, to help those who are scared for their safety and coping with confusion about which bathroom to use. :biggrin: Chin up Sombrero and dry those eyes, the sun will shine again.
Or not. But one way or the other you'll not sell any of your liberal double-downs to me. In addition to my diploma from Jones U, I have legitimate claim to a major in history, and I was there to see many the things I write about actually happen. And though I know actual experience doesn't cut ice in La-La Land, I still prefer reality over fantasy but hey, I wanted to leave some meat on the bone for people like you. :Thumbs:
12-29-2016, 07:55 AM
TheRealThing Wrote:That's the way to stick to your guns!
You can't prove the first word of your ridiculous liberal doctrines, but you just feel, so strongly about them. Still three weeks of listening to Barack saying he could have won a 3rd term and on and on. But then it will all be over, that liberal light will fade in your eyes, Trump will replace everything in the White House from the carpet to the curtains, criminally insane executive orders will be erased forever by strokes of the 'new pen' in town, government agencies will be purged of the La-La's and the cause of liberalism will be set back at least a half century. But best of all, Barack Obama is history and I won't have to hear him speak as President ever again. Though I fully expect Michelle will one day run, and get beat.
I hear there is some good news for liberals cast adrift by the fortunes of the past election though. It seems the DNC has begun the formation of support groups, sort of like branches of a liberal crier's club, to help those who are scared for their safety and coping with confusion about which bathroom to use. :biggrin: Chin up Sombrero and dry those eyes, the sun will shine again.
Or not. But one way or the other you'll not sell any of your liberal double-downs to me. In addition to my diploma from Jones U, I have legitimate claim to a major in history, and I was there to see many the things I write about actually happen. And though I know actual experience doesn't cut ice in La-La Land, I still prefer reality over fantasy but hey, I wanted to leave some meat on the bone for people like you. :Thumbs:
"I was there"... Philadelphia at the Constitutional Convention?
I think the Treaty of Tripoli is firm proof, as the version read to the Senate at that time contained the sentence which revisionists and Reconstructionists wish to wax over, rub out, or invalidate. But, there it is, in all its glory, in the record.
Tell the truth, but tell it at a slant, right, TRT?
You need not send condolences my way on this past election.
It will be interesting to watch PE Trump govern, along with the GOP majority in House and Senate. I hope they do overhaul the VA. I hope major infrastructure projects and improvements happen. The SCOTUS needs a ninth justice, and I hope the vacancy is filled as quickly as the process allows. I hope equitable trade deals are carved out, and the new administration's foreign policy principles and objectives make the world a safer, more peaceful place. I hope small businesses open, existing ones expand. I am fully prepared to hope PE Trump enjoys a tremendously successful term.
12-29-2016, 12:06 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I like how Holiday Inn Express started the trend of sliding the invoice under the door for a smooth and easy check out.
That not an invoice...Your mistaking the bathroom door for the entrance door and that's the unraveled roll of partial used toilet paper that you dropped again. Put your glasses back on, genius..
12-29-2016, 01:26 PM
Bob Seger Wrote:That not an invoice...Your mistaking the bathroom door for the entrance door and that's the unraveled roll of partial used toilet paper that you dropped again. Put your glasses back on, genius..
It was an invoice. There's a knack to quittin' when one is ahead.
12-29-2016, 02:32 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:It was an invoice. There's a knack to quittin' when one is ahead.
Running up the score is an artform.
12-29-2016, 06:50 PM
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"I was there"... Philadelphia at the Constitutional Convention?
I think the Treaty of Tripoli is firm proof, as the version read to the Senate at that time contained the sentence which revisionists and Reconstructionists wish to wax over, rub out, or invalidate. But, there it is, in all its glory, in the record.
Tell the truth, but tell it at a slant, right, TRT?
You need not send condolences my way on this past election.
It will be interesting to watch PE Trump govern, along with the GOP majority in House and Senate. I hope they do overhaul the VA. I hope major infrastructure projects and improvements happen. The SCOTUS needs a ninth justice, and I hope the vacancy is filled as quickly as the process allows. I hope equitable trade deals are carved out, and the new administration's foreign policy principles and objectives make the world a safer, more peaceful place. I hope small businesses open, existing ones expand. I am fully prepared to hope PE Trump enjoys a tremendously successful term.
Oh you can deny it, but your arguments as recorded on this forum speak for themselves. You always, and I mean always come down on the liberal side of every discussion.
There is quite a lot of leeway afforded in article 11 of that treaty. One can easily state with surety that the US was not actually founded on religion, and I have not said that we are. I said, as do the documents in all their glory, clearly set forth, that we are founded upon Christian principles. Which are as I keep pointing out to you factually and demonstrably true both in nature and in our national history. I can prove the tenets of Christianity, but no Hindu or Muslim can do the same. BTW, I couldn't help but notice that the thread you started on it is really poppin! LOL Just as I knew you'd bring it up in a thread people actually had interest. God said He created the sun, He just spoke it into existence if I recall. Does that make mention of the sun in the public square a religious taboo to you there Sombrero?
As I have argued in the past, (very likely with you BTW) there are no known remaining copies of the actual treaty in our day. And that there is inconsistency in the liberal argument; "In recent years, some “Christian nation” advocates have argued that Article 11 never appeared in the treaty. They base the claim on research conducted by a Dutch scholar, Dr. C. Snouk Hurgronje, published in The Christian Statesman in 1930. Hurgronje located the only surviving Arabic copy of the treaty and found that when translated, Article 11 was actually a letter, mostly gibberish, from the dey of Algiers to the ruler of Tripoli."
It’s clear that the English version of the treaty, which Congress approved, contained the famous Article 11. Why the article was removed from the Arabic version of the treaty, who did it and when remains another mystery.
Even if the article was in the final draft as presented and signed by the Muslim authorities, it doesn't in and of itself slam the door on the rest of the record or our heritage. Diplomats will do and say things as we heard only yesterday from John Kerry. I can tell you right now that the congress does not agree with what he said and I know I don't. To think that this obscure document to a bunch of pirates, supersedes actual constitutional documents would be the foundest desire of a Christ denying lib. The US Navy was a joke, and thus our shipping had lost the protection of the English Navy in the shipping lanes off the coast of North Africa. We needed to do something. But I will give you credit, finally you come up with something not based entirely on innuendo and dripping with unabsorbed estrogen.
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